This is becoming a nightmare to me :(
2885 29 2017-1-17
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Hi everybody
First of all I present myself: I am Pablo, a spanish amateur film maker who purchased his P3S at the end of 2016. I hope that I learn, share and help in this forum as well as I wish to have a good time with all of you talking about this hobby that we have.
Well, before buying my p3s I did my online research to see how it reallly performs and flies. The videos and reviews I saw on YT set my expectatives at a level that later caused me a big disappointment. I was hoping to fly with a maximum range of 600 meters more or less (I always fly on totally open areas since my passion is nature/ladscape photography) but it came out that after going 100 meters away, my p3s always activated the RTH. Very concerned about that, I went home and did my research online. That way I discovered the firmware issue that dji has with his P3Ss, I was running on version 1.7, tried to downgrade to 1.5 (since almost every post I read said that that was the best version) but my drone didn´t let me downgrade so much, so I went to the 1.6 version. With that version I had a maximum distance of 200 meters, wich still is extremely disappointng for me. I kept on researching through the internet and found out the windsurfer antena mod. I did it and it extended my range to a maximum of 300 meters, and that was today. In that sense I am more os less happy because despite it still isn't a decent maximum range for me, I am making some progress in that aspect. But then things went worse again, this morning, when I was flying, after 7-8 seconds of start recording, the video preview sttopped and i had to get out of the app, get back in to "refresh" the preview wich then kept sttoppin after another 7-8 seconds of recording. Something similar happened to me a couple weeks ago and I solved that problem by unistalling the app and dowloading it again, but I tried that this time and the problem stills there. This problem started at the same time as the app showed me the "new firmware version update avaible" notification for the first time, so I thought that maybe it had something to do with it. I have upgraded to 1.8 and the video preview still bugs after 8 seconds of recording.
So these are my two questions:
-How can I solve the video bugging/stopping when recording?
-In case the 1.8 version gives me a shorter range that the 1.6 version, how can I downgrade to 1.5 if the aircraft keeps telling me that it is not possible to donwgrade the firmware so much?
Thank you all in advance and sorry for all this mess that my first phantom experience is being
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

When you remove an app and want to reinstall it, you might want to clear your internet cache and cookies first, shut down, then restart, and reinstall.

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United States

Magic Power mod?  I haven't tried it myself, but hear good things about the improvement of the video feed to your phone/tablet.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2133 ft
United States

I would suspect the mobile device you you are using before assuming the drone's firmware or hardware  is at fault. Not in reference to my first statement, since you a describing issues with the video preview, turn off video caching in the go app and see if the matter is resolved.  
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Thanks a lot guys. I did what RedHotPoker said and it just worked perfectly again. When I tried to uninstall and reinstall it I did not rebooted the phone before installing it again, maybe that was the part where I messed it up. I'll try to test this week the new firmware update to see if the ranger is better or not. Will keep you all updated. And again, thak you very much for your advices, feels great to receive some help after quite a few weeks of hopelessness with this drone.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

PabloFC Posted at 2017-1-17 13:40
Thanks a lot guys. I did what RedHotPoker said and it just worked perfectly again. When I tried to uninstall and reinstall it I did not rebooted the phone before installing it again, maybe that was the part where I messed it up. I'll try to test this week the new firmware update to see if the ranger is better or not. Will keep you all updated. And again, thak you very much for your advices, feels great to receive some help after quite a few weeks of hopelessness with this drone.

Pablo, I'm happy for you. . .  Let me give you a friendly firm pat on the shoulder bro?! Haha

Yeah, sometimes these things can be a little finicky.

But nothing too difficult to overcome and conquer. ;-)

Enjoy your drone, and time well spent, while on the forum.

