Focus issue: test shots with the latest firmware v01.01.05.40
46893 1324 2022-10-15
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MarcoR Posted at 10-28 03:44
But it is certainly lacking in other things, it remains a very dated action cam.
The GoPro 11 also overheats and turns itself off much earlier than the OA3.
Each has pros and cons.

Exactly, but action camera manufacturers are known for updating their cameras over time hopefully this won’t change now.
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hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 04:20
You see you have great difficulty in comprehending, I buy a lens 23mm it boasts of focus at minimum distance of 24 cm, but try as i might it only works at 26 cm. The manufacturers tell me testing in optimum conditions it can focus at 24 cm but I first need to create the conditions. So this close focus is a minute part of this camera and if its a dermal breaker for you sell it you obviously haven’t a clue what its for or how to use it. I know how to use cameras and what they are for and you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

But with OA3, we are not talking about an error of cm, but meters... Updates may improve something, but in new batches with perfectly calibrated optics and not with the currently sold ones.
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StevoB Posted at 10-28 04:32
But with OA3, we are not talking about an error of cm, but meters... Updates may improve something, but in new batches with perfectly calibrated optics and not with the currently sold ones.

My guess here is vloggers noses are out of focus, selfies are not sharp "why" because you should have bought an osmo pocket. If you take a photo with A3 print it to its premium size for its 12mp IE 19"x 15" put it on the wall stand back 1 metre the correct viewing distance everything will appear sharp and in focus. If you step forward and put your nose to the photo everything will appear out of focus and soft, and thats what all the tests show on this forum. If you want a close focusing lens or camera then maybe action cameras are not the camera to be buying . And its pretty much clear all action cameras will suffer the same in all tests like this.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 01:51
I don’t need to, just look above your post, but you will have trouble figuring any of this out. You don’t own one no skin in the game. You’re just here to create hysteria while others debate. Once you reduce yourself to personally insulting others without provocation you’ve already lost.

The lonely rude forum troll spams again with more of his BS nonsense.

No OOC video of your own points to you having a defective cam - and you being too much of a stupid buffoon to realize that.  Hahahaha!  Idiot.
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United States

tpetran Posted at 10-28 02:42
Really? Wow, I would think that it is ok.
I mean I kind of got used to action cameras not being able to compare to the same generation phones but I clearly don't have an idea what is expected from an action camera. What would you compare the quality to? What would be the satisfactory level?
Maybe that is the reason for all the bickering on the forum.. that people have different standards.

If the leaves and moreso the wall in the background are reasonably clear and "sharp" - it looks like you have the exact same problem as what has been expressed from Day 1.  This is the precise reason the rude troll refuses to post any video or photo from his cam.  No doubt it also has this same “issue”.  It is obvious the troll has a very specific agenda - and @MarcoR has identified this previously.

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And in the meantime already picked up the second OA3 from UPS, another round in the Netherlands.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 08:34
If the leaves and moreso the wall in the background are reasonably clear and "sharp" - it looks like you have the exact same problem as what has been expressed from Day 1.  This is the precise reason the rude troll refuses to post any video or photo from his cam.  No doubt it also has this same “issue”.  It is obvious the troll has a very specific agenda - and @MarcoR has identified this previously.

Hey numpty wheres your video looks like you posted nothing “But hundreds of zoomed in crap photos that show you know diddly squat about anything” so you spend your time here on a forum trolling with you one and only action 2 camera. What a sad fool you are. People might actually respond to you when you actually own or know something about cameras (of which you have none) but as of now your all mouth and no trousers
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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tpetran Posted at 10-28 02:42
Really? Wow, I would think that it is ok.
I mean I kind of got used to action cameras not being able to compare to the same generation phones but I clearly don't have an idea what is expected from an action camera. What would you compare the quality to? What would be the satisfactory level?
Maybe that is the reason for all the bickering on the forum.. that people have different standards.

