Many thoughts on the new Avata
1988 22 2023-2-20
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

I have a list I am starting on as my review but it cannot be complete till I get my controller 2. This is random after 9 flights and being forced to use the motion controller. So I will update this thread as well once my thoughts are complete.

  • This motion controller goes on sale cheap Saturday - after I bind my Controller 2 thats due in Friday with my fly more kit. It serves no purpose in my life other than to maybe contribute to bad posture and head angle as I am not used to the controller motion. Not busting on the controller. It's just not benifical to me as a pilot. It does not teach good skills such as if you were a fixed wing pilot and ventured into helicopters. you will learn to use a rudder and learn to make coordinated turns. That what I did. (With the help of an instrctor) so this is more like a Joystick on my Wii and this has no place in serious R/C IMHO and I would not have spent $1600 on this Drone if I was not serious but to each their own. you can have mine cheap as soon as I get my new one.
  • The bird is amazing. Before I mention any more bad the tech is awesome. I dont't like the audio reminders but I turn the volume down. The visual alerts to remind you to stay within altitude restrictions and so forth are good IMHO. Happy to help make the hobby safer. I love the interface and the amount of data you get as a pilot, purly awesome.
  • Flight time is rediculiously awesome for what it is. I have my 5" birds and many electric fixed wings and I know all about 4 minute flight times. Fighting today in a decent wind I was easily able to get 10-11 minutes or more and I never went below 39% on any packs.
  • I found my downward sensor and the altitude meter can get confused (See attached) not crazy big deal but in this example the alt is 15' High and the downward sensor is 2' and the bird is clearly only 2 feet up. Not sure if there is a fix for this?
  • I see another update in the pipeline, this is for flysafe. Any way to see (Before) applying what that update does? The latest firmware forcing me to teather my phone for remote ID before legally required in like Sept. this year was lame to force it on us. maybe they are testing it as part of their compliance with our help? Bird flies fine, I will leave it here but I am tempted and thinking about back reving as I doubt I will ever hit the Yaw and Tumble issue so not sure I care about this latest release. I just want to check in advance from here out. Any place to do that for all these updates such as my flysafe update that must have come out today? I was current a few days ago, with no update messages.
  • At my house I fly in restricted airspace as we are close to an "Executive Airport". so this reuires an authorization or simple acknowldegement in the fly app. However I click the acknowledgement in the goggles and the fly more app is still showing the message and if you click on fly more it tells you to use the goggles. again not a big deal as I just put my phone in airplane mode and it provides remote ID info and is not much of a big deal. But if I lock my I-Phone then the dredded remote ID error in the goggles. I want to be compliant but it would be beter for users with older phones if DJI Fly would allow us to lock the phone and save power. WHen the phone is on the fly app it is cool that users can view what you see, when there is not an error poped up in the way like here. Any fix for this?
  • People mention the fisheye in the lens - I concur sometimes I feel like I am in the bowl. :-)
  • I was supprised about 2 things but it makes sense as this is really FPV. But it is Cinematic FPV so not reall happy. The cammera has no Zoom like my Mav-Mini-2 and I guess I wish it was as good as a camera in those respects. it is better in other respects by far. Seems like there is also limits on when you can control the gimbal up and down (Maybe in Manual mode) (Not sure yet)
  • Need a battery clip for the headset - 100% - purchasing on one Etsy STAT. May even need an extra google battery to keep up with 6 packs for the drone, not sure yet.
  • The battery on the motion controller seems to last forever - maybe longer. 9 flights and it was only down one dot.
  • This is loud as heck - i mean craxy loud, I have tons of neighbors comming out looking like what the........ and I have flown my mini and other drones here many times unnoticed. Now this is not a suprise I knew this going in I am just saying I proved it today at my house where no one can tell me not to fly as long as I am over my land and below 197 feet in my case. I have lived here many years. I guess I am saying I will think twice about going to my favorite places with this bird to ensure the noise does not bother others. I heard of people getting noticed and I see is it loud and a high pitched loud. gets noticed and like will scare off wild life , etc......
  • I am not worried about the current known camera limitations as once I get the real controller I can do proper manuvers. Today was lame as when up high fighing the wind it was impossible to turn and keep level horizon. Now I like will move to no digital stabalization and use gyro flow in practice but I want to see the build in stabilization and the bird itself when I have proper sticks in hand, not passing judgment yet due to controller.
  • again with the phone there are too many wires on the headset setup - it is a minor bother.
  • The SD card slot is super lame and needs some kind of after market work around. Looking into 90 Degres USB C Adaptors or something but dealing with that side slot is going to be a challenge at times and I am sure there was a better way. Remote board with the socket and one more ribbon cable? Really for something I am going to constantly have to fiddle with as there is no wireless way to download and manage those files that I can see. please correct me if I am wrong. :-)
  • Purchased a nice 65W USB C Charger on Amazon for next to nothing so battery managment and charging over time should be cake. I love the  intelligent batteries and there is a lot that went into each of the packs. awesome battery tech, Great job DJI. Best batteries I think I own across the board with at least 12 birds in the fleet.
  • Need a over the top strap for the headset as I find myself pushing up to take the weight off the bridge of my nosie during use. I may even look into a larger foam gasket which I think they make, not sure yet. Just takeing each of these relatively minor issues one at a time. This did not stop me from flying but long term needs to be delt with.
  • Outragious quality. Top of the line IMHO. Look and fell and everything worked 100% exactly as researched. Updated firmware, bound my fly away coverage and works as advertised 100%.

