First crash after YEARS of flying DJI products. Help appreciated!
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7561 156 2017-1-15
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

AlecW Posted at 2017-1-24 12:44
You flew into a tree.  Randomly posting bits of a log that you refuse to upload in their entirety is pointless.  The only person you're fooling is yourself , but carry on if it makes you happy

Are you serious?

I have posted every single bit of info that I can get. If you have a way of getting more, PLEASE tell me. As we speak, I am currently trying to find out how to decrypt the logs at DatFile.Net so I can get even more. What exactly did I not post?

Let's see, I've posted the .txt, CSV, and CAL file. I have shared the HD link, and I am currently trying to get more info. If you have a way for me to get more info pal, I'm all ears. It's like being in a Twilight Zone episode.  The proof is in the pudding and there is nothing I won't post and if there is more info I can get, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.  I, contrary to the ridiculous posts by you and the ant eater are all just fluff based in nothing.  

I am just curious at this point of what happened to my bird and ironically I am more curious as to why you two are so interested in finding another angle.

What is it you think I am doing?  Trying to hide something from DJI? I just sent them my bird and all my logs so that theory is out the door.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Bullflyer Posted at 2017-1-24 12:58
No he didn't.
It's suppose that it was a waypoint mission.

There is a God, and apparently a person that understands what I am trying to say and figure out. THANK YOU!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-24 12:22
It was in WP mode when it flew into a tree so not really end of story.  Again, you are supposed to fly the mission first before you get in it, that way you don't crash.

Here is the flight on the same two WP missions:

I won't try to address the off-course issue but the Altitude limit mode entered message doesn't seem to have had any effect on your flight.
It appeared several times at a range of altitudes and your Phantom was able to go up and down throughout the flight.
Whatever the limit was, it would seem to be beyond the heights you were at.

Waypoint Mission Started__Return-to-Home Altitude:492FT; Altitude Limited Mode Entered (39 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (170 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (133 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (136 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (139 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (170 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (134 ft)

Crash at 10:49 - all other messages after that are crash related
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Flight distance : 153852 ft
United Kingdom

This video on YouTube makes the point that the waypoint mission does not follow the precise route used to set the waypoints, and may not actually pass through the waypoints themselves because it rounds and smooths the corners:

So I guess it is possible to set a route without hitting a tree and yet to hit a tree when the mission is flown.

Again according to that video this is a change from previous waypoint behaviour, so have you perhaps been caught out by this change in behaviour? Where were your waypoints placed?

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

s0 Posted at 2017-1-24 14:36
This video on YouTube makes the point that the waypoint mission does not follow the precise route used to set the waypoints, and may not actually pass through the waypoints themselves because it rounds and smooths the corners:

Hmm, interesting but I am not really sure what I am watching here because he is setting the WPs while not flying but actually just laying it out.

My previous flights with any WP missions, is that it flies the points without any interpolation. He is setting WPs from the app itself but I was setting it as I was flying and any time I have ever flown a mission from setting it from the app, it flies it exactly as I set it.

I am a little confused as to how he is setting the WPs the way he is. I set them by flying the bird and just hitting C2 and then the bird flies the mission as flown.

I have not seen this action on any of my videos. I will go to this video and read the comments and see what people are saying.  It has always certainly seemed to me that it flies the same mission and as I said before, I had already flew this mission twice without any incident so if this is true, it's just further confusing me.

Thanks for posting it.  Definitely more food for thought but I am still at a loss if that's the case just based on my prior experience both in former missions and indeed this one.  I have not updated my iOS or firmware since the last time everything has been working for me and I wonder if this is newer or older.

It doesn't just interpolate from one point to another. I have flown WP missions where I will have it go around a free standing object while going from one point to another (i.e. from A to B) and it will do that rotation while flying the WPs so I am still confused but I will definitely look into this as a possibility.  Just adds more confusion as to why it flew it okay a couple times if that's what happened. I will try and record my WP mission directly from playback from the GoApp from my iPhone and upload the video and see what it looks like.  

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-24 14:50
Hmm, interesting but I am not really sure what I am watching here because he is setting the WPs while not flying but actually just laying it out.

My previous flights with any WP missions, is that it flies the points without any interpolation. He is setting WPs from the app itself but I was setting it as I was flying and any time I have ever flown a mission from setting it from the app, it flies it exactly as I set it.

