Batch convert DNG to JPG / JPEG, JPG quality on P3A
8234 21 2016-5-21
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EDIT *** A link to picasa with names DJI_xxxx_P.JPG (usually first) is converted by me, using picasa. No editing, just convert. Name DJI_xxxx.jpg being a JPG direct from Phantom.
I believe that jpg lightens things up, decreases saturation, washes out a bit, and it almost seems like it crops and stretches the image a bit:

All right people!
I am getting pretty annoyed here!
Trying to find a piece of free program to mass convert DNG to JPG, and give me ability to select the quality of a jpg, is just so hard! Everyone just says lightroom, photoshop.. sorry  - I do not own these! Do only professionals deal with dng for God's sake?
This is for windows. Anyhow, I'd appreciate some pointers here.

And no, adobe dng converter does not convert to jpg, and "instant raw to jpg" only "extracts" the jpg image of very low resolution.. what the heck? I do not like the way Phantom converts to jps, so I started taking all images in dmg only, and even though Picasa photo viewer does convert, it's a manual process, and the jpg is only 2MB on average, I'd like a bit less compression. Played with ffdr, or something like that, that works with gimp, but no batch converter there either.. I am a bit tired of this running around...

Open for ideas! Thx in advance!

RAW file converted to JPG manually, looks as DNG did

RAW file converted to JPG manually, looks as DNG did

This was from DJI directly

This was from DJI directly
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The idea of batch converting dng files to jpg files defeats the whole purpose of shooting raw.
You may as well just shoot in jpg to start with.

The reason that pros and some others shoot raw is so they can take the time to individually bring out the best in each image.
Although some here disagree, there really is no need for most users to shoot anything but jpg, most of the time.
The jpg files from the Phantom are perfect for most purposes and all most users would ever need.
If you aren't happy with the way they are coming out of your Phantom, have a look at some of the adjustments you can change in the camera settings to change the look of your images.
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Flight distance : 14869882 ft
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The quality of JPG direct from DJI stinks, compared to that of an image I resave via picasa... hence my choice to shoot DNG and batch convert.. Now i see why the answer is hard to come by, in general people do not do it - but I have found that when watching a DNG and JPG, taken by DJI, side by side - the difference is HUGE. When I convert it, the overall look is the same... hence my attempt to mass convert.
I really do not want to spend time image per image to edit and enhance.. But that may be just my erroneous approach to things...
I will look at the camera settings.. My assumption was that default, dng and jpg files should be pretty much the same...  they are FAR from it....
Maybe DJI can give me some ideas on it.. I could provide samples, but the forum does not allow uploading large files...

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Phantomski, if you find DNG format inconvenient you can just adust the settings and shoot JPG. I'm not sure about any special converter but lightroom and photoshop do the job perfectly!
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Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

DJI-Tim Posted at 2016-5-22 00:49
Phantomski, if you find DNG format inconvenient you can just adust the settings and shoot JPG. I'm  ...

DJI_Tim, the problem is that when I compared number of JPG and DNG files from my P3A, the JPGs were.. well.. very much processed, to the point I really disliked them..  hence my attempt to shoot DNG and then just autoconvert on a PC...  Pretty much the JPG not only looked washed out, but also some of them were distorted near the edges. Way more distorted than the JPG I get out of a manual conversion...
Never heard of that? Considering the size of original files - if you are willing, i can shoot some examples tomorrow, and post a link to the actual original files, then you might be able to see what i mean....
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Phantomski Posted at 2016-5-22 16:44
The quality of JPG direct from DJI stinks, compared to that of an image I resave via picasa... hence ...

The quality of the jpg file direct from the Phantom will vary with the settings you have for Colour and Style.
Tinker with those and see what works for you.
The Phantom is quite capable of generating very good jpg files.
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Phantomski Posted at 2016-5-22 17:04
DJI_Tim, the problem is that when I compared number of JPG and DNG files from my P3A, the JPGs wer ...

'Pretty much the JPG not only looked washed out, but also some of them were distorted near the edges. Way more distorted than the JPG I get out of a manual conversion.'

