Sorry about my M3 question
1769 32 2022-3-2
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I have been very busy with my family crises. Can any one tell me if the major M3 problem with sat aquisition has been fixed? Might be a little light in my dark day ;-) thanks.

Also...GO Ukraine heros !!!

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New Zealand

Not fixed yet Gary, seems to be little hope there
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United Kingdom

No Gps just the same, and yes "Go" Ukraine. The hero's of Europe.
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United States

1) No
2) Yes
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So far no official solution.  
But, sometimes I don't understand the world anymore...
Today I experienced a very short GPS lock, about 80 seconds, it was under the open sky, in sunshine, only a few bushes nearby and large wind turbines...
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Good Job, I’m with you.

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Visual Air
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Its been a long wait for me to actually get the home point recorded, usually say 12 sats. What I find strange is as soon as I take off and fly around within seconds I have 20/25 sats locked. Its almost better once you actually take off.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2169370 ft
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United States

Sweet, even got a nice rainbow!
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United States

It is not fixed.  No new firmware, no resolution.

I pulled a M3 Cine out of box and made quick video showing that with .300 and an RC Pro controller not updated that the GPS acquisition happens pretty quickly (like I remember if the good old days of the M3...)

But alas, not resolved yet.

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TonyPHX Posted at 3-3 14:18
It is not fixed.  No new firmware, no resolution.

I pulled a M3 Cine out of box and made quick video showing that with .300 and an RC Pro controller not updated that the GPS acquisition happens pretty quickly (like I remember if the good old days of the M3...)

Thanks for posting, at least people might know now its not a HW problem and was obviously a cock up in FW update.
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djiuser_I80qauTWRcUe Posted at 3-3 14:54
Hardware faults can also come from defective components. Or differing components in different units. But I’ll acquiesce that you are much more familiar with cock ups.

I'm all for a good jabbing session, but y'all come off like married couple who had a really bad divorce and all of Reddit gets the story.  : )
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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

Also, @GaryDoug - hoping the family crisis you mentioned gets sorted out.  Best wishes.
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TonyPHX Posted at 3-3 15:10
I'm all for a good jabbing session, but y'all come off like married couple who had a really bad divorce and all of Reddit gets the story.  : )

You might want to recheck what you just said. I have not responded to this banned guy on this thread. So I’m  not sure where you’re getting this married couple thing  from but maybe re-read the thread. I have continually asked the Banned Guy to quit but trolls don’t have this in their armour.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 3-3 15:23
You might want to recheck what you just said. I have not responded to this banned guy on this thread. So I’m  not sure where you’re getting this married couple thing  from but maybe re-read the thread. I have continually asked the Banned Guy to quit but trolls don’t have this in their armour.

lol, yes, no pointed remarks at you.  The constant off topic stuff just feels like when I'm at a restaurant listening to a married couple.  : )
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

TonyPHX Posted at 3-3 15:12
Also, @GaryDoug - hoping the family crisis you mentioned gets sorted out.  Best wishes.

Thanks. Multiple crises. Wife and elderly mother both having serious health issue at the same time. All while I navigate several lawyers in setting up a Medicaid approval for mother. I am very busy ;-)
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United States

GaryDoug Posted at 3-3 18:56
Thanks. Multiple crises. Wife and elderly mother both having serious health issue at the same time. All while I navigate several lawyers in setting up a Medicaid approval for mother. I am very busy ;-)

Best wishes then on speedy recovery for all!  When you are all done handling that extra stress, the drone hobby will be here for you.  
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The Saint
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Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

i know some may disagree with me but that's ok.  if dji has discovered (or decided) that certain m3 components are prone to degrade or go out of spec or whatever you want to call it....and they think it might be contributing to this problem, they will likely apply a remedy ( addition to sw).  that could mean a new source for parts, better qc off the line to pluck off those likely to be affected....whatever.  they will roll in whatever this means, whether it's improved parts, a new parts vendor, etc and keep making m3 drones.  likely they would not rev the hardware but for sure, they will know what drones contains what parts, etc.  meaning a drone you buy in july might be a "better" drone that was bought/sold in january.  obviously parts are covered under warranty defects (in most countries) for a limited time and unless there is a safety issue, you probably will not be notified (meaning no recall).  dji would be happy to handle complaints as they arise.   issue a technical bulletin.