Again its still early with 9 flights and only 2 days time for use but so far I would have to give this setup a 9.0 rating out of 10.

It will be a 9.5 with the proper controller and some padding on my nose.

I may back rev the firmware to loose the Remote ID and then it would be a 9.7 or 9.8 in my book.

This bird seems to accel at the type of FPV flight I seek and I am super happy I got the combo with the newer 1080P goggles. Yes they are a bit blurry on the extreme edges as folks have said and I have no way of compairason with the first FPV goggles DJI put out, but I figured the newest would be the longest lasting tech. hopefully work with the newest models they come out with, etc. I now have a pair of analog fat shark that work with 4 of my drones. Time will tell how many birds will use these.

Awesome job on the Avata DJI - I look forward to years of fun and enjoyment flying this.

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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Thanks for sharing!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
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United States

Interesting write-up.  Thanks for sharing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 7399311 ft


Posted by mistake, please ignore
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 7399311 ft


Thanks for sharing your impressions!

Regarding the vision sensors height vs GPS height data in the Goggles, the GPS height is measured with respect to your point of take-off, while vision sensor's measurement is local. So, they differ a lot unless you are flying over a flat surface.
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

celltx Posted at 2-21 07:08
Thanks for sharing your impressions!

Regarding the vision sensors height vs GPS height data in the Goggles, the GPS height is measured with respect to your point of take-off, while vision sensor's measurement is local. So, they differ a lot unless you are flying over a flat surface.

In that picture shows me off target from the landing pad on purpose as I went over cement to try and get them to self-correct.

I have seen other posts about that issue so I was mentioning it to confirm if others are seeing this.

Case in point when I fly close over my house the ALT will show 20 ft and the sensor shows only 10' as that is how high I am off the roof, so I get it. usually they both are on point.

Seems like the ALT gets confused once in a while and I am hoping that is either rare or maybe there is a fix?

Not a big deal either way as 95% of the time or better the ALT is spot on and I am loving this Avata!
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

Just as further example here is the warning that comes up in DJI Fly app on my phone while i fly - usually I have to check 3 boxes and sign my life away to move on. Here it just covers the screen the  users would be seeing when I fly so I want to fix this and get rid of this warning if possible. I clicked once in the goggles and took off and this is what's left burning the screen in my phone while it provides Remote ID.  I also figured out today these incredible  quality videos are cached on my phone in DJI fly as well - filled up my I-Phone (ooppps)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 28650751 ft
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United States

You can turn off caching via the settings in the goggles.
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

KLRSKIR Posted at 2-22 03:22
You can turn off caching via the settings in the goggles.

awesome good to know! I think I will leave it on as it is nice to be able to quickly view the cache on the Fly app. I just need to go in there and clean up as I had 18 flights in there so it was no wonder my poor old I-Phone could not handle it!

Great tip!
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

KLRSKIR Posted at 2-22 03:22
You can turn off caching via the settings in the goggles.

