Fly App crashing(again!)
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5976 51 2021-7-4
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

I really thought that I'd solved the problem of the Fly app crashing regularly on my Galaxy A71 (no, please don't tell me to get a different phone, DJI).  It was happening on more flights than not and I'd kind of got used to re-starting it and carrying on.  However I saw a suggestion on YouTube which was to turn off 'Auto Sync HD Photos' in the Camera menu.  I did that and in five subsequent flights had no problems at all with the app :-)  I then upgraded Fly to v1.4.8 (1116).  Took the Mini 2 for a quick local test flight and the app crashed within seconds of take-off! (I had checked that 'Auto Sync HD Photos remained selected off).  I restarted the app and carried on with the flight, but after a while noticed that the compass display had locked up, the rest of the display seemed to be working OK though.  However I couldn't re-start Fly and had to manually close it down and re-start, when all went OK for the rest of the flight.  I removed v1.4.8 and re-installed v1.4.2 which was the next latest I had stored on the A71.  I've only had the chance to do one flight since (weather!) but had no problems at all on a 20 minute flight.  I now notice that a new build of v1.4.8 (1120) is out, so I suppose I'll have to give that a go.  Seems I'm spending a lot of time testing DJI products which should really just work on Android 11, whatever the actual model of phone.

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Flight distance : 61329 ft
United States

I have the new build and boath my tablets react the same way after 10 minutes. The app freazes and then i have restart it.  My big tablet Lenovo  m10 plus has 4gb ram and 128gb of storage.  If i go back like you to the pervious version boath  tablets are fine.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 91564013 ft

Version 1.4.8 kills my smartphone within 60 seconds. Only a few things have been changed and the fun is over. I'm back to 1.4.4.
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Flight distance : 61329 ft
United States

Found on a tablet i can go in delvoper mode and set usb as media transfer only.  Then it does not seam to charge. Now i found how the fly  app to do gps is odd.  Tablets have three  settings, gps chip, wifi and wifi and gps location.   Only wifi and gps gives me the blue dot. Since i fly remote the tablet  just searches for wifiin the back round.

I also just found u can move the app to an external sd card now. I have yet to try flying that way. Intresting if that works now.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Thanks for the info, not just me then!  I think I'll be sticking to the older versions of Fly for the time being.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello there. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and thank you for reaching out. Upon checking the said mobile device ( Samsung Galaxy A71 ) that your are trying to use on the DJI Fly application. I am sorry to say that the said mobile device is not recommended for the said DJI application. We would suggest using a recommended mobile device for the DJI Fly application for compatibility and reliability purposes. There is a possibility that the Samsung Galaxy A71 will be able to work on the DJI Fly  application. But however, since it's not yet optimized with the said application we cannot guaranteed if it will work all the time and if it will be able to run all the functions of the DJI Fly application while using it. For reference I will post a link where in you can find the recommended mobile devices for the DJI Fly application. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

DJI Stephen Posted at 7-4 17:14
Hello there. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and thank you for reaching out. Upon checking the said mobile device ( Samsung Galaxy A71 ) that your are trying to use on the DJI Fly application. I am sorry to say that the said mobile device is not recommended for the said DJI application. We would suggest using a recommended mobile device for the DJI Fly application for compatibility and reliability purposes. There is a possibility that the Samsung Galaxy A71 will be able to work on the DJI Fly  application. But however, since it's not yet optimized with the said application we cannot guaranteed if it will work all the time and if it will be able to run all the functions of the DJI Fly application while using it. For reference I will post a link where in you can find the recommended mobile devices for the DJI Fly application. Thank you.

Hi Stephen

Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately this is the stock answer that DJI come up with which is why I said in the original post 'Please don't tell me to get another phone'.   I think that if this is the way you want to proceed, you should show in bold print on all advertisments 'This product will only work with the following phones' and show the list.  Obviously that would seriously reduce sales.  Other posts have suggested that you at least publish a 'required specification'  for a phone to be suitable, but there was no response apart from to refer back to this list of reccommended devices.

