Reseller/Dealer Shipment Watch
23787 336 2016-10-21
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Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

I ordered on Sept 28th on Amazon via LinkedAll Drones. They confirmed yesterday my Mavic is on its in way and FedX tracking has it set to arrive on Thursday (tomorrow).  I have also heard of a few others getting their orders from some Amazon sellers.  (I did have to dodge the bullet of Amazon automatically cancelling my order on Nov 4th which was the latest date it was to be be delivered initially. I did that by allowing the vendor to mark the order as shipped).  I initially tried to order via DJI on the 27th (and again on the 28th) but their web site wasn't working. I wish I had gone that route now but I had no idea when it would be working and really wanted to lock in the order.
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Flight distance : 14045 ft
United States

Got the following email from Advexure today. Really regretting not ordering direct or through one of the big names at this point.

"We had some units arrive in yesterday, a few more that should be arriving in any time today as they are on the delivery truck, and I did hear that we have a third shipment that should be here Friday or Saturday as well. Yesterday was 4 units. today is 3 units, we do not yet have numbers on the third shipment quite yet.

As of right now, 13 orders stand ahead of you which should be 10 by the end of the day.

It is frustrating to see that Apple has been getting more units due to the fact that them along with Best Buy and Walmart can purchase in larger quantities and therefore gain a slight edge in fulfillment over the Tier 1 Dealers. What it really comes down to is after sales support and who you want to be dealing with on support issues.

We’ll have to see what the third shipment later this week brings to know exactly when we’ll hit your pre-order slot."
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Flight distance : 65535 ft
United States

jvanderhoff Posted at 2016-11-16 14:00
Got the following email from Advexure today. Really regretting not ordering direct or through one of ...

unfortunately I order from Best Buy it still says nov 29 which I dont know if to believe. I haven't heard any one actually getting theres shipped from them only retail shipping them is apple
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United States

Just got my tracking number from Newegg.
Ordered on 10/20.  

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United States

Drone-World should start shipping again soon. Sounds like product is finally starting to move out of the factories.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Its *highly* annoying that DJI is apparently shipping to NewEgg before any other resellers due to some sort of backroom deal.     NewEgg has been shipping orders all along, and now per the poster above they are shipping Oct 20th orders.   Meanwhile resellers with customer waiting since Sept 28th haven't shipped.   
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
  • >>>
United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-11-17 14:25
Its *highly* annoying that DJI is apparently shipping to NewEgg before any other resellers due to s ...

It's not actually Newegg that's selling and shipping them, DJI is a marketplace seller on their site and ships directly to the customer. I also ordered from them and my combo shipped out this morning from SHENZHEN, CN. I ordered Oct. 31st. My original order was with B&H on Sep. 30th but I gave up on that after realizing it would take forever for the spare batteries to ship since I didnt do the combo then. The Newegg listing said Shipping on Dec. 15th, so I was definitely surprised to get that email this morning.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States


And here I sit still waiting on my order.   
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
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United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-11-17 20:34

And here I sit still waiting on my order.

I feel for you, there's no rhyme or reason to the way these are getting delivered. I'm stoked mine is on the way but it's still irritating watching everyone report how they're walking into Apple stores today and walking out with Mavic's, especially the ones doing it just to turn around and put it on ebay for a profit. DJI will learn from this lesson. It appears that they aren't taking immediate payment for the P4 Pros so something good has come from everyone's complaints, or they got reamed from their payment processor and can't do it anymore.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

justflie Posted at 2016-11-17 12:49
Drone-World should start shipping again soon. Sounds like product is finally starting to move out of ...

Let keep each other posted.   I also have a Drone World order.
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Flight distance : 791736 ft
New Zealand

In new Zealand I just got my tracking number from a nz retailer for mavic combo! Ordered 09/28/16 UTC it's in the post!!
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Flight distance : 114688 ft
United States

Hey guys. So today when I went to the Apple Store to check out the new MacBook pros, I saw a display Mavic. I asked the Apple
Rep if they will
Be getting any before xmas. She told me to hold on and that one of the employees bought one today. I was thrilled, as I have 6 pre orders I am Waiting on. They were out of stock at that store, but she showed me that (2) Apple Stores close by have low inventory. I called and they each had one!!!! I got my Mavic Pro tonight around 8pm. I would call Apple directly and ask, online shows nothing available even the 2 stores that had stock.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Grrrr....    Now Apple storefronts getting theirs (non preordered) before mine ships.  
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

So.... anyone seeing any more movement from resellers?   

