When will the P4P ship? Mavic all over again!!??
720 4 2016-11-27
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

So I ordered a P4P from the DJI Store on the 22nd of Nov. I did not see anything about this being a "preorder" like the whole Mavic Pro fiasco. What it said was item will ship 3-5 days after payment is confirmed. Payment status is sitting at "Authorized" for almost 6 days now. Every other thing I have ordered from DJI in the past to include the Mavic Pro had payment confirmed in 24hrs. I suspect they did not want to piss off more customers by taking our money but not shipping anything for months (Mavic Pro). But is this yet another supply can't meet the demand scenerio? Anyone getting any feedback on shipping status's from DJI?
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Even if you got it there's no software to fly it yet, and as a result I know dealers here are saying that DJI's ordered them to hold shipment. Regular GO app doesn't support the P4P yet.
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

CCrew Posted at 2016-11-27 23:31
Even if you got it there's no software to fly it yet, and as a result I know dealers here are saying ...

Wouldn't that be a good thing to notify customers about? I'm assuming they knew this before they made it available for purchase. I hear what you are saying but yes I'd rather have it in hand then wait 2 months like I did for the Mavic Pro. VENT: Geez these guys are causing me some heartburn lately.

NOTE: I did however just finish with a chat rep and was told "1-2 weeks after payment, please be patient." Interestingly my payment status went from "authorized" to "Payment Confirmed" immediately after that chat (blue button chat btw). So according to my original order it's suppose to ship 3-5 days after payment is "confirmed". The new DJI Go app is an entirely different issue. One that totally sucks I might add.
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TMB Aerial Posted at 2016-11-27 18:59
Wouldn't that be a good thing to notify customers about? I'm assuming they knew this before they m ...

Aloha TMB Aerial,

     It is refreshing to see that you are letting your heartburn settle down a little.  Patience is a virtue.  Please be aware that this post is not directed at you.  Instead, it is my chance to vent!  But, I just noticed that I am not allowed to vent like I would like to vent and how some others vent toward DJI because it is against the rules of this Forum.

     What I have a hard time understanding, is with so many wonderful products that are already available from DJI, why do customers get so tied up in knots when there is a problem with delivery of a very much in demand product.  They know it is very much in demand.  To me, it gets here when it gets here and to be frank I have not even ordered mine yet.  I know what it can do, I do not have to see it in person.  Plus there are videos that clearly demonstrate all those neat new abilities.

     Now, the last thing I want to do is piss you off, but I really am curious why delivery X number of days of / or after X is so important that it needs to be posted on a Forum and vented about.  I have the P4, but my P3P is still may baby and the best product I have purchased from DJI to date.  I pamper my baby and buy her all kinds of things like Lume Cubes, HDMI modules, etc.  That bird flies to the end of the earth for me (or in my case to the top of the mountain).  Maybe I am weird (and you are allowed to say that to me) but I have plenty to keep myself busy flying until I can order my P4 Pro.

     During the wait, I have figured out many things that are not obvious to the impulse buyer.  These things make it easier to understand what the product I order will be able to do when I get it and long after I get it.  Already on this forum, I have made suggestions to members who bought the wrong version of the P4 Pro (or +) because they bought on impulse.  They are busy trying to correct their order now.

     Unfortunately, some of the impulse buyers will order what they think they want, but they bought on impulse, basically without putting enough thought into it to understand what they were getting with their purchase.  The craziest thing is that when they get their P4 Pro, or whatever, and learn they ordered the wrong one, they are the first to blame DJI for screwing up when in fact they are they ones who screwed up.

     There is a term, the "*Not-Pretty* American" but that is unfair, if this Forum is any indication.  There are people from around the World who get all caught up in their own little issues that they perceive as problems.  Take a chill pill!  I guess the term really should be "*Not-Pretty* Customers" since in today's World they could be from anywhere.  This is really sad if you think about it.

     Almost everyone who is having problems with the P4 Pro likes to cite the "Mavic Problem".  Now, how "*Less Than the Smartest*" is that.  You dive into the "same environment" with a different product and yet, you have the nerve to blame the environment when you are the "*Less Than the Smartest*" one who dove in with knowledge aforethought?  You have to admit, that anyone who considers what is happening today is a repeat of something that happened with the Mavic really does have "*Less Than the Smartest*" written on their forehead (well, maybe "*Less Than the Smartest*").  (My family always preferred the term "*Less Than the Smartest*"*Less Than the Smartest*", but then that was my family.)

     And the reason is the Mavic Pro is apples and the P4 Pro is oranges.  The Mavic is a totally redesigned concept that only borrows in part from the DJI family of products.  The P4 Pro (& Pro +) are descendants of a very successful product with existing assembly and supply lines.  Issues with the P4 Pro are much easier to resolve than the Mavic.  Come on now, give it a rest!

Aloha and Drone On!
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

Cetacean, I get what you are saying. I probably shouldn't have added the exclamation marks on the title. But in my defense that whole Mavic incident was a bit unravelling with how it all went down. I feared the P4P might go down the same rabbit hole. I will add that for me these are not impulse buys. I make a living flying drones, having them as soon as possible does make a difference to me and my clients. If these were just toys to me then yes I would have more patience with how DJI communicates with it's customers. The Mavic is all about portability and the P4P camera is a game changer from anything else out there in this price point.
I see today that my P4P should be shipping out any moment now  and I just downloaded the new DJI GO 4 app. All is right with my world. Mahalo!

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