As I've said in posts before, I have been using Android smartphones for quite a few years now and have never before come across these kind of problems with any other app I have used, including previous DJI products such as Go4.  I think that it's time for your software developers to get a grip on this and develop 'Fly2' that will actually be compatible with a wide range of products.  I will be reluctant to buy any further DJI products knowing that they might come with a 'you also need to buy another phone to make this work' price tag.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Is Litchi compatable with the Mini 2 yet?  When I deleted 1.4.8 and re-installed 1.4.2 my phone came up with a question as to whether I wanted to use Fly or Litchi as the controlling app.  I thought that Litchi wasn't compatable to selected Fly, but if Litchi works it might be the way forward until DJI sort out the compatablity problems with Fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1097270 ft

manxphoto Posted at 7-5 00:52
Is Litchi compatable with the Mini 2 yet?  When I deleted 1.4.8 and re-installed 1.4.2 my phone came up with a question as to whether I wanted to use Fly or Litchi as the controlling app.  I thought that Litchi wasn't compatable to selected Fly, but if Litchi works it might be the way forward until DJI sort out the compatablity problems with Fly.

As long the SDK is not out, Litchi can't adapt the program to work with the mini 2.

However there are rumours which says DJI would release the SDK by september.
So till then no chance Litchi can make it work.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

JohnDG Posted at 7-5 02:10
As long the SDK is not out, Litchi can't adapt the program to work with the mini 2.

However there are rumours which says DJI would release the SDK by september.

Thanks for that, I was a bit surprised when the phone offered the choice of either Fly or Litchi :-)  I'll just stick to the older versions of Fly for the moment.
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Flight distance : 8818937 ft

Samsung S9 with Dji Fly 1.4.8 (v1120) - I tested this morning the latest version from the DJI site in all modes .. cinematic - normal - sport, In the sun at 11 am, without sunshade no overheat ... as always .
No problem at all: I flew 3 batteries over 10 km (total) and more than 2 km away over fields and lakes without interference (perfect signal ... and it would have gone even further): no overheating, no lag, no jerking, nothing. Everything works perfectly, the horizon is straight, fpv mode is great.
1120 is a very stable version on Android !
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

mihNOS Posted at 7-5 08:51
Samsung S9 with Dji Fly 1.4.8 (v1120) - I tested this morning the latest version from the DJI site in all modes .. cinematic - normal - sport, In the sun at 11 am, without sunshade no overheat ... as always .
No problem at all: I flew 3 batteries over 10 km (total) and more than 2 km away over fields and lakes without interference (perfect signal ... and it would have gone even further): no overheating, no lag, no jerking, nothing. Everything works perfectly, the horizon is straight, fpv mode is great.
1120 is a very stable version on Android !

Thanks for that, I'll have to give 1120 a try then.  I have it d/l onto the phone and I now know it's easy enough to change back to an older version if it doesn't work out.  Just need a calm day for test flying, it's a bit too breezy here today!
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Update!  Thank you mihNOS :-)  This morning I installed v1.4.8 (build 1120) and did two longish test flights (20 minutes plus on each).  No problems on either with app crashes so great!  However, towards the end of the second flight I noticed that the compass display had frozen - apart from the little blue pointer that shows the direction of the drone from the controller and the North Marker, which continued to work, but the direction of the home point from the drone didn't move at all.  I clicked to change the compass to the map and it just changed to a tiny map icon.  Clicked it again and it vanished, replaced by a very small vertical marker like an 'I'.  Clicking on this had no effect at all.  I closed the Fly app down and restarted it and everything was OK again.   So, 1120 is OK (so far) but not quite there yet!
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Flight distance : 8818937 ft

I'm glad to hear that. On my S9 the compass worked normally, without any visible freezing. It is true that I did not pay special attention to this aspect, but the few times when I analyzed the map and the positions, everything worked normally.
I will fly tomorrow and come back with details.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 651683 ft
United States

For what it's worth on Sunday evening I flew my Mini using 1.4.8 (build 1120) on a Galaxy Tab A to watch fireworks shows.  I flew four flights that were nothing more than take off, climb to about 175 feet and move about 100 feet (so I did not have to look straight up to see the Mini), hover with some turns, and when the battery got down to somewhere between 15 and 20% come back and land.  Change battery and repeat until I ran out of charged batteries.  Worked perfectly - other than me forgetting to turn data sync off - so the .DAT files were gone by the time I hooked up the phone to the computer...
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Flight distance : 8818937 ft

I'm back after a few flights. Well, the compass worked perfectly, it didn't freeze, everything went well ... until the whole app froze ))).

