If your drone crashes you must contact local police!
3286 30 2015-12-16
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Sir Shepherd

United States

I sat down this morning and read over the FAA requirements for registation. Now get this... if you crash your drone on your land with no incident to other, you must contact your local police and or law enforecment and file a report. This is getting better and better by the day. So, does this mean that when you send in your drone for repair with DJI that you have to attach a police report? Something to think about... THIS IS FLIPPING NUTS!!! Makes me want to put up my inspire 1 and sell it.

Local law enforcement by far doesn't have the funding to be responding to calls such as below. Why shouldn't the FAA respond? After all its their concept to make us register and after all I'm paying $5.00. Its not practical and is time consuming to our local police. Which most have no idea about this FAA ruling.

Q. If a drone crashes in my yard what do I do?
A. Call local law enforcement.

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I wouldnt let it bother me, just go have fun.
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As far as I read that section, they were referring to if a drone crashes in your yard that you are not in charge of. Let's say I'm sitting out on my back patio and an inspire falls into my grass, then they want you to call local law enforcement.
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Also, if you register within the first 30 days you get your $5 dollars back...

But yea, the whole thing is getting more and more interesting.

I can understand the need to track ownership - similar to needing a driver's license or pilot's license to fly, but we'll see where it goes...
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The FAQ pages has a lot of info about the process. http://www.faa.gov/uas/registration/faqs/
And yes, as the previous poster said, if you crash into your own yard there's no need to contact anyone.
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First Officer
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Jwmulcahey Posted at 2015-12-16 09:03
As far as I read that section, they were referring to if a drone crashes in your yard that you are n ...

That's what I got from it also, they mean if someone else's drone crashes in your yard
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First Officer
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As far as what drones weigh, what if I don't have scales and I don't eat stick butter?
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The bottom line here is this. GO FLY AND HAVE FUN. Register when it's time and relax.
No use getting worked up over something we can't fix. Not worth it.

Glad to see Ken this morning from DJI. I like them answering questions on the board.
Shows professionalism. A long I've no DJI rep was writing on the board. Now there are
At least a hand full and their doing good things. Moving forward. Good. And thanks.

I just want to go outside during Christmas morning wand watch as all the kids start
Hitting everything there is to hit. I'm parking my truck in the garage Christmas night.
You might want to bring in your pet to.

I am sure the FAA will take very good care of us during 2016 and beyond. Got to love it.
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Sir Shepherd

United States

A wise man once said "We are either kings or pawns of men" Well put and I'm trying not to get worked up but just disappointed with how things have turned out. I can't even take a picture of a farmers land down the road without having to have a permit.

I understand now that if a drone crashes on my land to call the police. If it's an inspire 1 I'm keeping it for parts!      lol forget calling the coppers
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DJI team

Hong Kong

oh,call a  police.... this is ridiculous!
-Can I help you?
-Yes I crashed my drone..
-So... what?
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Sir Shepherd

United States

DJI-Tim lol I liked that! Made me laugh and I needed that.  
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United States

Sir Shepherd Posted at 2015-12-16 19:08
DJI-Tim lol I liked that! Made me laugh  and I needed that.

The police have much more important stuff to do than respond to toys crashes.  I can not believe they would offer to take the hundreds of no property damage reports that are happening every day.  You can't get them to go to a no injury auto accidents. Who will pay for the extra man-hours for this . Not a well thought out plan.
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Sir Shepherd

United States

@jcsdra you got it and I agree. Just ticks me off! My wife has told me to calm down. Truly has pissed me off. Some think this is a great thing on the forum but I bet everything I own and all the cash in the bank (which isn't much) lol that those that like this idea will be kicking themselves in the a#@ a year from now! Watch and see!
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-18 22:13
That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.  Let's waste massive amounts of tax dollars tying up lo ...

@Flyin'Bryan - WTF... excuse the language. You are telling me that if we register as a hobby flyer at $5 our personal details are public???????????????????????? Now I'm really getting F*$ing pissed!!!!!!!
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-18 22:21
Lol you should read the thread I started on the phantom 3 forum.

I'm with you Flying'Bryan 100%. Our government keeps on pushing and pushing. Ever tried cornering a wild animal? It bites back! I say and always have believed that the pen is mightier than the sword!

Problem we have is that no one fights back. 1 means nothing but together we stand makes a world of difference. What gives the FAA the right? This is a drone, not a military drone with guided missile capabilities.

