My Mavic just crashed a few minutes ago
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11325 109 2016-11-5
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Flight distance : 1204 ft
United States

The Mavic is not safe to fly in its current state. I have been flying and have owned every single DJI quadcopter that DJI has made. I was flying the original back when I had to solder on my own zenmuse gimbal. Back then we didn't even have the luxury of seeing where we were flying on an iphone or ipad. That said, I have never had an issue. I always fly in safe open areas, with full compas calibration, full batery, full GPS lock.

I just had my 2nd flight with my Mavic, checked everything as usual, did a full compass calibration, I had full green GPS lock. I took off, everything was fine for a second, then I noticed a crazy drift and it started to slightly spin, it was clear that it was not right and was not respoding to anything I was doing properly, so I tried to land it and realized it was not doing what i wanted to do and so I let go of the controls, looked at my wife in fear realzing this thing was not going to do anything I wanted via controls and the thing took off toward my direction WHILE MY HANDS WERE NOT ON THE CONTROLS, hit a pole and shattered. I have NEVER seen any of my DJI drones act like this. I am downloading the logs now. I have no idea what to do right now and I am still shaking.

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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

Just had a similar experience. Was flying at home and was great. Took it to a park down the road. Flew great, tried a few different modes, wanted to to a self shot and it started to jerk around. Cancelled shot and tried to bring it down slowly circled and ascended. Stick down would make it go higher stick up nothing very jerky the whole time. Tried left and right, nothing. It was like someone had a jammer or hacked it, but nobody around. Started to drift away and I figured F it I'll try RTH. Thank God that was the only control option that worked. Landed it ok. Then I changed battery, moved a little away from where I was. Did another IMU (side note, it does IMU check every time once powered on? Takes a while for it to do it) calibrated compass again. Waited for it's own damn IMU after restarting and launched it. Flew fine, but I kept it only 6 ft from ground. Scared the S out of me when that happened. I purchased the damn care package before I even activated drone thinking at least if I F something up it'll get priority, but not when it flies away and you can't find it! Which it certainly would have done if I didn't hit RTH. WTF is going on with this??? First time flying it today. Had multiple firmware upgrades before first flight. Then another one after second? Maybe that was for the different battery?? IDK I've got plenty of experience starting from a Parrot 2.0 years ago, blade 350qx3, yuneec q500 and q500 plus, and now have two inspire1's. The inspires have been a dream, never an issue. All the others were low grade wastes of money. But the Mavic, it's amazing, but goddam if it's not scary when it glitches on you. If I didn't have the experience from other crafts I'm sure I would have lost it today. My last and only working option was RTH and again thank God it worked.
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Flight distance : 304744 ft
United States

Man screw this mavic at this point. Is becoming obvious that the mavic isnt close to being safe to fly. All you people that are burying your heads in the sand, saying that there is nothing wrong need to wake up!  So flying the mavic at this point  is flying a ticking timebomb!
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Flight distance : 1204 ft
United States

P3T3 Posted at 2016-11-5 15:48
Just had a similar experience. Was flying at home and was great. Took it to a park down the road. Fl ...

Unfortunately I didn't have time to RTH. When I took my hands off the controls I was still in the "let me make sure this isnt my imagination" state of mind, meaning I wasn't in full panic as in the past I have seen some slight weird behavior and i will  sually just land and go somewhere else/ re-calibrate. So this time when i let go the thing came at me as if i was holding down the joystick and my only choice was to see it hit a pole. THANKFULLY it didnt harm me or anyone else. I am trying to get logs, but I keep getting an error that it cant enter data mode.
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United States

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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Put your flight logs up here you should no how you have a lot of experience
Although you are very new to this forum
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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P3T3 Posted at 2016-11-5 19:48
Just had a similar experience. Was flying at home and was great. Took it to a park down the road. Fl ...

You should know how to put your flight logs up here it would really help other flyers.
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Flight distance : 1204 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 16:17
Put your flight logs up here you should no how you have a lot of experience
Although you are very n ...

This is the tough part about reporting a crash. You get the passive aggressive responses like this, which hint at something negative toward me. I don't post on forums for any tech device that I use unless I have an issue. If you did not intend that to be passive aggressive, than I apologize as I am a little upset at the moment. I have connected my Mavic to my computer and have entered flight data mode, but it is not mounting, even if I go to disk utility which used to be a trick, I still get nothing. If I try again to enter flight data mode the app gives me a "Cannot enter Flight Data Mode. Please try" error.

Lastly, because I have been flying drones (mostly for videography purposes) doesn't make me an expert on pulling logs. I have never crashed and there for, have never needed to pull logs. Again, not trying to attack you, but every time someone crashes people seem to get on their case a bit. Sorry, crashing a brand new expensive drone has me on edge

I will try another computer and see if I can get the logs or if someone can assist that would be great.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 16:20
You should know how to put your flight logs up here it would really help other flyers.

I've heard there is clear protection tape over sensors that are not very noticable. Were they all removed?
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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CREVICE22 Posted at 2016-11-5 20:27
This is the tough part about reporting a crash. You get the passive aggressive responses like this ...

