Wired Review - Karma vs Mavic
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3759 48 2016-11-1
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Wired put up a video comparing the karma and mavic.  The reviewer seems to like the karma, which contradicts every other review i've seen.  What do you guys think?
Also, i dont think he focuses the camera on the mavic when comparing images.

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BRB, grabbing popcorn so I can watch all the hell Brent is going to get...
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The only thing that's good on the karma is the GoPro camera ?
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warrior200 Posted at 2016-11-1 08:43
The only thing that's good on the karma is the GoPro camera ?

The option to upgrade camera, included LCD on controller, Handheld Gimbal, New user friendly less clutter on screen (also a con for advanced users), tug of war challenge at end. Did you miss in the video or you just do not agree?

I want to see image comparisons of GoPro Linear Fov vs Mavic.

Also feel both of the 2 Karma vs Mavic are not very great.
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As an avid photographer and a newbie to drones this was a very big eye opener. I never saw a true comparison with the camera's on the Karma verses the Mavic. I'm buying the mavic to photograph with but seeing this video has me scratching my head. I like that he wishes that you could blend the two drones into one. Oh well!

With Mavic's Loss OF Control issues - (LOC) and the DJI customer relationship and lack of forthcoming information I will have to do more research into the new GoPro Karma.

With no information as to an estimate when I will get my Mavic, if I order a GoPro Karma I will definitely know when I will get a drone that will photograph well. I have another drone ordered as well and it should be arriving very soon, hopefully today or this week.
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Flight distance : 68537 ft
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"The remote control has a lot more pro-level features. That said, A novice user could easily get lost in the settings here. There's just a lot of clutter on the screen.."

IMHO - If you can't comprehend the on-screen functionality of a DJI quad, you aren't intelligent enough to navigate one of these flying blenders through any airspace in the first place.
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Flight distance : 36165 ft
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Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-1 14:59
As an avid photographer and a newbie to drones this was a very big eye opener. I never saw a true co ...

the camera comparison should be taken with a grain of salt.  it doesn't look like he focuses the mavic properly when comparing with the gopro.
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Flight distance : 36165 ft
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Brent Rose responds
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phatee Posted at 2016-11-1 12:03
the camera comparison should be taken with a grain of salt.  it doesn't look like he focuses the m ...

It's like the Mavic Pro is daydreaming and you have to poke it to get it's attention.

With the way camera's are being built now it seems like a pain to have to keep remembering to focus. It's like the Mavic Pro is daydreaming and you have to poke it to get it's attention. This is the first new camera I've heard about that has this issue. Even cell phone cameras don't have this problem. If you want to focus on something that isn't the front of the shot that is when you push the focus screen not every you point the camera in another direction with a distance change.
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It seems to me that DJI could address a lot of these "image quality" complaints by just defaulting the camera to focus to infinity when it is powered on, rather than whatever the default is right now.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
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The Mavic footage in this review looks worse than any other YouTube Mavic footage videos I've seen so far.   I'm not sure what was wrong, but something was wrong.
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Flight distance : 104495 ft
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Obviously paid for by GoPro.. We all know the go Pro Karma is a piece of crap compared to Mavic..
This is a proper review.
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Mavic footage @ 2:30 is pretty bad. I've read a lot of reports on here about the lens fogging up... hopefully it's only temporary.
I didn't watch the whole thing, but was he aware that you need to tap to focus? All the early reviewers said the same thing (picture looks soft) until they realized you have to tap to focus.
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Flight distance : 158166 ft
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I think both reviews are pretty biased, but the GoPro one a bit less so (though I love how IPHONEDO rolls!). Both reviews also have errors in stated capabilities. I think what it boils down to is what Brent highlighted, though he may not have realized it. He said, "The Mavic Pro has more pro features." Well, yeah... "Pro" is right there in the name. He said it like that was a negative.

I don't think we are comparing apples to apples with these two systems. While they are both small drones, and revolutionary in their own ways, they are focusing on a different niche'.  Karma is a turnkey system for aerial footage targeting someone that has no interest in being an enthusiast... it is the Toyota of the drone world. Mavic is for enthusiasts or wanna-be enthusiasts. It's for guys like me that are into tech and wasting hours researching all of the minutia involved with whatever hobby I'm in... it's for the sports car market.

I suspect that DJI will release a Mavic that does not have "Pro" in its name that has a dumbed down, simplier, interface with even more full-auto options, but looks essentially like the current Mavic Pro. Slap a fixed focus wider angle, sharper lens on it and it would blow Karma right out of the water. Think of the Honda Civic Si tuner versus the standard Civic. Where DJI has an advantage is that the Mavic is already a sports car and it's easy to detune it. GoPro has a much harder battle to develop the Karma platform to have all of the bells and whistles of the Mavic Pro. I don't think GoPro has the stomach for the beating they are going to take against the Mavic Pro and this will be their one and only drone.
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United States

Zatx Posted at 2016-11-1 09:59
I think both reviews are pretty biased, but the GoPro one a bit less so (though I love how IPHONEDO  ...

