Not chancing it
1899 21 2016-11-4
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well,Ive cancled my order.Im glad I didnt get mine right away.Ive seen too many threads on issues that need to be ironed not in the mood to be a guniea pig..Maybe when the issues are ironed out Ill pick one up..But for now its too risky..Good luck to you that have recieved them.Im picking up a phantom 4 instead.Good track record at this point.
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You will always see posts like this - forever.  Just look at the other drone forums on this board or any other manufacturer.  There will always be posts like this.  Trust me, don't avoid drones over forum posts.  People will always have problems and when it's viewed through the lens of a support forum - it will always seem worse than it is.
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Flight distance : 304744 ft
United States

fansf29a9bd8 Posted at 2016-11-4 22:52
Good point. Did the same thing. They are rushing. Only a few have been sent out. They haven't even s ...

Very wise right now,   I am just about ready to do the same.  I can get a mint inspire 1  x3 for the same price  that I paid for the mavic and not be limited to issues and a limited  video sensor. Too many  things against the mavic right now.
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United Kingdom

Waiting just means getting last year's tech when you finally buy it. If you want last years ( even two/three years old tech ) get the karma Its effectively my Phantom 2 with a new GoPro on it.

There are very few actual different issues reported with the Mavic. Like method mentions, support forums always show the bad ( and Facebook even worse )..

On the camera, people are still moaning about 1080/60 when in reality most would have never used it anyway. Like any camera, if you cannot make use of it, all your video/photos will look poo. Christ, give my Nikon D5 or Canon 5D mk4 ( they are good and expensive ) to my mom and she will give you photos akin to a smartphone as she has no idea how to use it to its potential, same goes for the Mavic.
But its your money to do with as you please.
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Puerto Rico

Hi DJI-method007!
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P4 is a great aircraft, however it started life same way as Mavic , without delay of course, but with plenty of teething problems, but sorted very quickly, I assume Mavic will be similar, so you will have it a few weeks , and Mavic will be sorted, you might feel differently...
But good luck whatever you do..
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method007 Posted at 2016-11-4 15:56
You will always see posts like this - forever.  Just look at the other drone forums on this board or ...

That's true but there does seem to be a disproportionate number of problems with the Mavic. And the most telling thing is how few have shipped. There should be thousands of them around by now, but there aren't.

DJI haven't explained why shipping has been and continues to be so slow. The one week delay they mentioned doesn't account for it.  Okay, they don't have the capacity to meet the huge demand, but they should have had the capacity to deliver many thousands by now.

It does make you wonder if they are deliberately holding back until they get everything sorted out.
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United States

flipside Posted at 2016-11-4 23:36
That's true but there does seem to be a disproportionate number of problems with the Mavic. And th ...

How do you know how many have shipped?  Can you post that info?
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method007 Posted at 2016-11-4 16:58
How do you know how many have shipped?  Can you post that info?

Of course I don't know how many have shipped. I don't think there are anywhere near as many around as there should be if they were producing them in large numbers. Do you?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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flipside Posted at 2016-11-5 00:32
Of course I don't know how many have shipped. I certainly don't think there are thousands of them  ...

Well, yea.  Thousands at the very least.  What would make you think anything different?  Nothing about Mavics launch has been any different from DJI's prior launches.  
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All the really big retailers like Amazon and B&H have changed the delivery date to "Unknown". That's telling. They originally ordered a given number from DJI. DJI have not been able to deliver what they promised. Same thing with smaller distributors and individuals.

That means either DJI was promising units left right and centre, with no idea if they would be able to keep those promises, or they have not been producing units at the rate they predicted they would produce them.  Why not? What is the problem?

Either way they are now telling their biggest customers that they have no idea when they will be able to deliver.

Their official statement that they will "do their best" to clear them within 7-8 weeks means nothing. They're not saying "we will..." or even "we expect...", just "we'll do our best".  I'm sure they tried their best to meet their original promises. Look what happened there.