Awesome Avatar (Icon) as well. Love it!
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

So, I want to post a few tidbits each day till I get my final thoughts down on Monday. I get my "Real FPV Controller 2" on Friday (Fingers crossed the brown truck shows up)

So, this drone (Like all DJI products) is so have unprecedented visibility into operational status via the flight controller logs on the Fly app. Here is the link to  DJI Document on how to review these logs:

If you want to get more advanced on that topic read that doc. It’s outrageous how good it is and how far DJI goes to teach us to read them and so forth – great job DJI!
We should all know the site to review these logs -

So, I see nothing but good data in the logs and I proactivly review them. Don't make your first review when you are trying to diganose a crash or loss. You see messages like:
Remote ID functionality normal. (This is a good thing, I guess)
Gimbal pitch axis endpoint reached. (This is when going up with the motion controller)
Piloted aircraft detected nearby. Fly with caution. (This is my Favorite when I am flying at 4’ high no where near a plane. I could not even see it, but it must have been close enough) (This is such an awesome heads up for us to be able to see and avoid – Always Yield)
Battery Performance review using the logs:
(The attched pictures shows 10Min. 37 Sec. flight and still 38% battery remaining with no voltage sag!)
(The second one shows 12 minutes 4 sec. and still 32% battery capacity left)

Aircraft SD card speed low. Photo and video storage affected. Replace with a high speed card. (We all know this required super fast SD card, I had this one lying around – expected)
Motion controller compass error. Calibrate compass. (This was maybe why I could not level it out with this controller in higher wind? Not sure but the error went away and has not come back since)
Interference in MC location (This may also explain my brief inability to level out as interference in Motion Controller location is likely what 2.4Ghz or how does this link to the goggles? 5Ghz band or Bluetooth? Have not looked into it yet).
High wind velocity. Fly with caution. (This is great as it was NOT windy at all this flight. However, I was 152.6 feet high so up there must have been howling. I bet this drone cannot take super high winds sideways, as it looks like a box truck from the side. High wind profile. I just turned into the wind and this went away and I could still totally control the drone and it had plenty of power. I just could not keep steady or level horizon with the controller and this wind facing west – totally understandable.)
Aircraft SD card full. Replace card or delete files. (Self-explanatory need to clean up SD Card this is 100% on me)
Battery performance (I attached a screen shot of the area of concern shomwing minor sag of voltage. The next flight the same pack was completly clean. If you monitor these over time you can "See" a battery failing or getting old many times and it might just save a craft from loss. Figure about 200+ cylces depending.....for battery life. Just a guess)

I serialize my batteries so I can keep track of flight performance later using both a flight log on scene that day to note flight one was with pack 4 ,conditions, etc.
Then you can review some of the flight logs later when you get home (up to 5 per day free on the site above plus they offer an off line version)

Over all 18-19 flights so far and still I would rate this combo a solid 9.0 with the motion controller. Just becasue I do not like the motion controller does not make it bad. I can see this reducing the stress and breaking down barriers to entry with a new pilot. That being said if you ever want to fly manual mode you have to learn so might as well bite the bullet and get on with it IMHO. But I am sure this controller will suit many out of the box and that is fine. The brake button is killer being so large if you are about to splat into a tree at 15-20 MPH you can slam on the brakes and the bird stops on a dime. Its actually funny to see the prop guards come into view as it hard brakes, but it is efective.

And I also think I fixed the above issue with the DJI Fly app showing the warning as it covers up the view on the phone. I will test it tomrrow. There is a setting in the fly app to go imeditaly to view mode (Or something) I will confirm that setting and if it resolved that issue tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!
battery sag Capture.JPG
end of fligh numbers 1.JPG
end of fligh numbers 2.JPG
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

Today’s update – I found another flight log guide on line that was referenced from Phantom Help.
This has some interesting points over the DJI Doc I referenced yesterday.
While we are all disappointed about Remote ID and having to tether our phones to the goggles consider this statement below from that awesome guide above:
Remote Controller logs
Contrary to popular belief, the remote controllers, with the obvious exception of the smart controllers, do not store telemetry from the aircraft. As a result, flying without a mobile device app, either with just a controller or with DJI Goggles, for example, means that there will be no telemetry to aid with flight forensics.​
Wow! Had I known that I would have tethered my phone day one, forget Remote ID, I want LOGS!
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

Todays post - Good News - Bad News

Brown truck is out for delivery so my FPV Controller 2 and Fly more pack is almost here (good news)

Bad News - I am 200 miles away for work (With drones of course) so will not see it for a week. (sad)
So I will pause this after today till next week and I can properly evaluate the new controlller.

I am going to make another post as I never knew I gave up 2 maneuvears by using the motion controller.

I cant go backwards, but I relaized today when I was in a tight spot I can't go directly sideways either? (Unless I am missing something)?

Dont really care as me and the motion controller are short lived togther.

