Profile Features - Why Not?
767 8 2016-5-12
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United States

I have much respect for the DJIGo App and the what it puts at our finger tips but at it's very core there seems to be what i feel is a major missing component to how it operates vs how many of us use it. I'm placing this here because I run a inspire 1 pro platform and i don't see a "DJIGo App" area in the forum.

The ability to store 'flight profiles' is missing - in short, I use our DJI platforms for a number of different purposes, bridge and radio tower inspections, recreational flights and video capture for production. I have found that there are certain aspects of the configuration that need to change each time or more importantly I want the ability to preset/built a profile the day before a project. So for example in a production shoot i may want gimble speed to be significantly slower to better provide for very smooth panning, and i may have a flight restriction on 200 feet. But later that same day i might be doing a radio tower inspection and i want my gimble speed higher and a height restriction of 380ft.

What my issue is and the question i have is: Why is it that in order to set 90% of configuration information within the app we must have the aircraft connected just sitting there eating away at battery life while we work through various settings? Why did DJI not allow for creating and loading of "mission/flight profiles" off-line than can be "enabled/loaded" at the time we are on site and ready to connect to the device?

I mean it's okay to have a "default" profile that is enabled on each start-up, but it would/should make sense that from inside the app we could load a saved configuration so that we can build mission specific configurations if we want that could be loaded when needed.

Also for solo operations - why is it that you give us "gimbal Y-Axis" control on the left dial - but give us no way to configure the right dial to be "gimbal X-Axis" ? it's actually more a risk to the aircraft to have to take one hand off of the RC to touch and slide across the touch screen than to maintain two hand control on the RC and move a finger to a dial. Maybe im missing something but to my knowledge the app screen is the only way to control "gimbal X-Axis" when not in dual remote modes, what is the logic behind that?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2277992 ft

Configure your C1 or C2 buttons to switch gimbal from x to y.
Use props
Flight distance : 540331 ft
United States

Profile features like you mention would be awesome. And yes, you can change C1 or C2 to switch the left dial between x and y axis control.
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Flight distance : 411411 ft
United States

Thanks for your inputs!
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United States

cinematic_aero Posted at 2016-5-12 10:46
Profile features like you mention would be awesome. And yes, you can change C1 or C2 to switch the l ...

Ok, that's something i missed but.. still off the mark a little. If I wanted to hover and pan camera left to right while also getting a slight pan down from the horizon with camera only - then I would need dual control (x-axis & y-axis at same time) like it works with dual remotes. If i have to toggle a single switch between x-axis and y-axis it means i can only do a pan one axis direction at a time unless I use turning the aircraft to control left/right pan. The problem with that is I might want my gimbal speed real low but my aircraft rotation speed higher, thus i loose the smooth flow of the pan shot.
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United States

markaguille Posted at 2016-5-12 10:44
Configure your C1 or C2 buttons to switch gimbal from x to y.

Hey Mark - see reply above - Thanks for pointing that out by the way i had not noticed that option
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Tharg (from the
Flight distance : 120784 ft
United Kingdom

It would be pointless to have gimbal control of any axis on the right hand dial. - It is notched and therefore useless as a fine control of camera movement
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2277992 ft

I would set the dial for Y and then control the X with yaw.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Just get an extra battery or two , once you get into this you are going to want more batteries anyway, then the couple of minutes to adjust setting's in negligible.  ( I have 6 Packs  and can pretty much fly or film all day )

Best regard's Donnie  
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