Drone World?

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Flight distance : 144570 ft
South Africa

I ordered on 18 October from Apple, and it was delivered yesterday to my office in Hong Kong.
So that should mean orders are moving right ahead.
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United States

Nothing from drone world for me. I'm assuming either late next week or the week after.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

justflie Posted at 2016-11-22 22:03
Nothing from drone world for me. I'm assuming either late next week or the week after.

Did you order direct or through Amazon?    I ordered through Amazon and they already charged me about 2 weeks ago.   So far no Mavic and they gave me a (very revised) estimate of 11/28 - 12/9

This has been the most unpleasant and exhausting preorder I've ever taken part of.   It's ridiculous.
Edit:   Btw I ordered on Sept 28th
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Any updates Drone World peeps?   Any other retailer updates?
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United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-11-17 20:49
Let keep each other posted.   I also have a Drone World order.

I ordered on oct.7 from drone world and haven't heard anything. Keep posting....thanks
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United States

I have been watching Ebay as that is a great indicator of when they start appearing and being shipped.  Sure enough, in the last few days there has been a small uptick in people selling "sealed, in hand" fly more kits and single units as well, they aren't shy about raping you to get one either.    Prices are starting to come down for those in hand fly more packages which were ridiculous at up to $6500 for the most expensive I saw, to a still high, but at least more reasonable $1,900.  I went ahead and bought the fly more kit at $1,900 shipping included and it should be here tomorrow (Monday 28NOV16).  I have a vacation out of the Country coming up and wanted to make sure I had it with me.  I can wait on the P4P that I have on order as long as the Mavic is here and flying.  
Good luck to all who are stuck in line, I feel for you.
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United States

Latest from Drone World regarding my Sept fly more order "Very busy today, but I may be able to get it out this week."
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United States

Nothing from Drone World yet. I ordered directly from them on 4 Oct (not through Amazon). Thinking about canceling and waiting for the next version.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Scrappy325 Posted at 2016-11-28 20:46
Latest from Drone World regarding my Sept fly more order "Very busy today, but I may be able to get  ...

Yeah I'm getting a little tired of the "should be shipping this week or next" and I get a huge red flag of "Very Busy today, should be able to get it out".    What are we supposed to take from that?    That if he wasn't busy he could reach over and put one in a box and ship it out?

Getting a little tired of this whole thing.
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New Zealand

I have just been to PB tech in Auckland New Zealand and collected my Mavic Pro which was ordered on 04/10/16 Yay! Can't wait to get this bird in the sky!
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United States

Just got a response via email on the Sept 28 Drone World via Amazon order "I will get it out tomorrow overnight".  
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Scrappy325 Posted at 2016-11-29 19:00
Just got a response via email on the Sept 28 Drone World via Amazon order "I will get it out tomorro ...

Do you have an update scrappy?   I also ordered through Amazon from Drone World on the 28th.   It worries me because they shipped me that stupid freebie drone and marked it as complete on Amazon.   It would be a pain to convince Amazon that I didn't receive my actual purchase I think, and I've already been fully charged when they sent the little freebie.

I'm sure Drone World is good for it -- but it's still concerning.
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United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-12-1 03:34
Do you have an update scrappy?   I also ordered through Amazon from Drone World on the 28th.   It  ...

My enthusiasm wanes now.

Emailed about 5pm west coast time and asked if I'd receive a tracking number for the shipment that they said would be sent today.

The reply was "You will get the new tracking # once shipped."

I emailed back and asked if that meant they weren't shipping today.  No reply yet.

