FAA registration
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3242 42 2016-3-29
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United States

Hi All,

Got the P4.  Went to the FAA website like a good citizen.  Just like Obamacare, just like IRS, just like the VA, just like very single other department of our govt, the website is worthless and the support is worse than worthless.  I entered my address and billing info (which are identical and in the US and I use them for every single on-line transaction) and the WS won't process.  Anyone else had this issue?  I used the help on the FAA website and I got a form reply that I need to reside in the US, not be from Mars and that it does not apply to registering Boing 747s, etc. and to try again after fixing that.  Now you know why we gun owners are so agaisnt registration.  They want the info but are so inept they couldn't find their asses with both hands and a flashlight.


Anyone else had issues (those willing to register)?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Did you go to the correct site?


many scams sites are floating around now.
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United States

microcyb Posted at 2016-3-30 05:08
Did you go to the correct site?


Yup, same site.  I'll try again today.
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United Kingdom

You trying to register a boeing 747
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United Kingdom

Tip: the author has been banned or deleted automatically shield
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United States

Ryanuk Posted at 2016-3-30 05:58
You trying to register a boeing 747

Yeah and I guess Martians aren't 'allowed' to.  
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United States

stalked-buddha Posted at 2016-3-30 06:03
Im so glad we in the uk dont have to register like our brothers accross the pond in the usa.

althou ...

Yeah, and I'm surprised considering how tight your firearms laws are there.  At least I can still purchase arms here, even in Crazyfornia.
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United States

I don't understand all of these regulations. Guns are far more dangerous than drones and you can buy guns at Walmart without problems.
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United States

waynepj3@gmail. Posted at 2016-3-30 08:28
I don't understand all of these regulations. Guns are far more dangerous than drones and you can buy ...

So are shovels and baseball bats, but that's another story.
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Elmer Fudd

United States

waynepj3@gmail. Posted at 2016-3-29 20:28
I don't understand all of these regulations. Guns are far more dangerous than drones and you can buy ...

You can buy drones at walmart with no problems too. Whats your point? Anyone can buy a drone. Not everyone can buy a gun.
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United States

waynepj3@gmail. Posted at 2016-3-30 08:28
I don't understand all of these regulations. Guns are far more dangerous than drones and you can buy ...

Yup....The smart man ponders that very question till the answer become ob-vee-us
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United States

Elmer Fudd Posted at 2016-3-30 10:30
You can buy drones at walmart with no problems too. Whats your point? Anyone can buy a drone. Not  ...

From Cardinal Neimoller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

PS.  I'm none of the above but this is something we should all remember..
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CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 13:55
From Cardinal Neimoller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

First there was no Cardinal Neimoller
You're mixing up a Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller
Second .. it's more than a huge stretch to link $5 (for 3 yrs) drone registration with nazi persecution and execution.
FAA drone registration is half-baked and won't achieve anything meaningful  .... but it's about as benign as dog registration.
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labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-3-30 11:19
First there was no Cardinal Neimoller
You're mixing up a Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller
Second . ...

Cardinal, Bar-tender, average-Joe, that really is not the point, is it?

Yup, 5 bucks.  I'm sure you and I will be first on the Christmas-card mailing list with the FAA.  After all,, there is NO OTHER REASON they would want us to register, right?  Totally benign.  Christmas cards.  Or maybe Kwanzaa cards or Voter registration reminders.  It certainly is NOT so that they know who has and who does not have a drone because what would they do with that info?   Benign like a misdiagnosed tumor.  

So in my neck of the woods, we have a lot of crazy folks that light off illegal fireworks on the 4th of July (some of which almost burned my home down).  We live in a fairly heavily populated area.  And on the 4th of July there are police helicopters trying to make sure everything and everyone is being safe.  And we have some crazy folks that are flying Drones at night filming the fireworks at night.  Naturally these drones would be 'interfering' with police operations.  And naturally (I'm sure you would agree with me) that those drone owners are very likely NOT registered, whereas I will register.  So who is most likely to have their door kicked in at 2:00am?  a) the police b) the unregistered and untraceable drone operator, c) ME, d) my dog.  Ponder that.  (hint:  Answer = C)  I'm sure if they do kick it in, it will only be to apologize for the late Christmas card.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 15:09
Cardinal, Bar-tender, average-Joe, that really is not the point, is it?

