DJI owes us an answer. Failed firmware upgrade
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2590 49 2016-12-17
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United States

   I am 44 and a 13 year service tech at Intel's R&D fab.  Two days ago I took my P3A out for a spin, everything worked as expected.  When I got back home I decided to install the new firmware update showing on the DJI go app.  The go app updated the controller just fine.  I then attempted to fly my drone and when I turned the drone on, it had no lights and was making a repeating new beep.  Here is an example:           I didn't remember how to update the drone so I read the instructions on how to update the firmware on the drone and then wasted the next 8 hours of my life with no success.  I contacted DJI, sent them the failed result log and the hidden log.  Their solution, SEND IT IN FOR REPAIR.  So for a minimum of $150 I get to fix DJI's firmware update with no explanation.   This is DJI's problem and shouldn't cost the consumer a cent.  Yes, I followed the firmware update instructions to the T.  Regardless if I did make a mistake trying to do what DJI instructed me to do, if it is possible to brick someones device, DJI is responsible for a better solution than "SEND IT IN".  An alternate scenario is that I have something wrong with my device.  Not bad enough to affect flight or video but just enough to fail a firmware upgrade.  Well DJI also knows this scenario and prefers to let their customers find out the hard way rather than build diagnostics into a firmware update. "BEEP BEEP, Firmware update not adviced, wallyjabber hyperdrive not detected".  We all know they have a file they will put on the drone that make things new again and send it back and laugh as they stick the money in their pockets.   

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Flight distance : 11896378 ft
United States

Working in an R&D lab you are probably quite aware that software can and has bugs, despite a developers best intentions. And also that, these bugs can be very hard to chase down, reproduce and provide resolution in a timely manner. Especially if all they have is complaints, no specific information to reproduce and cannot get their hands on the device. I believe that having them send it in is part if their information collection process to triage the issue and work towards some resolution. Understandable that you are frustrated, and I agree that they should provide a way to reset to factory or something similar, so we can resolve these issues. But hardware and software are not always easy, and bugs exist as they do in most all consumer applications or goods.
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United States

seriously you flew and tried to update the firmware without RTFM!! Quote "I THEN read the instructions on how to update the firmware on the drone".  I keep my 3 DJI drones updated all the time, and I have NEVER had an issue, maybe because I read the manual first so I know how to operate and do proper updates. And I would expect anyone who works for an R&D lab should always read the manual first so they now how to operate things, and what to expect. After all it's called R&D??
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Try formatting SD card in aircraft (tap on 'aircraft status' bar at top of page, format is near the bottom), download and unzip file (should be P3S_FW_V01.10.0090). Place bin file on SD card insert in aircraft, and try again. Can take a while to complete (half an hour ?) with LED on gimbal alternating green/red. Should eventually be flashing green if all successful (working from memory here). Then power down aircraft and it 'should' be good to go.
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United Kingdom

Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-17 18:43
Try formatting SD card in aircraft (tap on 'aircraft status' bar at top of page, format is near the bottom), download and unzip file (should be P3S_FW_V01.10.0090). Place bin file on SD card insert in aircraft, and try again. Can take a while to complete (half an hour ?) with LED on gimbal alternating green/red. Should eventually be flashing green if all successful (working from memory here). Then power down aircraft and it 'should' be good to go.

Well I looking for why my phantom 3 advance is no longer useable after this latest fw upgrade I had no issue in the past upgrading my aircraft which I have had a nearly a year now, compass error, battery issue,  weak transmission signal , video freezing on screen, please Dji help
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United States

More and more I am believing if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unless an update fixes a particular problem you have been having, then you don't really need it. I first learned this with IBM's Fixpaks back in the 90's with their OS/2. Their updates were worse than their original bugs. Then the problem spread to other systems. It is like people doesn't know how to program anymore. Problem seems to have started when APIs came to be.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

"This is DJI's problem and not mine."