Well its very simple, they take what is a much reduced file you posted a tiny part of a 12mp photo you took zoom it in 260% rendering your file now minute and they comment on that.
Your photo had lots of detail and is about what anyone would expect from an action camera. Its not a 100mp or even a 20mp file. Its the same as an iphone, except iphone applies huge amounts of sharpening and editing before you ever see the photo. You own photo edited correctly from a raw image would have been more than acceptable in fact it would have been good. But people like 10 bit who know nothing about photography and doesn’t even own an A3 thinks by zooming in 260% on a tiny file creating a minute file and then passing your photo of as something it never was intended to be. The problem here is people like 10 bit who don’t own a osmo action 3 rack up here to try creating hysteria with no intention of ever owning one.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 09:32
Hey numpty wheres your video looks like you posted nothing “But hundreds of zoomed in crap photos that show you know diddly squat about anything” so you spend your time here on a forum trolling with you one and only action 2 camera. What a sad fool you are. People might actually respond to you when you actually own or know something about cameras (of which you have none) but as of now your all mouth and no trousers

You are such a useless twit lonely troll continuing to spam every post that does not fit your agenda.

I have posted my photos.  I paid and owned the OA3.  You on the other hand refuse to post any video or any photo from your fictional in-focus device.  You are a pathetic buffoon.

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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 09:46
Well its very simple, they take what is a much reduced file you posted a tiny part of a 12mp photo you took zoom it in 260% rendering your file now minute and they comment on that.
Your photo had lots of detail and is about what anyone would expect from an action camera. Its not a 100mp or even a 20mp file. Its the same as an iphone, except iphone applies huge amounts of sharpening and editing before you ever see the photo. You own photo edited correctly from a raw image would have been more than acceptable in fact it would have been good. But people like 10 bit who know nothing about photography and doesn’t even own an A3 thinks by zooming in 260% on a tiny file creating a minute file and then passing your photo of as something it never was intended to be. The problem here is people like 10 bit who don’t own a osmo action 3 rack up here to try creating hysteria with no intention of ever owning one.

There is no hysteria you idiot.

This is real live current ”issue” DJI admits to.

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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:04
You are such a useless twit lonely troll continuing to spam every post that does not fit your agenda.

I have posted my photos.  I paid and owned the OA3.  You on the other hand refuse to post any video or any photo from your fictional in-focus device.  You are a pathetic buffoon.

I have posted more than 300 photos on this forum and now over 70 videos. You haven’t posted a single photo or video thats yours. But you keep running your foul pig ignorant mouth. So post some of your best shots and videos and I will post a video especially for you.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:06
There is no hysteria you idiot.

This is real live current ”issue” DJI admits to.

You don’t have a single issue with A3 so clear off and stop trying to BS everyone you don’t own a unit when you do then comment and try not to be so vulgar with every comment you make.
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One photo and a similar video I did. It looks nice to me. I think that is the best this camera can do, at least as my shots go. Granted, it was cloudy and not the brightest day (I was in a shade) so it's at least second best scenario.
If it turns out that these lenses are really not ok and the image could be even better.. It will be amazing.

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United States

If you want to put some serious $$$ down - we can bet on whether I did own the OA3.  Until then you get nothing.

For your photos and vids - we only want OOC ones from your in-focus OA3 at close range.

For my cams - here is one I took just for you.  One for vids.  One for photos.

The lonely rude troll.  

Just tit for tat.

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United States

tpetran Posted at 10-28 11:26
One photo and a similar video I did. It looks nice to me. I think that is the best this camera can do, at least as my shots go. Granted, it was cloudy and not the brightest day (I was in a shade) so it's at least second best scenario.
If it turns out that these lenses are really not ok and the image could be even better.. It will be amazing.

The OA3 can be better.  As posted before - my Action 2 was able to resolve chroma at close range.  Similar sensor. Similar FOV.  My guess and some others posting here and on YT - is that DJI put in a slightly cheaper lens group.