How far was the crash site from the course you expected the Phantom to fly?
How far off course was it (horizontal and vertical)?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-1-24 14:59
How far was the crash site from the course you expected the Phantom to fly?
How far off course was it (horizontal and vertical)?

Funny you should ask.

Actually, it DID go off course, as I am watching back the playback of the setting of the WPs and the playing of what it actually did. I am in the playback mission mode of the Go App.  

When I was in GPS mode and setting the WPs (and it doesn't show in this mode where the WPs were set) but you can see the path of the GPS mission where I was dropping the points. At almost the exact point where the crash happened when it was being set as the WPs were being dropped it was at 170.6 feet.

Where the crash happened (where it hit the tip of the tree) by the time I noticed it was about to hit the tree (it was right after a turn so I didn't have much time) it was at 134.2 feet (instead of the recorded 170.6 feet). I don't kmow if it matters or is just conincidence but where it was meeting back on the course was almsot the exact spot where the crash happned and it was getting back on track.  To the post above, the way it was off course was not because of some bezier movements or anything.  It was just off course, way off course at certain points.  In fact the mission as I flew it when dropping points had no 90 degree angles because I fly the mission as I am dropping points and how I want it to fly back again.  In fact, the off mission route was less curved than the ones I dropped.
It was actually still off course by about maybe by just guessing looking at the house, not much, maybe 300-400 feet which is significant but not as off course as it was just a minute before.  I still think that the "Altitude limit warning" is the culprit even though its a hunch and brought it down to a lower altitude than it should be.

On this play back I just noticed that I ended the WP mission on the first round before it got to that point  so I don't have a way to compare it to that one at that point but the first mission was also heading off course which is probably why I aborted it but I also set my WPs so that the first and end are pretty much at the same point (or near each other) but I had opted out of the first one and sported it back to the original home point and began again but it was, as I said at 134.2 feet instead of the 170.6 feet that the GPS mission where I was setting that waypoint was at.

So it was slightly off course and way off altitude. You can see on my sticks that I tried at the very last second to elevate and if you watch the video, I missed it by a HAIR.

So it was much lower than it should have been which is why it hit the tree.

Now why it was much lower, that I couldn't tell you but again, I think it has to do with that warning that I have no idea what is for.

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-1-24 14:15
I won't try to address the off-course issue but the Altitude limit mode entered message doesn't seem to have had any effect on your flight.
It appeared several times at a range of altitudes and your Phantom was able to go up and down throughout the flight.
Whatever the limit was, it would seem to be beyond the heights you were at.

Bam, look at your altitude limit mode entered based on the post I just said.

It was supposed to be at 170.6 feet at the spot where the crash was but ir was at 134.5 which is EXACTLY what the down progression is so it would seem that whatever the ALM entered was doing was bringing it down from the 175 it was supposed to be at to the 134 where it crashed, not to mention it was a little off course still at that point but it was the altitude that ultimately caused the crash.

I did not see your post before posting the info above from the GoApp.
I will post a couple pictures from the GoApp to visualize what happened. Is there a way to send out the whole video from the GoApp?
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Based on this, use the following visuals to make it pretty obvious that whatever this Altitude Limited Mode Entered is made it drop from 170 to 134 and then hit the tree which was also off course by some but getting back to where it needed to be.

Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (170 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (133 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (136 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (139 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (170 ft)
Altitude Limited Mode Entered  (134 ft)

What you are looking at here is the GPS mode mission where I am just dropping the points.  The greyed out areas are ones soon to be flown.  If you look right now where it is, if you look just a little to the right, that was the final resting place of this P4 in the tree.  It was off course but you can see that it was near it. Don't be confused by the grey area that is way off course and that went back home, that was me aborting the first WP mission (not realizing there were any issues at that point) and returning to the starting point. The important thing to notice here is the altitude at this spot.

Now, again, don't be confused by the straight off yellow line returning home. That was me aborting the mission and returning back to the homepoint in sport mode.

Now, I am going to show a couple images here as it is in WP mode and is making a decent from the 170ish is should be staying at (as shown in the first round) but it's not, it is slowly making it's way down but I by the time I realized it was in trouble, it was too late.  It HAD TO be the ALM that was causing it to descend since it almost matches up perfectly with the above warnings and heights.