I would suggest that it is your problem, you are the one with an aircraft that doesn't apparently work. It is possible the update may have been corrupted. Which is why I recommended you try it again.

Edit:- that aircraft in the video is badged 'Phantom Pro'. Can you not make a video of your aircraft, that would be more meaningful ?

Also looks like it has four anti drop pins fitted as well, which is incorrect.

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Flight distance : 124180 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-17 15:29
"This is DJI's problem and not mine."

I would suggest that it is your problem, you are the one with an aircraft that doesn't apparently work. It is possible the update may have been corrupted. Which is why I recommended you try it again.

As Billw50 says- If it ain't broke--- I don't do firmare updates until I stop reading about issues with installing, looks like I;m waiting another month or so now!
I had an issue, gimbal related, instead  of "send it in for repair" I took it to a shop close by that is a DJI dealer, fixed  her in 5 minutes.
Some suggestions above that may do the trick for you & good luck, hope your flying soon
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-18 04:29
"This is DJI's problem and not mine."

I would suggest that it is your problem, you are the one with an aircraft that doesn't apparently work. It is possible the update may have been corrupted. Which is why I recommended you try it again.

There would be no difference in a video of my Phantom advanced and that video.  Exact same beep, no LEDs and the gimble fires up normally.
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-18 02:43
Try formatting SD card in aircraft (tap on 'aircraft status' bar at top of page, format is near the bottom), download and unzip file (should be P3S_FW_V01.10.0090). Place bin file on SD card insert in aircraft, and try again. Can take a while to complete (half an hour ?) with LED on gimbal alternating green/red. Should eventually be flashing green if all successful (working from memory here). Then power down aircraft and it 'should' be good to go.

I formatted from bird many times.
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United States

fansebeed138 Posted at 2016-12-18 02:25
seriously you flew and tried to update the firmware without RTFM!! Quote "I THEN read the instructions on how to update the firmware on the drone".  I keep my 3 DJI drones updated all the time, and I have NEVER had an issue, maybe because I read the manual first so I know how to operate and do proper updates. And I would expect anyone who works for an R&D lab should always read the manual first so they now how to operate things, and what to expect. After all it's called R&D??

I knew how to update the controller, which is why I didn't need to read the manual.  I didn't remember how to update the bird so I had to read up on that.
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United States

Deano48 Posted at 2016-12-18 03:52
Well I looking for why my phantom 3 advance is no longer useable after this latest fw upgrade I had no issue in the past upgrading my aircraft which I have had a nearly a year now, compass error, battery issue,  weak transmission signal , video freezing on screen, please Dji help

Me too, and DJI knows why!  We know they have seen it by now, it took me 1 search to find many examples on Youtube.  But the good news is they are happy to fix it for you, for a price.  
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United States

digdat Posted at 2016-12-18 01:42
Working in an R&D lab you are probably quite aware that software can and has bugs, despite a developers best intentions. And also that, these bugs can be very hard to chase down, reproduce and provide resolution in a timely manner. Especially if all they have is complaints, no specific information to reproduce and cannot get their hands on the device. I believe that having them send it in is part if their information collection process to triage the issue and work towards some resolution. Understandable that you are frustrated, and I agree that they should provide a way to reset to factory or something similar, so we can resolve these issues. But hardware and software are not always easy, and bugs exist as they do in most all consumer applications or goods.

  All valid points!  What I am disappointed in is their "oops we're sorry, this only failed a few times in testing, if they are really big suckers they will send it in and pay us to fix our mistakes". They were able to push this out to the consumers with a push of a button.  They can just as easily warn us that this is causing problems for users, but they wouldn't do that, because no one would update and they wouldn't get their data.  They know exactly what they are doing.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Deano48 Posted at 2016-12-18 03:52
Well I looking for why my phantom 3 advance is no longer useable after this latest fw upgrade I had no issue in the past upgrading my aircraft which I have had a nearly a year now, compass error, battery issue,  weak transmission signal , video freezing on screen, please Dji help