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Today I could test the new firmware version and it is pretty much like the older one in terms of range. I am still not able to fly further than 300 meters and after 150 meters or so the signal is not reliable and it can trigger the RTH at any moment. I am determined to get at least 500m of "reliable" range. I don't know if there is a way to downgrade the FW to the 1.5 version which everybody says that solves the range issues, because I tried it again and the same message: "The current firmware does not support downgrade. Use a different version of firmware to downgrade the target version".
If it is not possible to downgrade the FW, will upgrading the antenna help with the range issue? I am confused because since the range problem is caused by the firmware, I am not sure that a hardware upgrade will be effective.
Thanks again RedHotPoker for your words. I really am enjoying my phantom, but it is exasperating from time to time when things do not go as they should go. Time and new knowledge will solve all those things hopefully
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Bay Cruiser
Flight distance : 2039288 ft

My understanding is dji have removed the option to downgrade when you went to 1.7.9. I would be interested if there is a way to downgrade.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

I Try to encourage others to enjoy their drone and time in the hobby. Several guys with Phantom Standards here, are getting further ranges than 500m, so you should be able to, as well.

Perhaps you're in an area with too much interference, for what ever reason. I'm not sure, and don't have any hands on experience flying with a Standard edition.

Adding your antenna upgrade might give you better distance flights, but you might get better distances in a different area too. ;-)

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Da Lata
Flight distance : 1008297 ft


Magic power 5.0 will resolve your range issue!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Yeah, this is pretty cool...


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Thanks guys again for your help.
Lately I have been quite busy with my finals, but today I managed to fly a little. Well, first of all I have to say that I achieved my personal record of distance: 694 meters. I achieved that with a windsurfer antenna mod. Despite sounding really good I have to say that after 500-600m I had pretty much no video preview. The locations I fly in are different almost everytime and pretty much isolated, the only difference in today's flight was that I was not flying over the sea as I was doing the other times. I have researched about the downgrade when dji does not allow you to do so and I have not found any solution about that. Last but not least, that MagicPower thing looks really good, but I am not good at computers and electronics so I may sound a bit stupid: Is that something you have to install ir your drone, your remote controller or your phone?
Thank you all for the support, step by step I'm reaching the level of confidence and performance I expected from my drone. I have started to collect good clips that I have recorded and in a month or two I hope that I can show you a cool video
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DJ Nee
Flight distance : 84610 ft

PabloFC Posted at 2017-1-24 11:32
Thanks guys again for your help.
Lately I have been quite busy with my finals, but today I managed to fly a little. Well, first of all I have to say that I achieved my personal record of distance: 694 meters. I achieved that with a windsurfer antenna mod. Despite sounding really good I have to say that after 500-600m I had pretty much no video preview. The locations I fly in are different almost everytime and pretty much isolated, the only difference in today's flight was that I was not flying over the sea as I was doing the other times. I have researched about the downgrade when dji does not allow you to do so and I have not found any solution about that. Last but not least, that MagicPower thing looks really good, but I am not good at computers and electronics so I may sound a bit stupid: Is that something you have to install ir your drone, your remote controller or your phone?
Thank you all for the support, step by step I'm reaching the level of confidence and performance I expected from my drone. I have started to collect good clips that I have recorded and in a month or two I hope that I can show you a cool video

Regarding Magic Power, there's a really easy to follow video on YouTube. I've not performed the mod yet, but I think I probably will.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

DJ Nee Posted at 2017-1-24 13:27
Regarding Magic Power, there's a really easy to follow video on YouTube. I've not performed the mod yet, but I think I probably will.

Please Post a link to the video, so others can enjoy the lesson. Thanks. ;-)


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Well, I was informing myself about the Magic Power mod and it seems like it is only an upgrade for the video preview transmission. Either way I installed it and went for a flight to test it out.Pretty much the same sh*t as always, about 180-200 meters from the rc, the aircraft starts losing the signal and triggering the rth. I have tried almost everything: downgrading the FW, making a windsurfer mod, installing magic power, etc... And still cannot fly reliably further than 200 meters. Two last options I have is to buy and install and Argtek antenna (but it is relatively expensive, it does not guarantee me that it will solve the range problem and I do not know if it will unvalid my warranty) or spending 24 € on the litchi app which also may just do nothing with the range issue. By the way, I think that the video he mentioned is this one:
I do not know what to do, Is there something I can do to get DJI solving my problem? 3 days ago a friend bought a P3S just like mine and it came with the 1.2 FW version, It is frustrating seeing his phantom fly as far as he want without any problem while I am spending more battery on the RTH that in actually flying {:4_142:}
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

While, if it isn't your firmware, or a settings issue, what else could it be....?

