Flighthub 2 "area route" (M30T)
4516 39 2022-9-29
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I am trying to set up a flight plan to map an area using the "area route" option, but flighthub is only letting me choose the "waypoint route". "Area route" and "linear route" are not selecetable. See below photo.
Anyone know if this is just not an available function in Flighthub 2 yet, or is it to do with the drone (M30T)?
Thanks for your help.

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DJI Natalia


Hi, there.
Sorry for the lare reply.
We will confirm your problem with the relevant team and keep you updated here asap.
Thank you.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 9-30 01:48
Hi, there.
Sorry for the lare reply.
We will confirm your problem with the relevant team and keep you updated here asap.

FYI, I can set up an "area route" using Pilot 2 on the drone remote, but it would be much better if I could do it throught flighthub on my computer.  
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DJI Natalia


Bucat Posted at 9-30 01:55
FYI, I can set up an "area route" using Pilot 2 on the drone remote, but it would be much better if I could do it throught flighthub on my computer.  

Thank you for the soon reply and addition.
We will confirm this detail with the team as well.
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DJI Natalia


We have confirmed your issue with the relevant team. Please note that currently FlightHub 2 does not support "Area route" and "linear route".
And we have also forwarded your feedback to them as well.
Besides, if there is anything else that we can help with, please feel free to let us know.
Thank you.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 9-30 03:26
We have confirmed your issue with the relevant team. Please note that currently FlightHub 2 does not support "Area route" and "linear route".
And we have also forwarded your feedback to them as well.

Thank you for the quick response on this!
I look forward to future updates of Flighthub to implement this function.
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DJI Natalia


Bucat Posted at 9-30 03:34
Thank you for the quick response on this!
I look forward to future updates of Flighthub to implement this function.

You are welcome.
For any updates, you can stay turn to our official website.
Thank you for your support again.
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Flight distance : 3560 ft


The last Info that FlightHub 2 does not support "Area route" and "linear route" is now approx. 4 month ago.
Any news?
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Second Officer
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2022-9-30 04:44
You are welcome.
For any updates, you can stay turn to our official website.
Thank you for your support again.

Hi DJI Natalia,
any news about this features?

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DJI Natalia


Dron-e Posted at 1-23 08:55
Hi DJI Natalia,
any news about this features?

Hi, there. Thanks for your inquiry.
We have not received any related information for the time being.
But we will forward your needs to the relevant team again.If you have any more needs, you can also tell us here.
Thanks for your understanding.
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Hey, any news regarding this? Seems weird that I can plan an Area Rout on the Matrice 30T controller, but not on the Flight Hub.
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Doesnt work in M300 or M3E either.
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Flight distance : 3560 ft


Hi DJI Natalie, another month gone by. I don't understand why the AreaRoute feature doesn't work. It's integrated with every other third party. I would do it completely with another third-party provider if some settings were not always lost.
Is there no reliable statement about when the feature will be integrated, or perhaps when it won't be? Then at least I don't always have to ask and look. thank you very much.
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5 months have gone by now and there's still no update or expected availability? I was very disappointed when I realized the M3E had the same limitation. A nice feature would also be the ability to see the drones flight plan/path in the Flighthub 2 browser. Right now you can see where the drone is located but no way to see its flightlines or any telemetry from the mission that it is currently running. I hope I'm wrong but it feels like DJI has abandoned this whole Flighthub 2 project.
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Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

Johnnokomis Posted at 2-26 10:03
5 months have gone by now and there's still no update or expected availability? I was very disappointed when I realized the M3E had the same limitation. A nice feature would also be the ability to see the drones flight plan/path in the Flighthub 2 browser. Right now you can see where the drone is located but no way to see its flightlines or any telemetry from the mission that it is currently running. I hope I'm wrong but it feels like DJI has abandoned this whole Flighthub 2 project.

Yep, that’s why it’s FREE hahaha.

My eyes hurt making these flight routes on the controller, so yea it’d be a luxury doing this on an iPad/computer/anything larger than a 5.5” screen.