Sorry to hear about the issue, may I know the current firmware version for your aircraft and remote?
What troubleshooting you have done to make it better?
For the battery issue, have you tried to fully-discharge it then charge it again and check the battery info on the APP?
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


We feel sorry for the difficulties you're experiencing and would love to help you.
Since you have tried all the methods to upgrade it for several times and sent the upgrading log to our tech support for evaluation, sorry that it's not easy to get it fixed remotely, the best course would be sent it in, our engineers will take care of it and handle it soon.
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2016-12-18 10:40
We feel sorry for the difficulties you're experiencing and would love to help you.
Since you have tried all the methods to upgrade it for several times and sent the upgrading log to our tech support for evaluation, sorry that it's not easy to get it fixed remotely, the best course would be sent it in, our engineers will take care of it and handle it soon.

Thank you for your quick response.  The breakdown in business ethics that I am concerned about is DJI's lack of ownership or transparency concerning the problem at hand.  I have zero doubt that DJI engineers know exactly what is wrong with my drone.  I had a fully functional drone before I installed this update.  My drone is not under warranty, so for me to get my drone back to the condition it was before this update, I have to pay a ridiculous fee to the same organization that provided the change that rendered my drone useless.  What assurances do I have that DJI won't perform a simple service routine I can do at home and then send me a $300 bill.  My drone could and probably does have an internal issue, but I don't know that with any certainty as it was working before the update.  Transparency would be DJI providing a list of reasons why a drone demonstrates the behaviors in the video and the solutions.  This transparency would show ownership because people can independently verify factory claims and hold the factory accountable.  If this information exists will you please send me a link?  If not will you please refer me to someone who has the authority to provide me with some true diagnostics.  From where I am sitting, DJI appears to be playing with fire, please put my concerns to rest.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-21 14:25
Thank you for your quick response.  The breakdown in business ethics that I am concerned about is DJI's lack of ownership or transparency concerning the problem at hand.  I have zero doubt that DJI engineers know exactly what is wrong with my drone.  I had a fully functional drone before I installed this update.  My drone is not under warranty, so for me to get my drone back to the condition it was before this update, I have to pay a ridiculous fee to the same organization that provided the change that rendered my drone useless.  What assurances do I have that DJI won't perform a simple service routine I can do at home and then send me a $300 bill.  My drone could and probably does have an internal issue, but I don't know that with any certainty as it was working before the update.  Transparency would be DJI providing a list of reasons why a drone demonstrates the behaviors in the video and the solutions.  This transparency would show ownership because people can independently verify factory claims and hold the factory accountable.  If this information exists will you please send me a link?  If not will you please refer me to someone who has the authority to provide me with some true diagnostics.  From where I am sitting, DJI appears to be playing with fire, please put my concerns to rest.

We feel sorry that the issue cannot be solved remotely.
If it's not convenient for you to send it in, maybe a local service center is a better choice:
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-20 20:25
Thank you for your quick response.  The breakdown in business ethics that I am concerned about is DJI's lack of ownership or transparency concerning the problem at hand.  I have zero doubt that DJI engineers know exactly what is wrong with my drone.  I had a fully functional drone before I installed this update.  My drone is not under warranty, so for me to get my drone back to the condition it was before this update, I have to pay a ridiculous fee to the same organization that provided the change that rendered my drone useless.  What assurances do I have that DJI won't perform a simple service routine I can do at home and then send me a $300 bill.  My drone could and probably does have an internal issue, but I don't know that with any certainty as it was working before the update.  Transparency would be DJI providing a list of reasons why a drone demonstrates the behaviors in the video and the solutions.  This transparency would show ownership because people can independently verify factory claims and hold the factory accountable.  If this information exists will you please send me a link?  If not will you please refer me to someone who has the authority to provide me with some true diagnostics.  From where I am sitting, DJI appears to be playing with fire, please put my concerns to rest.

