New to drones (received as Christmas gift) please ** ADVISE ***
1219 20 2016-12-30
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1252884 ft
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United States

Hello everyone, this is my first post about my very first drone. As a first time pilot, I have lots of questions, so please excuse the length of this long post but your help is really appreciated and valued.

I got the Phantom 3 Standard as a Christmas gift (unexpected surprise)
Since I'm new to this and never flew a drone before, I decided to educate myself before attempting to flight, so I read the manual, browsed forums, did all the battery charging, checks, calibrations, and understood how the DJI APP and the RC worked to avoid an operator avoidable crash. Everything went well, had about 3 flights from my backyard and I was amazed how this thing flights, I was able to get the drone far away and high, I almost lost line-of-sight, it was a great experience as my first flight.
Because I've been toying the idea of buying a drone (The Parrot Bebop 2) for quite a while now, when I got this one as a gift, it felt a lot better than the Parrot to me.
Then I started reviewing the unit myself in terms of specs, reviews, and people's feedback and this is where everything started... so I returned the unit and got the $400 in favor of an upgrade.

Now I'm aware of the difference between the Advanced and Pro editions and also the Phantom 4 generation.
I understand that the Standard has shorter range, lacks of extra features such as downward vision system, glonass, better camera & RC, lightbridge, faster charger and 4K camera (PRO edition)
I know that the Standard is perfectly fine for a beginner and perhaps beyond that but I just wanted to move one notch up.
I really care about the range, and this is why I decided to upgrade it, plus the extra features as better indoors flights are welcome. Now, the PRO and ADV are at the same price $799, have the same flight time and range, if I get the ADV (I don't need 4k) I can bundle it with an extra battery and have savings there (from DJI website) because I know I will have to get an extra battery for whatever Phantom model I get. However, I really want good flight time too and I know that the STD has 25 mins while the PRO/ADV has 23 mins and we all know that this is what they say on paper, the actual flight time is always shorter than that and for the few flights I had on my STD, I got a little less than the advertised 25 mins so this is where the Phantom 4 (not PRO) came along with 28 mins of flight time, we are now at $999
It's a big price difference between the STD and the ADV, but hey...! it's going to be cheap for me because I already have over $400 credit. If I get the ADV, I will need a case anyways (the one included with the P4 would be enough for me) so add $100+ to the price and if I want the 100 watts charger the price is touching the P4 anyways that already has a case and a faster charger plus the extra features from the newer model.

A). Buy P3/ADVANCED bundled with with extra battery and look for a carrying case online (buy the 100 watts charger later on)

B). Buy the P3/PRO without the extra battery (4k is welcome but not needed) that comes with the faster charger (buy extra battery later on)

C). Buy Phantom 4 that comes with carrying case and 100 watts charger and the extra features from the newest model missing on the P3s (buy extra battery later on)

I'm afraid of the reduced flight time between the STD and the ADV or PRO, 25 vs 23 mins, perhaps for the additional features it consumes more power?, it's not a lot but if I don't quite get 25 mins from the STD, so I won't get 23 mins from the ADV or PRO either which means I will get less flight time. -Question: does anybody with experience on the two models know if the difference is remarkable? 20-ish mins of flight time seems descent for a drone this class but if you have to deduct landing time, some reserved battery, at the time you need to start landing, the actual time-on-air is actually less than 20n mins. I'm not sure how low the battery can be before you start landing, if you start landing at 30% then the actual time on air before landing will be 12 mins? or if you push it to 15/10% low it may be too risky? Unless you can actually use all the battery on air, let's say let it drop until 5 or 2% knowing that there's a "hidden" reserve beyond 0% to make a safe landing? (I'm only speculating here), that would be neat! I believe every single minute counts. Please advice.
Last but not least it's obsolescence... If I decide to go with the P3 series, with the P4 out and the new model coming next year, will I be able to find genuine batteries and parts in let's say a couple of years from DJI? Take the P2 as an example, I don't see it listed on DJI website anymore nor I see parts/accessories for it either. Correct me if I am wrong please.