which leads me to topic about refurbs.  later this summer when the refurb process gets setup, if this is an action item, pretty sure dji is smart enough to implement the "gps fix" (if it exists) in every single refurb as long as it is feasible....not costly, timely, non-technical, s/n range, etc.  sorry for being so obtuse, trying to keep this completely theoretical since i know nothing about this issue and there are many here who are willing and ready to pick this apart.  

tl;dr  dji would be crazy not to pivot and make improvements during the production process even at this early stage.  somebody dropped the ball here and before they build a million of these drones that have to be sold all over the world for the next 5 years, they better make sure they have this issue nailed.  if that means go back and improve some of the it.  we understand all suppliers are not perfect and decisions are often made to lower costs.  not saying that is what happened here but i feel dji has no obligation to explain to anyone what exactly happened here.  all they should say is "sw update to improve gps fix capabilities..." and that's it, move on.

im ready to buy the drone, spring/summer is coming, get it done already.
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The Saint Posted at 3-4 18:15
i know some may disagree with me but that's ok.  if dji has discovered (or decided) that certain m3 components are prone to degrade or go out of spec or whatever you want to call it....and they think it might be contributing to this problem, they will likely apply a remedy ( addition to sw).  that could mean a new source for parts, better qc off the line to pluck off those likely to be affected....whatever.  they will roll in whatever this means, whether it's improved parts, a new parts vendor, etc and keep making m3 drones.  likely they would not rev the hardware but for sure, they will know what drones contains what parts, etc.  meaning a drone you buy in july might be a "better" drone that was bought/sold in january.  obviously parts are covered under warranty defects (in most countries) for a limited time and unless there is a safety issue, you probably will not be notified (meaning no recall).  dji would be happy to handle complaints as they arise.   issue a technical bulletin.

which leads me to topic about refurbs.  later this summer when the refurb process gets setup, if this is an action item, pretty sure dji is smart enough to implement the "gps fix" (if it exists) in every single refurb as long as it is feasible....not costly, timely, non-technical, s/n range, etc.  sorry for being so obtuse, trying to keep this completely theoretical since i know nothing about this issue and there are many here who are willing and ready to pick this apart.  

if dji has discovered (or decided) that certain m3 components are prone to degrade or go out of spec or whatever you want to call it....
There's no evidence to suggest that the Mavic 3 problem is due to degrading parts.
(Where did that idea come from?)

But there's plenty of evidence to indicate the parts aren't the problem, which was caused by a software update.
The GPS chip used is a UBX-M8030 just liek what DJI's been using in their other drones for years.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 44281716 ft
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United States

Suren Posted at 3-2 22:50
Not fixed yet Gary, seems to be little hope there

Well there hasn't been an update since they broke it so I'd say there is hope until the next update comes out and it's NOT fixed.
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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New Zealand

Labroides Posted at 3-4 18:38
if dji has discovered (or decided) that certain m3 components are prone to degrade or go out of spec or whatever you want to call it....
There's no evidence to suggest that the Mavic 3 problem is due to degrading parts.
(Where did that idea come from?)

I wonder if we buy and replace that GPS module ourselves if it will make a difference ( Just my stupid thought when I saw your link)
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TonyPHX Posted at 3-3 18:47
lol, yes, no pointed remarks at you.  The constant off topic stuff just feels like when I'm at a restaurant listening to a married couple.  : )

Well you’ll find he’s been deleted or banned for the sixth time in 3 weeks, it’s not by accident , so he’s not here for anything to do with drones, it’s sad really.
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Suren Posted at 3-4 22:52
I wonder if we buy and replace that GPS module ourselves if it will make a difference ( Just my stupid thought when I saw your link)

The GPS chip is not the problem so replacing it wouldn't make any difference.
Plus you'd have to be able to do board-level micro-soldering like the robots on DJI's assembly line do.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 3-5 01:54
Well you’ll find he’s been deleted or banned for the sixth time in 3 weeks, it’s not by accident , so he’s not here for anything to do with drones, it’s sad really.

Yeah, life is too short.   When I kick the bucket it's won't be at a keyboard playing verbal judo.  lol
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United States

Labroides Posted at 3-5 03:55
The GPS chip is not the problem so replacing it wouldn't make any difference.
Plus you'd have to be able to do board-level micro-soldering like the robots on DJI's assembly line do.

