M3 crashes and human psyche
1014 38 2021-12-19
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Probably an off-topic... And definitely is not an attempt to start a rant or impose judgement...
I cannot help but notice a very large number of posts where people crash their new M3 into all sorts of objects and then go and complain loudly about it.

Note, I am not talking about professionals doing their jobs in a difficult environment. Those guys usually are careful enough, and, most likely, smart enough to NOT use a tool with a clearly stated not-fully-completed firmware for a real world production job. And, should things happen, they definitely don't winge about it since it is most likely their fault and they would only make themselves look bad in the eye of the potential customers.

I'm also not talking about beta testers and reviewers. It is their job to run all sorts of weird edge cases, and as we all know, when it comes to the edges of any map, here be dragons.

So that leaves us, mere humans, amateurs. I'm trying to understand, what can possibly compel a person, who apparently never flew anything more complicated than a frisbee or a paper airplane, to purchase a $3K..$5K advanced piece of hardware and then run it full steam into a tree trunk in sports mode, and then come up and say something like "see, such a bad drone".

I do admit, the very possibility of flying makes you lose your head a bit. I remember my first drone, Mavic Pro. After a few flights I decided I'm good enough and wanted to fly it amongst the aspens trees in Telluride. You know, StarWars chase style. It was a good idea, as the aspens do not have small branches close to the ground. But I was not good enough to watch the uneven terrain of San Juan mountains, so one of my props hit a thin upper branch of some undergrowth. Granted, I was very low, and there was plenty of grass, so I ended up only damaging a single prop. But was it a drone fault? No frigging way, it was me. Besides, the whole reason I got MP and not Inspire, was that didn't trust myself enough to operate an unfamiliar and very expensive piece of equipment, where pretty much any mistake can be fatal (to the equipment, at least).

So, it really befuddles me when I read about all those operator-induced crashes, with the tone of posts being it's all drone's fault.
And even more so, why M3? There are plenty of cheaper devices to try your air feet on first. It's like getting Ferrari or Bently to your teenager after they just got thier permit. It's not even a question if they wreck it, cause they sure will. But to blame the car or the manufacturer for this?

Anyway, just wanted to share my observation...
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Charles Adams
Second Officer
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When I use to help review flight logs back in the Spark days, I recall that human decisions influenced and contributed to the vast majority of cases involving fly-aways or crashes.  And most of the individuals who were sharing their experiences on these forums were not very receptive to critiquing their flight choices.
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Charles Adams Posted at 12-19 10:01
When I use to help review flight logs back in the Spark days, I recall that human decisions influenced and contributed to the vast majority of cases involving fly-aways or crashes.  And most of the individuals who were sharing their experiences on these forums were not very receptive to critiquing their flight choices.

Tell me about it ;).
I used to teach photography classes online. I stopped after it became obvious that most of my "students" only wanted praises and pats, but god forbid pointing out their mistakes, however obvious they were.
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Yes I’m afraid “Pilot Error” is a real thing ,
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First Officer
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 12-19 10:36
Yes I’m afraid “Pilot Error” is a real thing ,

The is a saying in software development, "the root cause is 24 inches in front of the screen".
In photography, it's typically "12 inches behind the camera"

But again, why waste so much perfectly good cash for a few seconds of excitement and a dozen of comments/likes?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

I thought "Pilot Error" was when mistakes were made. Some of these crashes seen here and other places can be put down to sheer stupidity/bravado or ignorance of the machines capabilities that they fly.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

yogi053 Posted at 12-19 10:46
I thought "Pilot Error" was when mistakes were made. Some of these crashes seen here and other places can be put down to sheer stupidity/bravado or ignorance of the machines capabilities that they fly.

Yeah, my OP was mostly about the latter. Mistakes are inevitable. Driving a car into a brick wall just to see if it can take is something else IMHO...
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It was much worse on the Mini2 forum; as most if not all the posts were blaming the poor Mini2's for crashing themselves...
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First Officer
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United States

Monkey007 Posted at 12-19 12:09
It was much worse on the Mini2 forum; as most if not all the posts were blaming the poor Mini2's for crashing themselves...

I guess a whole lot more novices were anxious to get their hands on the less expensive device...