On the other side, if I get the Phantom 4, it's got more features, like more sensors, better DVS, collision avoidance system, sport mode (things that are nice but not really needed) but It's got an advertised flight time of 28 mins which again it won't deliver but with its bigger battery, less friction design, better built-in gimbal it will be closer to the 25 min flight time on the P3/STD, hopefully before-landing-time.
However, after reading reviews on the P4, I noticed issues about much shorter range vs the P3 ADV/PRO (even when the rage is advertised to be the same) and also more accidents reported that were not operator related, like fly-aways, disconnections, smart-flight issues... vs P3. Now, may be this happened when the unit was first released and the issues are now resolved via software updates?
I don't mind the extra cash needed for the P4 ONLY if I'm really going to get more remarkble flight time vs P3/ADV, this is the main reason why I'm thinking about getting the P4 but if the range is really shorter than the P3 ADV/PRO then it's not going to be worth it, and also the higher crash rate reported for the P4 (if it's not resolved yet)
If flight time on the P4 is remarkably better vs P3 ADV/PRO and the range is on par with the P3 ADV/PRO then it will be a good buy for me, assuming that the crash/reliability issue is fixed by now. Then I would appreciate the sport mode and extra features, the included carrying case on the P4 if the previous stated condition apply.
On the other hand, if flight time difference between P3/STD and ADV or PRO is not noticeable (23 vs 25 mins), then may be the P3 ADV or PRO is a better buy (assuming that I will find parts for it in the near future). At least I know the range is good, the only concern is the rated flight time of 23 min.

About the reported shell-stress-crack-issue (or whatever is called), neither the P3 and P4 are immune to that, it has been reported for both models.
I'm a very careful and I treat my stuff really good but, still I may get cracks on the motor mounts. In that case I'm "good" working with electronics, I have experience working on cell phones (screen, ear piece, battery replacements) so I think that I can buy the shell from DJI and replace it myself, however, I have the feeling that P4 is going to be much harder to work on vs the P3 because of its enclosed gimbal, I'm not sure if I feel confident tearing apart the P4 as I'm with the P3.

One more thing,
This is objective but I believe the P3 looks better than the P4, I like the design of the Phantom 3 better (its looks). I understand that the P4 is better engineered, and could be more durable too, but I'm not a fan of glossy finish (I traded my Apple Watch for the Sport version because of that) with the P4 you get glossy aircraft and glossy RC which is more prone to scratches.
It may not be fair for me to criticize the P4 looks yet because I never saw one in person, I only saw the P3 and I really like the matte finish better. From the pictures, the P4 looks a lot more fragile plastic, more like a toy, I know the camera and gimbal looks like plastic but it's actual magnesium, so probably it looks better in person. Again, this is very objective and I may change my mind after seeing one in person, this is not going to stop me from buying a P4 if the range/battery is better as I commented earlier, I just feel that the P4 will show signs or wear more than the P3. Also I read on this forum people wanting to go back to the P3 after they got their P4, so I'm a little sacred before buying without verifying first.
Again, I appreciate if P4 owners can share experience and give advice.

Thank you very much for your time, and please excuse me for the very long post, I just want to make the right choice, I'm looking for real owner experiences.
All comments, feedbacks, opinions are really welcome.

Thanks again and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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I really do not understand the attraction people have with long range. What do you want the Phantom for? Just for fun flying, or to use as a serious flying camera?

To cut to the chase, you are not legally permitted to fly further than you can see the aircraft anyway, but the Standard will give you less range than either the P3 Advanced or Pro, and it most likely will give you more grief in other ways. IMO, don't stick with the Standard, get the Advanced, much better performance and less troubles.

Want a good camera? Go for the P4 Pro, no question.
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Flight distance : 2289144 ft

If its yor first drone u should of kept it, got skilled with it, then buy the Phantom 5.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1452408 ft
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United Kingdom


Glad you have a new drone/camera! -

I have used both the Standard and the Advance and apart from the range difference the user gets an identical experience, remember it a Flying Camera, the main advantage of advance is having the camera controls on the transmitter rather than having to touch the screen.

I have flown the standard 500m/1600ft which is plenty far enough!! and a CAA rule here in the UK. Plus its has a poorer Phone only mount I converted mine to use the better/sturdier Tablet mount than comes with the advance.

The standard does have a different sensor in the camera but when I've compared side by side they are very very similar images.
As you have flown a drone before - you should be ok but do read the manual and don't be in a rush to take off - read the screen that all is ok - enjoy and safe flying.!
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United States

Get the phantom 3 advanced. It uses lightbridge instead of Wifi so you will get longer range out of it.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Agree, buying the Phantom 3 Advanced or P3 Pro would be a better purchase than settling for the Phantom 3 Standard.
Lightbridge is awesome and far exceeds what the basic WiFi signal will provide you.

