How to get more distance out my P4/P3?
2402 18 2016-3-17
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Flight distance : 88287 ft

Anyone know of a way to get more distance without having to do a controller mod?
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Duct tape rockets on.
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Flight distance : 6550331 ft
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

With All batteries fully charged, Get up on a higher elevation, for your takeoff vantage point, and have a clear large open area in front of you,
While you fly higher up in the air getting strong RC signals, always orientate your antenna so the flat sides face the drone.

Stand tall, shoulders back, that's the ticket, ok now smile!! ;-)

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2016-3-18 00:20
Duct tape rockets on.

Ok, that will be just about enough out of you, young feller.
You know darn well, our friends in China have had some very bad luck with fireworks/pyrotechnics of late... So them kind of balistics on board the drone just won't do.

There are several ways, aside from larger capacity battery packs.
You need to get motor extensions, so you can put on larger props, and perhaps even slightly bigger brushless motors. ;-)
As Tim Tool Man Taylor would say, "More Power",
Actually probably best just to build yourself a @DJI FlameWheel. Hehe

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RedHotPoker Posted at 2016-3-18 18:49
Ok, that will be just about enough out of you, young feller.
You know darn well, our friends in C ...

Now that would be the Binford 4000 Phantom, with V8 engines on all corners.

(My apo0logies to the OP for stealing his thread)
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Hahaha hehehe, phew, ah please excuse me, while I compose myself.
& wipe the laughter splatter from my monitor. ;-)
Did you find that drone, in the Home Improvement Archive Binford Online Catalog?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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First, for maximum distance you need to have unhindered LOS between the RC antenna and the P3/P4.  So, no buildings, trees, power wires, etc. between you and your aircraft. Then, do the following:
1) Antennas should be pointing straight up to sky, parallel to one another with wide, flat sides (NOT the tips) facing the P3/P4.
2) Go into HD menu and select CUSTOM channel and monitor the channel interference plot for several minutes.  Pick an HD channel with the lowest continuous noise levels and no intermittent big spikes.  Channel 20 is my choice 95+% of the time.
3) Reduce HD transmission speed to lowest setting (4 Mbps) - this will increase video transmission range to the maximum.
4) The higher you fly, the farther you can go before tall objects at your horizon line potentially interfere with the signals between your RC and the P3/P4. It's all about geometry. I typically fly long-distance flights at 200-400 feet elevation.
5) Constantly adjust your body position during flight to keep the antenna facing the P3/P4.
6) One non-standard equipment mod I recommend, which is cheap but very effective, is to add a well-made slip-on aluminum parabolic reflector over your pair of antennas. This increases signal reception at distance.

With the above setup I have achieved distances of 4.3 miles (23,000 feet) with my Inspire 1 and 2.6 miles (13,800 feet) with my P3Pro.  In both cases, it is battery capacity and max. flight velocity and not loss of control or video signal that limits max. distance.  I always fly into wind (so I have tail wind on return leg) and turn around at 52% of battery level. DO NOT attempt this without fully-conditioned and fully-charged batteries.
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Flight distance : 1140502 ft
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solsystem7@gmai Posted at 2016-3-18 15:29

That's actually a really nice unit.  I 3D printed a couple of models, but the one on eBay is light, compact, and comes with a case.
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Flight distance : 88287 ft

solsystem7@gmai Posted at 2016-3-18 15:29

I tried one like this and it didn't work
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Look up DIY Windsurfer.
In short directing all your signal forwards and can be done with paper, glue, and foil.Also, use amazon and search DJI range extender.

From:https://rchelimenace.wordpress.c ... windsurfer-antenna/

How to build your own Windsurfer Antenna

On this page I will give you detailed instructions on how to build your very own Windsurfer Antenna for very few pennies.  The reasons you may need a Windsurfer Antenna may vary but generally the use usually entails increasing the range of your wireless equipment. Those who are in the aerial video and photography segment as well as FPV users will find applications for this particular antenna quite useful.  The design of this antenna can also be used for wireless routers for computer equipment to increase the Wi Fi signal within your home.   In order to build this antenna you will just require a few things and not even an hour of your time.
You will need a pair of scissors,  a roll of scotch tape,  utility knife , and a glue stick.
A used file folder to paste your templates onto as well as a roll of aluminum foil ( which isn’t in the photo but should have been included ) .
And last but not least ,  the template ( which is downloaded off the computer and printed ).
This is the link to that template you will need,  download it now.

