Official Thread to complain about GPS
13111 388 2022-2-11
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-2 15:25
Your problem is “you don”t want to discuss GPS, no matter what those on here say about it , you refer to them as stupid, ignorant, eejits, etc. You bypassed any discussion on this thread to jump on others where you found something that didn’t agree with your jaundiced views.

Lots of people come here with opinions , but it seems you appointed yourself the forum opinion police. So just do one and troll someone else.

I can't make any sense of your idiotic rambling.
It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread and everything to do with your continuing pointless personal attacks and drama queen behaviour.
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Tornado12 Posted at 2-28 07:22
Sigh, Sad to see yet another thread being derailed by the same children at it again. I start to wonder if they have any life outside of this forum.

Regarding the GPS Issue - I still fully expect a firmware update to address this issue soon. The likelihood of a hardware failure here as I've said before is extremely low. I say that as someone who has been using a soldering iron and working in electronics for 25 years. I am not an expert, but I do have a lot of self taught knowledge of how PCB Design is done, how it works, and I understand the chip design process. There is nothing at all wrong with the chosen Ublox chip used in the mavic 3. None of the evidence suggests a hardware failure, and the nature of the problem itself doesn't even suggest hardware malfunction. Ive not seen anyone suggest a plausible scenario that would suggest what the nature of the hardware failure is, if this is going to be a failure. I do see a lot of people who have little or no knowledge at all on these subjects spouting out all kinds of stuff and making emotional arguments. Emotional arguments are a waste of time and energy here. Ive investigated this issue as well as you can, short of taking my mavic 3 apart, which I do not want to do. I have seen the PCB design and am familiar with the GPS module design here. This is not some new design. This is a tried and true design on very well developed hardware. The design at play here is something extremely common. The issue, how it popped up starting in 0400 firmware, and how consistent it is, all point to it being firmware related. Its actually the most logical scenario by far. Those suggesting this is a hardware failure I think really dont understand how this stuff works, and what a blunder of design it would be to have such a universal failure. It would mean that it escaped the engineers all through the design phase. This design is just too common, too well known, there is nothing new going on here with the gps module design. Its like making a sandwich. It would be a huge blunder to somehow mess this up.

What is happening in here.And yes it is the same kids that it seems do not have a life other than this
I come here to learn things, should that be so hard to ask.Is that not what this forum is all about.
No time for foolishness,getting too old for that.
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-2 01:28
You did say in an earlier post you couldn’t post a video of this on older FW because you were updating , if you haven’t updated can you please post a video showing .300 working as gps should.

I will I will.  I get physically exhausted and hit the wall.  
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TonyPHX Posted at 3-2 16:17
I will I will.  I get physically exhausted and hit the wall.

Ok I think it might clear up a few things.
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-2 15:35
If you press them hard enough they should change it for you.

I just tried to fly now and drone took 11 minutes to get a home point, busy uploading the video to YouTube and will post
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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 17:45
But wait- Hallmark will say that DJI secretly is withholding a fix for this!

Well I"m gonna get nasty with Dji now, I have had enough and if it means taking this full public, I will. I paid $4500 for this drone and don't expect it to get worse every time I try to fly. After sitting for 11 minutes I just folded the drone and put it away, just killed my mood and got me frustrated and angry. Honestly, I am like at that stage of smashing this stupid drone and trying to claim one thru refresh, although its wrong but I cannot be made to be like an idiot here, spending my hard earned money to sit on the ground- just as good as a paper weight. And to anyone that wants to down vote me for my comments p**s OFF
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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 17:53
Good. Your feelings are understandable. Their absolute absence of quality control when testing their products is pathetic. Their horrid communication and misleading statements to their customers is just as bad. They broke GPS. And AirSense. I wonder what they will break next?

You know what, we are not asking for miracles, just gives us working devices that we paid so much money for. I am totally upset.
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Dji responded to me, see below for their email and below that my response

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I suggest that everyone that is having these long wait issues raise support tickets with them to get their drones replaced for proper working units, that would get them into gear very quickly.
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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 18:36
Yep. Imagine if many people bought new MacBook Pros for thousands of dollars each. But they take 10 minutes to boot up.

DJI is a billion dollar company. But in this case they appear to be acting like a second rate used electronic shop with no quality control.

I agree, they are putting their reputation and brand on the line here, making them look bad.
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-2 15:25
Your problem is “you don”t want to discuss GPS, no matter what those on here say about it , you refer to them as stupid, ignorant, eejits, etc. You bypassed any discussion on this thread to jump on others where you found something that didn’t agree with your jaundiced views.

