First hard landing with my P2V+ - out of control
3867 28 2015-2-2
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I don't know why, the wind took it to the bushes, and I couldn not control to bring it back..
It wasn't from high altitude
Just a crash on a tree, and then to the grass

After the crash, some minor scratches on the propellers, a Landing Gear was removed and the hole in shell where was attached broke

broken shell

broken shell

and worst of all, when I turn it on, I can see the camera on the remote, I can move from top-down, but I'm worried because it gave me a “GIMBAL MOTOR ERROR , CHECK FOR  OBSTRUCTIONS” and it moves from one side to another without stop (see video )

Any ideas on how to proceed?

1) About the Landing gear, I was thinking on silver tape it to the shell
It could be any problem to flight with the additional weight of the tape?
Meanwhile I'm ordering a new shell ( somebody knows if it will suitable to make the replacement by my own ? )

2) about the camera error= is there a way to manual move it to fix it?
can I check the correct position anywhere??
I searched in the web and found a possible solution, is it safe to try this?

I'm worried because the replacement cost is more that half of the drone!!

Please give me some help

sorry for my english, thanks in advance
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Sorry to hear this!  I know how I'd feel if it happened to me!
As for the shell repair, the weight will not be very great.  You'll be fine as far as that's concerned.  But it's clearly only temporary since you'll be ordering a new shell.
As for the camera, it sounds like it's sensing resistance.  Check to make sure the camera and gimbal are completely free of debris.  Also listen to it as it moves to make sure it sounds clear... no grinding or troubled sound.  Maybe use compressed air to blow out anything that you possibly cannot see.

Good luck!  Report back!
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United States

I have seen this video before and it looks like what your problem may be.

and here is a guard that I use
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There are many good pilots here that can advise you how to best handle your quad's damage and offer advice for future flights. I'm becoming more realistic about these DJI quads...I think eventually all of them will crash! I've owned my Phantom for over a month and I haven't flown it yet.  Did an upgrade out of the box and another recent one from DJI..Had initial problems with both upgrades but fortunately worked through them with help from members here..
The question to really ponder is how much money do we throw at this flying toy that has a mind of its own. LOL

For now, I enjoy flying my my cheap $55 Syma X5C-1 around the house...You can crash it forever and it keeps on flying. You must learn to fly it in its only mode..MANUAL!!!  I enjoy buzzing it around while watching TV and my 100lb. Akita loves chasing it!

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United States

cexilia, here's a detailed video on how to replace the shell:

Try sending your video to Hani at He repairs countless gimbals every month, so he will probably be able to tell you what's wrong.
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  1. I think eventually all of them will crash! I've owned my Phantom for over a month and I haven't flown it yet.  Did an upgrade out of the box and another recent one from DJI..Had initial problems with both upgrades but fortunately worked through them with help from members here..
  2. The question to really ponder is how much money do we throw at this flying toy that has a mind of its own. LOL
Copy the code
It's weird that you feel like you're in a place to give someone advice when you haven't flown your quad yet.
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United States

plsenjy, but, his advice was solid. He said to listen to other pilots
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United States

PhantomHelp Posted at 2015-2-3 01:49
plsenjy, but, his advice was solid. He said to listen to other pilots appreciate your comment.  

I am the first to admit that I am an inexperienced flyer with any quad.  However, my comment that there are many great assets for newbies....people here on this forum like Gerry, Kenargo, Jato and others....guys that have good experience with helpful comments.  That was my reassuring statement to the lady who experienced a crash....other Youtube sites like Justin @ and others like the kitchen table guy are places where she will gain further experience.

Funny to the flyer that blasted me because I felt that the best advice as a Newbie for me (learned from the experieced pilots) was to not run outside and think that anyone could fly these babies......hence, my quad sits at home grounded for now.  Yes, I marvel how a cheapie Syma quad "flies" right out of the box and teaches me quite a bit about "orientation", manual flight to hone my skill, and respect for the "crash" which is inevitable for my current skill level.

My comment about "deciding how much to throw at this type of hobby" is no slam on the fast track growth of the industry or all the people that enjoy their investments. I respect their decisions and just hope they fly responsibly and safely.  However, my 40+ years working for giant Consumer Electronics companies, (now retired), gives me enough credibility to say that a greater % of these quads will die either from neglect, carelessness, or boredom.  

Rapid tech will outdate these birds rather quickly and most of us who purchased a quad in the past year are still early adopters to the hobby.  The experienced flyer, is a different breed of cat and they will invest accordingly to their desires as the technology expands.  

DJI has now opened up a mass market....their profit ratio when compared to the true landed production cost and resale to distributors of these quads is likely in the triple digits. These quads are in their market infancy and reliability and dependability will improve over time.  However, there are too many unexplained quad losses or damages that may not be pilot error.