Here now are the directions on how this whole thing comes together.
The first thing you need to do is to take your file folder and open it fully,  on one side apply the glue stick completely over one half of the folder.
The next thing you need to do is to lay a sheet of aluminum foil down on the glued surface,  apply the dull side of the sheet to the glued surface and keep the shiny side up.
This time,  flip the file folder over and apply the glue to the other side of the folder and then apply the template that has the rectangle  and the six slots you will slit open later.
Now take your other template and apply your glue stick entirely over the other side.  When gluing these templates and aluminum foil,  just make sure you rub the paper flat and take the wrinkles out for a clean look.
You can now cut out the template images out of the file folder.
When cutting out this template,  just be sure to take extra care not to cut off the six tabs as you will need them to be inserted into the rectangular template to connect them both.
The next thing that needs to be done is to take your utility knife and cut the six slots you will need for connecting the templates.
What I had done next was cover the opposite side of the rectangular template with foil and then cut the six slots again.
Here is a quick tip that I added to mine that I thought you might appreciate.  Take your scotch tape and apply it to the edges of your rectangular template,  this will keep the foil from potentially peeling off of the file folder material.
You can now assemble your templates together,  make sure all six tabs end up in all six slots.  One key thing to remember is to apply  tape to the backside once the tab is folded over, it will prevent the tab from pulling out.   One other thing I should mention here is that on this template in particular,   you do need to punch out the two holes with the cross in the center as this is where the antenna sticks through both holes later.
In the end,  this is what your Windsurfer Antenna booster should look like once completed.
In this photo you can see where the hole is in the center that your antenna will come up through.
I hope this helps with your wireless video and FPV applications,  take care and happy flying !

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Flight distance : 88287 ft

david.p.mann@ea Posted at 2016-3-18 22:13
First, for maximum distance you need to have unhindered LOS between the RC antenna and the P3/P4.  S ...

Why were you getting more distance with your inspire than P3P? Shouldn't the distance be the same based on hardware?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

I beat DJI-KEN to the punch on this one!!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

bobasbury Posted at 2016-3-18 09:48
That's actually a really nice unit.  I 3D printed a couple of models, but the one on eBay is light ...

YES - this is exactly the parabolic reflector that I own and have been using for several months now. It is very well made and it works.  In fact, I used it this afternoon to fly my P4 out 23,652 feet (4.5 miles) starting at 250 feet elevation and increasing to 350 feet at 20,000 feet distance in order to maintain 4+ bars on both the RC transmitter and HD signal level.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

nickmedici@bell Posted at 2016-3-18 16:07
Why were you getting more distance with your inspire than P3P? Shouldn't the distance be the same  ...

The maximum range you can achieve is based on transmitter strength and antenna quality, which is identical for the Inspire 1, P3 Pro and the P4, as well as the LiPo battery capacity, max. avg. travel speed and the power consumption of the aircraft at travel speed.

The LiPo battery capacities, maximum travel speeds and power consumption rates of the Inspire 1, P3Pro and P4 are all different. I fly the Inspire 1 and and P3Pro in P-GPS mode for long distance flights. The P3Pro battery is 4480 mAh, the P4 is 5350 mAh and the Inspire 1 is 5700 mAh.  The Inspire 1 has the largest battery capacity, but it also much bigger (more wind resistance) and heavier (consumes more power keeping it aloft) than either the P3Pro or P4.

The P3Pro flies 26 mph in P-GPS mode, the Inspire 1 flies 37 mph in P-GPS mode. The P4 is about the same size and weight as the P3Pro, but it has 20% more battery capacity AND it can fly 37 mph in P-mode with obstacle avoidance turned off (same speed as Inspire 1 in P-GPS mode). Assuming you always want to return the aircraft to its home point (and I do), together these factors result in the Inspire 1 having a significantly greater range than the P3Pro (23,000+ feet vs. ~14,000 feet).  

Based on one long distance flight this afternoon with the P4 in P-mode with obstacle avoidance turned off and traveling at a near constant average speed of 37mph, I got out to 23,652 feet (4.5 miles) with 0-1 mph tail wind before turning around to head home with 62% battery.  I had 8% battery left when I landed. I believe after fully conditioning the P4 batteries 6 or 7 more full cycles, I may be able to go even farther.

I typically fly over unpopulated rural farm and grazing land. So, lot's of places to set down and I constantly look for potential alternate landing spots, as a precaution, throughout my flight.
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Wrap your head in tinfoil. Make a cone shape. Your whole body will be an antenna...

Another technique is to run towards your drone as you fly...You will get more distance that way
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Flight distance : 88287 ft

waynepj3@gmail. Posted at 2016-3-19 14:02
Wrap your head in tinfoil. Make a cone shape. Your whole body will be an antenna...

Another techniq ...

Thanks I'll try this
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

pgrover516 Posted at 2016-3-20 22:02
I'm not quite following your logic. You start out with this statement "The maximum range you can ac ...

I understand your confusion.  I'll try to explain better. On the P3Pro I'm limited by battery capacity and max. flight speed - not transmitter strength.  By the time I reach 14,000 feet distance, my P3Pro remaining battery strength (fully conditioned battery that I trust) is down to 52% on a windless day; thus, I must return home at that point even though I still have 4-5 bars RC and HD Link signal strength. On the P4, this aircraft's higher maximum speed (in P-GPS mode) and larger battery capacity allowed me to fly further (23,650 feet) before my new battery (power cycled only twice previous to this flight) reached 62%. I'm glad I didn't push it further, because I made it home with only 8% battery left.  With further battery conditioning, I may be able to fly further once I am confident that I could push the battery closer to 52% before returning.  In both cases, it is not RC or HD Link signal strength that are limiting my maximum round trip distance. Instead, it is the combination of battery capacity and maximum sustained flight velocity that limit my maximum range (assuming I want to return all the way home).  The same is true of my Inspire 1. My turnaround point is determined by remaining battery capacity, not loss of RC or HD Link signal.

Does that make sense?
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