Maximum Wind without philosophy
934 6 2016-1-6
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It says 10ms in the manual, which comes up to 36 Kmh, BUT what about the gusts? Forums are full of some stories and people showing off their knowledge of weather.Can someone just explain on a normal language, what is the maximum you shouldn't try flying your drone? Meaning considering gusts.?

for example 13kmh wind with 14kmh gusts, is allright? if yes, then what is the top 36khm, with how high gusts?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

If you want the answer to be official then I would take it 10ms ( 22.3mph or 36kph ) is the MAXIMUM and that's taking gusts into consideration. This is whats in the manual.. So its the official answer IMO.
Many like myself have flown perfectly fine in much worse.. The below pic was taken in 40-50 mph winds, UK Storm Frank ( landing was fun )...

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sploodge Posted at 2016-1-6 18:38
If you want the answer to be official then I would take it 10ms ( 22.3mph or 36kph ) is the MAXIMUM  ...

Thanks for your answer. I just dont know, when you said including gusts, does the wind speed + gust sum up and equal 36kph? or 36kph its ONLY wind?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

t2adze Posted at 2016-1-6 14:43
Thanks for your answer. I just dont know, when you said including gusts, does the wind speed + gus ...

Its just not clear from DJI what they mean.

But flying in 36kph is not easy even without higher gusts so for most people, even 10kph wind that gusts to 36 could be a problem.
So the way I read the max wind from DJI is any wind up to 10ms with gusts UP to 10ms - Nothing stronger than 10ms.

I think people need to fly to their ability.. The P3 makes flying in the wind seem easy but close to objects and then trying to land can be very dangerous. That one photo I posted above ( did take a few  more but not many ) was all I felt comfortable doing without risking the P3 and it took me over 5 minutes to manage to hand catch it safely..

Fly to your ability and remember wind can catch you out. Easy in a wide open sky but consider you need to land it also
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United States

I fly in very strong winds all the time, I make sure I get off the ground ASAP and I always hand catch (not recommended) because with high winds where landing on the ground will most likely tip over.
I always fly into the wind, if not you have little chance of coming home against the wind if you have a low battery or the wind is too high.
Also, if headed into the wind I fly in ATTI mode and you get a little more speed.
BUT if you feel uncomfortable at all, I'd advise against it. If you happen to crash, the repairs would be coming out of your pocket.
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^ What Ken says +1. I have a small hand-held wind meter and if it shows wind above 25 kph, I don't even get into the air, just not worth the risk. I need the wind to be slight to get the best pictures, so I regard it as pointless flying in strong windy conditions. Others who fly for fun and not photography might have different views though.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 275105 ft
United States

I fly in winds 30mph + a lot,  because that's what I have here a lot.  As Ken said,  if possible fly into the wind,  because the return home is easier.  If you don't do that,  it is possible to tack across the wind like a sailboat,  but you have to pay attention to battery life for this to work.  If wind speed exceeds maximum forward velocity,  then you have to do that and still may get blown backwards faster than forward.  Real seat of the pants flight.
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