I’ve been utilizing WebODM & it is fantastic for processing these images from mapping! I installed using Git & Docker and instructions on Github
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Hello, I still need DJI worth almost no more to buy. They're only bringing out half the product. It's time for more people to jump off and buy more drones. Maybe they'll wake up. They're fed up with their income. It's a pity that the company is becoming increasingly unattractive. Used to be good.
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I thought the whole point of a beta was to have users test a product and listen to their feedback before making it more widely available. So far I have seen absolutely no response from DJI on what us users are trying to suggest and say. Flighthub 2 has so much potential if DJI would just listen for a second. The ability to plan a mapping mission isn't some wild dream. Dronelink, Litchi and many others have had this for years now and they don't have a yearly revenue of $4 billion.
I'm curious how many active users are going to continue using Flighthub 2 once it is no longer free in a few months. I'm willing to bet it won't be very many if it stays in it's current form. DJI you're running out of time to try and entice customers to pay for this kind of service. I have a strong feeling this whole Flighthub 2 thing will get scrapped by the end of the year. It'll be all because DJI refuses to listen to their customers. I know hosting all these cloud mapping servers isn't cheap. So why not save that cost by letting us do it locally like Terra already offers??  
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DRONE-flies-YOU! Posted at 3-7 22:38
Yep, that’s why it’s FREE hahaha.

My eyes hurt making these flight routes on the controller, so yea it’d be a luxury doing this on an iPad/computer/anything larger than a 5.5” screen.

Could you explain briefly how you "installed" the version of Github?
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Johnnokomis Posted at 2-26 10:03
5 months have gone by now and there's still no update or expected availability? I was very disappointed when I realized the M3E had the same limitation. A nice feature would also be the ability to see the drones flight plan/path in the Flighthub 2 browser. Right now you can see where the drone is located but no way to see its flightlines or any telemetry from the mission that it is currently running. I hope I'm wrong but it feels like DJI has abandoned this whole Flighthub 2 project.

Hi Johnnokomis,

if it happens, it would be nice of DJI to provide the source code open for the users.
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United States

djiuser_zyklide Posted at 3-30 15:14
Hi Johnnokomis,

if it happens, it would be nice of DJI to provide the source code open for the users.

I agree that would be a nice thing to do. I wouldn't hold my breath though. FH2 is completely cloud based though and requires a constant internet connection to function. It can run on just about any hardware which is good but it also makes you reliant on DJI servers. If DJI would have developed a Terra 2.0 instead of FH2 it would have been great. Why did they ditch a great software of theirs and start from scratch with this half developed piece of kit?

Because Flighthub 2 is a great way to harvest user data and collect enough of our information that'd make the CIA jealous. Seriously, cloud mapping processing isn't cheap. Why would they offer this service for free when they already had a way for us to do it ourselves? If a service is free it means YOU are the product.
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Johnnokomis Posted at 3-30 17:13
I agree that would be a nice thing to do. I wouldn't hold my breath though. FH2 is completely cloud based though and requires a constant internet connection to function. It can run on just about any hardware which is good but it also makes you reliant on DJI servers. If DJI would have developed a Terra 2.0 instead of FH2 it would have been great. Why did they ditch a great software of theirs and start from scratch with this half developed piece of kit?

Because Flighthub 2 is a great way to harvest user data and collect enough of our information that'd make the CIA jealous. Seriously, cloud mapping processing isn't cheap. Why would they offer this service for free when they already had a way for us to do it ourselves? If a service is free it means YOU are the product.

So if I understand it correctly, I can not use it in Germany, because of the laws (DSGVO / GDPR) and here there are quite a lot of places without internet?
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djiuser_zyklide Posted at 4-1 02:56
So if I understand it correctly, I can not use it in Germany, because of the laws (DSGVO / GDPR) and here there are quite a lot of places without internet?

I wasn't aware of it being restricted in certain places but that'd make sense honestly. If it was the other way around Beijing would never let high resolution images of their mainland be sent out to any Western countries government. That's exactly what we're doing with this whole cloud mapping scam except we're sending it to a less than ideal group. As long as pilots keep feeding them data they have no reason to develop features that will be made available offline.  I've been flying many spots here in the US that have no way of receiving an internet connection. I mean damn, majority of search and rescue operations are in remote areas with no cell coverage, and that's who DJI is targeting the most with this software!
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Johnnokomis Posted at 4-1 14:38
I wasn't aware of it being restricted in certain places but that'd make sense honestly. If it was the other way around Beijing would never let high resolution images of their mainland be sent out to any Western countries government. That's exactly what we're doing with this whole cloud mapping scam except we're sending it to a less than ideal group. As long as pilots keep feeding them data they have no reason to develop features that will be made available offline.  I've been flying many spots here in the US that have no way of receiving an internet connection. I mean damn, majority of search and rescue operations are in remote areas with no cell coverage, and that's who DJI is targeting the most with this software!