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Flight distance : 2489501 ft
United States

You do have the antennas on the RC up, correct?   I sometimes forget to put them upright.   Usually doesn't cause me a problem for my P3A since I don't fly too far quite yet.   Might get some video preview flicker.
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Flight distance : 1423061 ft

I had a Phantom 3S - and I spent more time messing with Antanaeas and Range testing than actually using it to film - With Antanae mods I eventually got to function really well ! - but the remote was unwieldy with all the mods - so I sold it in the end- got a Phantom 4 which just works out of the box.
Not what you want to hear I know - but the Phantom 3S in CE (Europe) Mode is very hit and miss (new firmware in drone from factory seem ok but upgrading seems to cause range issues) - you may be able rma (return to dji) it to get one with a firmware that works for your needs.
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Yeah, I always put the antenna perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the drone's landing gear. What antenna mods did you made, Ozmo? I am really not too concerned about controller weight. I`ll try to get in contact with dji to see if they can help me. I'll update you when they answer me.
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Dave P
Flight distance : 207664 ft
United Kingdom

One thing you should bear in mind is that in the UK the regulations state that you cannot fly above 120m high and 500m horizontally. This is to avoid flying into aircraft lanes and keeping within unaided view. I have a PS3 with the latest firmware 1.8? and Go App 3.0.1 and I can get over 400 metres OK but do get some range errors at that, so it may depend if there is interference? It will be interesting to see if any solutions give a good signal up to the 500m
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After 5 days of waiting (I suppose due to the chinese new year)  I finally had an answer from DJI. They asked me to send it for them to see if I can get a new one. They also said that customer/water damaged will not be suitable for that and I would have to go to the repair service. The problem is that I have a slight crack on one of the landing gear "legs" about 7-8 mm long. Will that unable them to send me a new one? Should I buy a new landing gear before sending it? I know that that little crack have nothing to do with my quad issues, but maybe they can use it as an excuse to make me pay
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After a few days of figuring out a solution I just realized that I can ask my friend who owns a P3S to lend me his right landing gear and after I receive my drone back I will return it to him. Hope everything goes well and I am finally able to fly without the constant frustration of the rth triggering at any moment
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-1-19 12:34
I Try to encourage others to enjoy their drone and time in the hobby. Several guys with Phantom Standards here, are getting further ranges than 500m, so you should be able to, as well.

Perhaps you're in an area with too much interference, for what ever reason. I'm not sure, and don't have any hands on experience flying with a Standard edition.

I just bought a P3S I am getting distances of over 400m and heights 350m plus easily without any issues. I have not tried to go to 500 distance yet as I have ordered an ARGtek antenna pack.  I will try 500m and beyond tomorrow. I use the latest firmware and latest App with no issues. I am around 750m above the valley floor in this video and distance out was 400m

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-4 07:57
I just bought a P3S I am getting distances of over 400m and heights 350m plus easily without any issues. I have not tried to go to 500 distance yet as I have ordered an ARGtek antenna pack.  I will try 500m and beyond tomorrow. I use the latest firmware and latest App with no issues. I am around 750m aboce the valley floor in this video and distance out was 400m ... kB-AK1ocWPQ&index=5

What an incredible view, from high above the landscape. That is one thing that pleases me most about our camera platform. The views we achieve are quite often astounding. . . What joy, this brings, watching these videos for me, getting to travel the world, everyday, with your graciously sharing these wonderful videos and pics. I truly am appreciative, and can't say thank you often enough. It gives me great joy, just to see your part of the tiny spinning globe, through the lens of the drone camera.
It may not be as exciting for you, living there, seeing it everyday, but up here, in winter land, seeing all that green, makes me wish, spring would hurry up, and return to North America. ;-)

I hope that you will be kind enough, to share many more of these incredibly beautiful scenic views of your home and country.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-4 11:08
What an incredible view, from high above the landscape. That is one thing that pleases me most about our camera platform. The views we achieve are quite often astounding. . . What joy, this brings, watching these videos for me, getting to travel the world, everyday, with your graciously sharing these wonderful videos and pics. I truly am appreciative, and can't say thank you often enough. It gives me great joy, just to see your part of the tiny spinning globe, through the lens of the drone camera.
It may not be as exciting for you, living there, seeing it everyday, but up here, in winter land, seeing all that green, makes me wish, spring would hurry up, and return to North America. ;-)

Funny thing is I get people asking me from just seeing only the photos from such a height how the hell did I get my drone too fly so high. Yeah cannot complain about my camera quality from such a height.  I'm just as excited to see the footage as are local residents who see the video and are looking for their farm or their house.