Of course they'll try their best to fulfil orders before Christmas and the New Year, otherwise they'll have even more cancellations on their hands.  It's just playing with words. "We'll try our best..." means nothing. Look at their biggest customers to get the most accurate estimate of delivery dates: "Unknown".
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method007 Posted at 2016-11-4 09:36
Well, yea.  Thousands at the very least.  What would make you think anything different?  Nothing a ...

What ever is it that makes you think thousands at least? Bestbuy, one of the largest electronics retailers in the U.S. and Canada, don't even have displays, and from what I can tell, not a single order fulfilled from them.
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United States

What a shame.... I'm glad being a guinea pig doesn't bother me when it comes to the latest technology. 23 flights and not an issue, and if there is one on my next flight, oh well, I'm aware of the risk. State Farm won't be too happy but that is why I got insurance, $60 bucks a year and no deductible. Life is too short to wait, and what ifs; but to each their own. Enjoy your p4.
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Hi DJI-007
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Michael Angelo
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I'm one of the lucky ones to actually have my hands on one and let me tell you, nothing feels rushed about it. I haven't had any problems and yes I am looking closely. Not waiting for this technology to become old. Always on the cutting edge. I did the same thing with the Phantom 3 Professional as well as the Phantom 4. No problems getting those early either.
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fansf29a9bd8 Posted at 2016-11-4 20:08
More like "DJI-Gomer-Pyle".

If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
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Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

Babblin5 Posted at 2016-11-4 12:08
What ever is it that makes you think thousands at least? Bestbuy, one of the largest electronics r ...

The amount of people that already have them.  Forums have very few people on them.  If you consider the amount of people on these forums, and the fact DJI has likely sold over a million drones to date (estimates based on sales), you can draw the conclusion that a fraction of the amount of people that own a drone frequent this forum.  Definitely less than 1%.  If you consider that 75 people have received a drone and frequent this forum, working in reverse, that's thousands of drones shipped.  I find this logical.  Do you disagree?
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Flight distance : 1558 ft
United States

method007 Posted at 2016-11-4 17:37
The amount of people that already have them.  Forums have very few people on them.  If you conside ...

Yeah, I do. The people who post in this forum are enthusiasts and early adaptors, who would normally get things before the masses. None of the big box companies have received their first order yet, and they, as was confirmed, had advance notice and placed orders before we even knew about it. Under normal circumstances, I'd agree that an extrapolation would be valid, but this launch has been about as far from normal as you can get. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, just expressing my take on the matter.
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United States

Babblin5 Posted at 2016-11-4 22:57
Yeah, I do. The people who post in this forum are enthusiasts and early adaptors, who would normal ...

Although I understand what your saying, I still think i'm right.  You say "this launch has been about as far from normal as you can get", which is not the case.  This launch is quite normal.  Normally there is a pre-order date, something happens and DJI delays shipping.  This will always happen simply by the nature of what they are selling - bleeding edge technology.  Shipping then begins and everybody on this specific forum freaks out and says nothing has shipped.  By the time we get to December it turns out thousands upon thousands of drones were shipped, which is verified by their sales reports.  The big box companies not receiving orders doesn't specifically matter in this debate as that is a result of delayed shipping, which we are not debating.  People on the forum being early adopters and enthusiasts is always true, so my previous argument regarding the fact that, without debate, less than 1% of DJI drone owners utilize this forum, is unchanged.   There is all sorts of other anecdotal evidence as well.  If you search you tube, there are 92,000 videos for "DJI Mavic", and 377,000 for "DJI Inspire".  426,000 for "DJI Phantom 4" and 994,000 for "DJI Phantom 3".  The inspire has been out 22 months.  The Mavic has 25% of the amount of videos on youtube that the Inspire has, and it has been out only 5% of the time.  It has 21% of the videos the Phantom 4 has, but has been out only 14% of the time.  It has about 10% of the videos the Phantom 3 has, and it has been out only 2% of the time.  So yea, it's more popular so that plays in it - but clearly - people have Mavic's.  
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