Red Props make rattle noises
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4288 73 2017-1-5
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

I have problems with my I2 prop blades. In the delivery box came two sets of prop blades one set fits perfect but one set the red ones when i install make a ratting sound. I investigated and it looks like a tollerance issue that the distance between the locking clips and the base of the prop is different. I dont have a micometer to measure but its a visable gap.
I contacted DJI support and was not very helpful. I asked for  new set of red blades and was refused to requested a return code to send the enitire I2 back. Im still waiting (under chinese law i have the right to return at suppliers cost within 7 days, ts called distance purchase policy)

I did send a video of the prop making the noise and an "engineer said it was normal vibration" my response was no vibration is normal EVER...

I did try to shim the gap by inserting foam in the cavity on the underside of the prop whic was sucessful in removing the noise but i would never fly like this as i dont know what would happen if the foam lost its effect.

All in im very disappointed at the support and that no one from engineer would want to follow up on this ....

So a word of warning before you fly hand spin the props if they make a noise DONT FLY

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Flight distance : 1548743 ft
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That sucks.. did you try using the spares that came with the I2? When I unpacked mine there was a set of spare quick release mounts for the propellers and there where also an extra set of propellers in the box. Maybe replacing the two red ones might help.
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft
United Kingdom

I have tried many combinations with both sets of props. Result is rear "red" motor only 1 of 4 supplied is okay and no noise. front "red" motor 2 of 4 props supplied work okay... The rear "red" quick release i have changed but no difference. There is another thread here with prop issues but its the inverse to mine.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-5 23:03
I have tried many combinations with both sets of props. Result is rear "red" motor only 1 of 4 supplied is okay and no noise. front "red" motor 2 of 4 props supplied work okay... The rear "red" quick release i have changed but no difference. There is another thread here with prop issues but its the inverse to mine.

Could you happen to provide the ticket number or e-mail address for your correspondence with Support for further follow up?
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

This is the reference they gave me CAS-396159-D8B9K5. I started this before i found others had similar problems to me (either RED or WHITE)  right now im not going to fly the I2 until i find a correct solution.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-6 01:26
This is the reference they gave me CAS-396159-D8B9K5. I started this before i found others had similar problems to me (either RED or WHITE)  right now im not going to fly the I2 until i find a correct solution.

Your case has been escalated, we'll take care of it, please feel free to let us know for any further questions.
Thanks for your supporting!
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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-5 23:03
I have tried many combinations with both sets of props. Result is rear "red" motor only 1 of 4 supplied is okay and no noise. front "red" motor 2 of 4 props supplied work okay... The rear "red" quick release i have changed but no difference. There is another thread here with prop issues but its the inverse to mine.

Can you take the Props off and just spool it up a little bit ? see if it is in the motor could also take off the locks and see if it goes away . So one of three are causing  issues , the motor, the prop , or the lock .

good luck

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Flight distance : 96631 ft

Here we go kids, hang on to your hats!!!......funny avatar,
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22488593 ft
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Remove the locking mechanism and re-tighten the assembly evenly. The problem is not with the motors but one where the screws are too tight on one side of the locking assembly. This is a known issue and is easily resolved without returning your aircraft
See this thread and an accompanying video at the bottom of the page ... ad%2A%2A%2A/page141
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

I have tried this but made no difference to the rattle even when the screws was were very loose or down really hard. The problem is a combination of tolerances between prop and quick release clip. On the "white" props i find there is definite pull down and tightness when the quick release is rotated but on the red these are easy to rotate. I did read some have issues with the white being so tight they are hard to undo.

I have tried ever combination of motor, prop and quick release and find a "good" prop is okay no mater which combination i use, but a "bad" one is always noisy.  My quick fix simply makes the quick release work harder so the gap between blade and mount is under more pressure.

What i want from DJI is good props and quick release. So far they have only agreed to new props being sent in 7 weeks time.
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft
United Kingdom

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2017-1-8 20:56
Remove the locking mechanism and re-tighten the assembly evenly. The problem is not with the motors but one where the screws are too tight on one side of the locking assembly. This is a known issue and is easily resolved without returning your aircraft
See this thread and an accompanying video at the bottom of the page

Thanks for the link but a very simple test. If you try the effort required to lock on the white props and then check the effort on the red you can see how much difference between white and red.
What i want is the red to be just as firm when holding down the prop.

I did try the many other fixes mentioned but none have 100% cured the noise. I could of course ignore the rattle but i worry its a vibartion that will result in damaged motor
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

Last night a friend arrived with his I2 along with his spare set of "quick release clips" we spent a few hours trying different combinations and also locations on both his and mine.

The conclusion.....

White locations.

a) the difference here is that these are always too tight. only one of the props was as easy to install as the "red" locations the rest was either hard or bloody impossible to mount (there was never any sign of a loose prop or the rattle found on the "red" props)

Conclusion the design of the "white" equipment all tend towards the higher side of tolerances. whilst this is easier to fix by removing a small amount of plastic from the contact surface between Prop and retaining clip. After a few hours on effort we have 100% white props having a nice click when mounted and come off with reasonable effort.

