DJI Assistant 2 - Calibration - Aircraft Movement Error
11877 37 2019-11-21
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Ty Albers
Flight distance : 193379 ft
United States

Recenetly, I've had the DJI GO app warn me to calibrate the vision sensors with the assisnant app. All is well until I try to actually calibrate. I line up the initial rectangle. But as soon as I try to follow the blue patterns, I get an error "Aircraft Movmenent Error" every single time. It's become infurriating. Even if I don't move the drone at all, I get that error. Everytime I get the error, the calibration restarts... Please advise!
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DJI Mindy

Hi Tym, may we verify the model of your drone and the DJI Assistant 2 version firstly? Please also post the screenshot here for further support, thank you.
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Flight distance : 285246 ft

United States

I have the exact same problem with my Mavic 2 Pro.  No matter what I do, I get the "Aircraft Movement Error" after a few seconds.  Is there a solution to this?
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John C.
Flight distance : 285246 ft

United States

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John C.
Flight distance : 285246 ft

United States

Did you get this to work?
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John C.
Flight distance : 285246 ft

United States

I have tried multiple combinations of computers and monitors.  For some, it says it can't detect the resolution and asks me to enter it.  When I do that, I get a white screen with no dots.  When it can detect the resolution and starts the calibration,  I can align the frames, then I get the "Aircraft Movement Error" after a couple seconds (whether I move it or not) and it starts over.
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I also have this problem here, first started to calibrate and it doesn't work after 5x notification 0-2 baseline eroor (73.48-80.00-5.00), so I started flying.
when I try again I get the message aitcraft moeving error.
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Flight distance : 125 ft

I am having the same problem here. Trying to calibrate vision sensors. I get the first red/green square aligned, then as soon as I have to follow the blue squares on the screen it says "Aircraft movement error" and the calibration restarts the process. Can't get passed this point.

What can I do?
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Flight distance : 240256 ft

Aksel123 Posted at 12-28 03:04
I am having the same problem here. Trying to calibrate vision sensors. I get the first red/green square aligned, then as soon as I have to follow the blue squares on the screen it says "Aircraft movement error" and the calibration restarts the process. Can't get passed this point.

What can I do?

Reinstalle DJI Assistent2
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Flight distance : 240256 ft

djiuser_2erwvR2ndotu Posted at 11-28 19:57
I have the exact same problem with my Mavic 2 Pro.  No matter what I do, I get the "Aircraft Movement Error" after a few seconds.  Is there a solution to this?

Re install dji assistent
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
  • >>>

I remember there is something to do with the monitor resolution setting you could try ... =179832&pid=1745202

Also check your using the right version for DJI Assistant 2, there is one specifically for the M2P ... ant-dji-2-for-mavic

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Flight distance : 125 ft

Dony Posted at 2019-12-29 05:07
Reinstalle DJI Assistent2

I tried uninstall / reinstalling the Dji Assistent 2 multiple times now with no change unfortunately.

As soon as I start to follow the blue squares I still get the error message.

I tried using only a single screen, testing multiple resolutions. Every time I have to manually enter the resolution as the assistent software can't recognize it apparantly. Still the same error
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Flight distance : 114160 ft

Same error and no calibration on 27 inch PC monitor or 13 inch laptop. No difference.
For those who cant set display resolution it is example 1900X1200 (with big "x" in middle).

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Flight distance : 114160 ft

Aksel123 Posted at 2019-12-28 03:04
I am having the same problem here. Trying to calibrate vision sensors. I get the first red/green square aligned, then as soon as I have to follow the blue squares on the screen it says "Aircraft movement error" and the calibration restarts the process. Can't get passed this point.

What can I do?

DJI Support told me, that if there was no hard landings or crashes, then it seems hardware issue and I must send drone to Service center to repair.
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Flight distance : 114160 ft

At last I get rid of this annoying "aircraft motion error", but noone will be happy with solution. At first I tried to make calibration on stationary PC with 24 inch HP monitor - NO LUCK, at second i tried with Xiaomi Mi Air 12.5 inch laptop - NO LUCK, I didnt let hands down and kept trying, third time on DELL Inspirion 15 laptop and calibration was made without any error.

When it says incorrect screen resolution, then write down correct like this 1920X1080, restart DJI ASSISTANT 2 and make calibration.

It is not drone hardware issue, it has to deal something with computers and their monitors.

