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2489 65 2017-2-23
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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

Hi all, looking for some advice.

I have had my P3S for exactly one month but have only had a handful of flight opportunities. I am using IOS with Go app and firmware up-to-date.
As mentioned in other posts I get a lot of  Strong Interference Detected messages regardless of where I am. I don't think these are legitimate as I am flying with a friend who has a Phantom 2 and no problems.

I cannot fly my AC further distances than around 180 feet without getting Signal Lost RTH. The best altitude I ever got was 300 feet with the same Signal lost RTH. I bought a Windsurfer which made no difference.
I have beginner mode off and all settings checked and double checked so that I should get good distance and altitude.


Is it possible to downgrade firmware and see if that is the issue?

Is it possible that my RC has loose wiring?

Anything else to check?

This has really dampened my enthusiasm for the P3S and I am thinking to change it out for a different brand.

Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated.

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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Your friend's Phantom may be causing the interference.  What exactly is he flying?  Please be specific.  

Are you in a favorable environment like out in the country away from wifi interference?

Did you put your mobile device into airplane mode?

Are you losing FPV first, control first, or both at the same time?

Are you sure you're aiming your antennas correctly?

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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Mark thanks for responding.

To answer your Qs:

My friend isn't always with me - I have the problem with or without him. We took his AC out to prove the area was OK after mine had performed so poorly.

Yes, the environment is flat and unadulterated.

Not in airplane mode, I will try that but would that not disable GPS on my phone?

FPV is fine throughout...completely unaffected.

Yep, antenna  aimed correctly. I've also tried moving it during the disconnect to no avail.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Airplane mode won't disable GPS.

You say you're sure you're aiming your antenna correctly.  Okay.  

FPV fine, 5.8 goes out.   That's unusual.  Usually 2.4 FPV is first to go.  To me, this indicates a problem with either your 5.8 transmitter system in your controller or your 5.8 receiver system in your AC.  That is, if you're SURE your friend isn't interfering.  I still don't know what he's flying.  MHO
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Dave P
Flight distance : 207664 ft
United Kingdom

Somebody had said they were getting interference from their watch or mobile phone, just a thought
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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks Mark.
To the best of my knowledge his model is a Phantom 2 Vision. I am absolutely certain that the problem occurs with or without him present. In fact when I did go out with him to show him my problem his AC and RC were still in his bag. After he'd seen how poor my range was he powered his up to show me what I should expect.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

There should be no interaction of his friends machine at all ... they bind separately to respective controllers.

The OP P3S is CE as its UK ... that means designed max range in CLEAR OPEN space is only 500m ..... and residential / housing areas - you can easily drop that by 50% or more.

I was getting 100m ... 200m RTH when mine was new out of box ... and video was just so unreliable it would drop out even before take-off at times. Other times it would be rock steady while RTH auto started !!

There just doesn't seem to be a normal for these P3S machines.

What I am surprised about though is the Windsurfer didn't make a difference. That focuses the 5.8 control signal and to get best you need to make sure inner reflective face of the windsurfer is square to the aircraft ...  I had doubling of range when I used one.

Its worth finding a clear slope or hill overlooking open fields and give it a range push ... see how far it goes before RTH ... note that to get max range - you may have to cancel RTH a few times once control resumed and push out again ...

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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

Dave P Posted at 2017-2-23 07:27
Somebody had said they were getting interference from their watch or mobile phone, just a thought

Thanks Dave - good call. I wear an Apple Watch so will put that in Airplane mode too next time I go out.
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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

solentlife Posted at 2017-2-23 07:35
There should be no interaction of his friends machine at all ... they bind separately to respective controllers.

The OP P3S is CE as its UK ... that means designed max range in CLEAR OPEN space is only 500m ..... and residential / housing areas - you can easily drop that by 50% or more.

Hi Nigel,

I would love to get 100m

I will fly it again in a new location but my gut feeling is that something just isn't quite right.  180 feet distance with the Windsurfer pointing at the craft at about 50 feet altitude is just plain wrong. I'd expect better than that without the W/S.

I've read differing arguments on Magic Power - will it help or is it FPV only?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Magic Power and other such as Icarus only boost the Video / Telemetry 2.4Ghz signal.

The Control command signal is 5.8Ghz and as yet I haven't found any software solution to boost that similarly.

Once you get into antenna replacements such as Argtec and DBS - then you are maximising the RF output of the Controller RF units to get as much out there as possible, This aids 5.8 and 2.4 because of of change of Antenna on both.

When I had Icarus software boost to 27Db on 2.4 + windsurfer on 5.8 - I had getting on for 700m in residential area.

Once I fitted Argtec antenna system - I had over 1000m in same with average 800 - 900m .... but 2493m recorded range over clear area .... I did get over 2500m one flight but I lost the video to support it so haven't claimed it.