If they finally get similar IQ to the Action 2 - will probably buy again.  Debatable at this point - but who knows.  The OA4 may be the ticket if they drag their feet.  That is why +2 is being considered by some.

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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:39
If you want to put some serious $$$ down - we can bet on whether I did own the OA3.  Until then you get nothing.

For your photos and vids - we only want OOC ones from your in-focus OA3 at close range.

Is that it

Thats about half the gear we use
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:39
If you want to put some serious $$$ down - we can bet on whether I did own the OA3.  Until then you get nothing.

For your photos and vids - we only want OOC ones from your in-focus OA3 at close range.

Don’t be so ridiculous who would use an action camera at close range when there are so many better options to choose from. The camera has an extremely wide lens using it to film close up will only cause distortion, you really know nothing about photography.
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United States

No that is not it.  Hahahaha!

But wait - where is the one video clip and one photo where you confirm your precious OA3 has acceptable close range focus.  That is all that is needed.

We can bet all your gear vs $$$ - on whether I owned the OA3.  You in?
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:39
If you want to put some serious $$$ down - we can bet on whether I did own the OA3.  Until then you get nothing.

For your photos and vids - we only want OOC ones from your in-focus OA3 at close range.

You do realise that that photo you posted is completely out of focus and you don’t own a A3
This is hilarious
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 11:58
You do realise that that photo you posted is completely out of focus and you don’t own a A3
This is hilarious

Ok going back to rude trolling again.  Typical.  Hahahahahaha!

Scared to bet.

Scared to post one clip and one photo.

Most notably too stupid to realize I shot that on another FF at 1.4.

Proves without a shadow of a doubt - how truly stupid you are.

Interestingly I suspected you might comment on that.

Bahahahahahahahahaha!  Idiot fits.  Very snugly.

Go back into your hole until you are man enough to bet.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 12:10
Ok going back to rude trolling again.  Typical.  Hahahahahaha!

Scared to bet.

Most notably too stupid to realize I shot that on another FF at 1.4.

So what difference does that make i shoot regularly at 1.4 and every time I nail focus
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 11:57
No that is not it.  Hahahaha!

But wait - where is the one video clip and one photo where you confirm your precious OA3 has acceptable close range focus.  That is all that is needed.

You could afford any of my gear. Any one of those medium format lenses cost more than both your cameras together and even throw in the A2….
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 12:23
You could afford any of my gear. Any one of those medium format lenses cost more than both your cameras together and even throw in the A2….

Damn, you are pathetic!

Stop whining, ok? It really provides nothing constructive. Ok? We've got it. Your OA3 is fine? Ok, move on.

Stop showing off, you tiny loser. It really irritates to read your spam crap in every other thread.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 12:23
You could afford any of my gear. Any one of those medium format lenses cost more than both your cameras together and even throw in the A2….

You have no clue you little twit.

Chicken to bet $$$ - whatever you want to value your gear is fine
Chicken to post one in focus clip
Chicken to post one in focus photo

The lonely troll pops his pea brain out of his hole.
What an idiot.

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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 12:37
You have no clue you little twit.

Chicken to bet $$$ - whatever you want to value your gear is fine

You haven’t posted an in focus photo yet
I didn't get a3 for photos
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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Advocado Posted at 10-28 12:31
Damn, you are pathetic!

Stop whining, ok? It really provides nothing constructive. Ok? We've got it. Your OA3 is fine? Ok, move on.

Your back Sam how many times you’ve been banned now
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 12:41
You haven’t posted an in focus photo yet
I didn't get a3 for photos

Your last string of posts shows clearly how inept and stupid you are.  Spreading lie after lie.  Shamelessly.

No video clip.  No photo.  No bet.  Nothing.

A simple chicken useless lonely troll.

You are a complete loser joke.


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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 13:05
Your last string of posts shows clearly how inept and stupid you are.  Spreading lie after lie.  Shamelessly.

