Lost signal
5332 23 2021-1-25
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Managed to get out today, bit windy, cold but not to bad :-) in UK.

Got to 396 meters and lost siganl picture froze!  Pulled on reverse and got picture and signal back?
Don't know if I got it back or the drone did?

Looking at the flight record the drone got to 396mtr and still had full siganal at 395mts and as i was doing a 360 filming
the signal went orange upto 3 bars then at 396mtrs it lost signal it came back for for a moment so started to fly back and got full signal at 296 mtrs!

NOT a great distance! my mavic pro went 2miles with no signal loss :-(

Using ipad mini 5 all latest updates etc!! Fully charged everything :-)
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Flight distance : 20253 ft
United Kingdom

I presume the phone has absolutely nothing to do with the performance of the controller connecting to the drone.
I've sent mine 300m so far. Lost sight of it and got scared. Lol.

Really need some time to take it out. Lockdown is boring. And flying from my garden ain't great...for my first long distance flight.

You should be getting a 2k ISH right?
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Flight distance : 110184 ft
United Kingdom

I've had the same issue with the Mini 2 in the UK.

I was in open area yesterday got to 1 mile was very good signal then cut off black screen and didn't recover.

I know the CE version is limited to 6km I think but this is poor I expected far more range.

I'm not exactly sure but there was a dodgy firmware with limited range as 1 UK YouTuber pointed out but apparently was resolved in latest firmware, Personally I'm not seeing anywhere near 6km not even half.

Anyone else in the UK with a CE getting further or are we shafted more than what is being advertised?
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Flight distance : 20253 ft
United Kingdom

I'll test mine on my walk this weekend. I sent mine up 120m and got orange bars very briefly, doesn't say much as I live in a town. But made me wonder how far she'll really go.

I suspect you need to be in the countryside. Flat. Zero overheads and good weather.
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Flight distance : 20253 ft
United Kingdom

djiuser_hJmrJuQGB6Sn Posted at 1-25 14:51
I've had the same issue with the Mini 2 in the UK.

I was in open area yesterday got to 1 mile was very good signal then cut off black screen and didn't recover.

Did it RTH? Must have been nervous wondering if it would turn up if it never reconnected. That sounds odd.
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Donut Michigan
Flight distance : 42415 ft
United States

Did you loose complete signal or just the video.
I’ve lost everything because my cable was a cheap one. So I had to replace it.
That may or may not be your problem. I’m just suggesting.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom


In a pretty much open space but get around about same distance each flight? Was looking at pushing further but lost signal!
After a bout 5 sec's the signal came back a bit and so did the picture. Did higher my blood pressure a bit :-)  

RTH did not kick in and nothing on ipad apart from signal lost!!

Even 6km would be way to far but this is not really flying? Seen vid on youtube  get way further.

Live near a high hill may take a drive and get a clearer signal and a bit of bottle!!

Took my Mavic pro upto 2 miles in wales never even batted a eyelid, was very stable.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Purchased a new 30cm cable for ipad!
Think I will experiment with different ones,
Have orig, normal long one and 30cm!
Did loose sig and video for a bit!!
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Flight distance : 110184 ft
United Kingdom

Skynet5 Posted at 1-25 15:16
I'll test mine on my walk this weekend. I sent mine up 120m and got orange bars very briefly, doesn't say much as I live in a town. But made me wonder how far she'll really go.

I suspect you need to be in the countryside. Flat. Zero overheads and good weather.

Yeah I think so, I mean there were no houses were I was flying and it just cut out at 1 mile.

I'm sure it should be better than this but when the weather warms up a bit I'll try somewhere more open.
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Flight distance : 110184 ft
United Kingdom

Skynet5 Posted at 1-25 15:18
Did it RTH? Must have been nervous wondering if it would turn up if it never reconnected. That sounds odd.

Initially it wasn't returning to home because I kept closing and reopening the app so it must have been connecting to the drone but the screen was black couldn't see anything.

After trying about 5 times it finally kicked back in as it was doing a RTH.

Not a great start to droning to be perfectly honest as I've only had it a couple of weeks.
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Flight distance : 110184 ft
United Kingdom

Donut Michigan Posted at 1-25 15:45
Did you loose complete signal or just the video.
I’ve lost everything because my cable was a cheap one. So I had to replace it.
That may or may not be your problem. I’m just suggesting.