Here it is around the right altitude but a little lower than it should be (and off course):

Now as I get closer to the eventual crash location, it's getting lower unbeknownst to me. I was busy shooting and thinking it was working the same as any other WP mission and by the time I realized it wasn't it was too late BARELY.

Now as it's making the turn, it's descending rather rapidly.  This is happening over a period of less than a minute. In fact, looking at these pics, it was at 170 at 10:23 and it crashed at 10:45 so in a matter of about 21 seconds it went from 170 to 134 while it was turning no less.  Here are the images showing time and descent.  Thanks for making me dig this up. It is now coming clear to me why it happened and why I didn't have time to recover. Well not WHY it happened as I still have NO IDEA why it entered this "Altitude Limit Mode"

Finally when it hits the tree, it is almost back on course, and it hits at about 134 and drops into the tree where it settles at 131.2.

Nano-second before crash:

And boom (as you can see by my pathetic last second attempt to elevate that I didn't realize it was descending until it was too late but remember that It was happening quick and after a turn and it's hard to really gauge the altitude because the valley is 100s of feet).

Those warnings flashed on the screen one after the other.  Also, for fun, just checked the logs to see what my max altitiude was set at and it was 500m and RTH (which wasn't engaged was set to 150m) so there is no reason why I can understand it went into that mode.

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Flight distance : 25128 ft
United States

this may seem like a silly question but how do you post your flight data like that? just screen shots on your phone? or is there some way to see them on your computer from the SD card?
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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LOLZ_DRONE Posted at 2017-1-24 16:14
this may seem like a silly question but how do you post your flight data like that? just screen shots on your phone? or is there some way to see them on your computer from the SD card?

You can see them in your flight logs.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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LOLZ_DRONE Posted at 2017-1-24 16:14
this may seem like a silly question but how do you post your flight data like that? just screen shots on your phone? or is there some way to see them on your computer from the SD card?

Those are screenshots from the app where you can replay your flight records.
You can also get some good visualisation aids by going to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

This may not have anything to do with this incident, but there have been many reports of the measured altitude being off between take-off and landing (I have experienced this myself) with different aircraft. Sometimes by close to 50' off. So if something like that happened during a WP mission, the craft could *think* it was at the proper altitude but be actually much lower and lead to a crash. Something to be careful about when flying automated missions.
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Flight distance : 139967 ft


Is it because of the high tension cable nearby effected ?
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SkyMemories Posted at 2017-1-24 17:50
Is it because of the high tension cable nearby effected ?

No, they will not have any effect.
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ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-24 13:03
Are you serious?

I have posted every single bit of info that I can get. If you have a way of getting more, PLEASE tell me. As we speak, I am currently trying to find out how to decrypt the logs at DatFile.Net so I can get even more. What exactly did I not post?

'I, contrary to the ridiculous posts by you and the ant eater are all just fluff based in nothing.  '

Who is the 'ant eater' ?
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Flight distance : 153852 ft
United Kingdom

KM5RG-Robert Posted at 2017-1-24 17:04
This may not have anything to do with this incident, but there have been many reports of the measured altitude being off between take-off and landing (I have experienced this myself) with different aircraft. Sometimes by close to 50' off. So if something like that happened during a WP mission, the craft could *think* it was at the proper altitude but be actually much lower and lead to a crash. Something to be careful about when flying automated missions.

Which is the major contributor to height measurement once above the range of VPS/Sonar, barometer or GPS?

Presumably barometer estimation of height could be fooled by a change in air pressure due to wind/weather front, and I've no idea how accurate GPS is for height but perhaps less accurate than for lateral positioning?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

s0 Posted at 2017-1-25 02:41
Which is the major contributor to height measurement once above the range of VPS/Sonar, barometer or GPS?

Presumably barometer estimation of height could be fooled by a change in air pressure due to wind/weather front, and I've no idea how accurate GPS is for height but perhaps less accurate than for lateral positioning?

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s0 Posted at 2017-1-25 02:41
Which is the major contributor to height measurement once above the range of VPS/Sonar, barometer or GPS?

Presumably barometer estimation of height could be fooled by a change in air pressure due to wind/weather front, and I've no idea how accurate GPS is for height but perhaps less accurate than for lateral positioning?