I agree - the chip isn't the issue.  My M3's pre firmware update did not have this issue.  .300 firmware did just fine with GPS.   
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djiuser_ViU9QkaYM214 Posted at 3-5 06:53
Hallmark spends hours upon hours rage typing emails to DJI support trying to get people banned here that show him to be wrong (as he usually is) or reveal his ulterior motive of twisting things to try shill for DJI. Just a small drop in the bucket in the unpaid 8 hours/day 365 days/ year that he spends here as a self-anointed hall monitor. #winner

When he kicks the bucket it will highly likely be at his keyboard shilling on this very site for DJI.

It takes a lot to get banned on this forum. But you managed to get banned 7 times in 3 weeks, every time for trolling reported by many members here and hopefully if you continue to troll they continue to report you. But one thing is for certain Trolls will be trolls, crawl back under your bridge now. No one here is interested in putting up with your BS.

People come here to comment on the thread . Not to continually read your personal offensive comments
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4139925 ft

Suren Posted at 3-4 22:52
I wonder if we buy and replace that GPS module ourselves if it will make a difference ( Just my stupid thought when I saw your link)

I had a similar idea, but at the GPS module level. I would give that $ 50 to close the problem and move on. However, there is one problem: We do not know what the problem is and the next module may be as much or worse than ours. That's why I'm currently watching for any information that may appear. Before we have a mark on which we can determine which module is good, I would not invest in this lottery. At the moment, I have stopped all future investments in this drone (I had planned several more batteries, the new controller and the car charger), because I am not sure that it will keep MAVIC3.
To my great regret, today's response to DJI Mindy in the other topic does not leave me with any optimism in the short term.
I want to thank you personally. It is your merit, at least to some extent, to make the problem public and thus increase the likelihood of a solution.
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Flight distance : 13528625 ft
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New Zealand

KokoFresha Posted at 3-5 07:43
I had a similar idea, but at the GPS module level. I would give that $ 50 to close the problem and move on. However, there is one problem: We do not know what the problem is and the next module may be as much or worse than ours. That's why I'm currently watching for any information that may appear. Before we have a mark on which we can determine which module is good, I would not invest in this lottery. At the moment, I have stopped all future investments in this drone (I had planned several more batteries, the new controller and the car charger), because I am not sure that it will keep MAVIC3.
To my great regret, today's response to DJI Mindy in the other topic does not leave me with any optimism in the short term.
I want to thank you personally. It is your merit, at least to some extent, to make the problem public and thus increase the likelihood of a solution.

Thanks, I asked for a date. At least if we can get this we can all just go about our days till the firmware drops.
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United States

A month will go by pretty quickly.  I would prefer DJI just fix it up and do it right.
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The Saint
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Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

agreed the chip is not the problem.  anyone who spends too much time looking at the chip that is used is wasting their time.
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-5 07:10
It takes a lot to get banned on this forum. But you managed to get banned 7 times in 3 weeks, every time for trolling reported by many members here and hopefully if you continue to troll they continue to report you. But one thing is for certain Trolls will be trolls, crawl back under your bridge now. No one here is interested in putting up with your BS.

People come here to comment on the thread . Not to continually read your personal offensive comments

People come here to comment on the thread . Not to continually read your personal offensive comments
Give it a rest.
I don't come here to read your ongoing whinging about who is/was/or should be banned.
But it takes up too much of the forum.
Just let it go.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3440564 ft
United States

djiuser_ViU9QkaYM214 Posted at 3-5 07:24
When a #winner like you wildly rage-types messages and emails to DJI to try to get someone banned, and dedicates their so-called-“life” to this forum and monitoring it, getting banned doesn’t take a lot. You don’t even get free gear in return for being a 8 hour/day 365 day/year shill. #sad I know you have plenty of time since your business kinda went belly-up, but still- it doesn’t show “dedication”. It shows only a #loser.  Others have told you to “get a life” but it makes you feel better to think they are all one person. Anyhow, you have plenty
of “work” to do. You have 6 more hours to “patrol” the forums today- get to it! Chop chop!

he is slacking
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rwynant V1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4842277 ft
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United States

DroneXL  has received an email confirming DJI acknowledges this issue, and will address it in a near future FW Update. ... xekMXbhrjYVhA3MhOjs
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United States

rwynant V1 Posted at 3-10 12:08
DroneXL  has received an email confirming DJI acknowledges this issue, and will address it in a near future FW Update.

Yes. On March 24. Still a couple weeks away.
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