Lots of people come here with opinions , but it seems you appointed yourself the forum opinion police. So just do one and troll someone else.

Your like a broken record with your childish antics,and one to talk about the meaning of the word troll.
So in leaving here I say to you get a life.It's time to start growing up.
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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 18:40
Oh it is DJI Renee! She’s as useless as their other chumps like “Acy Marson” “Ricky” or “santa”.

As long as I get it replaced, im okay and it works
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Why is this thread so hostile?   Everybody check your blood sugar and relax.
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TonyPHX Posted at 3-2 18:49
Why is this thread so hostile?   Everybody check your blood sugar and relax.

There I think i got it out of my system.I apologize to most here.
Notice I said most,and now it is time to relax.
Have a good evening.
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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New Zealand

This is the 11 minute long video that I had to sit and wait for home point to lock

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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 19:09
Absolutely pathetic. Worse than a 1990 GPS. Shameful. After the beginnings of this problem almost 3 months ago, there has yet to be a fix for those who spent thousands of dollars. Pretty sad.

I saw that, the more attention this issue gets the better.
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New Zealand

djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-2 18:45
Agreed. But she’s not gonna have the authority to do that. But I admire your persistence and give a hat tip to your helping carry the torch against this mistreatment of consumers.

Thank You
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How is it possible that the same place I tried now after 3 and half hours and it locks GPS in 2 minutes? Anyone has any clever explanation for this?
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Suren Posted at 3-2 22:39
How is it possible that the same place I tried now after 3 and half hours and it locks GPS in 2 minutes? Anyone has any clever explanation for this?

There are lots of variables in GPS.
The sats that were overhead 3.5 hours ago have been replaced with a whole new set.
There might have been a low number back then and a few more now,
Your drone may have downloaded some satellite almanac data to assist now.
It's not possible to say what, but it's wrong to expect satellite acquisition to be the same every time you power up.
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New Zealand

Labroides Posted at 3-2 23:19
There are lots of variables in GPS.
The sats that were overhead 3.5 hours ago have been replaced with a whole new set.
There might have been a low number back then and a few more now,

Thanks but 11 minutes vs 2 minutes? Strange. I am gonna try again tomorrow around the same time I tried earlier today and see what it gives. Like you said it could have downloaded the almanac - maybe this boot this had it stored in the drone. Lets see what tomorrow holds.
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Suren Posted at 3-2 23:22
Thanks but 11 minutes vs 2 minutes? Strange. I am gonna try again tomorrow around the same time I tried earlier today and see what it gives. Like you said it could have downloaded the almanac - maybe this boot this had it stored in the drone. Lets see what tomorrow holds.

Thanks but 11 minutes vs 2 minutes?
There are a lot of variables in play, including the big one.
That's that the M3 can take ages to find the sats that are in the sky above it, when other drones would have significantly more in a minute or less.
But despite the variables, it's clear that it's taking significantly longer than other drones do in the same situation.

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New Zealand

Labroides Posted at 3-2 23:44
Thanks but 11 minutes vs 2 minutes?
There are a lot of variables in play, including the big one.
That's that the M3 can take ages to find the sats that are in the sky above it, when other drones would have significantly more in a minute or less.

Agreed, Thanks again
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And it's only a couple of idiots that think clouds make any difference to GPS.
They really shouldn't be listened to at all.

... and there are a few of those sorts (... "idiots"...) who sincerely believe they don't even have to try a few tries to be convinced of reality.
These ... are totally stubborn.
They sit around at home and babble about times long past...

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frankymusik Posted at 3-3 00:06
And it's only a couple of idiots that think clouds make any difference to GPS.
They really shouldn't be listened to at all.

GPS is an all weather navigation system that works even in heavy rain.
And you want people to believe that it is seriously affected by clouds !!!
The strange thing is that everyone here has flown in overcast weather without any problem at all.
But somehow that simple fact escapes you.

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Flight distance : 4139925 ft

Suren Posted at 3-2 15:01
This is my email to Dji support and Dji forum admin. I, although i like the Mavic 3 cannot have this drone sitting on the ground for over 8 minutes at a time. This is becoming too frustrating

Hi Dji Support

I don't think replacement to another drone is good for you. I suspect that they will not send you a new drone (although perfectly packed), but a drone that has already been returned by someone else. That is why I am not thinking in this direction at this stage.
Replacement would be a good solution after recognizing the problem by the DJI and adopting the appropriate policy for this case. We know that these are just dreams. This will not happen.
I am convinced that it is good to ignore the posts of DJI lawyers and their competitors in our conversation. Neither blind faith nor excessive hatred will solve our problem. We must follow the laws of physics, not the fanaticism of any brand.
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United Kingdom

If anyone can provide me screen recordings off video of it taking 5+ minutes I may be able to push things a long a little.  
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Labroides Posted at 3-3 03:33
GPS is an all weather navigation system that works even in heavy rain.
And you want people to believe that it is seriously affected by clouds !!!
The strange thing is that everyone here has flown in overcast weather without any problem at all.