Keeping the faith.
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Flight distance : 453684 ft
  • >>>
United States

Well I'll just add my misery to all of yours. I ordered my Combo from Aces Deals in New York on Sept. 27th and have had no delivery yet. I have talked to them and they understand my frustration, but they say they ordered 250 units and have had none delivered as of about a week ago.
Aces' web site says DJI told them deliveries would start on Nov. 20th, and I have not received mine yet. I do not fault Aces Deals, they are forthcoming and sympathetic, but without product they can't ship of course.
By the way they offered to give me my money back, and I declined
I have never had a 2 month wait for anything in my life, except for 3 babies, and they were all delivered on time!!!!!!.
This damn thing better come out of the box gold plated, or I'm going to be steamed.....

Just (Nov 30th) received a message from the dealer, their shipment from DJI in China is scheduled to ship on Dec. 7th. There is no indication how they will be delivered, horse and buggy, pigeon, FedEx, or boat to the warehouse in the New York area.
So there is hope again, but this is the fourth notice DJI has given them and the first three were bogus. I hope this time is the real deal.  

Update: Dec 7th 2016
Just checked with the web site of dealer and there is no indication that any of their order from DJI has been shipped to them as promised by DJI. This is the fourth time DJI has failed to keep its promise to this dealer and its customers. There is still time today for that to change, and I'll up-date if it does. Fair is fair.

Update Dec 12th - No change in info at the dealer, they still say that DJI promised to send product out by Dec 7th, and would forward a tracking number so the dealer would know when to expect the shipment. I'm only 15 days away from waiting 60 days for a $1,500 item. Never happened before in my 76 years.

Update: Dec 14th - The dealer has notified us that they have once again been let down by DJI. The dealerr is apologizing, nicely, for the delay, and expressed their disappointment in DJI in not living up to promises again.

Update Dec 21st - No news so far. I'm beginning to believe that the Mavic is so hard to manufacture, or has so many little bugs to fix all the time, that the company is stymied. Perhaps, and this is just supposition on my part, A trailer of product is packed, and about to be shipped, when a bug surfaces that requires retooling the product and the shipment is recalled and unpacked. Let's be reasonable, electronics are tough to make, and particularly the type where so many balls have to be in the "Air" at once to make the thingy work. If that is true, it leaves us in the lurch, stores with empty shelves, and a company retooling every week. So Happy New Year DJI, let's hope that 2017 will have a smoother path to ahead. I'd have canceled my order, but my choice instead of the Mavic, is the Phantom 4 Pro, and it too has trouble with deliveries, so I sit here and wait.

Update: 12/23/16 - Heard from dealer that DJI may be shipping out product now in larger batches, and that our dealer hopes to have a date of shipment to his warehouse by 12/31/16. The dealer alludes to his belief that Mavic may have had some mechanical problems discovered after recent manufacturing processing that has caused the recent delays in shipping. He was not speaking for DJI, it was just his opinion. Now the 5th delay to our dealer. If this is true, I will be 3 months in waiting. Hopes are up again. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good flight!

Update Jan 2 2017 - My dealer has not changed his messaging from last month saying that DJI was shipping more product lately due to production issues, but that is rumor only. Anyway, the promise of having a shipping time by Jan 1, 2017 apparently has passed, unless something happens later in the day. This is now the 6th delay since Sept 27th when I originally ordered the Mavic Combo. I am really jealous hearing from people all over the globe that they are loving their Mavics. I would like to be loving mine too, but alas, nutt'n honey! Will keep hoping.

Update Jan 18, 2017 - My Dealer says they are receiving shipments of Mavic's in small bunches finally. They will take oldest orders and fill them first. This is good news. I await the tracking code when the time comes. This is ten days less than 4 months I've waited, and finally the drone is arriving. In hindsight, I am glad we will receive the third and perhaps fourth iteration of this bird, with problems resolved that all new gadgets have. I am a happy camper and hope the bird arrives soon.

Update Jan 19, 2017 - The long saga is over. DJI is not shipping to dealers any more until I don't know when. Perhaps March my dealer says with a big maybe. So my Mavic hopes are dashed, and I give up on the whole deal. Think I'll buy the Phantom 4 Pro and screw the foldup stuff. I'll use my Hover Camera for all that. Feel bad, because I have had 3 phantoms in the last few years, and loved the service and flying and camera and all that stuff. Such a shame for DJI to get into this pickle. I wonder how long the next model they come up with will take to deliver? How many dealers will give up too. I hope not. So it has been a long slog, but tomorrow I'll get my bucks back, and move on.