Wasn't been passive aggressive was just asking you to put up logs you can do this through
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Flight distance : 1204 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 16:33
Wasn't been passive aggressive was just asking you to put up logs you can do this through healthyd ...

I removed all taped, I triple checked I took tape off everywhere.

hallmark, I apologize then. I am in a bad mood. Let me try
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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 16:20
You should know how to put your flight logs up here it would really help other flyers.

I should know how? I see how others interpret that at snarky. Never had issues with my inspire so I've never even gone onto healthy drone. But I just did and from from what I can tell the bottom sensors seem to be the problem with negative readings and the constant ascent. I'll try and upload a screencap after resizing. IMG_6988.JPG

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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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P3T3 Posted at 2016-11-5 20:53
I should know how? I see how others interpret that at snarky. Never had issues with my inspire so  ...

Wasn't been snarky you posted was only trying to help
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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

I believe "W" is where it went haywire and it was at least 10 ft off the ground.
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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 16:58
Wasn't been snarky you posted was only trying to help

A lot gets lost in translation through text. Ask my wife
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Flight distance : 1204 ft
United States

Here are my logs for the flight. You can see a couple things First how I didnt even go that high and how short the flight was. The other is that the compass was acting very very weird.
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No Man's Drone
Flight distance : 301545 ft

Sorry about your crash, OP. You mentioned that you calibrated the compass before flight. Did the app prompted you to do so? There might be strong interference when you were calibrating it. However, I would expect the app to let you know that you need to resolve the issue with the compass first. I only had to calibrate my compass and that was when the app told me to do so on my first flight after firmware update.
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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P3T3 Posted at 2016-11-5 19:48
Just had a similar experience. Was flying at home and was great. Took it to a park down the road. Fl ...

You said you were only six feet away how did RTH work it needs to be 5 meters away before it works
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New Zealand

I know this is a mavic forum but I had a similar thing happen on my P3 advanced two days ago.
It had just been back to the dealer to repair a crack found under one of the motors.
I took it into the backyard to test it out after upgrading DJI go to the latest on my ipad mini and the latest firmware on the controller.
Everything said normal in DJI go and it was in gps mode.
I had the camera facing away from me so controls were in the right place.
I took off and hovered about 5 metres away from me, then all of a sudden it flew back straight at me really fast. I was in shock also and pushed the left stick hard down to try and land.
It wouldn't land and it flew straight into a bush alongside me like a hedge clipper, got tangled then fell on the ground upside down spitting dirt off the props everywhere all over it.
Couldn't stop it by the controller so had to reach over and turn the battery off.. Was very scary when it flys straight at you.
I cleaned it all off and only real damage was scratched props luckily...
Did a re calibration and tried it again and it seemed ok.
Took it out yesterday to a wide open park, flew for 20 mins and everything seemed normal.

Very weird its never done that before to me and it is very scary when they fly straight at you so I know what you mean
Hope the mavic doesn't do the same when i get it
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Flight distance : 17651 ft

you have pics of damage to your craft
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No Man's Drone
Flight distance : 301545 ft

Also, my Samsung S7 Edge came with a handy compass app. Before I calibrate my Mavic, I check the compass in my phone first right in the spot where I will calibrating my drone's compass. If the compass app on my phone is jumping all over the place, I go to a different spot and check the compass again. If that spot is indicates good compass reading, that's where I calibrate my drone's compass. I have a phantom 2 and this has been my practice ever since when calibrating the compass.

I'm suspecting that this issue with spinning Mavic is directly related to erratic compass values.
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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-5 17:14
You said you were only six feet away how did RTH work it needs to be 5 meters away before it works

Re-read post, that was post-incident
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Flight distance : 701211 ft
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United States

Been flying it fine since. Just went through 2 batteries and all seems well. Paid attention to telemetry and the - altitude that I thought was an issue is not. Just below from start point I guess. Only thing I can think was something went wrong when I was trying to use gestures. Now it seems every other time I start it has to wait for IMU calibration before takeoff. Good amount of time. I don't know why this is happening either. Does fly great aside from that incident earlier.
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
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GNE8uv8WWHt5 Posted at 2016-11-6 03:50
Man screw this mavic at this point. Is becoming obvious that the mavic isnt close to being safe to f ...

I'm starting to come to that conclusion myself, all these crashes are really starting to worry me. I used to be excited for getting the Mavic and was annoyed it hasn't shipped, but maybe that's a sign. Might have to go the P4 route or grab a cheap Inspire after they announce the Inspire 2. But damn I really hope they figure the issues out because the size is what really makes this thing shine.
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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CREVICE22 Posted at 2016-11-5 21:02
Here are my logs for the flight. You can see a couple things First how I didnt even go that high and ...

Your compass went a bit crazy you also entered Atti mode loosing gps , and you had a warning before flight nfz, it looks like a compass problem, but you need dji to take a closer look,
I'm sure you looked at stick movements in your flight recorde, I would sync your flight to dji cloud get Ken or someone to have closer look.
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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P3T3 Posted at 2016-11-5 22:51
Been flying it fine since. Just went through 2 batteries and all seems well. Paid attention to telem ...