First, some of this is because of greed and the desire to make a fast buck from the masses....DJI could certainly improve their programming, QC and customer support and will likely do so as the biggest marketshare guy always will be forced to stay a step ahead.  However, other companies not even in existence yet will make a better quad in the future.

Secondly, flight risk is due to the complexity of firmware/software over many platforms being delivered by radio signals that can be compromised in a heartbeat by various factors.  Not to mention the undetected damage that could be created within a few lines of code being compromised inside any software because of an improper "disconnect" or flawed download, upgrade etc....leaving our quad with a mind of its own.

Yes, my quad is grounded for I continue to master the controls of a cheapie toy inside my home that I can crash anywhere without risk to anyone's property or body....I only ponder to which may be more foolish...that I invested a grand and haven't flown my quad fearing that it may crash and my quad is relegated to salvage parts (in my case) or that I should have instead chosen to lay the first thousand down on a Can-Am Spyder and hit the road on something that I have more control over...LOL

Safe flying to all!
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PhantomHelp Posted at 2015-2-3 00:33
cexilia, here's a detailed video on how to replace the shell: ...

I'm on Argentina so anything is helpful
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steadystickrick Posted at 2015-2-3 00:21

There are many good pilots here that can advise you how to best handle your quad's damage  ...

it´s a safe option
But I didn't read nowhere that the drone it was ONLY for experts, that´s why I bought it.
And I was using it with precaution, doing the exercises of the "Phantom pilot training guide" inside a soccer field when the wind took control
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PhantomHelp Posted at 2015-2-3 00:33
cexilia, here's a detailed video on how to replace the shell: ...

Thanks Phantom
I'll try to send him the video
I´m on Argentina I cannot get so much help with the Phantom in here
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

Ouch! You didn't mention whether or not the motors start but it may still be entirely salvageable in spite of how bad the damage looks.  

I don't have a lot more to add to the thread other than to compliment you on how much you FIRST researched the problem, found possible solutions and then came to the forum to get some feedback and additional advice.  

Now, if we can only get more of the MEN to do the same!  

You go girl!
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I could finally do the camera fix
It seems that is working, at least gives no error on the monitor

Now I need to glue in some way the landing gear, so I need to rebuild the plastic part where it is attached because I have to glue the small piece of metal where it goes the screw to the plastic shell

I was thinking on silver tape it, but I don´t know if it will be safe enough for a landing

Some kind of safe metal-plastic glue??

Any ideas?

(see the photo of broken part on top of first post)
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This is how I lost control and then crash
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-11 09:19
This is how I lost control and then crash

Yep thats how women drive ;) Hey just kidding before you beat me up did you notice how many satellites you had? By the way you were flying I guess it was in atti mode possibly? I am sure it's fixable and parts are actually pretty cheap.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-11 09:19
This is how I lost control and then crash

From the video it looks as though you were either flying in ATTI mode or did not have a GPS fix (lights blink green), because the Phantom seems to be drifting on the wind. Was this the case? In the future you may want to make sure you are in GPS mode (S1 switch in the top position) and have a fix before you take off. That is, at least until you become proficient at flying it. It will be MUCH easier to control this way. As for the landing gear, I would use epoxy (that stuff is amazing) to glue it back on to the body and not worry about trying to get the screws back in. Just make sure not to epoxy the wires that come down through the landing gear. Good luck.
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Both switch were on top, GPS was fixed, satellites was 7
And worst of all.. I was trying to do the exercises!! nothing mad at all !!
I'll take courage and will try the cyanoacrylate and bicarbonate fixing
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I use JB WELD for repairs on all types of things. I even used it to repair the loose, broken, plastic handle on my favorite stainless coffee mug. It's ugly now, but it's no-longer loose or broken. It's permanently bonded to the steel---lol.
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birdfolk5555 Posted at 2015-2-12 08:15
I use JB WELD for repairs on all types of things. I even used it to repair the loose, broken, plasti ...

J-B Weld 8265S the Original?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

steadystickrick Posted at 2015-2-3 00:21

There are many good pilots here that can advise you how to best handle your quad's damage  ...

How can you own this for a month and never fly it?  lol

I got my first one Jan 2 2015 and bought 2 more and have flown them all for hours now with no issues (ex user caused crashes with vision plus).Thus a used 2nd P2 v1 with no camera to practice and have fun with.  Thanks to camera guard and inertia guard all survived well.
Btw I live in NE Ohio and the day I got this the weather went nuts and it has snowed , rained , been windy, been 0 degrees f or close etc almost everyday.