Barometer reads air pressure. All the elements that affect the air pressure (temperature, relative humidity, air density, ...), affect the barometers.
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Wile E. Coyote
Flight distance : 31594 ft
United States

If the phantom uses a Barometer to measure height, that could be the problem.

At first I assumed the GPS or REMOTE signals had suffered interference, since WiFI and MicroWave ovens use the same frequencies as the remotes... and interference would look like stick movements to the Phantoms or Mavic's.

I've seen plenty of video's where interference forced a drone to fly away in the wrong direction.

And in my days of RC, I've heard plenty of stories of planes fly "away" as if commanded by a different Remote control.
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Wile E. Coyote
Flight distance : 31594 ft
United States

But after watching the video, my bet is that the firmware changed to "smooth out" turns is what "bit you in the ass".  

I looked at the waypoints you selected and in looking at it with the perspective that some programmer thought "Smoothing out turns" was better than adhering to a "Straight line between two points" approach you were used to.

This smoothing out meant the craft flew a Curve rather than stopping to make sharp turns to avoid objects you had programmed the flights to avoid.  

This "smoothing out waypoint turns"  is like giving someone a drink and then letting them loose to drive an obstacle course.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Wile E. Coyote Posted at 2017-1-25 12:44
But after watching the video, my bet is that the firmware changed to "smooth out" turns is what "bit you in the ass".  

I looked at the waypoints you selected and in looking at it with the perspective that some programmer thought "Smoothing out turns" was better than adhering to a "Straight line between two points" approach you were used to.

Thank you for you input.

Even if that is the case though, read carefully over post #93 on this page and it shows, exactly with the "Altitude Limit Mode Entered" warning the descent from where it should have been 170.4 feet to 134.6 feet which was too low and why it crashed (not to mention being off course by quite a bit).

I have flown quite a bit of WP missions out of the GoApp and I have NEVER seen this behavior before.

It flies exactly what I tell it to and again, my turns were actually smoother than the missions.

I never stop, drop a point, and then turn and move. I always drop points while flying and it follows it to a T.

But for the sake of argument (and I don't mean actual argument, lol) it was doing a bezier move or something which doesn't make sense if you look at the yellow line in GPS mode as I dropped the points  (again look at post #93) you can see the the turns are sharper than the ones I set but even if it was, what explains the lowering from 170, to 134 feet in about 21-22 seconds which landed it in the tree?

My only conclusion is the Altitude Limit Mode (man I'm getting tired of that phrase) and then the question is "why the hell was it in that mode?"

That's the question I have at this point and no other.  But I am still all ears. Contrary to AlecW's little rants, all logs, dats, .txts, and HD and PH links are available either directly through this thread or through my linking to the PhantomPilots thread on it.  There is nothing I have that isn't available to anyone and I am all ears for any other opinions.

But post #93 which sort of just followed Labrodies post, seems completely in line with those attitudes and limit modes.  It's too exact to be a coincidence. Either that or I should go play the lottery.

Ya know, because I'm so lucky. ;)
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Flight distance : 153852 ft
United Kingdom

Do you have any response from DJI on what the warning 'Altitude limit mode' means?

The software doesn't think up that wording all by itself! DJI programmers created that phrase, and set it to trigger in specific circumstances. Therefore DJI support must be able to find out (e.g. by asking the programmers to look at the source code): what is that warning is intended to signify; what circumstances trigger it; and what changes result in the behaviour of the aircraft?
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United States

Man, as a new forum member who is waiting for their DJI Mavic to arrive... I hope I never have to go through something like this.  I usually keep to myself, but you could call me "slightly triggered" after attempting to read through this thread.

I'm afraid I would have to side with the rest of the community here, ArtistFirst. Don't take what I'm about to say as bashing you personally - I don't know you or what you've been through. I only know how you come off to strangers in an online forum where there is no sense of tone or emotion, and that is what I want to state.  There practically wasn't a single post in this 3 page long thread where you didn't spout your vast experience as if that puts you in a superior position than the rest of the community.  You can see how that might ruffle some feathers when you're the one asking for assistance.  The fact that you write a novel in every response shows just how defensive you are.  You pretty much derailed your own thread by projecting your own cynical attitude through your responses to the petty jabs flying from side to side in this thread.

Stay on point. Stay short, and stay professional.  This will help you get what you want from any community.  Good luck to you and your Phantom!
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

s0 Posted at 2017-1-26 08:13
Do you have any response from DJI on what the warning 'Altitude limit mode' means?

