ios Pilot app: where in the Apple process is this app?
4739 17 2015-2-3
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Open question to DJI: Where in the Apple App Review process are we at this point?

Please, DJI, at least keep us posted on the progress. Which of the Apple App situations below is currently where the IOS Pilot App is at?

To Inspire owners: Below are the various scenarios Apple has outlined for app developers. At this point (now month #4 for some of us), it is time for each of us to contact Apple, if DJI won't provide an ongoing status. If no status posted here by week's end, I am going to my local Apple Store, with my Inspire, without an appointment, and will assemble my aircraft, with attached brand-new iPAD Air 2, and when approached what kind of assistance I need, I will announce that I am there to obtain my DJI Pilot App, as advertised. I believe at this point, Apple may be holding the App hostage for some obscure reason and that DJI is just as much a victim as the rest of us are. I also plan to notify my local news media and record what happens at the Apple Store with my iPhone and post the video on You Tube. It is high time for each of us to act in a positive constructive way to end this siege!

Here is what is published on the Apple App Developer site:

Below is Apple information about the "App Review" process that we IOS users are all waiting for. Providing App Review Information
If your app requires specific settings, user account information, or special instructions, include these details in the App Review Information section of iTunes Connect. If you don't include this information, the app review process may be delayed and your app could be rejected. For more details on providing App Review Information, read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
App Review Status
Once you have submitted your app, you can view its status in the My Apps module of iTunes Connect. For details on a specific status, read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide. Please note that review times can vary for each app.
Expedited App Review
If you face extenuating circumstances, you can request the review of your app to be expedited. These circumstances include fixing a critical bug in your app on the App Store or releasing your app to coincide with an event you are directly associated with.
Urgent Bug Fix
If you've submitted an update to fix a critical bug in your app on the App Store and you are requesting an expedited review, be sure to include the steps to reproduce the bug on the current version of your app.
Time-Sensitive Event
For apps associated with an event, we recommend you plan and schedule the release of your app in iTunes Connect. However, if your app is stil in review and the launch of your event is quickly approaching, you can request to have your app review expedited. When submitting your request, it's important to include the event, date of the event, and your app's association with the event.
Please Note: Expedited reviews are granted on a limited basis and we cannot guarantee that every request will be expedited. Sign in to request an expedited review.

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United States

From what I've read, it's even more complicated when the app relies on special hardware scenarios, like video over Lightning. MFi can apparently be difficult. This is not just some ordinary game or app.

Nice to see a post assigning some of the blame to Apple as opposed to blaming DJI 100%. I don't believe they have much/any control over this. People need to stop demanding DJI answer them about the app.
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I would also like to know the status but I'm pretty sure DJI will give us information as soon as they get it. It doesn't serve any purpose for them to hide the facts. In my opinion they should have been earlier in the process at the time of publishing Inspire but this is where we are and now it's in the hand of Apple so we wait
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Well, in case with MFI, I dont see DJI in authorized manufacturers link
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I do not think anyone from DJI knows when Apple will approve it. I believe that DJI will release it as soon as Apple approves it.

On the other hand, if there are issues with hardware and software integration that will cause long delays, I think we should be told.
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United States

st0gas Posted at 2015-2-4 16:41
Well, in case with MFI, I dont see DJI in authorized manufacturers link

To be fair, that list was last updated on Dec 15, 2014.
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United States

MFi - a new acronym for me. It stands for "Made For iPhone/iPod/iPad". What I gather from Apple's website is that because the DJI remote controller is being connected to an Apple iDevice, the manufacturer has to follow additional requirements in addition to whatever is required for the Pilot App itself. Here is what I found on Apple's website (

MFi Program
Join the MFi licensing program and get the hardware components, tools, documentation, technical support, and certification logos needed to create AirPlay audio accessories and electronic accessories that connect to iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

Note: DJI stands for Da-Jiang Innovations Science and Technology Co., Ltd. but I did not see either business name in the MFi list published 6 weeks ago. Could they be using a different dba? I wonder how to get an up-to-date MFi list?
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United States

PS: I just sent a request to Apple to please update their MFi authorized manufacturer list as soon as possible.
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United States