More good news - the setting in the Fly app I mentioned above worked so I attached a screeen shot here of it under settings -> Camera View ->Auto Enter Camera View ON.
This resolved the above example of the altitude warrning message stuck on my phone and I had (2) check boxes in the goggles for 3 restrictions, and once I selected those with the goggles, the app on the phone allows the click of the final warrning and acknowledgment and it goes away! (Yeah) And no more blocked screen so someone can watch my phone if they want to see the flight....(Screen shot below of phone view) Kind of cool since the phone is on anyway for remote ID and logs. Wish I could lock the phone and save battery but when no one is watching I will turn down brightness to save juice, no big deal.

Loving this drone!

FLy app Working with no Banner Blocking View

FLy app Working with no Banner Blocking View

Setting inside DJI Fly App

Setting inside DJI Fly App
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Nitro-Tom Posted at 2-24 10:50
Todays post - Good News - Bad News

Brown truck is out for delivery so my FPV Controller 2 and Fly more pack is almost here (good news)

Really enjoying your review and learning a few things as well..Question...How to do manage to get the 50 mbps set up?..Mine never gets above 30 or so..Thanks
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

djiuser_84IYItoSCbZH Posted at 2-25 23:46
Really enjoying your review and learning a few things as well..Question...How to do manage to get the 50 mbps set up?..Mine never gets above 30 or so..Thanks

That is auto I did not touch any of the defaults about transmission,  My understanding is it will switch between 5.8Ghz channels and even use 2 channels to get the best signal and 50M is the best and I think it also matters on latency as well, it has to be 30ms or less for the best settings to kick in.
Now that being said I cant think how your would only achieve part of that if you are close, within line of sight, etc. you musst be locked in to manual at 40MB.

I checked my goggles and you can swipe forward so the left side menu pops up, then transmission, then channel mode to auto. Try that.

Set it for manual and you can see you are locked in to 5.8Ghz band for video where you can then select a channel and bandwidth in Manual mode.

Funny the Bandwidth settings are 10, 20, and 40MB and 50MB is not an option, only available in Auto mode when latency is less than 30ms I guess.

Trying to think what could case that on your end. Check your antennas are tight and all the way up and then if you still cant get 50MB in auto mode I would go to a park or something over 1 mile away to se if your home environment is super crowded wi-fi as I know this will try and hog a few channels to get full 50 MBs and if there is alot of interference than it may not be able to achieve full 50mb. I know it drops when you  get far away or have a lot of trees blocking you.

Let us know........
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 28650751 ft
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United States

Nitro-Tom Posted at 2-22 10:26
Awesome Avatar (Icon) as well. Love it!

Thanks! If you know you know.
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

The Peanut Butter Box is Here!
The Peanut Butter Box is Here!

I will review ASAP - I am itching to fly it now

Capture.JPGdji fpv controller.JPG
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Nitro-Tom Posted at 2-26 07:35
That is auto I did not touch any of the defaults about transmission,  My understanding is it will switch between 5.8Ghz channels and even use 2 channels to get the best signal and 50M is the best and I think it also matters on latency as well, it has to be 30ms or less for the best settings to kick in.
Now that being said I cant think how your would only achieve part of that if you are close, within line of sight, etc. you musst be locked in to manual at 40MB.

Thanks for the reply..Turning broadcast off did the trick...My goggles are the V-2
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

ok so this is awesome and hats off to DJI for this being so seamless.

So I got my new DJI FPV Controller 2 and thanks to the internet and killer guys like Mads Tech I know exactly what to do --
His videos rock!

So I downloaded and installed DJI Support Assist 2 (DJI FPV Series) as instructed and connect to the internet of course.

As soon as I connected the controller and powered it on it found it via USB and gave me the latest version, 02..00.05.00 firmware.

After this was updated I simply bound the FPV Controller 2 to my combo as shown in the video. Note the phone needs to be hooked up to the goggles just as if your about to fly.

This kind of drove home the fact that I can't fly without my phone, but I have got over that previously,

I put it in airplane mode, kill all open apps, open DJI Fly and forget about it........

So with all threee devices powered on you just hold power till they beep then let go and they all bind. the goggles have the bind button so use that as shown in the video, and it worked perfectly.

Now what is cool is you DO NOT have to re-bind either controller ever from what I see. Which ever controller is powered up with the goggles at pre-flight binds.

Of course i am not doing anything silly like turning them both on to see, I will never care. What I do care is I do not have to re-bind and can let a new pilot try my goggles with my phone and the motion controller in the SIM - its killer and my brother loved that - you can even project your phone onto the TV, its fun.

Bottom line the stuff just works, and while work got it the way today I had pleanty of time after work to update and bind and get things right.