Just try on other computer to make calibration.
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Flight distance : 2714423 ft
  • >>>

Solved ONLY on MacBook Pro OS Catalina with the new version of DJI Assistant for Mavic 2 (relased 4/28) and not fixed with the new version of DJI Assistant for Mavic 2 in Windows 10.
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Zoltaacuten Fuumlzesi
Flight distance : 218235 ft

UGel Posted at 1-13 02:28
DJI Support told me, that if there was no hard landings or crashes, then it seems hardware issue and I must send drone to Service center to repair.

I had the same problem with my 32 inch 4K monitor. I noticed that if the DJI Assistant can not automatically detect your screen (like it did with mine) and wants you to put some resolution numbers manually in a text box, you will not able to calibrate the drone, because as soon as you move the aircraft trying to reach the blue square it stops with an error.
As soon as I switched to my 14 inch laptop where the screen is also 4K but much smaller in size, I had no problem with the calibration, although it was a bit difficult since I had to go really close to that small screen. I flew right after to check if I did it ok, and I found no problem, the sensors worked perfectly fine.
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I just had the same exact issue. When I unplugged my second monitor it worked fine.
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United States

I'm getting the same issue and it's really frustrating!  This drone is about to go into the landfill! Does anyone have a solution for the "Aircraft Motion Sensor" error yet?  I've tried different monitors, different resolution settings, etc...

Windows 10 - DJI Assistant for Mavic
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United States

I FINALLY got this to work.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro (2018) running Mojave with two external Dell monitors. The drone is a Mavic 2 Pro. I previously tried setting multiple resolutions on the LCD screen and on one of the Dell monitors, but I always got the "aircraft motion error" at the start of the calibration procedure. Until just now. Here's what I did.

I put the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic in the Trash.
I disconnected both Dell monitors from my laptop.
I set the laptop resolution to 1280x800 (hold down Option when clicking on Scales in the Display section of System Preferences to get this choice.)
I then reinstalled the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic

Note that I previously tried disconnecting the Dell monitors and rerunning the DJI Assistant and it didn't work. It seems that you should not have the external monitors attached at the time you install DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. And set the laptop resolution before you do the installation as well.

I started wrestling with this months ago and got so annoyed that I threw everything in a closet after just a few test flights. I'm happy I finally figured this out, but very unhappy at the quality of the support (I did open a ticket) I received and the quality of the documentation (none!) for this issue.

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Flight distance : 1572740 ft
United States

ibid Posted at 1-3 11:03
I FINALLY got this to work.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro (2018) running Mojave with two external Dell monitors. The drone is a Mavic 2 Pro. I previously tried setting multiple resolutions on the LCD screen and on one of the Dell monitors, but I always got the "aircraft motion error" at the start of the calibration procedure. Until just now. Here's what I did.

THIS!!! This is what FINALLY worked for me too, thank you for sharing!
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Flight distance : 2671791 ft

United States

ibid Posted at 1-3 11:03
I FINALLY got this to work.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro (2018) running Mojave with two external Dell monitors. The drone is a Mavic 2 Pro. I previously tried setting multiple resolutions on the LCD screen and on one of the Dell monitors, but I always got the "aircraft motion error" at the start of the calibration procedure. Until just now. Here's what I did.

Tried everything with no luck before I got to your post. 2013 Mac Book Pro 15" Retina Display.   Had BenQ monitor connected to display port when I first installed DJI Assistant- un-hooked external monitor - trashed DJI Assistant- reinstalled after changing screen resolution and it worked!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
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rdcdennis Posted at 6-11 10:59
Tried everything with no luck before I got to your post. 2013 Mac Book Pro 15" Retina Display.   Had BenQ monitor connected to display port when I first installed DJI Assistant- un-hooked external monitor - trashed DJI Assistant- reinstalled after changing screen resolution and it worked!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

I had the same error

final fixed which worked

exit DJI Assistant
set up external monitor (only - turn off laptop screen)
turn off any other nearby monitor - or colour source (ideally do of an evening)
restart DJI Assistant
this then worked for me  

I think it reads the resolution at  DJI Assistant start up tiem
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Flight distance : 177982 ft
  • >>>

ibid Posted at 1-3 11:03
I FINALLY got this to work.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro (2018) running Mojave with two external Dell monitors. The drone is a Mavic 2 Pro. I previously tried setting multiple resolutions on the LCD screen and on one of the Dell monitors, but I always got the "aircraft motion error" at the start of the calibration procedure. Until just now. Here's what I did.