Yup, 5 bucks.  I'm sure y ...

Yes ... I pondered that and think you should see a therapist about your paranoia.
You are joining dots that don't exist.
Rather than the "land of the free" you make it sound like you think you live in North Korea.
I'm always amazed at the really crazy things some people can come up with, all the time having no insight at all as to how crazy those crackpot ideas are.

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labroides@yahoo Posted at 2016-3-30 12:19
Yes ... I pondered that and think you should see a therapist about your paranoia.
You are joining d ...

Enjoy your Kool-aid and drone-on.org

PS  registration finally successful.  I'm legit.
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CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 10:55
From Cardinal Neimoller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Now wasn't Citizen Kane based on William Randolph Hearst who was a friend of Hilter's? I want to say he even tried pushing Nazi propaganda through his papers here in the States.

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SVTRay Posted at 2016-3-30 13:06
Now wasn't Citizen Kane based on William Randolph Hearst who was a friend of Hilter's? I want to s ...

Wow, so obviously then I'm a Nazi.  Nice logic.  Where did you go to school?  Or did you?
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CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 13:13
Wow, so obviously then I'm a Nazi.  Nice logic.  Where did you go to school?  Or did you?

Well, obviously I'm educated enough to know that William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) was considered friends of sorts with Adolf Hitler and that your quote by Cardinal Niemoller was/is anti-Nazi in nature. I'm sure anyone with some intelligence would find that ironic. Now for bonus points, did  you know that Cardinal Niemoller actually supported Adolf Hitler? It's true.

Anyhow, I just think it's ironic that your post are strong Pro-Gun but yet your name and the people you're quoting supported Adolf Hitler...at least once in their lives.
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and my Dogs name is Panda and bears are known to be afraid of dogs.  Also ironic but at the same time pointless.
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United States

CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 22:55
and my Dogs name is Panda and bears are known to be afraid of dogs.  Also ironic but at the same tim ...

Since this is your thread, your free to do as you wish but try to keep post related to the topic.Or you can edit the title to reflect the thread posts.
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thanks Ken.  not sure how to close threads.  was hoping to hear some meaningful discussions on FAA registration and see if others had issues with the process.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

waynepj3@gmail. Posted at 2016-3-29 20:28
I don't understand all of these regulations. Guns are far more dangerous than drones and you can buy ...

Well because of false claims of drones going after people and privacy, and then the false claims about drone going after planes.
Sadly when the media loves to market a story, then the whiners jump on the band wagon and then the government has to get involved.

Since there is no Constitution about a UAS, it is free game versus Guns
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Oh and seriously guys.  I don't think you want to get banned like Flyin'Byran so you might want to be aware Tahoe-Ed is watching us.
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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 11:05
thanks Ken.  not sure how to close threads.  was hoping to hear some meaningful discussions on FAA r ...

I'll give you my thoughts on registration.

We are flying real aircraft (our quads)  in real airspace, with other real aircraft.   Just like with any other multi-use, public resource, there has to be rules and regulations that everyone follows.  Otherwise, chaos and potential catastrophy reigns.

Owners of all other aircraft types - GA, Commercial, balloons, experimental, light-sport, ultralight, etc. - register their aircraft and learn the rules.

I see drone registration, training and use as no different to any other type of aircraft.  Just because they are small and cheap (relatively) - doesn't negate the fact that they are sharing and navigating the same airspace as all other aircraft.   As a passenger in a 737, or as the pilot of a C172 - I don't want to have a 2 pound plastic and metal object smashing up against my windshield.

As for registration - meh.   Here in the US, we register everything.  Cars, Aircraft, Pets, Houses, Land/Property, even ourselves (SSI).  Registering a quad copter, is no big deal, to me.