First time for a few seconds, then complete - with the message: "server connection error". I was very close to a ruin of an abandoned building, my chance was that I was 20-30m away in VLOS and the controls worked perfectly, so I was able to remove the drone between the walls safely.

It's true I didn't have a mobile data signal there in the middle of nowhere, the internet connection was very weak or zero, but I've done this many times before without any problems.

After the reset, everything returned to normal, I flew a little more until the weather got worse and the rain started, but this time without any problems.

My conclusion ... a series of small bugs, and today one of communication with the DJI server, which freezes when it fails, maybe in an attempt to spy on us and get important data for the supreme control of the world )

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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

mihNOS Posted at 7-7 14:54
I'm back after a few flights. Well, the compass worked perfectly, it didn't freeze, everything went well ... until the whole app froze ))).

First time for a few seconds, then complete - with the message: "server connection error". I was very close to a ruin of an abandoned building, my chance was that I was 20-30m away in VLOS and the controls worked perfectly, so I was able to remove the drone between the walls safely.

Interesting, glad it worked out OK.  Surely loosing a connection shouldn't result in the app freezing, sounds like another bit of poor programming.  At the moment every time I fly I put the phone into Airplane mode, think I get the 'Server Connection Message' when the app starts but then not again.  Seems there'sa new version out for iPhone that lets you turn of phone charging again, so far seems no update on that for Android, still offering me build 1120 on the download page.

Asan aside, my Fly app doesn't seem to record any flight data, when I click on 'Profile' it shows zero flight hours and zero flights! I have 'Synchronise Flight Data' selected but there's no record of my 80+ hours on the P4P, 70+ Spark hours and 20+10 (2x drones!) on the Mini 2.  I guess I should raise that as a separate point, unless somebody has already, I'm wondering if it's recording any flight data at all.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Further to my last about zero flight records - under the 'Clear Cache' menu item it shows 2284.98MB in the Flight Record Cache, just doesn actually show me any records of the flights!
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Final straw with me this afternoon, 1.4.8 removed and won't be going back again, maybe 1.4.9 will be useable.  First flight this afternoon was OK until about 10 minutes in while I was shooting a 'Globe' panorama and realised the shutter sound had stopped about half way through.  It complete the 26 pictures then the app crashed.  I couldn't even get it to restart, it loaded Ok and then crashed immediately.  I flew the Mini 2 back visually, landed and deleted 1.4.8 from the phone.  Re-installed 1.4.2 (on the beach!) and did a further two flights with no problems.  As far as I'm concerned, 1.4.8 is unsuitable for the task and I won't be using it again on flight safety grounds.
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I have revenued problems too. Just flown for an hour with firmware 1.4.8 And this is the worst update for me to date. I have had 3x a non-responding and 4x a spontaneous closure of the app. Why don't the previous firmware versions not just be available so that when it doesn't work properly can be reimbursed to an old one?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 30364 ft
United Kingdom

Are you sure you have more than 2gb of data free on your phone? That might slow down the phone and cause apps to crash
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 30364 ft
United Kingdom

djiuser_nO2RdSW5BSUg Posted at 7-4 11:56
Version 1.4.8 kills my smartphone within 60 seconds. Only a few things have been changed and the fun is over. I'm back to 1.4.4.

How do you downgrade to a previous version?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 30364 ft
United Kingdom

DronePerspectiv Posted at 7-10 07:49
I have revenued problems too. Just flown for an hour with firmware 1.4.8 And this is the worst update for me to date. I have had 3x a non-responding and 4x a spontaneous closure of the app. Why don't the previous firmware versions not just be available so that when it doesn't work properly can be reimbursed to an old one?

Its become a common issue now...
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

DronePerspectiv Posted at 7-10 07:49
I have revenued problems too. Just flown for an hour with firmware 1.4.8 And this is the worst update for me to date. I have had 3x a non-responding and 4x a spontaneous closure of the app. Why don't the previous firmware versions not just be available so that when it doesn't work properly can be reimbursed to an old one?