No video clip.  No photo.  No bet.  Nothing.

Ive made a very special video just for you, its uploading to You tube as we speak, I had said videos should be edited so I had to throw something together quickly and didn’t want it to be too boring for you. Also don’t want to be accused of showing clips that are to short for your scrutinizing. But I will 100% expect to see yours as soon as I post mine..

Still running your foul mouth obviously loosing control.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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tpetran Posted at 10-28 11:26
One photo and a similar video I did. It looks nice to me. I think that is the best this camera can do, at least as my shots go. Granted, it was cloudy and not the brightest day (I was in a shade) so it's at least second best scenario.
If it turns out that these lenses are really not ok and the image could be even better.. It will be amazing.

It looks pretty good to me and editing will hugely improve it.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 13:05
Your last string of posts shows clearly how inept and stupid you are.  Spreading lie after lie.  Shamelessly.

No video clip.  No photo.  No bet.  Nothing.

So here you go, Mini 3 pro , Air2s, pocket 2 and A3, just to show differences and similarities in all these cameras, action footage from 1.42 until the end excep 1 clip you can figure that one out yourself. I’ve added some hick music for you I think it might suit. No photos as I don’t shoot photos with A3 but Ill make it my business to shoot some which I will post just after you post yours.
The footage is less than 720p on this platform higher resolution on you tube. Watch until the end something for 10 bit .. enjoy edited quickly in LumaFusion.

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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 14:21
So here you go, Mini 3 pro , Air2s, pocket 2 and A3, just to show differences and similarities in all these cameras, action footage from 1.42 until the end excep 1 clip you can figure that one out yourself. I’ve added some hick music for you I think it might suit. No photos as I don’t shoot photos with A3 but Ill make it my business to shoot some which I will post just after you post yours.
The footage is less than 720p on this platform higher resolution on you tube. Watch until the end something for 10 bit .. enjoy edited quickly in LumaFusion.

You idiot it is simply tit for tat.  Are you too stupid to understand that simple concept?

All BS misdirection over and over dumb little troll.
Chicken to bet
Chicken to upload OOC short focus clip
Chicken to upload OCC short focus photo

If the name fits - it fits.  Your insults to others is not appreciated
What I am prepared to do is give my winnings of your gear to anyone on the forum who wants it
I have no need for your toys

Again - confirmation you do not wear any pants - instead you wet in them
You are really quite the sorry pathetic loser
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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10-Bit Posted at 10-28 14:43
You idiot it is simply tit for tat.  Are you too stupid to understand that simple concept?

All BS misdirection over and over dumb little troll.

I think in America they call you trailer trash whatever that means but it doesn’t sound good, maybe its to do with your trash mouth.
I think if the A3 can make good video “in focus” thats what its all about.

"I think the saying is if the cap fits wear it"
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 14:50
I think in America they call you trailer trash whatever that means but it doesn’t sound good, maybe its to do with your trash mouth.
I think if the A3 can make good video “in focus” thats what its all about.

You are such a lonely chicken troll loser
Afraid to bet anything
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Flight distance : 316335 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 10-28 14:21
So here you go, Mini 3 pro , Air2s, pocket 2 and A3, just to show differences and similarities in all these cameras, action footage from 1.42 until the end excep 1 clip you can figure that one out yourself. I’ve added some hick music for you I think it might suit. No photos as I don’t shoot photos with A3 but Ill make it my business to shoot some which I will post just after you post yours.
The footage is less than 720p on this platform higher resolution on you tube. Watch until the end something for 10 bit .. enjoy edited quickly in LumaFusion.

