New Nevada Law
1064 9 2015-10-1
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Flight distance : 113389 ft
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United States

Looks like we have new laws in Nevada not too happy. ... effect-Thursday.htm
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Flight distance : 501250 ft

I'm not in the States but I often see videos and pictures that make me wonder how long is it going to take for a bad  accident in Vegas.
Common sense has been out of the window (pun intended)
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Drew Vallejo
United States

What part of the laws are you not happy with? They seemed pretty straight forward.
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United States

The laws sound more than fair. I don't have a problem with them and I support the law. Remember our inspire 1s and other drones can kill, injure an individual. I think there are people that just don't get it, that while we have fun flying it is not a toy it is a tool. Fly safe everyone!
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Flight distance : 105722 ft
United States

Most of it is common sense so in that respect I don't have a problem with the new regulations. But what I don't get is this whole privacy issue. They're making it out to be the boogie man (I mostly blame the media). I know there are creeps out there but I truly believe people arent buying these drones to spy on there neighbors. Quote from the article "in working on the privacy issues, to make sure that individual privacy is maintained.")) ((patrick walker)) assembly bill 239 makes it a misdemeanor to fly less than 250 feet over a property." If I wanted to get images of my neighbors (which I don't) I dont need to fly over their property to do it. I can do that just from my back yard. Is that a misdemeanor to? This notion that they're protecting peoples privacy is a load of bull. I have to selfishly say, I was alot happier when I was the only kid on the block with a drone, when it was a small community. Now it has gone mainstream and with that for me the lure is starting to leave. DJI's success will eventually lead to their demise.
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Flight distance : 113389 ft
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United States

Drew Vallejo Posted at 2015-10-1 19:00
What part of the laws are you not happy with? They seemed pretty straight forward.

Pretty straight forward? It’s about privacy laws how stupid 250Ft above property and below 400 FT not much room. I can see if you’re flying 50 ft.  Above someone back yard and taking video, do you read the news and see how many quadcopter haters out there also I can see now people calling police every time they see a quadcopter who is to determine when it’s 250 ft. it’s should be the FAA making rules not the states. These law are just making hard for people to enjoy this sport. You might want to actually read the new law if don’t find a problem you have a problem. I have no problem with flying safe. and Drew look at you picture looking away from you Inspire while flying that's safe.
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River One
Flight distance : 7691722 ft
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United States

I personally lobbied for this AB 239 and its passage in Nevada. This bill was the joint effort of industry, ACLU, law enforcement. While there clearly had to be give and take by all, its clear total lack of regulation is not and should not be any of our objectives. We all are acutely aware of the incidents which shock us all and are getting a greater and greater degree of media attention. With this in mind I personally felt it best to address the needs of our State and it residents head on and in a positive and proactive manner. While as with any new technology, implementation and enforcement issues will arise and will be addressed as needed. I THINK WE ALL KNOW THAT HEAD IN THE SAND IS NO LONGER AN ALTERNATIVE. I remain proud of our legislators for taking the forefront nationwide to reasonably address the needs of both the public and the industry.  
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Drew Vallejo
United States

vegasUASflyer Posted at 2015-10-2 11:16
Pretty straight forward? It’s about privacy laws how stupid 250Ft above property and below 400 F ...


Wasn't trying to get a rise out of you but still stand by original statement, it is pretty straight forward. I think that the new rules, although not to your liking, are a good starting point for regulation (which we all know are coming). This isn't meant to take away anyones fun but to help work towards getting people to understand that these are not toys(at this level or DJI level) and have real consequences if not operated properly.

******My opinion******
Flying over residential areas even at 50 or 250 feet is probably not the best idea anyway(unless you have permission or business to do so). Even if you are the most competint pilot, accidents happen and damaging someones property is the last thing you or them want. As for privacy issues, I agree that it's definitely not the best spying tool and for some reason people have it drilled in their heads that they are here to videotape them. I think we can all agree that in this forum, we aren't looking to sneak up on our neighbors but remember, this law isn't just for us. It's for every person walking into a hobby shop or best buy picking one up too.
*******/My Opinion********

Finally, I understand how my avatar comes off and I didn't realize it came off that way (considering I run  dual setup and happen to be running gimbal at the time). Will be reconsidering it.
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Flight distance : 96631 ft

The whole concept of spying in my mind, is doing the spying screpticiously, (not getting caught).  The idea of using Phantoms or Inspires to "spy" is ridiculous!   Someone, a Phantom and Inspire owner, put together a demonstration of using various methods of "spying".  It's on YouTube.  He uses a drone and still cameras with telephoto lenses and shows each result.  It'll becomes obvious which is the best camera to use and it's not the drone.  In order to achieve an image that could be used to identify someone using a drone, you'd have to be close enough to be heard.  Drones are not quiet!  Good spy's don't get caught!
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Flight distance : 113389 ft
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United States

Drew Vallejo Posted at 2015-10-2 08:15

Wasn't trying to get a rise out of you but still stand by original statement, it i ...

Yes I got a little heated. I know we need regulation on this sport, lot of idiots out there, but with individual states are making their own laws it is not right they don’t understand airspace, it is more of a privacy issue with them. Also it’s the job of the FAA to control and it is unlawful for states to control the airspace, read FAA law they are the only ones that have the right to control. California had a same bill and was shot down by the Governor, this is a FAA issue to regulate. New Nevada law states you cannot fly over 500 ft. when the FAA is stating 400 Ft this is a problem when not on same page. I see no problem flying over a residential areas as long it is done safely, the law states you cannot fly over a heavy populated area or large crowds. there aircraft flying over our heads every day that is more dangerous then quadcopter I have no problem with FAA rules when they come out and I can’t wait till they do so as they will be less confusion.  
Happy Flying
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