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Flight distance : 39964 ft
United States

get rid of it quick I have one worked great did a firmware update now its a brick garbage return it now!!!!!!!!!!!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

I have the P3A and 17-18 minute flights are routine. 22 minutes is pushing it. I try not to push it because I try to fly safely. I have had it auto land once because of reaching 10% battery and although it was over the landing area it is still disconcerting to have (most) control taken away from you while flying. I would not put quite as much thought in flying times as you apparently are. Buy lots of batteries and a car charger and you can fly almost continuously. Instead figure out what you will be using it for and buy for that. Incidentally I picked the P3A as my first drone after researching and seeing that lightbridge was better. Now I am considering the P4P for the better camera as photography is one of my hobbies. Video was new to me and that is another skillset to learn. May just wait for the P5 (maybe in a few months??), they come out so fast....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1252884 ft
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United States

KM5RG-Robert Posted at 2016-12-31 15:31
I have the P3A and 17-18 minute flights are routine. 22 minutes is pushing it. I try not to push it because I try to fly safely. I have had it auto land once because of reaching 10% battery and although it was over the landing area it is still disconcerting to have (most) control taken away from you while flying. I would not put quite as much thought in flying times as you apparently are. Buy lots of batteries and a car charger and you can fly almost continuously. Instead figure out what you will be using it for and buy for that. Incidentally I picked the P3A as my first drone after researching and seeing that lightbridge was better. Now I am considering the P4P for the better camera as photography is one of my hobbies. Video was new to me and that is another skillset to learn. May just wait for the P5 (maybe in a few months??), they come out so fast....

Thank you for your feedback. If may I ask, when you say you get 18 mins for routine flight time, is that before the landing procedure? in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?  Thanks!

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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

FRCornelis Posted at 2016-12-31 15:43
Thank you for your feedback. If may I ask, when you say you get 18 mins for routine flight time, is that before the landing procedure? in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?  Thanks!


in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?

Think about that for about 10 seconds and you'll realize that it depend on how far you are from the home point.  Also, how aggressively did you fly?  Just like your car, the heavier the throttle, the less time you get on a charge.  The further you go before getting to the mountains, the less time you'll drive in the mountains.  Common sense answers most questions.

Edit: I'll add to this that planning is the name of the game.  Plan it all out.  How much time will you need to reach the area you intend to fly or shoot in?  Now, how much does that take away from an expected approximately 20 minutes in the air??  That will tell you how long you can loiter in the area.  If you need to do a lot of climbing, take off a little more time.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1252884 ft
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United States

AG0N-Gary Posted at 2016-12-31 15:53
in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?

Think about that for about 10 seconds and you'll realize that it depend on how far you are from the home point.  Also, how aggressively did you fly?  Just like your car, the heavier the throttle, the less time you get on a charge.  The further you go before getting to the mountains, the less time you'll drive in the mountains.  Common sense answers most questions.

Yes, I guess you are right, it's common sense.
I was just trying to see if with the P4 with having a bigger battery will make difference (beyond 2 mins), something somehow remarkable over the P3 PRO, I know I can get as many batteries as I want but I value the single charge actual flight time. If between P3 and P4 is minimal, then I stick with the P3 PRO (which  like better in terms of looks, I hate glossy surfaces) and hopefully DJI will still making batteries and parts for this old generation. I believe range-wise I will be ok with the P4, but I only buy the P4 if the difference is really noticeable on the flight time. Thanks again for your feedback.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1252884 ft
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United States

AG0N-Gary Posted at 2016-12-31 15:53
in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?

Think about that for about 10 seconds and you'll realize that it depend on how far you are from the home point.  Also, how aggressively did you fly?  Just like your car, the heavier the throttle, the less time you get on a charge.  The further you go before getting to the mountains, the less time you'll drive in the mountains.  Common sense answers most questions.

I agree, planning, that comes after I get the hang of it. You know, when you first start flying, you waste more energy and time. What do I want the drone for? well, it was a gift, I'm not into photography, for me is a "toy" and I want to enjoy the actual flight-thing. I'm sure and looking forward to get into pictures and experiment with that also.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

FRCornelis Posted at 2016-12-31 16:06
I agree, planning, that comes after I get the hang of it. You know, when you first start flying, you waste more energy and time. What do I want the drone for? well, it was a gift, I'm not into photography, for me is a "toy" and I want to enjoy the actual flight-thing. I'm sure and looking forward to get into pictures and experiment with that also.