You can't tell much by that sheet I would sync your flight record to dji cloud and get one of the mods here to have a closer look,
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DJI Mindy
Flight distance : 7 ft
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Sorry for your crash,CREVICE22.
Could you please upload the flight data to dropbox and send me the link?
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United Kingdom

Is anyone else getting worried or is it just me. When I get my mavic I will be in two minds  should I fly it or have an expensive ornament. I think I need reassurance that the mavic is ok and it will be sorted out with firmware updates. When I got my parrot bebop it had such problems and it was sorted out really quickly and I've never had a problem since and it flys great and I trust it. The problem is I saved up my money for something else then the mavic appeared and I spent it on that, now I don't want to loose my mavic and have dji say sorry you lost your mavic bye. I'm now thinking have I made the right decision.
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Flight distance : 10814 ft
United Kingdom

It is so obvious there is a problem. Why do people keep saying interference or compass calibration problems. It is the exact same problem as countless others. Many of whom are experienced pilots that would know better. And despite one DJI staff member telling us it is very few incidents amongst 'thousands' of shipped drones I just don't buy it. It seems like a ridiculously high proportion, and certainly higher than the Note7 problems. And as more do get into the hands of users then it will only get worse. DJI could be in real bother if one of their defective products hits the wrong person and gains mainstream media attention.
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United Kingdom

I know you can't get everything right the first time and some drones are going to be faulty and I know some will have pilot error I just hope that it gets sorted out.
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Jenkins Posted at 2016-11-6 09:32
It is so obvious there is a problem. Why do people keep saying interference or compass calibration p ...

Well if look at logs presented you can clearly see there was a problem with compass, it maybe caused by other factors , and maybe it's a fault with aircraft, but it could also be pilot error.
We'll just have to wait and see,
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-6 11:10
Well if look at logs presented you can clearly see there was a problem with compass, it maybe caus ...

Maybe it's a good thing we're coming into winter here with not many flight days and maybe it will all be sorted out by the time spring is here. This will be my first dji and I'm really hoping it's going to be ok.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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warrior200 Posted at 2016-11-6 11:18
Maybe it's a good thing we're coming into winter here with not many flight days and maybe it will  ...

It will be sorted a lot quicker than that if it is a problem, Warrior 200 I wouldn't worry about this, this is almost a carbon copy of other releases by dji, also there are a lot of new flyers, takes a bit of sorting out but it will.
When you get your aircraft just follow the recommendations for first time users and in a very short time you will get your confidence and you won't look back.. good luck
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2016-11-6 11:24
It will be sorted a lot quicker than that if it is a problem, Warrior 200 I wouldn't worry about t ...

Cheers mate I hope your right and I know how good dji are compared to other drone manufacturers. I grounded my parrot bebop until they had it fixed I just don't want to do it again with my mavic.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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warrior200 Posted at 2016-11-6 11:40
Cheers mate I hope your right and I know how good dji are compared to other drone manufacturers. I ...

Well there you go you've flown bebop Mavic will be much easier to fly just has a lot more bells and whistles to keep you interested,
I've been looking at some of the first videos put up by some members here and they are cracking, the camera looks amazing.
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Flight distance : 403304 ft

I would love to see the explanations when dji have analysed all these... to get back confidence in the product... because actual i am a bit afraid of flying... probably it is a bad idea to read all the problem reports because it is normaly only  a small percentage... all the users having no problems will not show up here...
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Your phone could be causing the issue when you calibrate the compass.  The manual even states not to have your phone near the mavic when calibrating
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United Kingdom

Is it a good idea to have all the apps shut down on your phone when flying  ?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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bigcheese Posted at 2016-11-6 11:44
I would love to see the explanations when dji have analysed all these... to get back confidence in t ...

You probably won't here explanation from dji, if it's there problem it will be fixed by firmwear, and those who crashed if it was malfunction on dji's part they will sort it, it's jus the way they seem to do things.
Underlying thing here is when you get your drone take time to make sure your happy with it and do all the recommended things before and during your first flight, and I think this goes for experience and newbie flyers..
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

No Man's Drone Posted at 2016-11-5 16:35
Also, my Samsung S7 Edge came with a handy compass app. Before I calibrate my Mavic, I check the com ...

Bravo, I think this is a very good practice. I hate hearing about any crashes/damage to any drone/quad. I know it sucks but I also think that some are due to ignorance (not an insult) as there are MANY factors in the environment you fly in, electro magnetic interference, wind shears etc that a pilot cannot see. Understanding weather conditions relative to temp/humidity etc....all these things factor in when flying and I think many pilots don't pay any attention to these things and just look around, see clear skies and go for it. Just food for thought when you have such an investment. I'd urge every pilot to go get your part 107 certification, heck just studying for it will gain you a plethura of "flight" knowledge. With all that said I'm sure bugs/eqpt failure do happen and I'm not disregarding that. Best of luck to all. BTW I ordered the Mavic Fly More Combo on Sept 29th and hope to have it some time this month. Hopefully I won't be posting any "I just crashed my Mavic" topics once I start flying it.
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