Update length
1207 15 2017-1-3
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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

How long does  this update take ?
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Not sure which one you are talking about , (   RC transmitter ?  Aircraft ?    etc ) I am going to assume the AC, It can take up to an hour but in Most cases should be about 20 minutes .  Depends how may FW updates there were between  your last update and the one you are doing , taking longer naturally if you skipped a few.

Read my tips page for the Sound it should be making when done , do not prematurely interrupt it for sure . and NEVER UPDATE THE RC BEFORE THE AIRCRAFT.....EVER , EVEN IF THE RC whispers in your ear sweet nothings, you must always update the AC before the RC.  



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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

I am doing the new aircraft update on my Inspire 1 and I have the last update on but this new one is taking along time, over an hour now.  
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:06
I am doing the new aircraft update on my Inspire 1 and I have the last update on but this new one is taking along time, over an hour now.

When Updating has begun  on the aircraft you will hear a "Four beat tone" dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddd and flashing green and red lights .

-Updates sometimes take a while, wait for the tone to change to  a " One beat pause two beat  tone"  d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd  

If you hear a long  " No pause beat "   dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd  update has failed. Try again.  Remove SD card and Place in computer and look at the File "Result" or the Hidden file to get to the Nitty Gritty.  Use search tool  magnifying glass and find  "Hidden File" tutorial.

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:06
I am doing the new aircraft update on my Inspire 1 and I have the last update on but this new one is taking along time, over an hour now.

When you hear the tome finish, that 4 beat dddd dddd dddd then it is done.

After it is finshed , take the SD card out and install back in the computer , make sure it says "Success"  and not Fail or Abort, always do this regardless of tone to confirm it is "Success"

Also you made sure you loaded the correct FW for your system ? You can not use the Inspire Pro or Raw FW on an Inspire with the X3 camera. this is crucial , even though the numbers look nearly identical .

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:06
I am doing the new aircraft update on my Inspire 1 and I have the last update on but this new one is taking along time, over an hour now.

If you have that X5 installed and are updating your system, then I hope you are using the Inspire with X5 Firmware as the drop down choice , like in the example below .  The default would be the x3 but you go to the "Product Selection "   and choose your camera, then it changes the default to the Inspire with X5.

Look below for example.

Camera selection is a MUST

Camera selection is a MUST
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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

I have the Inspire 1 original, with the X3. The update completed but the camera will not connect now.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:55
I have the Inspire 1 original, with the X3. The update completed but the camera will not connect now.

Just to clarify, you did receive the 'successful' .txt file, correct? If so, please ensure that the RC is updated as well. Once that's done, it would be best to relink the RC to the aircraft.
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:55
I have the Inspire 1 original, with the X3. The update completed but the camera will not connect now.

Is it only the camera that wont connect or the whole system ?    Fisrt  check that you have 'success ' on the SD card.

If you do then you may need to simply just update the RC now as well to 1.7.   then you may need to re link the RC to the AC as well.

Keep us posted .

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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

After a couple of tries the camera did connect. Not sure why. But I did a couple test flights and everything seams to be working fine.    Aircraft version v1.10.1.40 and camera version v1.10.1.40 ,DJI GO app Android version updated to v3.1.1.   All-in-One firmware version updated to v1.10.1.40.  I did notice that when I checked the TXT file that the firmware v1.10.1.40. had a date that read  2014-12-15 instead of 2016-12-15 .  
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-4 09:34
After a couple of tries the camera did connect. Not sure why. But I did a couple test flights and everything seams to be working fine.

Strange , I would make sure all of your wiring is tight .  I never like when thinks fix themselves spontaneously , makes me nervous .
I take it  you did update the RC Transmitter  as well after you did the AC ?  

Good Luck


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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

Yes complete update on AC & RC.
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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

After a couple of tries the camera did connect. Not sure why. But I did a couple test flights and everything seams to be working fine.    Aircraft version v1.10.1.40 and camera version v1.10.1.40 ,DJI GO app Android version updated to v3.1.1.   All-in-One firmware version updated to v1.10.1.40.  I did notice that when I checked the TXT file that the firmware v1.10.1.40. had a date that read  2014-12-15 instead of 2016-12-15 .  
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-5 05:51
After a couple of tries the camera did connect. Not sure why. But I did a couple test flights and everything seams to be working fine.    Aircraft version v1.10.1.40 and camera version v1.10.1.40 ,DJI GO app Android version updated to v3.1.1.   All-in-One firmware version updated to v1.10.1.40.  I did notice that when I checked the TXT file that the firmware v1.10.1.40. had a date that read  2014-12-15 instead of 2016-12-15 .

Yes , the dates are often not  correct, not sure why that is .  It is normal though .  Glad you have it up and running, that's great .

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Flight distance : 93907 ft
United States

Thanks for all the help and ideas.
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United States

johnnyoneeye Posted at 2017-1-3 10:06
I am doing the new aircraft update on my Inspire 1 and I have the last update on but this new one is taking along time, over an hour now.

Make sure your controller is turned off, while doing the update. If you mistakenly did that at first... then the update will take awhile
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