Update Jan 19, 2017 - Just hung up the phone with my dealer, Aces Deals in NYC, and we came to a great agreement, to swap my Mavic order for a Phantom 4 Pro, and he made a great deal for me. It is in stock and I should have it next week, when I'll have some time to fiddle with it. I can't say enough about Aces Deals. They are suffering with no Mavic product for their customers too. I recommend them to anyone, and I am not paid to say that.
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United States

Chatted with drone world yesterday. My 4 Oct fly more upgrade order should ship by the end of next week if the trickle of DJI stock continues to arrive. If they actually get a decent shipment, it sounds like that could move my date up. The rep asked if I were willing to do a partial shipment if all that was available was the drone and controller. I think you know the answer to that question! If the accessories aren't all available, they'll just ship them later at no additional charge.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Yeah I know of another reseller who had a Nov 30th date and now their distributer is saying 'hopefully next week'.    We've been 'hopefully next weeking' it for about 2 months now.    I'm seriously considering cancelling my order indefinitely and just using the $1000 for Christmas.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

justflie Posted at 2016-12-1 06:09
Chatted with drone world yesterday. My 4 Oct fly more upgrade order should ship by the end of next w ...

I ordered from Drone World in September 28th and there is no sign of movement at all.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Scrappy325 Posted at 2016-11-30 20:16
My enthusiasm wanes now.

Emailed about 5pm west coast time and asked if I'd receive a tracking nu ...

I asked about my order yesterday and they used the standard delaying response of 'what is your order number and date?'.   This is a common delaying tactic and bought them another day to respond no doubt.   They have corresponded with me before and can easily look up my order knowing it's an Amazon order and my name.   

I feel for these resellers though.  It's DJI that is causing their nightmares.
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United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-12-1 10:13
I asked about my order yesterday and they used the standard delaying response of 'what is your ord ...

Great news!  Sept 28 order with Drone World has a UPS tracking number!  Not showing picked up yet, but the scheduled delivery is for tomorrow!  Excited and thankful!
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Scrappy325 Posted at 2016-12-1 17:18
Great news!  Sept 28 order with Drone World has a UPS tracking number!  Not showing picked up yet, ...

That is very good news.    Did you order straight through them or through Amazon?
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Well yesterday I got a response from my email to them and they asked for the order number and date.   I REPLIED to the message from them last night and got nothing today.    So they have managed to stall me ANOTHER 24 hours.    I just filled out a FRESH email rather than replying and included my order number and date.    I hope everyone is seeing these interactions with Drone World, and I sincerely hope that DJI is acutely aware that they might not always be the only dog in town when it comes to drones.    Consumers like me have long memories.
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United States

NomadRT Posted at 2016-12-1 19:53
Well yesterday I got a response from my email to them and they asked for the order number and date. ...

Ordered via Amazon.

I would contact Drone World via amazon. Seems I got better response there, rather than emailing directly. But that could just be me.

Package shows it is at UPS and to be delivered tomorrow morning!

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United States

Scrappy325 Posted at 2016-12-1 21:08
Ordered via Amazon.

I would contact Drone World via amazon. Seems I got better response there, r ...

Drone World, via Amazon, ordered on Sept 28 has arrived. Hurrah!  Only took 65 days!
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

So no response to my email and tried to call them today and nobody answered.   I'm pretty pissed.{:4_154:}
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

I went to and the only way I could figure out how to send them an email (since they marked my package as delivered because of the bullcrap 10 dollar drone they sent me as an apology) was to send through an option that gives them 36 hours to respond or I have the option to get a full refund forced through Amazon.   So they are on the g****nm clock.

I'm serious.  I'm getting enraged at this PATHETIC LAUNCH and these PATHETIC resellers stringing me along to buy themselves a few days.    I'll get my refund and buy a d**med Razer laptop with it instead.    I'll also go on facebook and recommend against ANYONE buying a DJI.   I'm PISSED.
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

I have lost ALL FREAKIN RESPESCT for DJI.  Screw that company.
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