Being told can't fly yet again ?
1401 4 2016-8-29
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United Kingdom


Chaps can you again offer some help here as I am becoming more and more upset with everywhere I go with the drone some arsewipe insists that I can't fly it here.

Went for a day out today to Derwent dam in the peak district and in front of the dam wall in a big open field taking the P4 for a nice little flight.
Over came the park ranger and said I can not fly on Severn Trent land around the dam , I got into a very heated debate that it was free open countryside and I was abiding by the 50m rule from stuctures and people etc and in this huge open field.

Anyway it ended with packing up the drone and leaving it in the car .... in the debate I said I will then go to the side of the dam on a public highway and then fly over to where I was previously stood as it was not on the so called severn trent land then.

What an arsehole and it seems everywhere you go to enjoy my hobby there is some little shit that says you can't fly it here.

Is this really an hobby to enjoy or are more and more people saying NO FLYING HERE !
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Yeah, sorry to hear that, there is always some jobsworth who needs to tell you what you can't do. But as long as you take off from park land, they can stop you. However they have no jurisdiction if you depart from land outside the park and then fly over it, you are then under CAA jurisdiction.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-8-29 18:46
Yeah, sorry to hear that, there is always some jobsworth who needs to tell you what you can't do. Bu ...

Not if you are in the land of the Free

I heard that we can not fly over state/county/town park air space, even if we are not launching from within "their" park.  They have very few places designated for flying, and these are usually the places which nobody wants to visit anyway.

You have to assume every time you fly that many people around you may have an issue. They may have the wrong perception of what a flying camera does. So play it smart and choose the launch location and time appropriately. Fly high so people can not hear it, and use a harness to keep one hand free, do some other activity like fishing, etc while flying. Use Litchi which allows you to fly hands free.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft

MD_Icarus Posted at 2016-8-30 10:00
Not if you are in the land of the Free

I heard that we can not fly over state/county/town park air ...

Ain't that the truth!

I'm thinking I should get a bright yellow neon vest, some sort of badge, a yellow hard hat, and some placard to slap on the side of my vehicle that says "State (name) Aerial Survey Crew" which might keep the badges away for a while if I fly.  Look like an official and they might leave you alone.  Look like a pro or know what you are doing and you get a citation or run off.

I get annoyed with the local art club grandmas who can set their easels and umbrellas up on a sidewalk and paint all day long, but if I pull out a camera on a tripod for five minutes next to them I get an "Oh no!  You can't do that here.  You need a $660 film permit."  Hooray for Hollywood!
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Flight distance : 351575 ft
United States

Well, if I feel like I can get
In trouble flying so.ewhere, I take up to an hour and go through the laws of the town, park, county and state that I fly in, just so I know I shouldn't get in trouble. And even if it says I cant, I usually go anyway. I'm not a good example. But when it is legal and 99% percent of the time, 70% percent of the time, it's legal. And when it is legal I like to have a printed copy of the where is says I can or where I doesn't say I can't fly, always expecting a flight.

For example, I'm going to be flying in a public beach about a month from now, and I already got the company that owns it on board, so I'll get some paper work saying they approved the flight. Then I'll contact the town hall of where I'm flying and get permission from them, as well as a note saying so. That way, when the boardwalk police come up to me, and they will, I'll have something to show them that I'm authorized to fly. I've don't this multiple times. By now I know the drone laws in the state, town, and county and it's completely legal. I have permission from the owner of the property, the only law I'd be breaking is flying near people, and town hall usually gives me permission to fly.
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