Drone suddenly drops (maybe related to compass calibration?)
1062 8 2020-7-4
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Flight distance : 12638 ft
United States

Hello there!

So I have had my Mavic Mini for about a month now and it has recently been giving me some problems.  Firstly, it has me recalibrate my compass just about every time I start it up.  I looked it up and someone said it does this if you move around to different elevations.  This checks out because I have been going around shooting in some mountains.  However, a couple times now, I have gotten the drone to hover all right but then when I start to go forward, it suddenly drops. A couple times, I have been able to hit Return TO Home and the propellers kick in in time for it not to crash.  But once or twice, it has crashed to the ground with just a propeller broken.  There was no high winds or anything and I am stumped.  

I tried reading this thread (https://forum.dji.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=104222) titled "Avoid crash due to compass calibration" but I could only read the comments for some reason.

Can anyone help?  Is there more information I can give you?  I am new to drones.

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United Kingdom

I frequently have to recalibrate the compass if I have carried the drone after it has been powered on and it has been jostled, does that fit in with what you have seen? So far I have not had any sudden drops.

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It’s nothing to do with calibration, your mini won’t let you fly until you calibrate and will not let you calibrate wrong, so if calibration was successful then you should not have problems with compass.

There has been much discussion about craft dropping with mini and some workarounds including changing props. But first can you upload flight log and post here, just to find out cause and why.


Information regarding calibration you couldn’t find below.

Tip To Help Avoid compass interference and crash.

1/ Never calibrate Compass unless prompted to. Your compass will always prompt to calibrate if it needs it .

2/ start AC leave until you receive enough gps lock ,

3/ if you get Compass interference turn off AC and move to another location,
without interference.

4/ In bottom left hand corner on your map you will see small red triangle, check to make sure that this triangle is pointing in the same direction (heading) as your AC, this will show good compass on the ground.

Raise AC to height of 8ft
Hover for 20 seconds
Fly forward 2ft
Backward 2ft
Left 2ft
Right 2ft
Up 2ft
Down 2ft
Yaw left
Yaw right
Each time returning to hover position
If you have a good horizontal each time, you will then know you have good GPS good IMU and good Compass, and your ready to fly.

This exercise takes less than 2 minutes and is worthwhile doing before every flight,

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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I looked it up and someone said it does this if you move around to different elevations.  
"Someone" was completely wrong which is not uncommon in forum discussions regarding the compass and compass calibration.
I would guess that at least half of what you might read about the compass is incorrect and misleading.
Elevation has nothing to do with the compass.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Possible causes: IMU out of calibration, bad IMU, warped or deformed propellers.

It would be interesting to have a flight log to know where it was deployed and how. If prop. cage was used and the location altitude.
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First Officer
United States

Sudden drops are not due to compass calibration.  Sounds like you have two separate problems.  Suggest opening a ticket with DJI.
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Flight distance : 12638 ft
United States

OK so here are the flight logs for the last four flights I did.





The altitude of this place was around 8500 feet.  A prop cage was used also.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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RockeyNumber1 Posted at 7-5 21:14
OK so here are the flight logs for the last four flights I did.


It looks like the first flight is the one you are talking about.
There's not much to see in the others.

The Mini is a weak, underpowered drone at the best of times.
The weight and wind resistance of the propguards are a significant handicap to its performance.
You should engage payload mode whenever you use the guards.
The Mini has a  Maximum Takeoff Altitude of  3000 m without prop guards.
According to the manual (p32)
After takeoff, Payload mode is enabled automatically if a payload is detected. Note that the Max Service Ceiling above Sea Level is 1500 m and the max flight speed is limited when Payload mode is enabled.

Perhaps the reduced performance and altitude is enough to explain the issue.
Try flying there without propguards and see if that makes a difference.

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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello there RockeyNumber1. I am sorry to read and to know that you are having these issues on your DJI Mavic Mini. Since the said drone crashed before and if you feel that the drone is not preforming well on your future flights. I would recommend to contact our DJI support team at  https://www.dji.com/support for further assistance and for us to be able to check the said drone thoroughly for damages.  In addition, DJI do not recommend doing a DIY in fixing the said DJI drone to avoid further damaging the said unit and voiding the warranty. Again, I am sorry for the trouble and please stay safe always.  
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