1st flight
759 7 2017-2-4
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Flight distance : 2138310 ft
United States

i ordered my flymore combo from dji on the 1-23 and got it on the 2-3, earlier in the day. Charged all batteries, made sure everything worked before taking it out for it's 1st flight.
I went to a big open parking lot with lots of light. Fired it up in beginner mode and performed some really slow maneuvers for a couple of minutes. I took it off beginner mode and went to 200' and punched it foward while looking at the little map, bought it back and then went to the max of 394' and went further and flew back via that little map, landed and did it again. I never had a drone before and it was kind of freaky flying it by just looking it at the screen. Everything worked perfect but i did get the message of " no collision avoidence due to low light". I would of flew another battery but it was too cold standing out there. Cant wait to try it again tomorrow when there's daylight.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4647913 ft
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United Kingdom

Sounds like you have had a good initial experience, a helpful hint for you, please fly by looking at the Mavic while you explore its functions and get used to doing this, try not to fixate on the screen or most likely we shall be reading posts about how you crashed it! Above all have fun with it but do understand the limitations of the drones autonomy.
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bunny too
Flight distance : 13442 ft
United States

Excellent advice from Buzzyone, I have flown it five times and just got above one hundred feet for the first time and still do not trust the display, If I can not lay eyes on my bird I get very nervous.  Great to hear your first flight was such a success amazing what the video looks like from a couple hundred feet.  Fly on brother.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Good for you, always take care and remember, flying at 400 ft the wind maybe well be a lot different than on the ground.
You should always be looking at your aircraft when flying and it should be VLOS , if you loose maps how will you know where your AC is. Sound advice from Buzzyone.
There's a lot of fun to be had flying low and getting used to controls. Try flying your AC keeping the back of the AC facing you as much as you can it's a good exercise and not always easy to do , but great for hand eye coordination.
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Flight distance : 2138310 ft
United States

I had my eye on it when i got up to 100' but at 400, you can't see the thing. I flew it out and back a few times without rth. I know i cant rely on the map but it's so cool to just follow the line home.
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United Kingdom

You're so much braver than me ! I managed a whole 20m away from me on my first flight !!! Please be aware of all the other issues on this page with loss of control , my second flight was a complete disaster and i hate to think what would have happened if I been that high.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

Tang19699 Posted at 2017-2-4 12:59
I had my eye on it when i got up to 100' but at 400, you can't see the thing. I flew it out and back a few times without rth. I know i cant rely on the map but it's so cool to just follow the line home.

Not trying to be snarky but can you really not see it when it's 400 feet up? My eyesight isn't great and I have no problem seeing the Mavic at maximum altitude, even when it's also pretty far away. I do find that it's pretty easy to "lose" it when it's at a distance and I look away, but the altitude alone doesn't create much of a problem for me.
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Flight distance : 2138310 ft
United States

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-2-4 13:12
Not trying to be snarky but can you really not see it when it's 400 feet up? My eyesight isn't great and I have no problem seeing the Mavic at maximum altitude, even when it's also pretty far away. I do find that it's pretty easy to "lose" it when it's at a distance and I look away, but the altitude alone doesn't create much of a problem for me.

Not in the dark while recording coming  my way with the red leds off.
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