So... lets say we don't register. There isn't' a criminal statute in place. Local law enforcement aren't going to enforce it because there is no criminal law on the books. I own over 1,000 plus acres of land. I fly only on my land. I be damned if I'm going to have anyone tell me what I can do on my land and above it.

I thought about taking photo shots for farmers near my ranch for their crops. Hell I can't do that because you have to have a 333 and a flipping licensed pilot flying your drone for you. What kind of crap is that?

I'm glad to see someone other than myself put it like it is. We just need another 500,000 guys like you and I.  I'm with you brother and know how you feel.
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-18 22:19
You can fix stupid laws like this.  Get ahold of your congressman., tell them this isn't acceptabl ...

I'm with you Flying'Bryan 100%. Our government keeps on pushing and pushing. Ever tried cornering a wild animal? It bites back! I say and always have believed that the pen is mightier than the sword!

Problem we have is that no one fights back. 1 means nothing but together we stand makes a world of difference. What gives the FAA the right? This is a drone, not a military drone with guided missile capabilities.

So... lets say we don't register. There isn't' a criminal statute in place. Local law enforcement aren't going to enforce it because there is no criminal law on the books. I own over 1,000 plus acres of land. I fly only on my land. I be damned if I'm going to have anyone tell me what I can do on my land and above it.

I thought about taking photo shots for farmers near my ranch for their crops. Hell I can't do that because you have to have a 333 and a flipping licensed pilot flying your drone for you. What kind of crap is that?

I'm glad to see someone other than myself put it like it is. We just need another 500,000 guys like you and I.  I'm with you brother and know how you feel.
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DJI-Tim Posted at 2015-12-17 11:02
oh,call a  police.... this is ridiculous!
-Can I help you?
-Yes I crashed my drone..

That is EXACTLY right. The police here do not even come out for a traffic accident unless someone is hurt. So do you think they are coming out for a crashed toy (in their minds)?
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-19 12:38
I'd like you to watch this... It will explain ALOT!  

@Flying - our country has hit a bottom low. When you have to make kids register to fly a drone, r/c airplane then we have serious issues. What about making the intel public and lets say it's a kid under 18? Hummm that's strange.

If I was half the age and not worried about having a heart attack I'd challange the FAA in court. In fact file a civil law suit. I think our civil rights are being violated to the point that this could be a class action suit.

Maybe we should find a method to file a petition online and move forward from there?
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Agreed and we need to shake the tree! Wake up everyone this is a serious problem! It will affect you, me, your children . For us to sit back and pay a fee without putting up a legal fight is unjust. It would be nice to see an almost zero registration. Then what? You think they have the man power to arrest a million individuals. In no why shape or form would the FAA be able to do that. Impossible to say the least.
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-19 13:55
Here's one petition.
https://www.change.org/p/federal-aviation-adminitration-stop-the-faa-act-requ ...

Got it going to take a read of it right now, thanks too!
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Sir Shepherd

United States

I signed it. After reading over further comments on the petition I'm even more upset. I will NOT register my inspire 1. If everyone did the same thing the FAA would have their hands full and have no idea what to do. I've got to hit the bed. But I'll be back tomorrow. Good night Flyin and try not to get too worked up. I'm certain we can all make a change if we can work together!
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First Officer
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United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2015-12-16 22:02
oh,call a  police.... this is ridiculous!
-Can I help you?
-Yes I crashed my drone..

As a retired Police Officer that would be my answer. However, if it was not yours and there was damage involved that is an all together different set of circumstances and a report would be generated. Also now with the Registration process there can be Criminal and Civil actions against the registered owner. That is what this is all about, accountability. I realize it is a pain but, unfortunately due to a few reckless folks we all are paying for their thoughtless actions. The same thing as Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
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Sir Shepherd

United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-19 22:18
I dont have to register my gun. So theres a huge difference. Registration does nothing for account ...

Flyin you might have hit it right on the nail. It's all about the $$$. Sad isn;t it?
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First Officer
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United States

Sir Shepherd Posted at 2015-12-18 20:36
I'm with you Flying'Bryan 100%. Our government keeps on pushing and pushing. Ever tried cornering  ...


Yes, people have been fighting back for many years and I belong as a leader member of the AMA. Just like Obama care this crap passes. This means now that all model aircraft flown from a ground station (remote) has to be registered period.  All of the work that AMA has been doing just got thrown out!!

"The Academy of Model Aeronautics, based in Muncie, Indiana, USA, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of model aviation as a recognized sport as well as a recreational activity. It is the largest organization of its kind with a current membership of more than 140,000 members.