The signal was good 4 white lines then it just said RC connection lost and everything went black tried repeatedly closing and opening the app and eventually got video signal on the 5th try as it initiated RTH.

It's brand new so I'm using the original DJI USB C to USB C cable.
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Flight distance : 110184 ft
United Kingdom

whiteghost Posted at 1-25 16:57
Purchased a new 30cm cable for ipad!
Think I will experiment with different ones,
Have orig, normal long one and 30cm!

Mines new and it's not been used much so I'm using the original cable that came with the fly more combo.

I just don't get how it can go from good signal to blackout within a few feet.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello there whiteghost. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and thank you for reaching out. Can you please try using a different recommended mobile device  to see if the issue will still persist? Upon checking the said mobile device ( iPad Mini 5 ) that your are trying to use on your DJI Mini 2 and with the DJI Fly application. I am sorry to say that the said mobile device is not recommended for the said drone and with the said application. DJI would suggest using a recommended mobile device for the DJI Mini 2 and with the DJI Fly application for compatibility and reliability purposes. There is a possibility that the iPad Mini 5 will be able to work on the DJI Mini 2 and with the DJI Fly application. But however, since it's not yet optimized with the said drone and with the said application we cannot guaranteed if it will work all the time and if it will be able to run all the functions of the DJI Fly application while using it on the DJI Mini 2. For reference, I will post a link where in you can check the recommended mobile devices for the DJI Mini 2 ( https://www.dji.com/mini-2/downloads ). Thank you.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

OMG must be my brand new ipad mini 5 it not up to
Running the mini 2 !!
Slowly beginning to loose faith in DJI !!
Think will throw in bin and buy a mini 4 !!
The ipad is surely just a monitor, the signal comes from the drone to the handset? Then this is displayed to the ipad? I'm not loosing any connection to the handset, just the drone!
Ah well must be my crap ipad!

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Huginn Kenningar
Second Officer
Flight distance : 49635259 ft

You must keep the controller pointed at the drone, and have a clear line of sight with it (no trees/buildings and simmilar).

I use a Moto G8 to fly, it's not a compatible device... and it works well.

It's normal to lose connection  every now and then if you are not pointing the controller or is an area with interferences or obstacles. I usually fly at 1-3Km distance and whenever you lose video signal or radio signal (not the same) just  press RTH and wait till it gets strong signal again.

If you lose video signal but not radio signal RTH wont be auto triggered, it only starts automatically when radio is lost for more than 3 secs. Allways press RTH when something happens and then try to fix the problem while the drone is coming back, never leave the drone hovering far away while you try to fix the problem or it will probably run out of battery before you realize the problem.

Safe range with no wind is about 4Km (the bottleneck is the battery rather than the controller), but I wouldn't recommend going past 3Km or so unless you are pretty well positioned in a high place and with no wind. Just get confident with it before attempting long range flights.

PS: And allways keep the battery circle in green, the remaining battery calculation is quite accurate, never fly in orange and never push the batteries, just return and swap.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Just like to point out that I have flown drones for quite a few years!
Owned Phantom 2, Phantom 3 then Mavic pro ? Never had signal loss over such a short distance? and never really flown where I get no signal warning, max prob 2 miles just over 3km.

Flown over land, sea and buildings with no trouble and to be honest never had a crash, which is a miracle :-)  Pointing remote towards mini at all times.

Got the mini due to new regs and with the new remote and stronger signal ??!! thought would be better?

After being told that the software is not designed for a new Ipad 5, even though it states on DJI site IOS 14 or over?  which it is.
I have been out today with my Samsung S10+ which is compatible and the real DJI cable same place for flying. All batteries at full only get low if flying near me just to cycle batteries.
I got to 558mtrs and signal loss so got another 162mtrs,   Thought push on as I climbed a bit higher and got the signal back.
Flew to 696mtrs signal lost again so another 300mtrs in total?

