Question About Phatom 4 Obstacle Avoidance
2419 31 2016-4-23
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

If I am directing the Phantom 4 to fly forward and the obstacle sensors see something I don't see, will the Phantom avoid the obstalce or will it keep going in the direction I'm telling it to go? I am little confused about does the obstalce avoidance only work when the Phantom is in tap fly or RTH or some other automated mode of flying or does it work all the time.

I had a P3P that I crashed and I'm considering upgrading to the P4.


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I crashed my P3P and was debating between getting another same or a P4 and bit the bullet and got the 4.
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Ok,  I got cut off before I could continue typing. In any case,  the Obstacle Avoidance works in tap and automated mode. The
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-23 11:01
I crashed my P3P and was debating between getting another same or a P4 and bit the bullet and got th ...

I am thinking about it. I've read a couple of threads on here about the range on the P4 not being as good. Have you experienced that?
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-23 11:01
I crashed my P3P and was debating between getting another same or a P4 and bit the bullet and got th ...

One major plus for buying the P3 is that I will have an extra controller, batteries, props, and charger.
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-23 11:01
I crashed my P3P and was debating between getting another same or a P4 and bit the bullet and got th ...

Are you glad you upgraded?
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It deactivates in Sport mode but you can have it activated any other flying/manual mode. Oh yeah,  it doesn't work in the dark.  (sorry, typing on my phone at work and it keeps pressing enter)
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ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-23 23:02
I am thinking about it. I've read a couple of threads on here about the range on the P4 not being  ...

Right now, I think there are alot if glitches on the P4, ie:software, firmware étc. I'm planning on testing them out this weekend and do a write up. And that's where the P3P is so much more advanced. It's been fixed and mostly bug-free

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ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-23 23:03
One major plus for buying the P3 is that I will have an extra controller, batteries, props, and ch ...

And that's where it really hurts the pocket. I have so many accessories and batteries for the P3P and nothing is use able with the P4. I spent close to $400 for 2 extra batteries, and no one is cheap selling them on eBay or anywhere else. You're paying premium for evefything
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United States

ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-23 11:04
Are you glad you upgraded?

The P4 may have a few issues right now, but it blew me away when i first flew it. It is extremely responsive (compared to the P3) and the obstacle avoidance will work in P mode, which is the mode when you are using GPS and any other smart feature (the most commonly used mode), and I have to say, it works like a charm. I have tried dozens of times to purposefully crash into trees, mailboxes, etc. and the drone stops in place every time. If your in an automated mode (like TapFly or ActiveTrack also I believe) then it will detect the obstacle and either go around or over the obstacle to keep on flying (in TapFly) or tracking your subject (in ActiveTrack). You can also change these settings so the drone will just stop and hover in place instead of going around or over the object as well. There are over 160 settings in the DJI Go App for the Phantom 4, and a lot of them are amazing new technologies that are not in the P3. I personally think the P4 is worth every penny, even with the few issues i'm experiencing, it's not enough to stop me from flying/getting great footage with it. Also, I got 2.52 miles on my first range test with the P4, and could have gone farther but didn't want to push it too much on my first test. I have had zero range issues. The P4 is incredibly smart, easy to fly, and is just a beautiful piece of machinery as well (compared to the P3's rather lankiness of it's gimbal/camera).
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United States

ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-23 23:04
Are you glad you upgraded?

I can't say I regret upgrading, because I do enjoy it.  But, can I do everything I've done on the P4 on the P3P? Yes.  I have yet to use the obstacle avoidance for its purpose, or should I say, it hasn't had to kick in to save me yet.  

The obstacle avoidance is pretty cool.  I've only used it in test runs... I'd fly it towards me and it will stop about 3-4 feet away and sound the alarm and refuse to go further until the obstacle is cleared...I lost my P3P when I crashed it into a light pole misjudging how high I was, so that feature would have saved me had I had it on my P3P, hence one of the reasons that supported my decision for the P4...