What I am finding now is that range is variable and one day I get really good ... 2000m or more ... next day can be down to 800 - 900m on same area.

Yesterday while snow was coming down - I barely got 400m ...

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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

solentlife Posted at 2017-2-23 08:23
Magic Power and other such as Icarus only boost the Video / Telemetry 2.4Ghz signal.

The Control command signal is 5.8Ghz and as yet I haven't found any software solution to boost that similarly.

Thanks Nigel, I've been considering the Argtek solution but I think it would be prudent to start with a decent working rig.
I'll try another couple of locations this weekend and idk still the same I think I will return it.

I love the technology that comes with the Phantom range and will probably rend up with a P3A. I don't see any other manufacturers out there with the same appeal.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

The 5.8 control signal system on these Phantoms does not bind.  That's the wrong word to use.   The word is link.  The aircraft's 5.8 receiver will link to the controller's 5.8 ghz signal.  The truth is, the controller shoots its signal out blindly.  It doesn't know where it's going, what's receiving it, or what happens to it.   What that means is you can have two, three, four, or ten aircrafts linked to a single P3S 5.8 controller or a single P2V 5.8 controller.  In fact, I have two aircrafts linked to my single 5.8 controller right now and they each fly perfectly and have been for months.  

So, if a P2V is flying around, and somebody shows up with a P3S, it's possible the frequency and channel that is being used by the P2V is also the one being used by the P3S.  It doesn't mean that the P2V controller can fly the P3S.  It cannot because the P3S aircraft is not linked to the P2V controller.  But that doesn't mean the P2V controller won't interfere with the P3S.  It can and it will, and to suggest it won't is arrogant blathering nonsense - especially after a fellow member already suggested that it might.

Nigel, you wonder why members on this site find you abrasive and demeaning?  This is just one more example.  Please edit your post.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Don't delay ... the P3A and P3P are no longer produced and only stock out there new is end of line.

In Latvia - price has dropped seriously and they are selling fast. In fact to get a P3P now - they say a 2 day restock wait minimum.

I cannot see point of the Pro for me - I don't have the display gear for 4K video ... 2.7K is better than 99% of SmartTV's and PC displays so suits me fine. The P3S would be my choice if replacing and prices were still as before. But the main seller here has the Pro for 835 Euros and Adv for 799 Euros ... so its a no brainer to get the Pro.

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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

solentlife Posted at 2017-2-23 08:44
Don't delay ... the P3A and P3P are no longer produced and only stock out there new is end of line.

In Latvia - price has dropped seriously and they are selling fast. In fact to get a P3P now - they say a 2 day restock wait minimum.

Good to know - I will rethink my next purchase in that case.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Here we go again ... I'm the abrasive a*****e .....

"The truth is, the controller shoots its signal out blindly.  It doesn't know where it's going, what's receiving it, or what happens to it. "

As with any other radio transmitter - correct. But the signal has an identifier that is used by the Aircraft to know which Controller to listen to ... reason you have a LINK button to set Aircraft to know it.

" What that means is you can have two, three, four, or ten aircrafts linked to a single P3S 5.8 controller or a single P2V 5.8 controller.  In fact, I have two aircrafts linked to my single 5.8 controller right now and they each fly perfectly and have been for months. "

I have 16 aircraft on one TX, 8 on another, 18 on another ... in fact I have over 53 models all ready to go setup on 6 radios ... so ? Even if you had Model Match - you could still do exactly what you describe - it is no indication of Bind vs Link ... It just means that you have pressed the LINK (Bind) button on those aircraft and set the Controller to LINK (bind) ... nothing strange about that.

Link / Bind ... its a word.

I can link / bind an infinite number of Rx's of any of my models including this but it does not mean it does not identify the item ...

We have a bunch of P3S at our club all fly and often at same time ... they NEVER interfere with each other. We even have 5.8 FPV guys flying out miles and never a glitch because of our 5.8 DJI ...

The Link button that you use on the Aircraft is performing the same function literally as the Bind button on a FrSky or other Rx ... along with the actions taken on the controller. It is identifying the controller to the aircraft. The aircraft then responds to that controller alone.

IF as you say Mark - there was possibility of one controller interfering with another model - DJI would be warning you about it in the manual OR possibly liable to all sorts of Lawsuits !!

C'mon think about it ... nothing abrasive about it ...

You think that DJI don't use the industry standard bind ? They just call it Link !!