Hi Johnnokomis,

I can fully agree with you.

So what will be the next step?
After an update the M30 can not start without internet connection because it is not possible to use the remote shutdown function by the manufacturer.

Would be like my car is stopping suddenly because the manufacturer can not provide location data for an emergency call...

Happy search and rescue.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 1-23 18:40
Hi, there. Thanks for your inquiry.
We have not received any related information for the time being.
But we will forward your needs to the relevant team again.If you have any more needs, you can also tell us here.

Hi DJI Natalia,

can you please contact your team a third time?

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United States

djiuser_zyklide Posted at 4-2 00:23
Hi Johnnokomis,

I can fully agree with you.

Wait, what..? The M30 now requires an internet connection at all times? This can't be real.. Remote ID here in the States is bad enough but that would be a huge step over the line. You're basically having a digital babysitter at that point who can stop your flight at any time. A remote shutdown midflight would be catastrophic for both the drone and anyone in the area of the UAV. It'd be one thing for a beginner with a Mini 2 needing babysit, but an enterprise level drone having this requirement would be enough to return it if possible.
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Johnnokomis Posted at 4-2 06:06
Wait, what..? The M30 now requires an internet connection at all times? This can't be real.. Remote ID here in the States is bad enough but that would be a huge step over the line. You're basically having a digital babysitter at that point who can stop your flight at any time. A remote shutdown midflight would be catastrophic for both the drone and anyone in the area of the UAV. It'd be one thing for a beginner with a Mini 2 needing babysit, but an enterprise level drone having this requirement would be enough to return it if possible.

Not now, maybe in the future?

With the DJI Aeroscope it is possible to deactivate a Matrice at a range up to ~50 km, without internet connection.

I hope that DJI has implemented a soft landing.

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DJI Natalia


djiuser_zyklide Posted at 4-2 00:26
Hi DJI Natalia,

can you please contact your team a third time?

Hi, there. We will forward your needs to the relevant team again. Please rest assured and stay tuned to our official website for any updates.Thanks again for your feedback and support.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 4-3 19:37
Hi, there. We will forward your needs to the relevant team again. Please rest assured and stay tuned to our official website for any updates.Thanks again for your feedback and support.

Hi DJI Natalia,

thank you for forwarding again.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13800095 ft
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United States

djiuser_zyklide Posted at 4-4 14:08
Hi DJI Natalia,

thank you for forwarding again.

I'd love hear this teams actual reply instead of just another canned response. I get that this teams role in the company isn't customer relations but it'd be nice to hear from someone who can actually relate to us customers. Nothing against the admins here but I highly doubt they've ever even used Flighthub 2.
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DJI Natalia


djiuser_zyklide Posted at 4-4 14:08
Hi DJI Natalia,

thank you for forwarding again.

You are welcome, thanks for your understanding as well.
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DJI Natalia


Johnnokomis Posted at 4-4 15:43
I'd love hear this teams actual reply instead of just another canned response. I get that this teams role in the company isn't customer relations but it'd be nice to hear from someone who can actually relate to us customers. Nothing against the admins here but I highly doubt they've ever even used Flighthub 2.

Hi, Johnnokomis.
Please rest assured that they noticed such needs already, but it may take some time to implement them. Thanks for your understanding.
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United States

Any update to this @DJI ?
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So I just had a look on the Flight Hub 2 website (AUS) and it looks like the pro version can be purchased now. Does this mean the standard version is free and the area route isn't available? The feature comparison doesn't differentiate each type of flight plan, doesn't make any sense...
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Allroads Posted at 6-1 04:02
So I just had a look on the Flight Hub 2 website (AUS) and it looks like the pro version can be purchased now. Does this mean the standard version is free and the area route isn't available? The feature comparison doesn't differentiate each type of flight plan, doesn't make any sense...