I was actually mostly referring to general social media, such as FB, Twitter, etc. These forums were not that bad.
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I think even some of the testers have expectations of OA etc. that are beyond reasonable.
I often wonder how much the video of testers pushing the boundaries, successful or otherwise, encourages the new pilots to do the same.
Of course........when I put my M2Z into the top of a tree, at night, it was entirely..........my fault, when it disappeared over a roof  (drift due to GPS only position holding? and probably not great GPS at that ) I panicked and sent it backwards (reversing its course ) rather than up which would have got it clear of all danger.
I hopefully learnt from that but I wonder if those that incessantly blame the equipment rather than themselves will ever learn any thing of use.
The only qualification to that is the advanced RTH which puts the wind right up my sails. Fortunately I have no intention of buying one so it will never be a problem for me.
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Charles Adams
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3821312 ft
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United States

Most of the crashes I see on social media are the individuals who have an economic and social interest in "being first" and really pushing the drone to its limits.  I appreciate all of their efforts and posts.  They are willing to take the risk so that I need not take the same risks.
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-19 13:14
I think even some of the testers have expectations of OA etc. that are beyond reasonable.
I often wonder how much the video of testers pushing the boundaries, successful or otherwise, encourages the new pilots to do the same.
Of course........when I put my M2Z into the top of a tree, at night, it was entirely..........my fault, when it disappeared over a roof  (drift due to GPS only position holding? and probably not great GPS at that ) I panicked and sent it backwards (reversing its course ) rather than up which would have got it clear of all danger.

Maybe it's a generation thing.

I'm an old guy, originally from an even older country. Everything was "our fault" when we grew up.

Nowadays (and on the opposite side of the globe) I can definitely see the younger generation being brought up in "it's not your fault" surroundings, which, IMHO, leads to "nothing is ever my fault" mentality.

So maybe it's simply the younger crowd being able to afford more expensive toys...

But I digress...
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First Officer
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United States

Charles Adams Posted at 12-19 13:17
Most of the crashes I see on social media are the individuals who have an economic and social interest in "being first" and really pushing the drone to its limits.  I appreciate all of their efforts and posts.  They are willing to take the risk so that I need not take the same risks.

Sure, but in my book, there is a difference between "hey, let's see if OA is good enough for this goal post... oops, it's not" VS "WTF, DJI, I was having fun flying full speed in sports mode, got distracted by my BF/GF/dog/cat/whatever, forgot I was flying, ran into a tree, how could you let this happen?"
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We are old fogies LOL.
Unfortunately things that rely on the rules of Physics and Aerodynamics etc. care nothing for the delicacy of human sensitivities no matter how much those senitivities maybe be offended nor the rants and tantrums of their owners.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-19 13:30
Unfortunately things that rely on the rules of Physics and Aerodynamics etc. care nothing for the delicacy of human sensitivities.

Yup, exactly. Luckily for us nerds, I say.
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Charles Adams
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3821312 ft
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United States

DarthSLR Posted at 12-19 13:28
Sure, but in my book, there is a difference between "hey, let's see if OA is good enough for this goal post... oops, it's not" VS "WTF, DJI, I was having fun flying full speed in sports mode, got distracted by my BF/GF/dog/cat/whatever, forgot I was flying, ran into a tree, how could you let this happen?"

Agreed, big difference.  Most of the social media posters understand the risks they are taking and accept the consequences.  Others want to blame the tech in spite of the fact their choices contributed to the event.  I have a lot of respect for the former.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

Charles Adams Posted at 12-19 15:02
Agreed, big difference.  Most of the social media posters understand the risks they are taking and accept the consequences.  Others want to blame the tech in spite of the fact their choices contributed to the event.  I have a lot of respect for the former.

Exactly. And none for the latter.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

There is no doubt that this is a completely different world from say the advent of the mobile phone. Technology has, in my opinion, advanced so rapidly and I believe that the younger generation sometimes take quite a lot of new stuff for granted. I do not want to start any rants between young and old here but just to point out that I still think that it is incredible that I can remove from my pocket a small electronic item that enables me to see, speak to and hear perfectly well, family relatives at a distance of approximately 12,000 miles.
I have 6 grandchildren ranging in age 17 to 30 who are equipped also with these items yet take the technology for granted. As someone who has been involved in Electronics since 1967, I am just overawed by the advances in that field. Starting by being taught basic vacuum glass tube (valve)) theory, I'm afraid the knowledge that I gained over the years has been outstripped by the advances. Anyway,I'm rambling now, being old that's normal, for me anyhow. The technology included in these flying machines even in just the last 5 or 6 years is amazing and I just wonder what the next 5 will produce. Hope I live to see that. lol.
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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DarthSLR Posted at 12-19 10:40
The is a saying in software development, "the root cause is 24 inches in front of the screen".
In photography, it's typically "12 inches behind the camera"

Never trust a user (that is what my UI teacher said)
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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I totally agree.
And I would go even one step further.
The focus on OA and other failsafe systems leads to more crashes as people don't feel the responsibility of flying a costly piece of gear that can / will break on impact with anything hard.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

Montfrooij Posted at 12-20 01:55
Never trust a user (that is what my UI teacher said)

"Never trust a user"! Unfortunately, the term 'user' has a different connotation these days.
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United Kingdom

DarthSLR Posted at 12-19 10:40
The is a saying in software development, "the root cause is 24 inches in front of the screen".
In photography, it's typically "12 inches behind the camera"

Or PBKAC (problem between keyboard and chair)
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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yogi053 Posted at 12-20 03:10
"Never trust a user"! Unfortunately, the term 'user' has a different connotation these days.