First flight with new controller in the AM.....I will keep you posted but it feels great and I can finally use my JR Lanyard again! Very happy so far!

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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

Here is a Pelican case I repurposed for the Avata!
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

My daily updates are going to end tomorrow so two more post and I wlll call this thread done.
So far I am lovng this DJI FPV Controller 2. Lot's of thought went into it, it is very much like my mini controller and I like a few things:
1 - In order to place in Manual mode out of the box, you have to go into the goggles and configure the button. They have this set to sport mode which is a wonderful fail safe.
If you want full Manual mode one click and change the setting and you are there. Adjust the spring in the controller for the left stick in Mode 2 for best results. (No cetnering of left stick) DJI makes all this seamless and again, this stuff just works.
2 - Battery life on this FPV Controller 2 is amazing. Same thing on my Mini controller they go all day without issue. just awesomeness not having to worry about battery life.
3- One glitch I have and I do not like is I have not been able to get the gogles to charge my phone when teathered. I need that as I have an older I-Phone and the display needs to be on so it drains the battery and after 3 or so flights I need to charge my I-phone (Yuck). WIth my mini it charges the phone as you use DJI Fly, so hopefully I am just missing a setting in the goggles. I will also check the settings in DJI Fly and I will advise if I see a solution and I am sure someone will post here as well if they know the answer here. (Can the goggles charge the I-Phone while in use) FIngers crossed as I need that currently.
4- I am loving the fact this combo comes with what looks and feels like a good simulator. THat is huge to be able to use the exact controller in the SIM and you use at the field. Trust me, I have been flying fixed wing for decades and a good sim goes a long way towards reducing crashes and costly repairs. Anything to reduce down time, Life is to short to fix and built I want to focus on flight time. this combo allows me to practice indoors or anywher with my goggles and controlller - again simply awesome.
5 - The camera on this FPV got a little bit wierd for me when I left the motion controller because you are not aware the motion controller is diping the nose down quite a bit it seems. That is not suprising to me and anyone who ever landed a high wing Cesna knows you have to push it down sometimes hard.....I feel I was looking at the ground more  with the motion controller and you cant do that unless you tilt the camera down a bit. Does everyone fly with this in Zero Degress or do you point the cam slightly down? I should do a poll.
6 -  The fly more pack was awesome to have more batteries and as expected each one was a quick, painless, firmware update once powered on. This was qucik and no download required the goggles seem to take care of it all. Nicely done DJI.
7- Have not got into range testing will take a while for that due to personal schedule and work.
8- The buttons on the FPV Controller 2 to work the camera, RTH, FLight mode, etc are just a pleasure as anticipated. Its made the entire flight experience better for me. Only thing I miss is the big emergency brak button on the motion controller - I liked it. But I am sure you can program that on the FPV Controller 2 - there is a start stop button but I think that is for the camera.

Overall I would give this combo with the FPV Controller 2 a 9.7 out of 10. I think this little drone is a tiny bit shakey in high winds due to the high profile and being top heavy and slightly under powered IMHO. But over all it accells at what is is supposed to do, safely flying low and in tight spaces and the only drawbacks I can even see to consider are the higher than average initial cost and noise level which is awful but understandable considering the props and guards. It is a nice leaf blower when I am 3 feet off the sidewalk touring my garden so I guess that works both ways. But I habe no intention of flying this bird a mile away so all things considered the rating stands and this has awesome battery life and flight times for such awesome FPV Experience I would highly advise the Avata combo and you need the fly more pack and FPV Controller 2 IMHO.

Hope that helps someone out there decide if this is the right combo for them.
Avata up close and personal.JPG
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Flight distance : 403133 ft
United States