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United States

microcyb Posted at 2016-3-30 23:29
Well because of false claims of drones going after people and privacy, and then the false claims a ...

Exactly, which was my original point.  If the hobbyist and responsible UAV operators are silent we will have legislation passed by media hysterics limiting this sport/hobby even further.  By example, I used firearms which is always in the public eye, arguably has protection under the constitution and is always under attack by the same media misinformation, 'do-gooders' and misguided politicians.

There should be a campaign to put these UAVs into a better light and we are all part of that by the way we act and discuss them (like on these public forums). instead of referring to some who want to start a discussion as Nazi sympathizers.  Very shallow IMNSHO.
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United States

microcyb Posted at 2016-3-30 23:33
Oh and seriously guys.  I don't think you want to get banned like Flyin'Byran so you might want to b ...

Thanks.  Was wondering what happened to him.
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United States

sidtx Posted at 2016-3-31 00:09
I'll give you my thoughts on registration.

We are flying real aircraft (our quads)  in real airsp ...

Now there is a meaningful post!  In many ways I tend to agree with you on that.  First thing I tried to do was register my drone, FWIW (hence my post).  And I like most on this site also obey the rules.  The pickle is always those who do not play by those rules and spoil it for the rest coupled with relative silence from those who do obey the rules.

I remember many years ago with my RC planes there were clubs which acted as advocacy groups.  We would have air-shows or just free-fly days at community college fields, local parks, etc. to raise awareness and get the local community comfortable with us.  I haven't seen much of that around here (my local area) but maybe I just haven't seen it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

sidtx Posted at 2016-3-30 12:09
I'll give you my thoughts on registration.

We are flying real aircraft (our quads)  in real airsp ...

Great, now I have to register my Lot Lizards for tax purposes. {:3_42:}
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United States

sidtx Posted at 2016-3-31 00:09
I'll give you my thoughts on registration.

We are flying real aircraft (our quads)  in real airsp ...

PS, yes, it is interesting how times have changed due to technology advances.  The RC planes I used to fly would never have been considered real aircraft because very few could ever reach altitudes (for any reasonable duration) to be a threat to aviation.  Here in the Bay Area once upon a time it was much more rural (at ground level and aloft).  The only low fly's we got to watch as kids were the flights into Moffet Field that then used to come in over our houses until people got hysterical about that.  Low and slow.  You could count the rivets on them as they flew over.  Probably what got me into aviation and the Air Force in the first place...
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United States

I was at first reluctant to register, but even more reluctant to get into a scrap with an 800lb gorilla, even though the gorilla is wrong. The fines are hefty,  but it's the thought of my commercial pilot certificate getting suspended or revoked that concerns me most. I'm disappointed that my certificate number was not sufficient to identify my model aircraft, they have more detail there than the average drone operator.  Follow the money trail, it sounds like they needed my five bucks more than I did.
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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

CitizenKane Posted at 2016-3-30 13:26
PS, yes, it is interesting how times have changed due to technology advances.  The RC planes I use ...

The advance of technology is amazing.  Who would have thought, even 10 years ago,  that we would have inexpensive RC aircraft, capable of multi-mile autonomous flights - with FPV?   To me,  simply amazing.

I truely think that some of the technology we have in these quads, is more sophisticated than what most GA aircraft carry!  If you think about it,  what we get for $399 (the P3S) is more capable than the autopilots and FMS in most GA aircraft that cost 10's of thousands of dollars!!


P.S - I'm an admitted aircraft geek.  If it flies - I love it.  Any size, any type, any manufacturer - it doesn't matter to me.  I'm the type that when I see an interesting aircraft overhead, I'll pull my car over and get out and watch!   My family has learned to put up with this.
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United States

If your flying as a Recreational flyer ,,, we go by the excising RC Reg's  ,,, like my RC - Airplanes and Choppers ,, only if your doing a business do you have to Register
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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

starman560@yaho Posted at 2016-3-30 16:02
If your flying as a Recreational flyer ,,, we go by the excising RC Reg's  ,,, like my RC - Airplane ...