You have an advantage then.  You can start enjoying the flying as soon as you lift off, and continue to do so until you land, without having to worry about getting the task done before you run out of fuel (battery).

Happy New Year!

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Flight distance : 440988 ft
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United States

Two things I wouldn't get hung up on: 1) the 100w charger - just get a few batteries and use the regular charger; and 2) you already said 4k isn't a must, but be aware that when shooting in 4k you will need a computer capable of playing back that footage smoothly. I love the quality of my 4k footage, but is also cost me about $1300 to build another PC capable of editing the footage. Good luck in your choice.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

FRCornelis Posted at 2016-12-31 15:43
Thank you for your feedback. If may I ask, when you say you get 18 mins for routine flight time, is that before the landing procedure? in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?  Thanks!


I typically am landing or flying back at the 30% battery point. Obviously there are many variables such as distance to target (whatever I am wanting to photograph), how long it takes to get the footage I want, taking into account any winds, etc.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

FRCornelis Posted at 2016-12-31 15:43
Thank you for your feedback. If may I ask, when you say you get 18 mins for routine flight time, is that before the landing procedure? in other words, how much left battery you have when you landed after flying for let say 20 min?  Thanks!


I typically am landing or flying back at the 30% battery point. Obviously there are many variables such as distance to target (whatever I am wanting to photograph), how long it takes to get the footage I want, taking into account any winds, etc.  
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United States

I was in the same boat before Christmas and listed the options you did but I went with option D that you didn't list:

Option D:
Buy the P3 Pro refurb for $749 with a free extra battery.  All the accessories were brand new and sealed.  The bird didn't look like it ever flew and everything has worked flawless so far.

I don't have any regrets with option D.
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Phantom-Paul 7
Flight distance : 2551634 ft

JayDub Posted at 2017-1-1 05:46
I was in the same boat before Christmas and listed the options you did but I went with option D that you didn't list:

Option D:

I agree the Factory Refurb is a great option. Most ( if not all have never flown ) and been return for various reasons. The refurbs are going to have been inspected and tested better than any minty new unit as its in DJIs best interest to make sure the Refurbs are perfect.
Refurb P4's are hitting the market now at very tempting prices (cheaper than a new P3 Pro ) .
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Flight distance : 124180 ft

Phantom-Paul 7 Posted at 2017-1-1 06:01
I agree the Factory Refurb is a great option. Most ( if not all have never flown ) and been return for various reasons. The refurbs are going to have been inspected and tested better than any minty new unit as its in DJIs best interest to make sure the Refurbs are perfect.
Refurb P4's are hitting the market now at very tempting prices (cheaper than a new P3 Pro ) .

If you do go for the P3A or P3P do fly on the firmware that comes with it, it may ask you to update but, fly her for a while on the firmware that's on her. Updating firmware is up to you, you don't HAVE to update just cause its suggested.
Allot of us will wait on installing new released firmware, for a month or so till bugs are worked out of it,
Also, I went P3A mainly because I didn't want to spend another 1500 bucks upgrading my computer gear, just so I could edit the P3P's 4K .
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United States

fans987d278a Posted at 2017-1-1 09:46
If you do go for the P3A or P3P do fly on the firmware that comes with it, it may ask you to update but, fly her for a while on the firmware that's on her. Updating firmware is up to you, you don't HAVE to update just cause its suggested.
Allot of us will wait on installing new released firmware, for a month or so till bugs are worked out of it,
Also, I went P3A mainly because I didn't want to spend another 1500 bucks upgrading my computer gear, just so I could edit the P3P's 4K .

My refurb P3P came a couple of days before Christmas.  It had FW 1.10.9 but the batteries needed to be updated as they must have been on an older FW.  For a newb, it was disheartening having to figure that out before it could fly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1252884 ft
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United States

JayDub Posted at 2017-1-1 11:08
My refurb P3P came a couple of days before Christmas.  It had FW 1.10.9 but the batteries needed to be updated as they must have been on an older FW.  For a newb, it was disheartening having to figure that out before it could fly.

Thank you for your feedback and to everyone else too.
It seems like a good option (D) I guess it's a good idea
What I see here... no one really have lots of love for the P4 version
I will then stick with the P3 PRO.... I don't intend to use 4K but... I'm sure you can change the setting to use it as a 1080 resolution, right? you are not forced to you 4k even when the camera is capable.
I think I'm leaning to the P3/ADV (refurbish) I only hope they still making batteries for it later next year.

THE P4 would be nice but.... then again, may be no???
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