As I said...
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Labroides Posted at 3-3 03:33
GPS is an all weather navigation system that works even in heavy rain.
And you want people to believe that it is seriously affected by clouds !!!
The strange thing is that everyone here has flown in overcast weather without any problem at all.

... no one ever said it wouldn't work in bad weather!!!

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frankymusik Posted at 3-3 04:05
... no one ever said it wouldn't work in bad weather!!!

You did .. you tell me that I'm wrong when I say that GPS is an all weather navigation system.
I've given you multiple references for something everyone knows to be true, but you still tell me I'm wrong.
You went on and on about it in this thread: ... p;page=1#pid2677506

It's pointless discussing the matter with you.
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Mad_Angler1 Posted at 3-3 03:37
If anyone can provide me screen recordings off video of it taking 5+ minutes I may be able to push things a long a little.

There is one in post 287.
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Flight distance : 4139925 ft

In this post, I want to focus on some technical basics. I am based on a publication in Mavicpilots about the chip used in the GPS module.
It is claimed that this is an uBlox 8030 KA chip. Also in the photos you can see that one chip is missing on the PCB. The big question is what is the role of this chip? I am worried about its absence, because it means that in the time between the production of the "naked" PCB and the production of the GPS module, a modification of the scheme has been made. I will not speculate on the reasons for this modification. I'm just saying that fact worries me.
The second thing I did was track the chip of the GPS module to the manufacturer's website. I advise anyone who wants to know the truth to do so. There are interesting technical data. For example:
The sensitivity of the chip in navigation mode is -167 dBm, while for cold start it is -148 dBm. Simply put, a cold start chip needs a much stronger signal (approximately x64). This explains why after locking the satellites there is no problem with GPS navigation.
My conclusion continues to be that the basis of the problem is that the GPS chip does not receive a strong enough signal. I don't know the design of this chip and I don't know if DJI can somehow increase the signal gain inside the chip by changing the firmware.
And another element that everyone misses: The antennas!
In what direction is their sensitivity maximum? A clear view of the horizon seems essential. So my advice for a faster lock is: do not leave the drone on the ground, keep your hand as high as possible, and as far away from any obstacles as possible. The time to record a starting point will still be very long, but there is a difference between 4 minutes and 10 minutes.
And finally: again on the chip manufacturer's website there is a standard cold start time: 26 seconds (when using GLONASS). I quote this figure so that we know what is normal, and when quoting times of 3 minutes to know that it is dust in the eyes.
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KokoFresha Posted at 3-3 04:49
In this post, I want to focus on some technical basics. I am based on a publication in Mavicpilots about the chip used in the GPS module.
It is claimed that this is an uBlox 8030 KA chip. Also in the photos you can see that one chip is missing on the PCB. The big question is what is the role of this chip? I am worried about its absence, because it means that in the time between the production of the "naked" PCB and the production of the GPS module, a modification of the scheme has been made. I will not speculate on the reasons for this modification. I'm just saying that fact worries me.
The second thing I did was track the chip of the GPS module to the manufacturer's website. I advise anyone who wants to know the truth to do so. There are interesting technical data. For example:
Unpopulated ICs is nothing unusual on DJI gear.  The GPS board has been common location for many things in the past so this may simply be for a Future pro or RTK model.

Don’t overcomplicate or assume because you see unpopulated areas this is bad. It’s absolutely normal.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4139925 ft

Mad_Angler1 Posted at 3-3 04:52
Unpopulated ICs is nothing unusual on DJI gear.  The GPS board has been common location for many things in the past so this may simply be for a Future pro or RTK model.

Don’t overcomplicate or assume because you see unpopulated areas this is bad. It’s absolutely normal.

My experience shows that missing chips usually speak of "limited" functionality. In a drone at this price level, I'm not happy to see it. If it wasn't for the problem, there would be no drama for me with this chip. But since the GPS of MAVIC 3 does not meet my expectations, I analyze everything that can bring me closer to the truth and solve this problem.
I want to be properly understood: I do not deal with reviews and I am not in this discussion because of the dispute. I am one of those who pulled the short stick. I worked for a year to invest in this drone. I will not buy another drone soon, because a photographer invests in a huge amount of equipment - the drone is just one of them.