Aloha fansb67,

     You are very confusing in your complaint.  You consistently claim how everything worked just fine before the firmware update and now there is a specific problem.  Most people on this forum who experience these problems and have the background you have said you have, just do a simple roll back of the firmware to the earlier firmware that worked or one that had worked.  Sometimes they roll back to the factory defaults and work from there.  If the problem from that last update still persists all the way back to factory defaults, then there is nothing you can do.  You then have to file a complaint through appropriate channels to resolve your problem.  You have an agreement to do that with DJI.

     But, you have done nothing like a person with your claimed abilities would have done.  All you have done is bluster and bellow about your problem and all the ideas you have about how it should be handled except the only tried and true method of using roll-backs to identify and resolve the issue and then work with DJI to form a solution.  Your problem really appears to be social and not technical.

     How about you settle down and start approaching this problem technically.  How far have you had to roll back the firmware until you were able to get it to work properly?  Have you had to try the restore to factory defaults?  Have you asked for assistance from the Forum so you can get to the bottom of your problem?

     We are not DJI tech support here on the Forum, well some of us are but they are a very slim minority.  We are problem solvers.  And we do a really good job solving problems because we like what we do and the products we fly.  We want all DJI consumers to feel the experience like we do, so we go to great extents to help other DJI consumers to resolve their problems.  And we work with DJI to do all that.  And we do it nicely.

     You probably had a couple bad days and you are not your normal self.  Settle down, stop being defensive, get back into tinkering mode and work with us to help you solve your problem.  We will all soon forget the irritation and bluster until we are all enjoying the fun of helping you get back in the air.

     I hope this helps because we want to help you solve your problem.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 76309 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2016-12-21 05:33
Aloha fansb67,

     You are very confusing in your complaint.  You consistently claim how everything worked just fine before the firmware update and now there is a specific problem.  Most people on this forum who experience these problems and have the background you have said you have, just do a simple roll back of the firmware to the earlier firmware that worked or one that had worked.  Sometimes they roll back to the factory defaults and work from there.  If the problem from that last update still persists all the way back to factory defaults, then there is nothing you can do.  You then have to file a complaint through appropriate channels to resolve your problem.  You have an agreement to do that with DJI.

I haven't done the latest firmware update yet but I did read that once updated you could NOT roll back to previous firmware.  Is there a factory reset available and if there is what firmware does it reset to?
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Flight distance : 343520 ft
United Kingdom

Well i was gonna update my firmware but i think i will hold fire, no point trynna fix something that isn't broken
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

FlyingCircles Posted at 2016-12-21 02:35
I haven't done the latest firmware update yet but I did read that once updated you could NOT roll back to previous firmware.  Is there a factory reset available and if there is what firmware does it reset to?

Aloha Circles,

     This is a P3 Advanced he is talking about.  I have not heard that any of the P3 series aircraft or remote controllers had an update that cannot be rolled back.  I have a P3P.  If you have any more information, please let me know.

Aloha and Drone On!
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United States

Yes it was stated with the release, no roll back.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Stated here that roll back not possible :- ... D369%26typeid%3D369
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Flight distance : 5484997 ft
United States

This fixed a failed update on one I fixed. Leave the updated BIN file on the root of the SD card during this process.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2016-12-21 12:20
Stated here that roll back not possible :-

Aloha Aardvark,

     Oops, I stand corrected again!  Too late to check now, but I do not think I have updated my bird yet, only the app.  I think my Remote Controller is still at 1.80.  Mahalo for catching me on that!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2383556 ft
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United Kingdom

My p3 did this after it failed to install the update. That awful beeping from the drone.
The fix was.
Format SD in pc.
Copy bin file onto the newly formatted SD card.
Put in Phantom and turn on.
The loud beeps will still be there but about 25 minutes later the firmware will have been rewritten and Phantom will restart.
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Flight distance : 9498 ft
United States