Ya I would like to see a better comparison for both. One is for advanced users +smaller and one is a more all in one solution w/camera upgrade both with similar prices.

They both are on preorder for months and both high in demand. Not sure why GoPro would not make another if they are making a profit. I saw a post about 2 DJI trademarks for Mavic and Mavic Pro, 1 is just without the controller and just wifi options and not the pro controller, (I think, Id have to look for the post).
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What's needed is a comparative review of the cameras. You don't need to fly them to do that. It would be easy to do a comprehensive side-by-side review. The problem with the Mavic is that the online footage is so variable,  even discounting the mistakes with the focusing.  
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United States

Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-1 11:59
As an avid photographer and a newbie to drones this was a very big eye opener. I never saw a true co ...

I guess you haven't seen how several of the very few Karmas released crashed or flew away...  The Karma was originally supposed to be announced well over 6 months ago, and they pushed the release date from late October to late November after it was announced.
You should also understand, the review was done by someone who had no clue they had to tap to focus, causing another soft picture.
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Flight distance : 1558 ft
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I've heard that drilling a hole in the side of the Mavic camera reveals a secret defogging feature. (hides)
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They both are on preorder for months and both high in demand.

Yes that is the first thing I noticed when I looked at the GoPro webpage, sales are going very well for the Karma. They have sent out the first 2 orders and are now working on there 3rd which ships Nov. 28th. There is a huge GoPro following just like there is a huge DJI following. Don't fool yourself if you only know DJI.

I just ignored the GoPro because when I saw the initial reviews I thought it was garbage. As with DJI they too have there followers and forum set up like this one. There are vast differences in the two drones. One remark up the page said ..While they are both small drones, and revolutionary in their own ways, they are focusing on a different niche'.  Karma is a turnkey system for aerial footage targeting someone that has no interest in being an enthusiast... I am starting to agree with that statement and as an avid photographer I'm thinking that I might be waiting for the wrong drone.

I've read a lot of reports on here about the lens fogging up... hopefully it's only temporary.
Yes this really worries me because I live on Vancouver Island which is a temperate rain forest. The GoPro camera systems are all water resistant which means that they will not fog up or D.I.A. if it starts to rain while your 10 minutes out in your flight. Also as new GoPro cameras get released you can easily upgrade them to any model they have released or will release.
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FULL REVIEW of 2 drones in 7:44.

Find the mistake.

Oh and my 2 cents:
I think there is no need to fight the opinion that the Karma has a better camera system. And I think it is too hard to give a review that adresses all audiences. One person needs a drone for traveling (Mavic), one guy needs a uav that goes with his diving action cam (GoPro) etc.

But if you sum this competition up: drone with high res camera, easy to use, foldable, I am having a hard time believing this monstrous plastic godzilla is the way to go (for me).


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Schwavic Posted at 2016-11-1 13:51
I guess you haven't seen how several of the very few Karmas released crashed or flew away...  The K ...

I guess you haven't seen how several of the very few Karmas released crashed or flew away...  

I'm open to learning, where did you find this information? Today I'm on the teeter toddler of which system will be best for my needs as an avid photographer. I have lots of my photos posted on Facebook but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link. It really has nothing to do with this forum unless it's a photo forum so I won't.
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United States

Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-1 11:16
I guess you haven't seen how several of the very few Karmas released crashed or flew away...  

I' ...

This is a Karma vs Mavic thread. I do not see why people could not help you choose, which is what the review is trying to do. Post a link.
Also if Schwavic is talking about Weirds review phatee above already posted the response from Brent Rose comment #8.

They say they did use tap to focus.

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D&G Posted at 2016-11-1 14:22
This is a Karma vs Mavic thread. I do not see why people could not help you choose, which is what t ...

Yes I am on the Mavic forum and am waiting for my Mavic Pro just like the most of us. Please back up your remarks about the Karma because I've seen most of the Mavic U Tube postings. I am trying to find out which one is best for me. I don't want drone reliability issues, who does?
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United States

Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-1 14:16
I guess you haven't seen how several of the very few Karmas released crashed or flew away...  

I' ...

There are others, but I didn't want to load up the page.
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Wow, that is definitely a problem with fly off. The one that fell I'm not sure if that was human error or not.
Excellent videos for making your point.
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Flight distance : 2718491 ft
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United States

The Wired video is definitely biased. And almost looks like the Mavic camera settings are deliberately messed up. The review does not go into detail at ALL, unlike iPhonedo's review which is pretty comprehensive.