Don't know anything about the site but I had 1.4.2 available fron d/l on my phone and I've gone back to that.  If you've downloaded the app from DJI and not deleted the original d/l is should still be on your device. You can delete 1.4.8 and re-install an older version no problem.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
  • >>>
United States

Why do you insist on blaming the app when it is clearly stated which phones are compatible? Your phone only has 2 high speed cores and I believe at least 4 are needed. My ancient Galaxy S6 has no issues at all.
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Abel nt
Flight distance : 77398 ft

Today i was not able to fly...
All time crashing

Redmi note 8

Take off... Hit record.... Freeezeeee


Downgrade to 1:4:2 at home... Testing..... All correct again.
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

GaryDoug Posted at 7-10 18:47
Why do you insist on blaming the app when it is clearly stated which phones are compatible? Your phone only has 2 high speed cores and I believe at least 4 are needed. My ancient Galaxy S6 has no issues at all.

I think if DJI Marketed the product and retailers sold it with a clear warning to the effect of 'The DJI Fly App has only been tested with the following devices and may not work with other ones' you might have a point.  However, to find the lsit of 'approved' phones you have to research this yourself.  

To quote from the DJI Handbook for the Mini 2:
'The Android version of DJI Fly is compatible with Android V6 and later'  That's it.

So come on DJI, live up to you own handbook and actually make a version of Fly that is compatible across the board, or start marketing all you drones that use Fly with a clear warning that you may have to buy another phone from the list to make it work safely.  

Yes, I do see this as a Flight Safety issue. Maybe if some of us considered filing a Mandatory Occurance Report with our countries Civil Aviation Authorities things might move on?  Of course, as the Mini 2 is below the 250g MTOW limit an MOR would probably be considered inapproprite by most authorities, but presumably the same issues can arise with the heavier Mavic range as well?
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

Abel nt Posted at 7-10 23:18
Today i was not able to fly...
All time crashing

Flying this morning with 1.4.2 and I had another app crash :-( However I had turned on the 'Download HD Images' which had been highlighted as a possible cause in the version, so when the app re-started I turned it off!  Probably going to be flying again this afternoon, so will see how 1.4.2 behaves.
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Flight distance : 229180 ft

manxphoto Posted at 7-11 05:14
I think if DJI Marketed the product and retailers sold it with a clear warning to the effect of 'The DJI Fly App has only been tested with the following devices and may not work with other ones' you might have a point.  However, to find the lsit of 'approved' phones you have to research this yourself.  

To quote from the DJI Handbook for the Mini 2:

'The DJI Fly App has only been tested with the following devices and may not work with other ones'

The problem with that is that DJI only state that it is a list of 'Recommended devices'. If you think about the recent update v1.4.8, they released three versions of it only hours apart. By rights, they should have tested each version of the app on every device they have listed before making it available, which I find very hard to believe they did. It just seems like an easy answer to say 'your phone is not on the list' than admit to sloppy programming and testing. Even their latest release notes is obsolete, referring to v1.4.2, not that the release notes give much information. Hope you get things sorted.
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Flight distance : 109098 ft

In my case, the first release of 1.4.8 was hanging the whole phone (Mi 9T), the reboot was the only solution. Not funny when you're on a flight.  Release 1120 helped but the compass widget freezes after few minutes. I reverted to 1.4.4 - all problems are gone.   ​
If anyone needs an older version of DJI Fly all versions are available at the APK mirror site
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft
Isle of Man

I did three flights this afternoon using v1.4.2 on my Galaxy A71 (which is a great phone for drone control with a big bright screen) and 'Download HD Images' turned off and all worked just great - although the app kept tempting me with 'New Version Available' but no thank you, think I've found my working version for now!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 91564013 ft

I have an LG V50 octa-core with 6GB RAM. DJI Fly 1.4.8 freezes every time. First, flight data reading freezes. then the entire application. I went back to version 1.4.4 and the problems stopped. We are waiting for the application to be improved, because apparently DJI engineers have reconsidered support for newer processors, forgetting about support for older ones.
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Flight distance : 2428297 ft

manxphoto Posted at 7-10 09:43

Don't know anything about the site but I had 1.4.2 available fron d/l on my phone and I've gone back to that.  If you've downloaded the app from DJI and not deleted the original d/l is should still be on your device. You can delete 1.4.8 and re-install an older version no problem.
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Flight distance : 2428297 ft

navio a vapor Publicado em 7-11 05:34
'O DJI Fly App só foi testado com os seguintes dispositivos e pode não funcionar com outros'

O problema com isso é que DJI apenas afirma que é uma lista de 'Dispositivos recomendados'. Se você pensar sobre a recente atualização v1.4.8, eles lançaram três versões dela com apenas algumas horas de intervalo. Por direito, eles deveriam ter testado cada versão do aplicativo em todos os dispositivos listados antes de disponibilizá-lo, o que acho muito difícil de acreditar que eles fizeram. Parece uma resposta fácil dizer 'seu telefone não está na lista' do que admitir programação e testes desleixados. Mesmo as notas de lançamento mais recentes estão obsoletas, referindo-se à v1.4.2, embora as notas de lançamento não forneçam muitas informações. Espero que você resolva as coisas.