I just updated to the latest FW on my P3A.. no problem.. I didnt know you CANT roll back any more.. I wonder why they did that? On few past FW u can roll back.
I did an error about year ago while updating the FW, I shut the drone too early and I was getting the loud beeping sound.. Simple fix was leave the current FW in the SDcard and let it does it thing.
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United States

Cetacean Posted at 2016-12-21 18:33
Aloha fansb67,

     You are very confusing in your complaint.  You consistently claim how everything worked just fine before the firmware update and now there is a specific problem.  Most people on this forum who experience these problems and have the background you have said you have, just do a simple roll back of the firmware to the earlier firmware that worked or one that had worked.  Sometimes they roll back to the factory defaults and work from there.  If the problem from that last update still persists all the way back to factory defaults, then there is nothing you can do.  You then have to file a complaint through appropriate channels to resolve your problem.  You have an agreement to do that with DJI.

Fighting fire with fire, I get it.  Look, this is by no means an attack on the tech support folks or the forum members, please don't take it personally.  This is directed at their boss's bosses.  Customer support doesn't make money, so they are providing an illusion of customer support and any real support has profit in mind.  They are seeing dollar signs in the high likelihood of breakage.  That's fine, let them play that game in the age of social media.  The less their customers know about their product, the more they profit.    Both of my tech support conversations were good conversations but it was pretty obvious the bosses didn't give them an escalation path beyond "send it in"  But thanks for responding, you crafted an excellent reply.
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United States

  What do you know about the behavior shown in the video?  There is a list of codes associated to the beep, but DJI hasn't offered that share that info.  Sheeew, I almost went on a rant there, I digress.
~ My go app is reporting that the firmware changed to the version I was trying to update too, so something took.  
~ I tried to role the firmware back and as you know got;
      Result: Abort.
       The current firmware does not support downgrade. Use a different version of firmware to downgrade      the target version.
~ I tried every version of firmware I could get my hands on.  Each one loads up quickly and the LED on the gimble goes solid green.  
~ When I attempt to update the firm ware the LED on the gimble bridge flashes green and red for about 5 minutes and then goes solid red.  
~ The sound coming from the gimble also changes from a D-DD D-DD to a solid GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and then the gimble heats up.  The result code says reboot and try to update the firmware again.
~ this is the hidden file.
[00013739]Version checking[1]...
[00026326][03 05][00] device not detected.
[00038926][03 06][00] device not detected.
[00039025][04 00][00] v1.48.0.0 -> v1.48.0.0
[00051608][11 00][00] device not detected.
[00064195][11 01][00] device not detected.
[00076777][12 00][00] device not detected.
[00089374][12 01][00] device not detected.
[00101961][12 02][00] device not detected.
[00114542][12 03][00] device not detected.
[00114639][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00127222][17 00][00] device not detected.
[00139831][17 01][00] device not detected.
[00139948][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00140036][01 00][00] v1.25.5432 -> v1.25.5432
[00140119][01 01][00] v1.25.5432 -> v1.25.5432
[00140228][09 00][00] v3.0.0.10 -> v3.0.0.10
[00140310]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

~ I assume these channels are communication channels but don't know what kind of com is being used.
~ The only thing I have read about this condition is my drone is "Bricked".  What does "Bricked" mean?
~ How does DJI repair a "Bricked" Drone?  
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United States

KLNYC Posted at 2016-12-22 23:11
I just updated to the latest FW on my P3A.. no problem.. I didnt know you CANT roll back any more.. I wonder why they did that? On few past FW u can roll back.
I did an error about year ago while updating the FW, I shut the drone too early and I was getting the loud beeping sound.. Simple fix was leave the current FW in the SDcard and let it does it thing.