I don't know what you were using to do this conversion, but a JPEG derived from a DNG will not have any 'distortion' applied to it.

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United Kingdom

Mac or PC?

For Mac, the obvious choice is GraphicConverter, converts anything to anything.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

Windows... i could also use linux, i am thinking that may be my next step. I did not bother with any camera settings, I assumed that DNG and JPG should be the same, but will play, see what I can find.
Thx for all the ideas so far.
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Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

OK, I added 2 images to the original post. I did NOT tell DJI to use any sort of filters, and when I flip back and forth between these 2 images, it really looks like something was seriously wrong with the JPG...
Now, for the sake of me understanding -
exposure, iso, all other "hardware" settings will be applied to both, DNG as well as JPG. Then any additional filters, software in the DJI camera, will be applied to the JPG only? Is that correct?
I just noticed time and time again, that my JPGs did not look good - contrast mainly... that is the only reason I started looking at dng...
Perhaps my DJI does have some weird issue? Firmware? I am on 1.8.80...
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Phantomski Posted at 2016-5-23 12:36
OK, I added 2 images to the original post. I did NOT tell DJI to use any sort of filters, and when I ...

Do a search on this forum, there have been a number of people who have offered advice on how to get the best out of the camera. It can do way, way better than you are getting.

But just looking at your photos, my first impression is you shot them in early evening, not a good idea. The Phantom camera is not a low light camera, it wants plenty of light to provide good images, and even so, those shots are way under-exposed.

To find out what it can do, put the camera up high somewhere, perhaps on the edge of the roof, don't bother to start the motors, just play with the camera settings and see what you come up with. RAW is a mode best used by people who know how to post-produce images, it is not for every one. You will find you can get excellent JPEG images by playing with the settings, but don't do it in the evening, pick a nice bright day.

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Flight distance : 14869882 ft
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Geebax Posted at 2016-5-22 21:15
Do a search on this forum, there have been a number of people who have offered advice on how to get ...

ok, will do! Thx man! i certainly would prefer JPG, way easier to deal with ;)
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United States

Same for me, I used GIMP and Photoshop as well before. They are not easy to batch convert photos to other formats. Later my friends introduce me a watermark photos software, which is simple to use to output photos in any format in batch. Just choosing the format in the Run step will do the work.
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Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

darbonnesspw@ya Posted at 2016-5-23 22:35
Same for me, I used GIMP and Photoshop as well before. They are not easy to batch convert photos to  ...

may check it out.. thx
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Phantomski Posted at 2016-5-23 13:21
ok, will do! Thx man! i certainly would prefer JPG, way easier to deal with ;)

Open up the camera menu in the app and look particularly at Colour and Style.
Do some test shooting to see what works for you and gives a look that you like.
And as Geebax said it's going to look better with a well lit subject.
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Flight distance : 260381 ft

I use Photoshop on Mac, there's also free version
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

A link to picasa with names DJI_xxxx_P.JPG (usually first) is converted by me, using picasa. No editing, just convert. Name DJI_xxxx.jpg being a JPG direct from Phantom.
I believe that jpg lightens things up, decreases saturation, washes out a bit, and it almost seems like it crops and stretches the image a bit: ... v1sRgCLn0wfjk7ICnfQ

So for those who ir interested in seeing my side of it, take a look. See what i mean?
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South Africa

I have had similar problems and struggled for days until I found this thread and purchased GraphicConverter 10. Thanks you very much you solved my problem now I convert the DNG to JPEG effortlessly.

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United States

I use Lightroom, but I already gave the CC suite for photography.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

i actually did endup getting photoshop as well, for like $10 a month, i use raw editor to edit dng and save to jpg now. Works way nicer, but is way more work intensive too....
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Very good for any batch process is ACDSee.
That is the Windows equivalent to Graphic Converter (Mac only).

Converters usually offer an option to control compression/quality. There are lots of them:
That might result in a little better result than shooting JPG from the beginning.
Anyone who is seriously/professionally interested in control of image processing would never work on JPG.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

i found working with raw VERY time consuming... i am sure it gets faster with practice, but - for now, i rarely get as good of a result from raw, as from a slightly enhanced jpg....
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