Hello everybody, thank you Abe for the link!!!  
I spent 2-1/2 hours on the phone with Apple Support today. After the first person I spoke to audviously had not clues as to the point I was trying to make, i asked to speak with a manager.  The next guy "I believe his name was Chis" was Awesome to deal with, he had actually heard of the Phantom and  knew of DJI. He was extremely interested in the issue. I let him know about the ongoing issue, and the possible PR nightmare this type of issue could cause. I then directed him to this forum and told him to read for himself.
My thought is that DJI has put forth all that they can, they spent countless hours developing , testing,  and promoting their software to cater to the IOS platform. Only to have it blocked on DDay!
Chris then said that this is a much larger issue than he felt comfortable dealing with. Then he place me on hold. ........ When he picked up again he explained that my call and case number is now being handed to the TOP of the Apple food chain. A lady picked up the phone and said Chris explained everything to her. I then added that Apple has got to realize with roughly 5000 Inspires being sold, all promoted  using IOS. You now have people with a fairly large amount of expendable incom being held captive, and now looking for an option other than their products. She sent me an email instantly with her contact info, name, direct line, email,. She asked that I give her time to get her facts together and to be able to do some research. She also asked me for the address for this forum. She asked if she could call me back on Sunday.  I told her Monday would be better. so we will see what is said on Monday.
I think that if everyone on here would take the time, go old school and place a call to Apple "in which they will create a case number for your issue that has to be worked to a point of resolution!" This entire mess might get resolved sooner.
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United States

Thanks for "carrying the ball" of this thread so deep into Apple's inner core (pun intended). Wow! Great work Drgnastro!

Meanwhile I am working on getting Apple to publish an updated version of their MFi list. I've made an initial Apple MFi contact with "Ted" who only said the list is "regularly updated" whatever that means, so I replied asking for more details.
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United States

No luck with getting Apple to update their MFi list. I finally realized that there are probably two hurdles for the IOS Pilot App: the software itself and the hardware device the ipad or iphone is proposed to be connected to (i.e. the RC). Apparently both must be approved. So I said "Enough!" and ordered the NVIDIA SHIELD android tablet, based on other positive posts I read about this tablet. This will be my first foray into the android world; whatever it takes to be flying and filming!
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United Kingdom

jessecarllane Posted at 2015-2-6 14:48
No luck with getting Apple to update their MFi list. I finally realized that there are probably two  ...

I'm with you. Apple have become too slow. I bought my first Android device yesterday after being 100% Apple.
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lethbrp Posted at 2015-2-6 16:11
I'm with you. Apple have become too slow. I bought my first Android device yesterday after being 1 ...

Me too, I get this week the Nvidia Shield, I was 100% Apple, and I can say you that this tablet is pure technologies, all works perfectly with Inspire and I start to enjoy Android better than IOS system. Now I start to sell all my Apple devices (Iphone / Ipad / Imac). Thanks Apple and see you never again...  Nvidia Shield is perfect !!
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Hope you hear soon about your Shield feedback. However please don't leave Apple in peace and share with us their feedback ! Cheers.
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Flight distance : 52549 ft

Drgnastro Posted at 2015-2-5 12:24
Hello everybody, thank you Abe for the link!!!  
I spent 2-1/2 hours on the phone with Apple Support ...

Drgnastro, did you get a call back from Apple as promised ?
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United Kingdom

laurent.crivell Posted at 2015-2-11 00:18
Drgnastro, did you get a call back from Apple as promised ?

To all :

Apple UK have confirmed with me today the advice given to the issue raised in the US and myself regarding the outstanding IOS APP approval is to simply contact the following :

DJI Pro Support

DJI Technology, LLC
6424 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Not exactly the awaited reply.  Looks like Apple are also dodging the issue.  However the more poeple who lodge a complaint on the iTunes feedback the more it will have an affect.  So please take the opportunity to lodge a complaint about the DJI Pilot App not being certified/approved by Apple and perhaps use the Apple Case number mentioned above.
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GB44 Posted at 2015-2-11 01:03
To all :

Apple UK have confirmed with me today the advice given to the issue raised in the US and ...

Just gave my feedback:

Hi Folks,

I understand the DJI Inspire app has been in the approval process for quite some time. I understand (running a large enterprise software support organization myself) that there are always multiple sides to every story, but I have invested a lot of money in apple products (2 macbook airs, 4 macbook pros, 8 iPads and 10 iPhones) over the past 5 years and I am a true apple believer.

However, I am being forced to buy an android device for the first time in 5 years because someone (not sure who) is dragging their feet in respect to the Inspire1 app that DJI indicates is waiting on approval for the past 5 weeks.

Is there a way to get an update? I don't want to buy 2 androids for this 4000.00 Drone (Quad Copter), But if I have to, it will weigh heavily on future apple purchases.
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Flight distance : 52549 ft

This thread just got a final positive answer:-)
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