There are pros and cons between the P3P and the P4, but to me, I want the latest and greatest because I believe it to be an advancement to the previous generation.  And I think the only pro for staying with the P3P is mainly $$$.  Heck, you can get a used P3P in excellent condition in the $600 range.  Otherwise, the P4 can do everything the P3P does, plus more.  I don't think there's anything I can say about the P3P that is better than the P4.  Well, actually, I don't like the shiny body of the P4...I like the matte look on the P3P, but that's more of a personal preference...
(sweet, so much easier to type on a PC rather than a phone)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

The "Obstacle Avoidance" system can be enabled and disabled in your "Go" program. Once enabled it will stop the Phantom about 30 feet from the object in front of it, you will also get an audible warning. The Phantom has a couple of options once the avoidance system is activated. Stop and Hover, up and over, or go around. In my opinion the stop and hover is the way to go. Using up and around modes you could end up having a problem depending on the terrain. Let's take a tree for example. The avoidance system activates due to the large diameter of the tree and the tries to go around or up and it does not see the small branches. There are many scenarios. It is best to try different situations and functions in a large open area to totally familiarize yourself with the Phantom and the Go program. Doing this will also build on your flying skills and you will become more comfortable and really enjoy flying Your Phantom.

You will be entering a whole new world when you enter the world of the P4. It is truly amazing and very responsive.
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

rodger Posted at 2016-4-24 08:19
The "Obstacle Avoidance" system can be enabled and disabled in your "Go" program. Once enabled it wi ...

I'm assuming you came from the P3 and are glad you made the upgrade?

I have seen a couple of threads here about the range being less on the P4, but I take any issues I read on this forum with a grain of salt because not many would get on here to comment on the range being the same or better.  Have you experienced any issues with diminished range?

Thanks for your input!
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

meetjoeasian Posted at 2016-4-23 11:58
I can't say I regret upgrading, because I do enjoy it.  But, can I do everything I've done on the  ...

Thanks for the input!
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

FatedFilmsNC Posted at 2016-4-23 11:35
The P4 may have a few issues right now, but it blew me away when i first flew it. It is extremely  ...

Thanks for the input!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-24 09:02
I'm assuming you came from the P3 and are glad you made the upgrade?

I have seen a couple of thr ...

I made the transition from a P3P V2 to the P4. I still have the P3P and 4-5 other Phantoms. I intend to keep the P3P and I figured that I would keep flying it. However, that thought is diminishing with time. I really enjoy the P4 it is so much fun and so responsive. I find myself flying it every day.

The thing with range is the environment that you are flying in. This is true with any radio. You will find posts where folks have gotten more range with the P4. A post last week a fellow had his out to two plus miles and still going strong. He came back due to the life of the battery. Personally I am uncomfortable when I cannot see any of my Phantoms. Stay away from the after market range extending devices. If they really helped DJI would make them available.

Go for the P4. You won't be sorry. Keep me posted as to your direction and thoughts after you fly it a couple of times.
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

rodger Posted at 2016-4-24 09:22
I made the transition from a P3P V2 to the P4. I still have the P3P and 4-5 other Phantoms. I inte ...

Will do. Thanks again for the input!
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

rodger Posted at 2016-4-24 09:22
I made the transition from a P3P V2 to the P4. I still have the P3P and 4-5 other Phantoms. I inte ...

Stay away from the after market range extending devices. If they really helped DJI would make them available.

Good point. I was considering one of the kits on Drone World with the range extender, but I wasn't sure if the additional money was worth it. I think I'll leave that part off.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-24 10:50
Will do. Thanks again for the input!

Not a problem. I am sure that you will enjoy it. Keep me posted please.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

ccbiggz Posted at 2016-4-24 10:54
Stay away from the after market range extending devices. If they really helped DJI would make them ...

I am not familiar with their package. What is really bad are the reflectors. A couple of things that come to mind  is that a reflector that close to an antenna reflects the output power back into the transmitter. The end result acts as a short circuit. You may gain range because  the signal os being concentrated in one direction. What happens here is if you are not lined up with the quad's receiver you will lose communication.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Obstacle avoidance does not work in Sport mode.
What you can do is the GO app have al the manuals for the carious aircraft and you can study the manual.
Obstacle avoidance has it's limitations and they are in the manual.
from the homepage, tap the icon on the top right (graduation hat) and that will take you to the manual and also tutorial videos.
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Flight distance : 60082 ft
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United States

Since this tread is already about the obstacle avoidance system I'll try posting here rather that start a new thread. I keep getting false proximity warnings when shooting sunsets. Seems to be the left sensor when pointing directly at the setting sun. Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Is this common or a defect that can be fixed?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

joelharper@ltde Posted at 2016-4-24 12:13
Since this tread is already about the obstacle avoidance system I'll try posting here rather that st ...