The software doesn't think up that wording all by itself! DJI programmers created that phrase, and set it to trigger in specific circumstances. Therefore DJI support must be able to find out (e.g. by asking the programmers to look at the source code): what is that warning is intended to signify; what circumstances trigger it; and what changes result in the behaviour of the aircraft?

I've looked it up and it makes no sense in this situation.  It just means that you have reached a limit that is caused by something.  Could be a geofence, you reach your maximum set altitude, or a couple other reasons but nothing that makes sense in this scenario, hence I am confused,
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

David000 Posted at 2017-1-26 09:10
Man, as a new forum member who is waiting for their DJI Mavic to arrive... I hope I never have to go through something like this.  I usually keep to myself, but you could call me "slightly triggered" after attempting to read through this thread.

I'm afraid I would have to side with the rest of the community here, ArtistFirst. Don't take what I'm about to say as bashing you personally - I don't know you or what you've been through. I only know how you come off to strangers in an online forum where there is no sense of tone or emotion, and that is what I want to state.  There practically wasn't a single post in this 3 page long thread where you didn't spout your vast experience as if that puts you in a superior position than the rest of the community.  You can see how that might ruffle some feathers when you're the one asking for assistance.  The fact that you write a novel in every response shows just how defensive you are.  You pretty much derailed your own thread by projecting your own cynical attitude through your responses to the petty jabs flying from side to side in this thread.

I wasn't stating that I have vast experience, I was only saying I have been flying for about many years without a crash.  That is not anything but a fact.  

No need to be worried, I fell way out of the statistics. If you fly for as long as I have (and I've ben flying RC crafts long before the quad revolution) and I was due for a crash.  I had a good run without one.

As for getting input on why TWO people (one who apologized in a PM) and I told him no need to apologize, the fact that this keeps getting brought up is mind boggling.  I would think by this point, it is pretty obvious that I am not what people were thinking when I wasn't responding for a day. I have a job that demands a lot of my time and sometimes I am not here for days even after I post something or someone asks me for something.

I was also much more active on another thread.  Either way, I am sort of done talking about that aspect of this thread. I was just trying, like others have before, figuring out why my bird went on it's course.  Soon, DJI will give a reason.  DJI has been actually surprisingly quiet about why I got that warning, and I still have no idea why.  It is very bizarre to me how much of my behavior has been discussed in this thead.  It's sort of been a rolling boulder of nothing as I can't even imagine posting more info that I have in this thread.  Post #93 was the eureaka thread for me.  After that, it's all been for nothing.  At that point, I figured out WHAT happened, now I jsut need the WHY.

That I write a novel in every post is "not how defensive I am" it is because I am a manic person who writes super fast and I often, and on other more jovial threads and forums, am made fun of in a jokey way for it and it's just a commonality about me. I have serious ADD and can be manic as I said so sometimes my posts come out as long winded and non-sensical. I suppose it would be nice of me to go back and make them more concise but I just don't have the time for that in my life.  

I work in this business as a VFX supervisor/director/DP and other things and nobody seems to complain there about my wordiness and in my line of work, your words and descriptors are not just important but the job itself, so if it's a problem it's not because I am being defensive, it's just me. I don't even know what there is to defend if I'm being honest.
And what the changes in the behavior of the aircraft is when it enters that mode is that it brings down the altitude of the bird which is why I hit the tree. If you read post #93, it is obvious that the 22 seconds befoer hitting the tree, the craft descended from its proper 174 feet down to 134 feet in a short amount of time and because it was in this mode.

The ONLY thing I could thing of is that it was in a class B but that is not the reason, per DJI so I have no idea but am going to find out soon enough, hopefully!

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Flight distance : 2456043 ft


WHY :  If you could get your story right between multiple forums then perhaps more people here will continue to enable you.

YOU : piloted your craft into a tree! .....END of STORY!

FIX:     Do not compromise the safety of people and your craft ! Use BETTER  judgement.

And here is the finale:....

TAP DANCE:  mislead and confuse ( smoke n mirrors ) to deflect blame !
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Flight distance : 2456043 ft

Cue music!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
  • >>>
United States

Why have you not yet posted your logs?
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REDBARON0 Posted at 2017-1-27 06:21

WHY :  If you could get your story right between multiple forums then perhaps more people here will continue to enable you.