I understood the requirement that all RC aircraft, over a certain weight (.5 lbs I think) are now required to register.

And, that is actually a bit of a misnomer - we aren't actually registering the aircraft - rather we are registering ourselves as UAS/UAV pilots.

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Flight distance : 266729 ft
United States

microcyb Posted at 2016-3-30 13:03
Great, now I have to register my Lot Lizards for tax purposes.

Only 2 certainties in life

Death   and Taxes.

One way or another,  the government will end up with everything you ever earned.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

sidtx Posted at 2016-3-30 16:11
Only 2 certainties in life

Death   and Taxes.

Sad truth.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

starman560@yaho Posted at 2016-3-30 10:02
If your flying as a Recreational flyer ,,, we go by the excising RC Reg's  ,,, like my RC - Airplane ...

Aloha starman,

     RCs and drones are considered UAVs.  With the advent of flying cameras on quadcopters and the amazing market success of the medium.  There are now almost twice the number of aircraft in the US as there were just a few years ago.  RCs were a very small part of UAV category back then and even now.  But regulations are legal documents and have to be even handed or they get overturned in court.  So to deal with the explosion in the unmanned aircraft market, individuals who own unmanned aircraft now have to register them under their individual registration number.  These are the first words you see on the FAA unmanned aircraft registration web page.

"Do I need to register my Unmanned Aircraft?

You need to register your aircraft if it weighs between 0.55 lbs. (250 grams) and up to 55 lbs. (25 kg)"

Now as mentioned elsewhere above, RCs do have separate regulations to fly under than commercial UAVs because they are considered recreational aircraft.  Even our DJI quadcopters can fall in the recreational category.  Think of the registration number as a way to gather data on airspace safety.  If one of your drones crashes and is found by someone else, the FAA can contact you and help you get your drone back and explain to the FAA what happened.  That data then goes into a database for evaluation on how to make the airspace safer for all fliers.

     The FAA will have the document below out for public comment for as much as a year.  It is almost 200 pages long but contains the proposed regulations, rationale for the regulations and comments on the regulations.  Skimming over the document and reading comments and rationale on parts that affect or interest you is really eye-opening.  For example the document gives estimates of how much certification for commercial drone operations will cost - micro drones $214.  (Way less than the Ex.333 certification.)  Micro drone operators in commercial operations will also sign a statement that they are familiar with the rules and regulations that apply (self-certify).


     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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United States

Hello. First time posting on here. I'm in the process of getting my Phantom 3 registered for commercial ops and have the 333 Exemption paperwork going through as well. I've flown R/C planes for around twenty years. Almost as long as I've flown full scale aircraft. I wasn't in favor of the registration requirement but I will say the threat to aircraft is real. I've heard flight crews on the radio reporting drones in the vicinity of airports as large as Austin. DFW and the Southern California area. The main problem is that those who don't care to follow the rules of the road are the same people who will try to avoid the registration process.
I've read the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the planned certification process. It was developed using existing full scale aircraft regulations and I'm glad to see some common sense was applied to much of it. I can see them requiring an understanding of the airspace classifications and knowing how to read a sectional chart. But again, the guy who is flying his drone at a thousand feet in the approach path to a busy runway already knows he's breaking the law. Problem is that he just doesn't care.
I was speaking with my local F.A.A. office's UAV guy and he said they are educating local law enforcement about their jurisdiction in this area. Don't be surprised if a local cop stops and asks to see your registration paperwork. He'll probably want to see that your number is affixed to your UAV as well.

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Great posts
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United States

sidtx Posted at 2016-3-31 00:09
I'll give you my thoughts on registration.

We are flying real aircraft (our quads)  in real airsp ...

The REAL purpose of this entire registration scam is to keep TABS on you.    It is yet one more information loophole that they needed to close to tie you to their already massive network of illegallly gathered intel on us all.  Do yourself a favor...find out what the government spent 1.5 BILLION on (With a B) at these coordinates...
40.4375°N 111.9255°W
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