Could it be the heat from the light source? Just a thought. I have a FLIR for my iPhone and when looking in a room a reflection really jumps out and the Temp is higher by a couple of degrees than the surrounding Temp.
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Flight distance : 11024 ft

Hola, perdonen que entre en este hilo es que tengo un problemas y no lo encuentro en ningun lugar, haber si Uds me pueden ayudar, me aparece la leyenda que hay un error en el visor y no detecta los posible objetos como arbol pared no me avisa que tengo algo enfrente.Como puedo solucionar esto, desde ya muchas gracias.
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Flight distance : 117697 ft
United States

sanluco_cormad@ Posted at 2016-4-25 16:37
Hola, perdonen que entre en este hilo es que tengo un problemas y no lo encuentro en ningun lugar, h ...

I used Google to translate this. Maybe someone can help you out.

Hello, pardon me into this thread Is That I have a problem and can not find it anywhere, have if you can help me, I get the legend That there is an error in the display and does not detect the possible objects like tree wall not enfrente.Como warns me I have something I can fix esta, from Already thank you very much.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

FatedFilmsNC Posted at 2016-4-23 23:35
The P4 may have a few issues right now, but it blew me away when i first flew it. It is extremely  ...

What kind of terrain were you getting that range?

I cant go anywhere when i'm near my neighborhood.
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I try the obstacle avoidance many times in several flight mission and work perfectly, except with little obstacles like power lines, I had to rescue once manually to crash in a high voltage lines. Be careful int sunset to, I just crashed my device on a hill by trusting that there was enough light. P4 Crashed in sunset time
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sanluco_cormad@ Posted at 2016-4-25 15:37
Hola, perdonen que entre en este hilo es que tengo un problemas y no lo encuentro en ningun lugar, h ...

El detector de obstáculos funciona con las dos pequeñas cámaras que tiene el dispositivo justo en la base de las antenas o "patas" que lo sostiene y que ven hacia el frente (marcado por los 2 led´s rojos). Tal vez alguna de ellas este sucia, u obstruida por alguno de los plásticos con los que embalan el aparato.
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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-4-26 18:15
What kind of terrain were you getting that range?

I cant go anywhere when i'm near my neighborhoo ...

I'm actually at a landfill (that's turned into a giant grassy hill/park) in the middle of Raleigh, NC. It sits above all trees/power lines in the area, it's pretty tall. But that's where I'm testing from, to minimize the interference as much as possible.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

FatedFilmsNC Posted at 2016-4-27 06:38
I'm actually at a landfill (that's turned into a giant grassy hill/park) in the middle of Raleigh, ...

Nice. If they would start putting the power lines in the ground where they won't go out during storms and won't look horribly ugly, will be a great day for UASs.

Where my Dad lives, there are tons of underground lines and the difference in radio quality is massive. That was with my P3.

I would love to see what I could get with my P4. Today I got a gimbal overload/lock on a bird with about 3 flights on it, the one that isn my second bird. First P4, works great. I feel like a broken record.
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Flight distance : 11024 ft

ArtistFirst Posted at 2016-4-27 10:09
Nice. If they would start putting the power lines in the ground where they won't go out during sto ...

hola gente del foro, ami me aparece la leyenda en color rojo Forward Vision Sensor Calibration Error, y no me reconce los obtaculos ,y es incomodo salir asi a volar, como puedo solucionar este error, desde ya muchas,udos
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Flight distance : 986716 ft

sanluco_cormad@ Posted at 2016-5-11 03:31
hola gente del foro, ami me aparece la leyenda en color rojo Forward Vision Sensor Calibration Err ...

Hola y bienvenido al foro. No estoy entendiendo por completo lo que están pidiendo , pero si es lo que creo que está diciendo , lo haría una calibración en frío .

Llevarlo outsiide en una noche fría , vaya al menú "Ajustes sensores en MC " y hacer clic en " Calibrar IMU " . Esto podría ayudarle , creo. No estoy 100% seguro de lo que ha dicho .
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