Here we are less than a month away from FH2 leaving the beta stage. There's still no direction, explanation, or plan going forward from DJI. Waypoints is still the only flight plan we can create, no mapping at all. Why offer cloud mapping with no way to plan the mapping route?  DJI admins seem just as confused with this as us customers are. They can't even answer these basic questions that have been asked for months now. Why was Terra put on the back burner and replaced with this crap? This will be a financial loss for DJI simply because you won't listen to your customers. We've been your beta testers but won't listen to our feedback. This was the time period where you're supposed to be involved in the conversation. Once this becomes a "released product" in a few weeks things will only be worse.
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Flight distance : 4762051 ft
South Africa

Ya I must be honest...

We have been using FH2 since it launched, its not much different now from what it was before.

There are better options in the market and options thats not going to fleece you monthly either.

The FH2 standard version versus pro version and the limitations are a bit silly and complex how its broken up.

We are exploring more permanent options now and making sure that software is "happy" was other drones too so if we change our fleet in the future we dont lose out on functionality.

I might just add here these been some very "sneaky" features thats being marketing by DJI at the moment regarding the M30, 300, 350 and the RC Plus and Smart Controllers.... But the devil is in the detail as its really not something a commercial operator would want to take a risk with. Might lose the ability to use a controller with the drone it was purchased with because of compatibility within the same family of drones...

Definitely exploring options here....  
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United States

Where are we on this?  I am quite frustrated at the moment.  I have NO way to plan an Area route with the Mavic Enterprise T.  What are people doing to get around this?  I bought this unit to simplify things and its done the opposite.

Gigantic fail DJI.  This is ridiculous for a Professional pilot.  You have cut me off at the knees.  So i have to go back to my Inspire one with DJI Ground Station to do this???  

What do you expect us to do for Area Route planning????  I need a solution.  Have a big job and cant plan this out!
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Flight distance : 4762051 ft
South Africa

fanse9460b93 Posted at 7-6 06:50
Where are we on this?  I am quite frustrated at the moment.  I have NO way to plan an Area route with the Mavic Enterprise T.  What are people doing to get around this?  I bought this unit to simplify things and its done the opposite.

Buy UgCS.....
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United States

Thanks for reply.  I have not not needed to use additional software to do this in the past.  I am flying simple routes over roofs for survey.  It is a shame I have to purchase additional software to accomplish such a simple task....but I do appreciate the information.  Ill look into this more closely.  Thanks again
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Flight distance : 4762051 ft
South Africa

fanse9460b93 Posted at 7-8 08:20
Thanks for reply.  I have not not needed to use additional software to do this in the past.  I am flying simple routes over roofs for survey.  It is a shame I have to purchase additional software to accomplish such a simple task....but I do appreciate the information.  Ill look into this more closely.  Thanks again

I hear you and as a commercial user I too dont feel I needed to purchase additional software.


1... I cannot pay for FH2 with all the features its missing.
2... I cannot pay a HUGE monthly amount of money for a fairly spotty piece of software. There is a ton of awsome features there, but nothings tying together properly yet... AND you have guessed it they are pushing on the Docking solution pretty hard which is going to need this.
3. UgCS is something you can purchase once off. THIS means they actually took the time to develop and work out the bugs, versus an ALL cloud company with CONSTANT development which just keeps opening up more and more bugs... (Ask Adobe about this...)

The idea of a monthly cloud based software service was a great idea, always developing and adding new features. However give me a box product, because if the box product is not working as the box says it should, money back please.
But with cloud its a constant bean canned anwser and a promise it will get better.... Well this has not worked out for nearly anyone thats got a cloud only bases solution. Again, adobe is losing clients hand over fist and a damaged reputation is not an easy repair...

Lastly... do some research on UgCS and see how long they have been at this game, and how far advanced they have been able to operate.
Software seems simple, easy to understand and from everything my research has indicated VERY stable too!

But we are about to trial this software for ourselves since after being with the FH2 BETA program for over a year whereby exceptionally little has changed in that year.

We had big hopes for our M300 and even BIGGER hopes for our M30T... Disappointed hardly fit the bill for what I felt about the FH2 developments...
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Flight distance : 10210 ft
United States

TimmyBaker Posted at 7-10 04:05
I hear you and as a commercial user I too dont feel I needed to purchase additional software.


Are you using UgCS Atlas? It looks really powerful. I emailed them about pricing but haven't heard back. Do you have any idea how much it costs?
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