RED props

a) all combinations  tried and only 25% of combinations resulted in a reasonably tight fitting that could be repeated
b) out of all the combinations NONE of the props fitted as tight as the "white" ones ( we liked the "white" locations they had a reassuring feel when mounted as over time these would get looser)
c) it was strange that the "red" location giving the most problems was the rear "red" location, we could find no reason for this !!
d) we tried to use a torque setting tool but didn't improve the over all samples


We tried not to accept results that "red" props would only fit correctly on a specfic location as this would defeat the speed at which you can prepare for take off. We wanted 100% freedom of prop and location)

Its obvious that the tolerances of the "red" props and mounts are at the other end of the scale to the "white" . There are some quick fixes as i explained a few days ago but these can only be a short term fix.

I will admit DJI are sending new sets of props and clips but based on the responses on various forums i can see these results could be reproduced on most I2 owners.

The long term fix is the tolerances of both "white" and "red" need to be reviewed by DJI and replacement and clips made available for those impacted. Please note these items are only a few cents each for mounts and props and i'm sure DJI have the ability and finances to resolve this to retain customer satisfaction??

I urge DJI to take this seriously and examine the tolerances of both types and fix the manufacturing issues. Right now there has been no serious issues caused by this but cases of not being able to removed props have been reported and many have reported vibrations which we think could cause long term damage to motors (no vibration is acceptable)

   Comments welcome especially from DJI
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-1-6 02:13
Your case has been escalated, we'll take care of it, please feel free to let us know for any further questions.
Thanks for your supporting!

Please see response number 12

Thank you
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 400577 ft
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United Kingdom

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-9 19:07
Last night a friend arrived with his I2 along with his spare set of "quick release clips" we spent a few hours trying different combinations and also locations on both his and mine.

The conclusion.....

Yes please DJI can we have a comment on this problem I reported a problem with the white spots propellers last week.

Have spoken to a DJI engineer via email his only solution was to send the whole thing back, not very helpful.

It's all over the forums there is a problem with these prop and it is definitely a manufacturing fault in that the tolerances our out.

White one is too tight red ones to lose.

Come on DJI sort this problem out.
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Flight distance : 176335 ft
United States

Its been like this since they came out the molds for the red one are way off but DJI will not fix it and yes  the rattle V1 or V2 they got one right direction right and the other wrong tolernaces are horrible. No matter what the screw tightness is or is not its the prop thats off mic it and you will see.
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

DJI answer is to send me a new set of props which shall arrive in next 2 days.

Im not very optimistic but willing to try.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Arrow1969 Posted at 2017-1-9 23:34
Yes please DJI can we have a comment on this problem I reported a problem with the white spots propellers last week.

Have spoken to a DJI engineer via email his only solution was to send the whole thing back, not very helpful.

I believe there was some miscommunication. I've contacted the proper team to get it addressed.
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft
Hong Kong

Today i received the "FIX" from DJI for the prop tolerance issues for both "red" and "white". This consisted of two sets of props exactly like the ones that you can buy off the DJI web set (one of each in the bag) not 4 as found in the original DJI case.

I can announce that it WORKS... They all go on with a reassuring "click" and make no rattle when spun. On both you need to press down a little on the prop before you rotate the locking mechanism. It feels different to the ones i already have there is definite resistance when locking mechanism is rotated.

DON'T all rush at once but the props shipped in the case and the ones sent today are very different.

I hope this helps DJI to find the tolerance issues as the ones in pairs compared to the ones in the box should give you the start point. The ones in pairs behave very much differently.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 400577 ft
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United Kingdom

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-12 18:24
Today i received the "FIX" from DJI for the prop tolerance issues for both "red" and "white". This consisted of two sets of props exactly like the ones that you can buy off the DJI web set (one of each in the bag) not 4 as found in the original DJI case.

I can announce that it WORKS... They all go on with a reassuring "click" and make no rattle when spun. On both you need to press down a little on the prop before you rotate the locking mechanism. It feels different to the ones i already have there is definite resistance when locking mechanism is rotated.

Thant's good news thay have promised me some new ones as well
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft

I did notice a difference that you have to press down on the props centre before you can rotate the quick fit locking. More pronounced on the white than red but first time its happened since i got my I2. I think the small metal flat spring that fits between motor and quick fit is doing something on  these new props and not on the old ones...
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Flight distance : 56654 ft
United States

Dr Jon Posted at 2017-1-12 18:24
Today i received the "FIX" from DJI for the prop tolerance issues for both "red" and "white". This consisted of two sets of props exactly like the ones that you can buy off the DJI web set (one of each in the bag) not 4 as found in the original DJI case.

I can announce that it WORKS... They all go on with a reassuring "click" and make no rattle when spun. On both you need to press down a little on the prop before you rotate the locking mechanism. It feels different to the ones i already have there is definite resistance when locking mechanism is rotated.

Congrats and glad to hear...
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Hi Dr Jon, Thank you for sharing this with us, I too have the same problem and have sent DJI an email.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 400577 ft
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United Kingdom

INSPIREME Posted at 2017-1-13 21:53
Hi Dr Jon, Thank you for sharing this with us, I too have the same problem and have sent DJI an email.