Still having been flying less than 2 weeks seeing that view from my phone sure is a bit nerve wracking at times lol.  Can I get an emergency parachute kit? hahaha
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-5 00:04
Funny thing is I get people asking me from just seeing only the photos from such a height how the hell did I get my drone too fly so high. Yeah cannot complain about my camera quality from such a height.  I'm just as excited to see the footage as are local residents who see the video and are looking for their farm or their house.

Still having been flying less than 2 weeks seeing that view from my phone sure is a bit nerve wracking at times lol.  Can I get an emergency parachute kit? hahaha

Yes, there are parachute kits for drones.

But, you are flying quite well, so that shouldn't be a requirement for your drone. ;-)
Just take it easy, while you are still in the learning stages.
It gets much less stressful, over time. Then you'll feel relaxed and enjoy it much more.
But you are doing great. Think positively, each time you take off, on another mission.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-5 00:13
Yes, there are parachute kits for drones.

But, you are flying quite well, so that shouldn't be a requirement for your drone. ;-)

Well I used to fly hang gliders before in the mountains. So I am aware of thermals and wind gusts etc.

Also I am only cruising at less than 1/3 speed when flying around.  Not really in a rush most of the time.  
Today was getting low on battery and was first time pulled stick all the way back to descend at about 3m/s

Not many landing areas in some places for me if I don't make it back to my launch area.  Makes it more interesting.    This landing had quite a bit of wind when you got close to the mountain on the way back. Sheer walls and power lines.  Watch to the end lol

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-5 01:32
Well I used to fly hang gliders before in the mountains. So I am aware of thermals and wind gusts etc.

Also I am only cruising at less than 1/3 speed when flying around.  Not really in a rush most of the time.  

If it's difficult to land, and the chute opens, how are you planning on retrieval? Worst case scenario:
When the parachute engages the drone may catch the wind and sail off, to a distant place, making it hard to get to. What then? Atleast while it's flying, you still have control with the RC. While under the cloth parachute, it will be at the mercy of the wind and like you mentioned with thermal updrafts, which could carry it farther away than you ever imagined. Does that seem safer to you than bringing it back down, under your RC control? A parachute is an emergency solution, not really meant for adventure. If that makes sense to you.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-2-5 01:44
If it's difficult to land, and the chute opens, how are you planning on retrieval? Worst case scenario:
When the parachute engages the drone may catch the wind and sail off, to a distant place, making it hard to get to. What then? Atleast while it's flying, you still have control with the RC. While under the cloth parachute, it will be at the mercy of the wind and like you mentioned with thermal updrafts, which could carry it farther away than you ever imagined. Does that seem safer to you than bringing it back down, under your RC control? A parachute is an emergency solution, not really meant for adventure. If that makes sense to you.

Was just joking about parachute really.  I never plan on flying into dangerous conditions.
Now being in the mountains sometimes conditions change rapidly.  I sure won't try flying in a typhoon at least

I was able to fly further out than this today and got lost signal for a few seconds, adjust my position and antenna and was fine.  Drone is 470m away from me so for most people that's far enough on a P3S.   Can't wait for the ARGtek to arrive. Going for a 1km or 2km fly down range might be fun.

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-2-5 01:58
Was just joking about parachute really.  I never plan on flying into dangerous conditions.
Now being in the mountains sometimes conditions change rapidly.  I sure won't try flying in a typhoon at least

You certainly have a great open range in the valley. If you were to drive or climb up a ways, you'd have a fantastic vantage point, to  keep your VLOS a long way down, or along the valley below.

It would be fun, to see what kind of distance you could get.

Perhaps it would be best, for us, not to take up, too much space in the OP thread.
But you can always start another post, to continue this interesting conversation, if you like. ;-)

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