To OP good luck with repairs!
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-13 07:34
How can you own this for a month and never fly it?  lol

I got my first one Jan 2 2015 and bought ...

Yeah, pretty stupid to have bought this thing and still waiting to put it up in the air.
Actually, I have a small Syma X5C-1 that I've been flying around....lots of fun in manual mode.
Also, realize that my $800 invested will eventually "fly away" or crash due to DJI firmware that is not reliable.
So, for now I'll wait until the firmware is a bit more settled...I have too many other hobbies that keep me rush for this bird!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

steadystickrick Posted at 2015-2-13 08:16
Yeah, pretty stupid to have bought this thing and still waiting to put it up in the air.
Actually, ...

+ 1 on the Syma 5 c. got one myself and buzz around the house when dog is outside. He wants s o bad to kill that thing!

Anyhow back to Vision, I really think the odds are any crashs most will have are self inflicted in the end.
I really really don't think it is future fact that all visions will crash do to firmware issues. The total number of units sold pretty much overwhelm the fly away numbers.

Having said all that I did , on both my Vision plus and Phantom 2 v1 add shielding on the GPS cable all the way to tip, that helped lock in faster.
Then I installed the 4mm 5 db gain antenna on the gps -  5 bucks and half an hour(mostly all the case screws). Crazy solid gps lock and speed to lock.
I can get sat lock in the house ( 0 sat prior) and outsidelock is quick I feel very comfortable that if I have any troubles GPS will likely not be it anymore.

For all new flyers. Make sure you have the patience to see 2 sets of fast flashing green lights, not just one.
One set shows course lock set and second sets GPS that is recorded on throttle up.
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Flight distance : 715551 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-11 09:19
This is how I lost control and then crash

It’s hard to tell but how strong were the winds? It almost looks like the Phantom was responding to user input but maybe you were confused with the flight controls?? Just asking, not finger pointing! ;)

The things to remember when learning to fly these (strictly my opinion) is altitude is your friend. Get up high enough so you have room to make small mistakes. If you’re flying in NAZA/GPS mode, when you get in trouble let off the sticks. If you have good sat lock and calibrated the compass correctly, it should stop in a hover and stay put.
As for fixing the landing gear, if you can find it, Gorilla glue makes a super glue jell. It’s incredibly strong and I’m sure it would work well.
Hope this helps and you get back in the air soon!
Here’s a link.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-14 07:16
+ 1 on the Syma 5 c. got one myself and buzz around the house when dog is outside. He wants s o ba ...

Thanks for the input on the Vision.  I watched that guy who does the kitchen table You Tube videos and I see he does a simple mod where he puts the GPS wire under the shielding so it doesn't touch the receiver unit and he demonstrated where it picked up an extra satelite or two.

I'm just rollng into retirement so I have plenty of projects to keep me busy...I just cranked up my Meade LX200 GPS telescope that I haven't used in 10 years....I'm just waiting for DJI to settle things with this latest firmware upgrade downgrade....I know I can fly it without too much concern but I just don't want to see my $800 go down the drain because of firmware....

I agree that most problems are probably not firmware related, but I feel that the ESC's, motors, or other electronics will eventually go that is my only point that with anything mechanical and electronic problems will eventually crop up...heat is a kiler!

Fly safe and enjoy....
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-14 07:16
+ 1 on the Syma 5 c. got one myself and buzz around the house when dog is outside. He wants s o ba ...

Thanks for the input on the Vision.  I watched that guy who does the kitchen table You Tube videos and I see he does a simple mod where he puts the GPS wire under the shielding so it doesn't touch the receiver unit and he demonstrated where it picked up an extra satelite or two.

I'm just rollng into retirement so I have plenty of projects to keep me busy...I just cranked up my Meade LX200 GPS telescope that I haven't used in 10 years....I'm just waiting for DJI to settle things with this latest firmware upgrade downgrade....I know I can fly it without too much concern but I just don't want to see my $800 go down the drain because of firmware....

I agree that most problems are probably not firmware related, but I feel that the ESC's, motors, or other electronics will eventually go that is my only point that with anything mechanical and electronic problems will eventually crop up...heat is a killer!

Fly safe and enjoy....
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-2-13 02:02
J-B Weld 8265S the Original?

Exactly. Mix equal parts from each of the two tubes. It won't be pretty, but it will be bonded.
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Offline Posted at 2015-2-14 08:09
It’s hard to tell but how strong were the winds? It almost looks like the Phantom was responding  ...

Thanks flying duck!
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birdfolk5555 Posted at 2015-2-17 00:07
Exactly. Mix equal parts from each of the two tubes. It won't be pretty, but it will be bonded.

Thanks bird folk!
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United States

Make sure its clean very clean no oils from your fingers and it will be very strong.
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