Eu voo com HUAWEI P40 Pro Lite e nas versões anteriores nunca tive problemas especiais, mas esta ultima me deu duas vezes e a ultima foi fatal para o meu drone. A cerca de 100 metros o aplicativo desconectou e esperei que o sinal voltasse mas nada, até que o vejo chegar e a pousar rápido, eu não estava perto dele e ele pousou rápido sem os sensores e bateu no chão partindo e depois só ligava mas não conectava ao rádio e não desligava mais, só tirando a bataria. Levou uma amassadela na placa inferior, tentei concertar mas não resultou, tive de comprar outro. Tudo isto por causa deste aplicativo maldito. Agora estou com a 1.4.4, não sei se a 1.4.2 será melhor. A 1.4.8 eu gravei o vídeo 4k a 30 e a 24 para meu espanto ambas me davam 4k/30, fui testar de novo e dava o mesmo erro, já a 1.4.4 dava certo. Até quando vamos estar com estes problemas?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

Stick to the release note  of your drone, never update to newer version!.
Date: 2021.06.16
Aircraft Firmware: v01.03.0000
Remote Controller firmware: v04.11.0016
DJI Fly App iOS: v1.4.3
DJI Fly App Android: v1.4.2

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Flight distance : 48661 ft

I was flyig just fine till last month but yesterday I've tried to open the dji fly app and an error pop up.
"Retrieving resource file failed..."
I reinstall the app from the DJI web site and the app seems to be normal. (I've looked on the playstore and the app was not here anymore).
The app e version 1.4.12
I've not tryed to fly yet, but do you think I can be in trouble?
One of the things I've noticed is, when I bought my Mini 2, my smartphone oneplus 6 was a recomended device, now if I take a look at the android devices DJI recomends oneplus 6 is not one of them! How can they change this!
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Second Officer


DJI Stephen Posted at 7-4 17:14
Hello there. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and thank you for reaching out. Upon checking the said mobile device ( Samsung Galaxy A71 ) that your are trying to use on the DJI Fly application. I am sorry to say that the said mobile device is not recommended for the said DJI application. We would suggest using a recommended mobile device for the DJI Fly application for compatibility and reliability purposes. There is a possibility that the Samsung Galaxy A71 will be able to work on the DJI Fly  application. But however, since it's not yet optimized with the said application we cannot guaranteed if it will work all the time and if it will be able to run all the functions of the DJI Fly application while using it. For reference I will post a link where in you can find the recommended mobile devices for the DJI Fly application. Thank you.

DJI Stephen! Will you ever help someone????  You just keep babbling!

"the said phone with the said controller with the said drone won't work with the said problem when judged by the said moderator. The said moderator upon checking the said phone finds that the said moderator recommends the said customer to find another said phone that will work with the said drone in conjunction with the said controller."
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Flight distance : 3797825 ft

Johnny_J Posted at 10-20 04:06
DJI Stephen! Will you ever help someone????  You just keep babbling!

"the said phone with the said controller with the said drone won't work with the said problem when judged by the said moderator. The said moderator upon checking the said phone finds that the said moderator recommends the said customer to find another said phone that will work with the said drone in conjunction with the said controller."

Unfortunately its DJIs stock response, it's not the App's fault it's your phone. Not acceptable, it's the app that's faulty and needs fixed, which is one reason why I'm not buying any more DJI drones for the moment, just too risky.  Is this also why Fly isnt available via the Play Store, because it doesn't comply with requirements to work across platforms?
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Second Officer


Funny how most of you lack a sense of humour (or humor if you prefer that spelling) ...
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Just wondering, anybody have these issues with iPhone? Planning to pick up the drone but app crashing during flight sounds terrifying
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