Let's be clear: the support on this and many other complicated issues is appalling. And the idea that an operator has to revert to OS 10.x.x or prior to even use the (badly flawed) Assistant 2 is beyond belief. This company appears to be all about expansion, not support.
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Flight distance : 177982 ft
  • >>>

ibid Posted at 1-3 11:03
I FINALLY got this to work.
I have a 15" MacBook Pro (2018) running Mojave with two external Dell monitors. The drone is a Mavic 2 Pro. I previously tried setting multiple resolutions on the LCD screen and on one of the Dell monitors, but I always got the "aircraft motion error" at the start of the calibration procedure. Until just now. Here's what I did.

Ibid, you are The Guy (apologies if you are actually The Gal...)! I finally got this to work, mostly by using a single monitor (32" EIZO color reference monitor), and doing the app install AFTER the other two monitors I generally have connected were off-line. I am so grateful for your input. Now I need a cocktail ....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
  • >>>
United States

Hello, another victim here. Windows 10 x64.
I have been having the red calibration triangle for a while. It was mostly an annoyance, as it didn't cause me any real trouble.
However, now, that my new M3C is coming and I'm prepping my good trusty M2P for sale, I have decided to clean up my act.
I downloaded DA2 for Mavic, connected, ran calibration. I have a peculiar 3 monitor display setup, and my main display is NOT the one I do most of my work on.
So, without being warned, I dragged the DA2 window onto my preferred (non-main) monitor and started calibration.
It went fine until the very end when it said it could detect the screen resolution and I did not know how to enter it correctly (I guess, the correct way is wwwwXhhhhh, but I didn't know at the time).
Then I read the explanation that I'm supposed to do it on the main display only.
OK, I tried that, and then the  Aircraft Movement error started to rear its ugly head. No matter what I did, I could not get rid of it.
Reboots, restarts, reinstalls - nada.
Then finally it dawned on me.
I switched my preferred monitor to be my main - and everything else worked without any further troubles!
The actual fix took 2 seconds, and the same 2 seconds to set it back.
Oh gosh, DJI, why couldn't you make it a bit more intuitive/easier for us mere mortals?
Multiple monitors have been around for like, what, oh, a few decades already?
Or maybe at least two windows for screen size? or a hint for input format?
Somebody needs to have a serious talk with the DA2 dev/UX team...
Anyway, the issue was resolved.
Hope this helps somebody.
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Flight distance : 12468324 ft

Typical, will no assistance from DJI at all!
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Solved!!! I have the same error, after trying in diferents SO and computers... finally works without update to new version in monterey, i have mavic 2 pro and works with dji assistant 2 without restart computer, and without give permissions in system preferences. I hope I have helped you, nice day!
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United Kingdom

Posting this in 2023, as I've had the same problem after buying a Mavic 2 Zoom second hand, using my 14" laptop, and have just sorted it.

The sensors needed recalibrating - I downloaded DJI Assistant for Window 10 (for consumer drones), but every time I started calibration it would come up with "aircraft movement error" after a few seconds. Repeatedly. After looking at forums such as this I tried re-installing, but same thing happened again and again.

Finally changed monitor resolution as mentioned previously by ibid (for mac) - from 1920x1080 to 1366x768. Re-installed DJI Assistant, and it worked!! Once it was done it took about 10 mins to calibrate and warning has gone. Sharing just in case it's useful to anyone else.
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United States

Also updating in 2023 from a Mac perspective. MacbookPro 16" M1 Pro running Ventura 13.4 using a Mavic 2 Pro. Solution for me; i deleted the DJI App, unplugged everything from my laptop (displays, interface, external hard drives, just to be certain) then redwonloaded, opened the App, updated, restarted, then opened up the app again and plugged in my Mavic 2 Pro, and finally got it to work. Seems the key was to not have any external displays plugged in at any point in the process.
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United States

I had trouble with this for a few hours, but I successfully calibrated my Mavic 2 Pro with the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic (Windows 11). I entered 27 for screen size (assuming this is asking for my screen size in inches) and set my screen resolution to 1600 x 900. The calibration went smoothly after that. I also read on another forum that it may help if you disconnect other monitors and only have one connected for the calibration.
Hope this helps others!
3-8 14:11
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


dylanh484 Posted at 3-8 14:11
I had trouble with this for a few hours, but I successfully calibrated my Mavic 2 Pro with the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic (Windows 11). I entered 27 for screen size (assuming this is asking for my screen size in inches) and set my screen resolution to 1600 x 900. The calibration went smoothly after that. I also read on another forum that it may help if you disconnect other monitors and only have one connected for the calibration.
Hope this helps others!