Not sure what you mean?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

Montfrooij Posted at 12-20 03:25
Not sure what you mean?

I understood your term user referred to the world of comuting whereas I was referring to the illegal drugs trade. Sorry, for not being clearer.
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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yogi053 Posted at 12-20 03:41
I understood your term user referred to the world of comuting whereas I was referring to the illegal drugs trade. Sorry, for not being clearer.

Ah ok. We have that meaning too, but in 'my' world (software) the user is behind the screen pushing buttons
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Nicodema Posted at 12-20 03:13
Or PBKAC (problem between keyboard and chair)

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Marty Markoe
First Officer
Flight distance : 15135 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 12-19 10:36
Yes I’m afraid “Pilot Error” is a real thing ,

When taking pilot training about 15 years ago and instructor said something I will never forget. He said, "There are old pilots, and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots."
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Marty Markoe Posted at 12-20 05:27
When taking pilot training about 15 years ago and instructor said something I will never forget. He said, "There are old pilots, and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots."

Very little substitute for experience.
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It is very exciting / amusing for me to be able to listen to you here ...
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United States

Montfrooij Posted at 12-20 01:55
Never trust a user (that is what my UI teacher said)

Well, you can trust they will do the most stupid thing you can (or more like even can't) imagine!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

Nicodema Posted at 12-20 03:13
Or PBKAC (problem between keyboard and chair)

That too, haven't heard that version in a while
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

yogi053 Posted at 12-20 01:09
There is no doubt that this is a completely different world from say the advent of the mobile phone. Technology has, in my opinion, advanced so rapidly and I believe that the younger generation sometimes take quite a lot of new stuff for granted. I do not want to start any rants between young and old here but just to point out that I still think that it is incredible that I can remove from my pocket a small electronic item that enables me to see, speak to and hear perfectly well, family relatives at a distance of approximately 12,000 miles.
I have 6 grandchildren ranging in age 17 to 30 who are equipped also with these items yet take the technology for granted. As someone who has been involved in Electronics since 1967, I am just overawed by the advances in that field. Starting by being taught basic vacuum glass tube (valve)) theory, I'm afraid the knowledge that I gained over the years has been outstripped by the advances. Anyway,I'm rambling now, being old that's normal, for me anyhow. The technology included in these flying machines even in just the last 5 or 6 years is amazing and I just wonder what the next 5 will produce. Hope I live to see that. lol.

Totally. I do not cease to be amazed by the progress. All hail the Interwebz, it's like electricity for the minds
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Flight distance : 2770725 ft
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DarthSLR Posted at 12-20 07:42
Well, you can trust they will do the most stupid thing you can (or more like even can't) imagine!

That's another way of putting it
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I wonder how many of the "crashes" are just to generate views for a channel.  Monetization is a helluva drug.  : )
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United States

TonyPHX Posted at 12-20 10:38
I wonder how many of the "crashes" are just to generate views for a channel.  Monetization is a helluva drug.  : )

That's the thing. Most of those crashers are not even serious tubers. And ruining it for a few likes, I really don't get it..
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DarthSLR Posted at 12-20 11:33
That's the thing. Most of those crashers are not even serious tubers. And ruining it for a few likes, I really don't get it..

The excess of the roaring twenties.  And in the midst of a chip shortage.  Yep, I do not get this behavior either.
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United States

I have "never really" crashed any of the 7 DJI drones I have owned. "Never really" meaning no damage except some nicks on the props....or my fingers ;-) But the M3 is the only one that came unsuitable to fly to expectations on day one...IMO. Even the avatar/icon doesn't work yet.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 12-20 19:27
I have "never really" crashed any of the 7 DJI drones I have owned. "Never really" meaning no damage except some nicks on the props....or my fingers ;-) But the M3 is the only one that came unsuitable to fly to expectations on day one...IMO. Even the avatar doesn't work yet.

At least you got one. I still don't
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Robert Lloyd
Flight distance : 49528 ft

United Kingdom

Pilot error is real ,as is loss of wifi
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