My review is complete - I give the Avata the 9.6 final rating and I say 9.6 out of 10 for the following reasons.
The good, the bad, the ugly......
First the Bad: (I like to deal with this first)
1.      I took points off for poor wind performance so just know, this is not the Mav Mini and you cannot get cinematic shots of your bosses wedding with this drone in wind.
2.      I took points off for the noise - it is just offensively loud and I am amazed at how far away it is and I can still hear it. It is loud and a pitch that carries for sure. Due to this I am not able to fly it at some sites I would like to but I am not doing it, I want to be able to fly there with my other toys.......this drone will get you noticed which is not welcome.
3.      The goggles are heavy and put pressure on the bridge of your nose - it needs a overhead strap or better padding or both on the goggles 2 IMHO.
4.      The fact you spend serious funds on this and it does not come with a single port 65W charger is terrible. Way to save 9$ DJI. No charger included.
5.      Need to purchase battery clip to prevent main battery ejection in crash and goggle battery holder separate but I am sure originaldobo and many others on ETSY are ok with this! They get some business filling in that gap. For the cost, these $2 clips should have been included, seriously. I spent like $30 on the two......
Then the UGLY:
1.      I took points off for the abysmal location of the SD Card and USB Connector, it could not possibly be more of a pain to deal with. Ugh....combined with the lack of a wireless solution.......your killing me DJI!
2.      My final deduction is for the cost - this is super expensive when you have to purchase the FPV Controller 2 separately. It just adds $200 to the cost as we need fly more separate then a case to haul around that mess of wires for your phone to hang off the goggles, chargers,'s just a lot of money when I could have saved $200 or more with a correct combo. I have $2K into this flying turtle at this point and that is a lot - next time I may just purchase a Gas powered 30% Yak or Edge or something. But I knew that going not  a huge deduction but still, the combo is Lame, what am I supposed to do with this motion controller now? It's household hazardous waste to me.  
Then the GOOD! So all this bad and ugly above why would I drop $2K of my hard earned Benjamin’s on the Avata?
1.      This is FPV at it's finest out of the box experience you are ever going to have. No building, no tuning, no analog interference, I could go on for days here at how hard it is to do what these freestyle FPV pilots do every day on You tube. They are skilled in many areas and have many hours invested. They just make it look easy.
2.      The flight time seems short on paper but it is AWESOME for FPV. I usually get 4 minutes on a freestyle quad and that is with good batteries and care, etc. This is 10-11 minutes without being careful on the throttle and I still have 30-35% battery left. Just awesome flight time and I like the intelligent Batteries even in my Mav Mini, they are great.
3.      The video is awesome for me at 2K/60 and I do not need to go higher but this is a really good camera for the front of a drone considering you may run it directly into something if you are not careful. Just saying it is not a $25 run cam and is a huge step up for me from Fat Shark analog. Wow. Never thought digital would have low enough latency. Simply awesome to get 50M bandwidth and 1080P video stream with 30ms. and no silly requirments like a Ham radio license. Just awesome!
4.      The RF systems are top notch, as expected. Auto channel selection, we can pin each pilot on a dedicated channel if we have 3 or 4 pilots and others can watch the camera stream either via other goggles and audience mode or the phone tethered during flight. Really cool stuff and binding and updates were straight forward.
5.      The flight simulator that allows you to learn manual mode with the goggles is very nice. It was unexpected for me, as I had the DJI sim before but never cared as I had no need with just my Mav mini for it. it seems pretty accurate and it was nice that it was no additional cost. I have $$$$$ invested in my Flight sims on my PC for other quads and fixed wing aircraft so you can always up your skills with time on the sim. God job on that DJI.
6.      Durability is awesome. As far as this drone goes, it is a tank. Maybe even better than my tiny whoops at bouncing off stuff and turtle mode is awesome in the event you need it. I do not see me braking this any time soon. something will happen eventually and then I have DJI Care refresh.......
7.      Low cost DJI Care Refresh is a plus. only $29 for the first repair after only $79 for a year. That is more than fair for a $650 drone IMHOand it extends the warranty on a $2K combo. I purchased 2 years coverage day 1. it is a great value and insurance comes in handy.
8.      This community - it's large and in charge. You can learn about the flaws (Such as the tumble flaw) hopefully before you become the next statistic if you take it nice and slow. I was forced to go slow as I started with the motion controller only and was not taking any chances with that thing day one, so I had time to read and learn and update firmware, etc. while waiting for a real controller. I feel bad for folks who had a loss with this drone early in life cycle.
9.      The stability of this when flying low and forward in typical FPV fashion is great and it is super tiny and bumps into stuff well so you’re likely to have the ability to go through some very tight spaces and it is forgiving in many cases due to the prop guards. That is nice since the only thing worse than the SD Card location on this drone is my flying skills. :-) This will improve your FPV flying over time, being able to do stuff you might not otherwise try on a less durable less forgiving drone.
10.  Finally - the FPV controller battery life and overall quality is awesome. Very much the same controller as my Mini and I like it a lot. You can go in the goggles and adjust the rates and turn off return spring on the throttle, so they really did try to make things good for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels although I do wish I did not have to order separate and pay $200 more and wait. But that is over now.
Hope this helps someone decide if this drone is right for them and if so save them some time addressing a few of the quirks. Safe flights and Always RTH!

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I am wondering the samething!
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