Here is my post on the matter ... D385%26typeid%3D385
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DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-1-6 02:13
Your case has been escalated, we'll take care of it, please feel free to let us know for any further questions.
Thanks for your supporting!

Hi DJI Natalia, I have the same problem with the props with red dot and have just bought mine this week.
Use props
Flight distance : 53340 ft
United Kingdom

Just received my I2 and have the same problem. For me it was the left front red motor/prop. Thanks @Dr Jon for the analysis/confirmation. Will submit a ticket/email.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1065902 ft
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United States

I have had mine for about a week now and initially, there was no problem. Now after a few flights the front red is rattling. I swapped the rear and front and it follows the rattling follows the mount. I tried the spare set and one of them rattles but the other appears to be fine. I'll see after a few flights if the issue returns.

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Folding Carbon Fiber Propellers for Inspire

Hi everyone,
we can confirm many users from Italy too have problems with the propellers.
Some have tolerance issues, some even received completely wrong propellers, with a smaller central slot that would not fit on the motor quick release (talking about several millimeters!).
Once again DJI messed up quite badly on such a high level product...
This is why we decided to do something to solve for once these issues; our goal is improving the safety without compromising the portability of the drone.
We are working on folding propellers for the Inspire series, full carbon fiber and dynamically balanced.
You won't have the hassle of mounting and unmounting the propellers every time; you do it once, and then they're always on.
With just a small mod to the original case, you can even pack the drone quickly and it will be ready to fly in no time.

We're open to hints and suggestions, so if there's something in particular we can make to make the life of drone pilots easier, we'll try to do our best!

Happy flying everyone!

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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


INSPIREME Posted at 2017-1-13 23:43
Hi DJI Natalia, I have the same problem with the props with red dot and have just bought mine this week.

Sorry to hear about that, please feel free to contact our tech support via, we'll help you handle it.
Use props
Flight distance : 53340 ft
United States

@DJI Natalia - I put in a ticket/email  for this very problem I have (see #25), but support want a video. Is that expected ? What is it they want to see on the video ?


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United States

I am experiencing the red prop rattle issue on my Inspire 2. I have contacted my dealer (Advexure) and they will be issuing me a free set of replacement props when they arrive in this week. I tried contacting DJI directly on this and was told to call or submit a ticket on the live chat. Call was 12 people in line, chat was 60. Now I've got a nice $6k machine grounded. Unbelievable.
Use props
Flight distance : 53340 ft
United Kingdom

DaveDotNet Posted at 2017-1-16 07:45
@DJI Natalia - I put in a ticket/email  for this very problem I have (see #25), but support want a video. Is that expected ? What is it they want to see on the video ?


@DJI Natalia - Could you please intervene and help. My support call/ticket has now resulted in a request for me to send everything back for repair. I was under the impression that new props would fix this?

Many thanks, Dave
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United States

What type/size wrench fits the screws on the prop mounting plates? 2mm hex does not seem to fit, and I can't find my torx/star wrenches! I've got the same problem on my red forward left prop and it seems to be an issue with the prop mount being somewhat loose.
Use props
Flight distance : 4054803 ft
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Same problem here!

The red ones has to much space so they can move.
Video image gives rolling shutter because of heavy vibrations.

@ DJI, how is this going to be fixed?

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United States

Well add me to the list...I just received my I2 today and have the Red Prop virus...LOL
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United States

fansf67fa495 Posted at 2017-1-17 16:58
Well add me to the list...I just received my I2 today and have the Red Prop virus...LOL

Try each of the 2 spare red props that came in the box. In my case, they fit fairly well. Worth a try.
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Just an update, I have been in touch with DJI and they have been very helpful , I have returned My props/red to place of purchase and have been told my new props are on there way.
This is good news and thank you DJI for recognising this problem, I'll keep you all posted on how the New props work out. I've just ordered 6 more batteries as well so i hope i have them soon, i'd hate to be grounded.
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Vendal Posted at 2017-1-17 22:18
Try each of the 2 spare red props that came in the box. In my case, they fit fairly well. Worth a try.

@Vendal, There's no such thing as Fairly well with craft of this price etc, there either right or wrong, it's like the old saying "tights good...To tights broken.
Use props

Further Update I received an email from DJI this morning stating that this rattle does not effect the performance of the craft , with my gizmos i spent over 8K and i'm told that this rattle would be fine.
If you bought a car and the engine had a rattle what would you do ?
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Dr Jon
Flight distance : 463012 ft
Hong Kong

The rattle is vibration NO vibration is acceptable

Do like me and demand new props or you will send the whole thing back for refund (like I did) New props fixed it
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


DaveDotNet Posted at 2017-1-17 02:20
@DJI Natalia - Could you please intervene and help. My support call/ticket has now resulted in a request for me to send everything back for repair. I was under the impression that new props would fix this?

Many thanks, Dave

May I know have you send it in already?
Or please provide me your ticket number, I'll help you check it.
Please click on "Reply" so that I can get a remind and reply you soon, very sorry for the inconvenience caused.
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