I have seen some of your videos, excellent shooting hand, congratulations, stunning locations, Ireland and Island are a beautiful country.
However please, I ask everyone indiscriminately to moderate the way they present themselves to each other.
Certainly there are people here who have experience in different areas, however some healthy humility is lacking, and if that is missing the discussion can never be constitutive.
We are not here to show who has it the biggest, showing up here as the cool guy of the moment is counterproductive, it automatically kills your opinions.
If the moderators don't take care of writing it (which they should) I'll write it.
Let's stay on topic, thank you.
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Flight distance : 316335 ft

The OA3 compared to other action cams by having a very wide FOV and perhaps low-fatness lenses suffers from focus problems on close subjects, this is a fact, imho it is useless now to keep posting evidence, it is very obvious, photography experts have ascertained this.
It is a fact, such as the Mini 3 Pro heats up like a boiler because in order to maintain the 249 grams of weight they removed the internal fan and if left stationary on for a while it almost bursts into flames.
These are indisputable evidences if one is capable of reasonable objectivity.
An action cam certainly was not born to take pictures, how a drone was not born to stay on for hours on a table, however vloggers often use OA3 with a stick to shoot themselves, and the wrinkles are clearly visible.
Instead, it is quite versatile for all the other uses for which it was created.
I think it is perhaps useless to continue to provide evidence, just own an OA2 and put them in direct comparison, the problem pops up immediately in the filmed subjects between 30 and 100 cm.
If the OA2 that has exactly the same FOV had the same problem its section on this forum would be full of posts about it, but it did not, it is not hard to understand why, even a child would understand it.
If this action cam has this insurmountable limitation it would be enough for DJI to offer the option for dissatisfied buyers to withdraw from the sales contract, perhaps by providing a spendable coupon on their site of the same amount.
This is because DJI has committed a flaw by declaring an unrealistic specification, "Focus range: 0.3 m to ∞", blatant lie.
Instead in the OA2 specifications the hyperfocal on the DJI site is not declared, check it yourself.
A GoPro HERO 6 has such hyperfocal distance and is verifiable, an OA3 does not.
The alternative for DJI would be to provide a replacement OA3 without this very obvious problem, changing lens system, udpate firmware (ridiculous and impossible route if the problem is hardware) or doing other things but solving the issue.
Let's keep this topic constructive.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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MarcoR Posted at 10-28 22:03
I have seen some of your videos, excellent shooting hand, congratulations, stunning locations, Ireland and Island are a beautiful country.
However please, I ask everyone indiscriminately to moderate the way they present themselves to each other.
Certainly there are people here who have experience in different areas, however some healthy humility is lacking, and if that is missing the discussion can never be constitutive.

Well I for one Apologies for my part in lowering the tone of the thread. You’re correct about that one.
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

Double post
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United Kingdom

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Iancraig10 Posted at 10-29 00:32
“This is because DJI has committed a flaw by declaring an unrealistic specification, "Focus range: 0.3 m to ∞", blatant lie.“

My A3 was bought for me by a shop considering selling them. I was making a video about the camera for them to sell. Once he saw the footage, even on a tripod, he decided not to sell them.

Yes it doesn’t work 100% at .3m focus and probably less than 80%. But action cameras as vlogging is amateurish at the very least. Its predominantly an action camera. The osmo pocket 1/2 are vlogging centric and many other cameras are also. Vlogging at .3m just wouldn’t look right its way to close. That said they may have got the .3m distance wrong but this is not unusual if you scientifically test all camera brands for focus distance even ISO you will always get conflicting results etc. there is also the fact that many buy this action camera thinking its a one for all and its anything but that, it’s actually more specific than most cameras on the market. So buyers remorse is present here. I think dji will improve this camera but can the get it to focus 100 % in all conditions at .3m I don’t think so, so maybe a case could be made for getting a refund. But in most countries in Europe certainly,  dji would be given a chance to correct this by law so it wouldn’t be false advertising until that failed.
This is an action camera and it works pretty well at that, it will probably be half the price of the next new pocket 3 and if people need a general all round camera that can be used for some action vlogging or just general purpose pocket is more suitable.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1420705 ft
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I have now a second OA3 here and defocused again. In direct comparison to an OA2, the OA3 delivers clearly washed-out images.  
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