And one more thing, if you can help in any way to solve this problem, I will be really grateful. If you have some contacts inside the DJI and they commit to the problem, I think a lot of people will be happy.

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Flight distance : 356391 ft
United States

Dropping back in on this thread and just amazed at some of you who are just obsessing so hard over this issue. Suren, I really can not support your call for everyone to open support tickets. This is a waste of time. I would also say sending your drone in is a waste of time, and will just subject your drone to the hands of strangers as they transport it to DJI and Back. Nothing is going to be fixed by doing that. DJI have already said numerous times they are working on this, and a future firmware is likely to address it. The best thing everyone can do at this point honestly is to just take a chill pill. I get that the issue is a little annoying.  But at this point some here are spending HOURS in forums beating the issue to death day after day after day. As I look back over the thread this morning nothing new is coming out at this point, its now just hitting a realm of obsessive whining. I think some of the testing Suren did was helpful. I'm all for testing and theory crafting the cause, but much of the discussion now is just devolving into childish banter, Venting personal frustration, and blasting DJI. This isn't really helpful or interesting to read.

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Suren Posted at 3-2 19:06
This is the 11 minute long video that I had to sit and wait for home point to lock

Are you indoors as that wall is close. It looked like something wa a reflecting overhead.  

Anything near the craft will affect GPS.  

What I need to see is open field/land GPS times.   
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Flight distance : 27904331 ft
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Labroides Posted at 3-3 04:11
You did .. you tell me that I'm wrong when I say that GPS is an all weather navigation system.
I've given you multiple references for something everyone knows to be true, but you still tell me I'm wrong.
You went on and on about it in this thread:

You just have to listen properly!  
Clouds and bad weather can dampen the GPS signals!  
This is easy to test and I've shown you how to do it yourself!  
Instead, like an old man, you insist on your statements without understanding what we are telling you in the slightest...
It's just that such influences in borderline cases, i.e. when there is already poor reception, cause further concerns  can...
Unfortunately, you won't understand it this time either, what a pity...
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Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

Tornado12 Posted at 3-3 06:35
Dropping back in on this thread and just amazed at some of you who are just obsessing so hard over this issue. Suren, I really can not support your call for everyone to open support tickets. This is a waste of time. I would also say sending your drone in is a waste of time, and will just subject your drone to the hands of strangers as they transport it to DJI and Back. Nothing is going to be fixed by doing that. DJI have already said numerous times they are working on this, and a future firmware is likely to address it. The best thing everyone can do at this point honestly is to just take a chill pill. I get that the issue is a little annoying.  But at this point some here are spending HOURS in forums beating the issue to death day after day after day. As I look back over the thread this morning nothing new is coming out at this point, its now just hitting a realm of obsessive whining. I think some of the testing Suren did was helpful. I'm all for testing and theory crafting the cause, but much of the discussion now is just devolving into childish banter, Venting personal frustration, and blasting DJI. This isn't really helpful or interesting to read.

Ever hear the old saying - the squeaky wheel gets the grease? It may mean zero to you, but to some the GPS problem IS a big deal. For some it costs them jobs. So lighten up a little.
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Flight distance : 356391 ft
United States

Mobilehomer Posted at 3-3 08:32
Ever hear the old saying - the squeaky wheel gets the grease? It may mean zero to you, but to some the GPS problem IS a big deal. For some it costs them jobs. So lighten up a little.

No one in this thread pounding on the table and spamming support nonstop is missing any jobs or work. How could they? They are sitting on the forum here all day long.

We all are dealing with the same issue. I am dealing with it as well. I don't like it either, but I am a realist. I am advocating simply not devolving into children. Acting like a child doesn't actually move the needle in any positive direction. It is actually quite clear that some here really need more going on in their life. 1 minute acquisition time versus 5 minutes, we are talking about 4 minutes minutes to get a home point on a drone, and some are sitting here all day to hammer the issue, to make multiple tickets with support, just pouring hours and hours into a 4 or 5 minute home point delay. This is not to downplay the significance of the issue, but what good is the hours of beating the dead horse doing?
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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New Zealand

KokoFresha Posted at 3-3 03:34
I don't think replacement to another drone is good for you. I suspect that they will not send you a new drone (although perfectly packed), but a drone that has already been returned by someone else. That is why I am not thinking in this direction at this stage.
Replacement would be a good solution after recognizing the problem by the DJI and adopting the appropriate policy for this case. We know that these are just dreams. This will not happen.
I am convinced that it is good to ignore the posts of DJI lawyers and their competitors in our conversation. Neither blind faith nor excessive hatred will solve our problem. We must follow the laws of physics, not the fanaticism of any brand.

You re right they will most likely send out a refurb.
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