I did try this with two different cards formatted with both PC and the drone.  It makes me very nervous as the gimble gets pretty warm.
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United States

fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-23 13:01
What do you know about the behavior shown in the video?  There is a list of codes associated to the beep, but DJI hasn't offered that share that info.  Sheeew, I almost went on a rant there, I digress.
~ My go app is reporting that the firmware changed to the version I was trying to update too, so something took.  
~ I tried to role the firmware back and as you know got;

One other thing of probably little to no significance.  The controller still has full control of the gimble and can record stills and video.
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United States

HWCM Posted at 2016-12-22 15:06
This fixed a failed update on one I fixed. Leave the updated BIN file on the root of the SD card during this process.
Failed update fix

  Thanks for sharing, I did try this many times as well.  
Use props

fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-23 16:01
What do you know about the behavior shown in the video?  There is a list of codes associated to the beep, but DJI hasn't offered that share that info.  Sheeew, I almost went on a rant there, I digress.
~ My go app is reporting that the firmware changed to the version I was trying to update too, so something took.  
~ I tried to role the firmware back and as you know got;

The drone and controller consist of a number of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, each one represents a 'device' in the DJI language. The firmware is loaded into each one in turn, and normally they would indicate a successful load. What the file is telling you is that it was not able to load the data into one or more devices. This explains why some functions in the aircraft work and others don't. For any FPGA, the existing firmware set usually has to be erased before re-programming, and something fails between the erasure and reprogramming.
But the whole update process with DJI is a totally hit or miss affair, always has been, and they show no signs of making it less painful for the purchaser. You can either send it in and they will do the update for you, or work your way through it.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-23 13:32
The drone and controller consist of a number of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, each one represents a 'device' in the DJI language. The firmware is loaded into each one in turn, and normally they would indicate a successful load. What the file is telling you is that it was not able to load the data into one or more devices. This explains why some functions in the aircraft work and others don't. For any FPGA, the existing firmware set usually has to be erased before re-programming, and something fails between the erasure and reprogramming.
But the whole update process with DJI is a totally hit or miss affair, always has been, and they show no signs of making it less painful for the purchaser. You can either send it in and they will do the update for you, or work your way through it.

  I assume working my way through this would be procuring the software to talk to the drone via PC?  
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fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-23 17:15
I assume working my way through this would be procuring the software to talk to the drone via PC?

I don't know, simply because having got a good version of software over a year ago, I will not bother to upgrade. But, as far as I know, it is not done via a PC.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-23 15:40
I don't know, simply because having got a good version of software over a year ago, I will not bother to upgrade. But, as far as I know, it is not done via a PC.

I really appreciate your feed back.  Great information.  I found another post by someone who seems to know a thing or two about this.  He says to crack the drone open and remove an internal SD card.  Reformat the card and start over with a rolled back version.  I am trying to get a few better details from him to help boost my aplomb and avoid a complete garage imbroglio.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-23 15:40
I don't know, simply because having got a good version of software over a year ago, I will not bother to upgrade. But, as far as I know, it is not done via a PC.

BTW, how does this rank system work?  Are we ranked based on our forum contributions alone?  
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fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-24 07:24
I really appreciate your feed back.  Great information.  I found another post by someone who seems to know a thing or two about this.  He says to crack the drone open and remove an internal SD card.  Reformat the card and start over with a rolled back version.  I am trying to get a few better details from him to help boost my aplomb and avoid a complete garage imbroglio.

I would not be fiddling around with the internal SD card, you never know what damage you could do with that, plus the fact that it will instantly void your warranty (if you still have one).
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fansb671597b Posted at 2016-12-24 07:26
BTW, how does this rank system work?  Are we ranked based on our forum contributions alone?

Yes, but only inasmuch as the number of posts you make. If you stick around long enough, you get higher in ranking. You actually get a point or two just for turning up each day.

I doubt there is any 'quality' ranking in there. The majorioty of people come here because they have a problem to solve, trhen go away and aere not heard of again, not a lot of them stick around.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-24 05:05
Yes, but only inasmuch as the number of posts you make. If you stick around long enough, you get higher in ranking. You actually get a point or two just for turning up each day.

I doubt there is any 'quality' ranking in there. The majorioty of people come here because they have a problem to solve, trhen go away and aere not heard of again, not a lot of them stick around.

Thank you.
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