So here's a puzzle got home to check flight log and showing 3 to 4 bars all the way? No signal loss as shown in app! Flew twice the same distance with signal loss, second was were I pushed on, both lost signal at around 558mtrs. Showed up on app and NO signal, yet with my iPad the red bars were shown on flight log but on my Samsung phone logs there are NO red bars
and it shows 3 to 4 white bars all the time?  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3317608 ft
United States

whiteghost Posted at 1-27 07:47
Just like to point out that I have flown drones for quite a few years!
Owned Phantom 2, Phantom 3 then Mavic pro ? Never had signal loss over such a short distance? and never really flown where I get no signal warning, max prob 2 miles just over 3km.

Interesting.  Possibly the Android version of DJI Fly app has a bug for logging the signal bars.  Maybe the new Android version of the DJI Fly app v 1.2.4 fixes this issue.  There have been a lot of post regarding a black screen when signal loss occurs on unsupported Android devices.  This could be associated with the bug.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

I wish!  all apps and drone etc fully up to date!
Never had a black screen just video stops bars go red then NO signal :-@

Could be something interfering but it happens when over an open field!

Will be trying different scenarios?
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Flight distance : 20253 ft
United Kingdom

whiteghost Posted at 1-27 11:51
I wish!  all apps and drone etc fully up to date!
Never had a black screen just video stops bars go red then NO signal :-@

To clarify my understanding. Is it just video that stops? Do you still get all the telemetry...so you can use the map and compass heading to get yourself home?
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom


Slates lost signal  tried pushing stick rotating etc but nothing moves the video is frozen and the waypoint etc is still no movement.

After a few seconds I hold the remote higher hoping to get signal, it did so I put the drone higher and get a better signal started back but it lost signal for a couple of seconds then the bars came back
and I flew it back home?

Should not have to hold remote above head to jimmy a signal :-)  Next will try jumping up and down!! Don't know how long RTH takes to kick in but was over 10 seconds with no RTH.

As with the android flight my app stated signal loss but the flight record does not? Do I get the loss or is the app the problem, Without telemetry or video I have no way
of knowing where the drone is going if I just push the sticks and guess.

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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Update :-)
All apps up to date Ipad 5.       Note: I did take case off the ipad 5 as it has  magnetic cover? Just in case.

Went out on top of a hill !! No obstructions flew out just over 700m with one bar drop on signal?  Got a bit gusty with the wind so came back but all was ok!

Only time I lost signal was when granddaughter stood in front of me being nosey? She must be made of steal as I lost signal completely, told her to move and got it
back straight away "Panic over :-)".

So hopefully all will be fine just not great over houses etc?
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Second Officer

United Kingdom

It could be a pointing issue as mentioned by Huginn Kenningar. I've not had the opportunity to tear down my Mini2 controller, and I've not seen any mention on the net, but I suspect the antennas in the controller maybe directional using a similar design as used in the Parrot Anafi. The further you fly out the greater need for pointing accuracy. The claimed 6km range that DJI quote for their Ocusync2 can be considered to be similar to the MPG figures car manufacturers claim i.e. theoretical and not real world. Also the 6km range is probably based on the FCC power limits which are significantly higher than those permitted in the UK and Europe.

2.4GH CE=20dBm (100milliwatts) where as FCC = 26dBm ( 398.8milliwatts)

5.8GHz is even more depressing for us UK users, 14dBm (25milliwatts) where as FCC again is 26dBm (398.8milliwatts)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

Nidge Posted at 2-24 10:34
It could be a pointing issue as mentioned by Huginn Kenningar. I've not had the opportunity to tear down my Mini2 controller, and I've not seen any mention on the net, but I suspect the antennas in the controller maybe directional using a similar design as used in the Parrot Anafi. The further you fly out the greater need for pointing accuracy. The claimed 6km range that DJI quote for their Ocusync2 can be considered to be similar to the MPG figures car manufacturers claim i.e. theoretical and not real world. Also the 6km range is probably based on the FCC power limits which are significantly higher than those permitted in the UK and Europe.

2.4GH CE=20dBm (100milliwatts) where as FCC = 26dBm ( 398.8milliwatts)

Maybe, but Dji figures are 10km for FCC and 6km for CE locations.
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Went out today on top of a hill again!!
No obstructions flew out just over 1039m got 3 orange bars on signal?  So did not go any further will keep pushing just don't want to
go mini 2 hunting :-)

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