"So, if a P2V is flying around, and somebody shows up with a P3S, it's possible the frequency and channel that is being used by the P2V is also the one being used by the P3S."

this is true of ALL 2.4 .. 5.8 ... 433 etc. etc. etc ... but because of the Bind or as DJI call it "Link" ... the Aircraft rejects the other controllers signals as it does not match its CODE link (bind) ... it acts on code data sets it receives on the carrier. The OP is talking about a P3 .. so whatever the P2 does as long as it does not swamp the whole 5.8 band used - it has effectively no effect on the P3 except : When its P2 signal hits same frequency - if the data set is not preceded by the ID code expected - then the P3 aircraft will reject it as not same as its bound controller and for that nano sec will wait for next data set .. it happens so fast that we do not notice it. 2.4 and 5.8 do not 'sit' on one fixed frequency like the old FM / AM days ... we've moved on from that.

The specs for the P3 show the freq range used to have connection but DJI do not publish how many hops or steps it uses in the range - so that is open for speculation. If DJI was not using any freq hop then we would not be able to fly simultaneously. But given that we can fly dozens at same time ... it shows are. There is no other way. That then has to use Bind or Link as you call it to identify.

Sorry Mark - please check out how these high frequency setup's  reject / accept signals. I am always ready to accept being wrong when proper proof is presented on any matter ... but  having one controller linked to more than one aircraft is not as I have explained.

And sorry if you think I'm abrasive ... that's just me ... too old to change now !!

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Flight distance : 2858 ft
United Kingdom

In fact, I have two aircrafts linked to my single 5.8 controller right now and they each fly perfectly and have been for months.  

I seriously doubt that you have 2 aircraft linked to your DJI standard controller. It only has 1 model memory and 'adding' another aircraft will just overwrite the link from the previous aircraft. You may be able to re link to each aircraft in rotation but then that is different than "i have two aircraft linked to my single 5.8 controller", that is also just a specification of the DJI transmitter.
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Flight distance : 6493 ft
United States

WayOutWoodPond Posted at 2017-2-23 07:40
Thanks Dave - good call. I wear an Apple Watch so will put that in Airplane mode too next time I go out.

I wear an Apple watch too.  I was out today to 600 feet with 99-100% connection.  My phone was not in airplane mode.   For what it's worth.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

In summary, you say somebody can send and receive on one frequency/channel.  Then somebody else can send and receive on that very same frequency channel.  Same frequency, same channel, same polarity, same location.  And there can be no interference.  

It's complete hogwash.  It's hogwash in theory.  It's hogwash in practice.  You don't understand radio.
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United States

I had the same problem. Tried all the firmware downgrade, and it did nothing.  Talked to DJI support and they were pretty sure it was a physical issue.  I've sent it back to them, and they're going to send me a brand new one.  They're super good about it!
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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

sdevan45\@cox.n Posted at 2017-2-23 11:26
I wear an Apple watch too.  I was out today to 600 feet with 99-100% connection.  My phone was not in airplane mode.   For what it's worth.

Thank you. That's helpful info.
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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

austenalbert Posted at 2017-2-23 11:40
I had the same problem. Tried all the firmware downgrade, and it did nothing.  Talked to DJI support and they were pretty sure it was a physical issue.  I've sent it back to them, and they're going to send me a brand new one.  They're super good about it!

Cheers, I think that's my decision made.
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Flight distance : 19157 ft
United States

Tip: The post by the administrator or moderators shield
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Flight distance : 2858 ft
United Kingdom

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-2-23 11:26
In summary, you say somebody can send and receive on one frequency/channel.  Then somebody else can send and receive on that very same frequency channel.  Same frequency, same channel, same polarity, same location.  And there can be no interference.  

It's complete hogwash.  It's hogwash in theory.  It's hogwash in practice.  You don't understand radio.

You may wish to take up reading. There are thousands of books on RF channel sharing technology. How do you think your home wifi works if your neighbour's also have wifi? How do you believe that you can't share an RF channel when chances are you have several devices in your home connected via a single channel but they can all communicate and operate on that channel without interfering with each other?
Seriously, you are the deluded one.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

AlecW Posted at 2017-2-23 13:11
It's called "paring" ;)

You may have meant, Pairing? ;-)

Regardless, yes.

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

AlecW Posted at 2017-2-23 13:24
I meant the OP should pare off each problem like peeling an onion "paring" ;)

Yes, AlecW... Haha

Just peel off them offending layers. Like a ripe  "allium" ;-) image.jpeg

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Flight distance : 62867 ft
United Kingdom

Is every thread on this forum going to turn into a c*ckfight? If that's the case I am definitely going to jump manufacturer. Sad for many reasons. Thanks to those that tried to assist.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

MerlinL14 Posted at 2017-2-23 12:30
You may wish to take up reading. There are thousands of books on RF channel sharing technology. How do you think your home wifi works if your neighbour's also have wifi? How do you believe that you can't share an RF channel when chances are you have several devices in your home connected via a single channel but they can all communicate and operate on that channel without interfering with each other?
Seriously, you are the deluded one.