Is iPhonedo's review biased? Yes it could be, but at least he goes into detail and backs up all the claims.  
Last but not least, Brent Rose is a huge d-bag.
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United States

Makes me wish I had not sold my phantom 3. I knew what video and how reliable it was and neither one of these are a solid choice right now. One lacks all the mavic features and the mavic is buggy at best and you cannot get them anyways. I have no doubt they will get it figured out but I do not want a $ 999 Beta tester for Mavic.
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Flight distance : 36165 ft
United States

in the second video after the crash...did he take out the batterry? or did it come off during the crash.  i see he picks up the drone, the remote and what looks to be the karma battery.
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MadCow12 Posted at 2016-11-1 15:08
Makes me wish I had not sold my phantom 3. I knew what video and how reliable it was and neither one ...

I feel for you! Both drones are buggy and no-one wants to be a beta tester and pay for it. I noticed that Go Pro Karma released or is releasing the Karma Core as a replacement. I'm not sure if this is their answer to their flyaway problems or not. I hope to get more information on this subject. Does anybody know?
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I did glean this off their website.


Free 2-Day Shipping + Free Returns  
The Karma Core is a replacement drone for Karma.
Compatibility: Karma
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United States

D&G Posted at 2016-11-1 14:22
This is a Karma vs Mavic thread. I do not see why people could not help you choose, which is what t ...

What did they tap on, the rocks in front of the lighthouse...?  I think he's just way more comfortable with GoPro's settings, but even then, the video he shot in "Dronie mode" was completely unusable.  Several of the shots seemed to have the horizon improperly calibrated for both drones.
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United States

phatee Posted at 2016-11-1 15:12
in the second video after the crash...did he take out the batterry? or did it come off during the c ...

Battery came out when it crashed...  
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United Kingdom

That's not good from a Karma point of view.

If you look from a raw specs perspective - it's hard to see anything but the Mavic winning this.

The footage is really good on the Mavic too - I'm surprised that someone as prominent as Wired has said the footage was better from the Karma.
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Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-2 06:21
I did glean this off their website.


this could actually be a pretty interesting way to replace the drone but then again, in case of a flyaway, you neither have the Karma grip nor GP so on top of this shell, you'll have to get those two as well, I think that'll add up to be more than Karma bundle itself ;)
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leostark Posted at 2016-11-2 02:42
this could actually be a pretty interesting way to replace the drone but then again, in case of a  ...

That is true, but the replacement is supposed to stop fly offs.

Last night I was laying in bed thinking how the Chinese industrial machine runs. (I've been to China 7 times and my wife is Chinese) DJI is under pressure to get the drones built so they are running 24 - 7 to get the job done. There is an expectation to have so many drones built in an allotted time. The drone that is made on Wednesday morning could be better built than the drones made in the middle of the night. Perhaps our drones  are being made under sweat shop conditions? Some factories the employees don't even go home they sleep and eat at the factory.
I see Mavic Pro videos with parts missing when they unpack, part loose inside, misaligned sensors and misaligned camera lens parts. We seem to be getting a lot of lemons because of quality control.
Just my thoughts.
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United States

Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-2 11:13
That is true, but the replacement is supposed to stop fly offs.

Last night I was laying in bed t ...

Have to assume anyone who can fog a mirror has been recruited to work the assembly line.

If you see a broken nail in your packaging, rest assured the secretary did her best putting your Mav together.
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Second Officer
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United Kingdom

I have so many frustrations with this WIRED review and it is not the first time that they have failed to accurately review a drone for consumers.

http://www.droningon.co/2016/11/ ... ic-pro-gopro-karma/

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Flight distance : 406585 ft
United States

If your into SLR cameras and lenses you know the issues with Fish Eye lenses. I've done a massive amount of fisheye correction in software and the two main issues are imagine degradation and not being able to utilize the the full image from the sensor. Now I have fish eye lenses that cost more than either drone alone. These are issues unresolved by the best optic manufactures, issues noted by companies like Adobe for image degradation and they have guides all about it. Yet this "Film Maker" says a Fish Eye lens is better than a narrow FOV lens for aerial photography where you have nothing but profound straight lines.  Also the linear mode is just on camera fish eye correction. Its a fixed prime lens, therefore any mode apart from full open is just a software crop and fix, Something you can always do better in post(minus the convenience) similar to an digital zoom.
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Free Bird Posted at 2016-11-3 02:13
That is true, but the replacement is supposed to stop fly offs.

Last night I was laying in bed t ...

Yeah, it's more than likely it's a sweatshop, certainly goes in line with the quality control issues we've been seeing.
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Flight distance : 50423 ft
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United States

fansf906a12b Posted at 2016-11-2 13:13
If your into SLR cameras and lenses you know the issues with Fish Eye lenses. I've done a massive am ...

Well said!

When GoPro announced their Karma, I was wondering what they were going to do about the native fish-eye lens.  They did nothing.  Now, I love GoPros for what they are intended for.  I use them all the time for dirtbike videos.  They work great at making sure you 'probably' have the camera aimed good enough and they help reduce shake.  But 50' up on a gimbal stabilized platform?  That's the wrong place for a fish-eye lens!
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