Hello there. We're glad that you have managed to calibrate the vision system of your DJI Mavic 2 Pro. We also appreciate you for sharing the steps that you initiated to isolate the problem. If you have other inquiries or technical concerns about your product, feel free to contact us. Thank you for your valued support.
3-11 00:09
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Ivo V


Atticus113 Posted at 2023-7-5 08:02
Also updating in 2023 from a Mac perspective. MacbookPro 16" M1 Pro running Ventura 13.4 using a Mavic 2 Pro. Solution for me; i deleted the DJI App, unplugged everything from my laptop (displays, interface, external hard drives, just to be certain) then redwonloaded, opened the App, updated, restarted, then opened up the app again and plugged in my Mavic 2 Pro, and finally got it to work. Seems the key was to not have any external displays plugged in at any point in the process.

This worked for me, too.
MacBook Pro 2019 (Intel), Sonoma 14.5 OS
Mavic Air 2 & DJI Assistant 2(Consumer Drones Series) 2.1.21
7-9 02:19
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DJI Natalia

Ivo V Posted at 7-9 02:19
This worked for me, too.
MacBook Pro 2019 (Intel), Sonoma 14.5 OS
Mavic Air 2 & DJI Assistant 2(Consumer Drones Series) 2.1.21

Hello there, thank you for the updates and we're glad that these information worked for you. Do not hesitate to contact us if there's any additional inquiry.

Keep us posted always. Thank you for your continued support!
7-9 22:17
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It’s 2024, my Mavic 2 pro has been in the closet for a year or so. When I tried to start it, it says  IMU calibration error and front vision sensor errors. Tried IMU calibration many times from different places, firmware updated on mavic as well as smart controller too. Failed many times. Tried sensor calibration on Mac book pro 13 inch 2012 model with Mac OS Catalina. The screen doesn’t read the sensor at all while moving the drone at different distances. Downloaded the DJI Assistant 2 latest version Mac V2.1.21. The calibration screen shows black circles only, there is no change on the screen when I move the drone as instructed. I did try the change of resolution on the screen with single screen. Anyone has any idea. I need IMU cal as well as sensor cal.
7-21 19:53
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Hello, anyone
7-23 17:28
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Scarlett G

Hong Kong

Donpats Posted at 7-21 19:53
It’s 2024, my Mavic 2 pro has been in the closet for a year or so. When I tried to start it, it says  IMU calibration error and front vision sensor errors. Tried IMU calibration many times from different places, firmware updated on mavic as well as smart controller too. Failed many times. Tried sensor calibration on Mac book pro 13 inch 2012 model with Mac OS Catalina. The screen doesn’t read the sensor at all while moving the drone at different distances. Downloaded the DJI Assistant 2 latest version Mac V2.1.21. The calibration screen shows black circles only, there is no change on the screen when I move the drone as instructed. I did try the change of resolution on the screen with single screen. Anyone has any idea. I need IMU cal as well as sensor cal.

First of all, did you fail to upgrade the latest version of DJI APP?
Since you forgot it for a year, it's necessary to upgrade the latest DJI APP.
Try to reconnect the network and connect it with WIFI.
I am sure once you resolve the upgrade problem, other problems will be resolved too.  

7-23 18:52
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DJI Gamora


Donpats Posted at 7-21 19:53
It’s 2024, my Mavic 2 pro has been in the closet for a year or so. When I tried to start it, it says  IMU calibration error and front vision sensor errors. Tried IMU calibration many times from different places, firmware updated on mavic as well as smart controller too. Failed many times. Tried sensor calibration on Mac book pro 13 inch 2012 model with Mac OS Catalina. The screen doesn’t read the sensor at all while moving the drone at different distances. Downloaded the DJI Assistant 2 latest version Mac V2.1.21. The calibration screen shows black circles only, there is no change on the screen when I move the drone as instructed. I did try the change of resolution on the screen with single screen. Anyone has any idea. I need IMU cal as well as sensor cal.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing.

If you don't connect to the network for three months, DJI Go 4 App will be logged out automatically after three months, and re-login is required. Kindly update all your DJI devices to the latest firmware and app version and restart the drone. If IMU Calibration error still prompts please proceed as shown on this webpage IMU Calibration Guide

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
7-24 01:48
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