It's like the blind leading the blind in here.  Do you not know what "interference" means?  

I was a communications technician in the USN.  I understand radio.  There's nothing I can say that I haven't already said.  Two signals cannot share the same specific frequency with the same polarity in the same location without expecting some degree of interference.  This interference will limit range of one or both of the signals.  That's just a simple fact.  It doesn't mean two signals can't coexist and work successfully.  But range will be limited.  

Here's just one example:
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Freebird 5
United States

WayOutWoodPond Posted at 2017-2-23 07:27
Thanks Mark.
To the best of my knowledge his model is a Phantom 2 Vision. I am absolutely certain that the problem occurs with or without him present. In fact when I did go out with him to show him my problem his AC and RC were still in his bag. After he'd seen how poor my range was he powered his up to show me what I should expect.

I'm having some similar problems as well too. My aircraft is almost worthless right now between that and the choppy, unrecordable video at any range.  Another problem is that they do not have a link to DL current firmware on the site. Im running a P3 4K now but previously was running a P3S and never a "strong interference" message then, or any choppy video feed unless I was pushing the range limits... very unhappy.  Anyone else?
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

It might help to lower your resolution and/or fps rate in regards to the FPV.  Have you tried that?  
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Freebird 5 Posted at 2017-2-23 14:47
I'm having some similar problems as well too. My aircraft is almost worthless right now between that and the choppy, unrecordable video at any range.  Another problem is that they do not have a link to DL current firmware on the site. Im running a P3 4K now but previously was running a P3S and never a "strong interference" message then, or any choppy video feed unless I was pushing the range limits... very unhappy.  Anyone else?

'My aircraft is almost worthless right now between that and the choppy, unrecordable video at any range.'

There is no such thing as 'unrecordable video'. The image you see on your phone is not the same as the one recorded to the SD card. The SAD card file should be fine.
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Freebird 5
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-2-23 15:10
It might help to lower your resolution and/or fps rate in regards to the FPV.  Have you tried that?

No but I will. Thanks much for the reply.
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Freebird 5
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-23 15:32
'My aircraft is almost worthless right now between that and the choppy, unrecordable video at any range.'

There is no such thing as 'unrecordable video'. The image you see on your phone is not the same as the one recorded to the SD card. The SAD card file should be fine.

I DLed one video and it was indeed choppy, although not as choppy as the live feed.

Am I correct in assuming that the only way to update firmware these days is through the app and that the actual file is no longer available for DL from the DJI site?
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

I don't know - I don't have a P3 4K.  That question might be worthy of its own thread in the P3 Std forum.  Or you might try the search function.  Good luck!
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Freebird 5 Posted at 2017-2-23 16:07
I DLed one video and it was indeed choppy, although not as choppy as the live feed.

Am I correct in assuming that the only way to update firmware these days is through the app and that the actual file is no longer available for DL from the DJI site?

'I DLed one video and it was indeed choppy, although not as choppy as the live feed.'

What is 'DLed' ?

All that means is your computer is not up to the job of playing back high resolution video. Try downloading a free copy of VLC Player.
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Freebird 5
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-2-23 16:13
I don't know - I don't have a P3 4K.  That question might be worthy of its own thread in the P3 Std forum.  Or you might try the search function.  Good luck!

Thank you!  Apologies, didn't realize I was in the wrong forum.
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Freebird 5
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-2-23 16:23
'I DLed one video and it was indeed choppy, although not as choppy as the live feed.'

What is 'DLed' ?

Sorry Captain, but wrong on that one. I may be a beginner in the drone world, but that's where my beginner status ends.  Thought I might learn a thing or two on here...  looks like I did.  I'll bug out now.
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United States

Hi everyone, looking for some clarity. I have had my P3S for 2 months and have some great flights. In the past few weeks I've been getting weak transmitter signals randomly. I fly 500ft away and get weak signal and can only fly about 200ft high before getting weak signal. I don't know why I can only fly that high. I am flying in my suburban neighborhood and have some good footage but don't know why I can't fly more than 500ft away. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Flight distance : 139967 ft


Maybe there are antenna or some electronic strong wave disturbing it.. just fly at someway outside the city... and a huge wide field..
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United States

Yeah maybe not sure at all. I'll have to fly it in a field next for sure. Do power lines or the amount of houses in between have anything to do with the signal because I'm only about a street or two away from where I take off.
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greglegend Posted at 2017-2-23 18:40
Yeah maybe not sure at all. I'll have to fly it in a field next for sure. Do power lines or the amount of houses in between have anything to do with the signal because I'm only about a street or two away from where I take off.

Power lines have little or no effect at all, but the houses sure do. Each of those houses has probably got a home WiFi router in it, and it works on exactly the same radio frequency as the Phanbtom.
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