Founded in 1936, the AMA is the official national body for model aviation in the United States. They sanction more than one thousand model competitions, and an increasing number of non-competitive Fly-in events for member aeromodelers throughout the country each year, charter more than 2500 model airplane clubs and offer contest sanctioning, liability insurance and the procurement of flying sites. In addition, they also certify official model flying records."

I believe the members are well over 140K strong

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Sir Shepherd

United States

It's shocking the entire FAA ruling. It just makes you wonder what he big picture is? Obama care? Really that is the biggest joke too. I don't have Obama care and I never will. The government has no right to impose health care on the public. The only way that i would register as a hobby flyer is knowing that the intel that I place upon registering is not made public.

Why not just make a law that you must have your personal details inside the drone, just like AMA does? That makes it simple. The bad guys could give a less crap and will do neither!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

Flyin'Bryan Posted at 2015-12-19 09:18
I dont have to register my gun. So theres a huge difference. Registration does nothing for account ...

Unfortunately Quads are not protected in the Constitution. On the hit and runs sometimes yes and sometimes no.
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United States

I could make a fortune selling custom made tin foil hats.

This is NO DIFFERENT than the FAA registration for full size aircraft.    You can look up tail numbers at the FAA site.  Our registration numbers don't look anything like an N number.  The only search that can be performed is with the Reg number.   

FA64GHRTZ8   This is a made up number...... but it gives you an idea as to the syntax of the cert number.  I doubt that someone is going to guess your number and look you up on the database.
And the number does NOT have to be on the outside of your quad.  It can be in the battery compartment.  It's not an N number.

So, how about it....... anyone want a tin foil hat?  Reserve yours today.

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Sir Shepherd

United States

Ok .. so @ Starship, if you register your inspire 1 as a hobby flyer, your personal details are not made public? Unless of course someone finds it and inputs the #s. Then it would pull you up?
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United States

Sir Shepherd, I think you are justified in your concern.  Many of us are much like sheep.  We munch our grass and go along to get along.   And then there are some folks who seem to have a lust to disrupt, to tell, to report.  I'm sure there will soon be a hot line that angry neighbors can call.  We appreciate not just the need for rules but also the fact that many people have a fetish for conformity bordering on the pathological.  Every regulation should be scrutinized.

It's good when people point out the ridiculous elements of regulatory schemes.  Keep it up.
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United States

Sir Shepherd Posted at 2015-12-21 19:52
Ok .. so @ Starship, if you register your inspire 1 as a hobby flyer, your personal details are not  ...

In the search database, the only thing you can enter is the FAA cert number.  If they have your aircraft (fly away) then they could potentially look you up to return it.  I, like a lot of others, have my phone number on all of my quads, just in case of the dreaded fly away.

It's no different than FAA tail numbers.  A plane flies over, you write down the N number, and you can look it up and see who owns that plane, along with the owners address.   

On ours, the number can be INSIDE the battery compartment, or just a small sticker, that would have to be read from close up.  Nobody would be able to copy your cert number from a flyover...... it's a combination of letters and numbers.

Here's the FAA N number lookup   http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Inquiry.aspx    Put in N6844 (this is an expired tail number)  and you can see what the database will most likely look like.  Or put in the tail number from any plane, to see who owns it.
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United States

It seems way overly burdensome for the commercial registration of these drones to require a general aviation pilots license..  Why do you need to learn to fly a real general aviation aircraft to fly a small battery powered drone to snap a few photos to sell.  First the skill sets are not the same at all.  Most of the pilot information learned in flying a general aviation plane don't apply. Your not going to learn to fly patterns around airports - as its prohibited by UAVs and your not doing 50 mile cross country flying into another airport, or need to learning about icing effects on gas engines , or emergency landing procedures,

You do need to know how to operator the battery UAV and land it safely.  You should know how it functions and can over-ride auto fly features to make emergency landings and knowledge of where you can fly and can't  so not to not affect general aviation.  

Most of the general aviation knowledge of how planes fly is useful and some of the general aviation information is useful.  But for most small under .5-20  lbs drones  commercial  work which may be going up maybe 40` 80' 160' feet and snapping a few photos or making a short video. I think the FAA should ensure you have knowledge and skill to do that safely. It should not be what all general aviation  pilot knows and do.

A handbook with a new set of reasonable guidelines should be developed for UAVs used in limited commercial work.   There can be a online FAA drivers license test (if needed) provided for ensuring the knowledge is there for this new class of  light weight limited range battery powered  uavs.  

Save the pilot license requirements  for long range UAVs that can actually enter general aviation airspace above 400 feet  and land at airports.
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