No,  he didn't piloted  the craft into a tree.

It's suppose that it  was a waypoint mission.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

REDBARON0 Posted at 2017-1-27 06:21

WHY :  If you could get your story right between multiple forums then perhaps more people here will continue to enable you.

The logs have been posted and go find someone else to harass.  You are seriously mental.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

method007 Posted at 2017-1-27 08:32
Why have you not yet posted your logs?

I habe not only posted the logs, I have posted the video, I have posted the links to HD, have you actually read the thread?

Would a mod erase this thread because it annoys me on a daily basis.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Bullflyer Posted at 2017-1-27 08:34

No,  he didn't piloted  the craft into a tree.

Thank you and it was on a WP mission as it shown on post #93 which actually shows the mission straight out of the app.
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

Get a life brother. Why do you waste your time on a thread in a forum about something and someone you  don't care about? Pretty bizarre if you ask me.  

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

REDBARON0 Posted at 2017-1-27 06:21

WHY :  If you could get your story right between multiple forums then perhaps more people here will continue to enable you.

"Piloted your craft into a tree, end of story" has been posted by you at least 3x now and that is not the end of the story and since the first time you posted it, I have really not cared about anything you had to say.  

You don't even know what the word enable means apparently. "WHY :  If you could get your story right between multiple forums then perhaps more people here will continue to enable you.". What does this even mean? "Enable" means to give someone the ability to do something (usually in a negative context) such as a drug dealer enables a drug user to continue his habit. There is your lesson for the day.

Since I began this thread, I have already learned how to convert my own files and how to read the and get all the info I need.

Most of the people here are awesome but there about 2 or 3 (and I see them in all the crash threads as now I've been looking) who are agitators and you are one.  Your fascination and conspiracy theory attitude is both baffling and annoying.  I don't want your help and don't need it so why don't you go fly or something and not bother me anymore because you are and it is bordering on harassment at this point.

Please, I am kindly asking you to not post in this thread or at me at all since you are hell bent on trying to get a rise out of me which you wont get. I don't know or care about you and since you are being, absolutely unprovoked, rude, I am asking you to stop.  Any further action by you to aggrivate me for no reason, I will report. You are just doing it for sport. You don't care about anyting I have going on, so please, kindly move on.

***By the way, do you know I have in my PMs about 5 messages now from people that are wondering why you are being the way you are. My hand to god, this is true. Literally 5 PMs and I never get PMs here, are all becasue of two people, you being one, wondering what your problem is.  Two of them have said they stopped posting here because of people like you. Just don't do it. When you feel the need to respond to this and tell me again how I flew into a tree, end of story, go pet a cat instead so somebody will appreciate it.

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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

AlecW Posted at 2017-1-27 11:27
Sure you arn't saying you have vast experiance.   Look at how you titled the thread and the one word you decided to capitalize.

Good lord, give them brains because they don't have eyes.

As I said in the post, that title is a fact, you can take away from it what you want.

If I had a crash, I wouldn't have said that. If your inference is that after many years of flying model aircraft without a significant crash of any sort means I have "vast experience" as you are purporting that it does, than I do because on my it is the truth.

I didn't say it though, you did. All I did was type in a title to a thread that was factual.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-27 11:18
I habe not only posted the logs, I have posted the video, I have posted the links to HD, have you actually read the thread?

Would a mod erase this thread because it annoys me on a daily basis.

Sorry, your posts are so insulting and self serving I don't often read all of it.  I went into the link you provided.  You setup a waypoint and flew the drone into a tree.  Problem solved.  Also - stop replying and people will stop replying - and this annoying thread will stop bothering you.  
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Flight distance : 2456043 ft

...into a tree I say... (5th time)

I couldn't resist. I'll check back in a couple of days .
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Flight distance : 986716 ft
United States

REDBARON0 Posted at 2017-1-27 13:39
...into a tree I say... (5th time)

I couldn't resist. I'll check back in a couple of days .

Yippie! Can't wait. ;)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

ArtistFirst Posted at 2017-1-20 21:08
Thanks in all.

I appreciate the advice but I don't post on forums to get a degree in writing or to figure out ways to make people interested in my posts by making them more concise although I truly appreciate the offering.

after that suggestion you post a small book in answer

you are an attention hound and love that folks are talking to you.

so sad
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