P4P gimble failure
920 8 2017-2-24
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

So this happened for the fitrst time yesterday. I've flown this drone about 5 hours total and this was the first time I've ever had an issue with the gimbal other then the qirky horizon at times. The gimbal just flat out loses all stability. This happened randomly about 5 times during this 20 min flight. I restarted with a new battery and it happened again. In air gimble reset did not fix the problem. It just kinda came and went. Anyone else have this issue? Do you think its hardware or software related? The last firmware update seems a bit off as I noticed video feed black outs as well. I'm recharging now to do a gimble calibration and see if this issue persists.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

Wow, that's crazy. Looks to me like maybe the gimbal motor lost power. Not familiar with your P4, since I have a P3A, but does your phantom have ribbon cables going to you camera/gimbal. Some of us have had to re-seat these after a hard landing or such. Just thought it was worth mentioning. Did you upgrade in any way as far as firmware?
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

RicardoGray Posted at 2017-2-24 07:13
Wow, that's crazy. Looks to me like maybe the gimbal motor lost power. Not familiar with your P4, since I have a P3A, but does your phantom have ribbon cables going to you camera/gimbal. Some of us have had to re-seat these after a hard landing or such. Just thought it was worth mentioning. Did you upgrade in any way as far as firmware?

Everything looks intact by the gimble. From looking at the video more closely it seems a gust of wind hit the drone just before the gimble fails. It did and does recover after a few seconds but of course this ruins shots and makes the drone completely unreliable. I hope it's just a firmware issue and not hardware. I did upgrade to the latest firmware (version 01.02.0304) last week and started noticing the video feed blackouts but this was the first gimble failure. I'm going to engage DJI support.
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

DJI chat support is telling me to downgrade my firmware. I will try that and report back.
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Flight distance : 19252874 ft

TMB Aerial Posted at 2017-2-24 07:42
DJI chat support is telling me to downgrade my firmware. I will try that and report back.

Tell them to do hardware upgrade to the aircraft!
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Flight distance : 1372369 ft
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TMB Aerial Posted at 2017-2-24 07:42
DJI chat support is telling me to downgrade my firmware. I will try that and report back.

Mine use to just drop dead after initializing and did a downgrade. This brought it back to life but other problems occurred and had to upgrade again with new problems appearing!The camera just hanging dead video is attached!
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

Yea I am not happy. I rolled it back a version and it is just flat out NOT stable. The "hanging gimble" issue has disappeared but now the slightest wind makes the drone move all over the place. What was once a solid platform is now useless for my filming needs. Not sure what I'll do next. I need to fly it some more to confirm I'm not just "seeing things".
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TMB Aerial
Flight distance : 20591 ft
United States

TMB Aerial Posted at 2017-2-26 13:35
Yea I am not happy. I rolled it back a version and it is just flat out NOT stable. The "hanging gimble" issue has disappeared but now the slightest wind makes the drone move all over the place. What was once a solid platform is now useless for my filming needs. Not sure what I'll do next. I need to fly it some more to confirm I'm not just "seeing things".

back to the latest firmware version and it is def stable, no gimble drops so far....wtf?  I have no faith in the platform now. If it fails during a gig it makes me look bad. I mean can I assume the "Pro" was meant to be above consumer level?
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Yeah, Im also very disappointed with mine from the gimbal point of view!
As you say, in only a light breeze the gimbal is too weak when flying sideways so tilts all over the place! & that stupid wind warning that keeps coming up!
Then theres the issue of it having a tilted horizon which can be ok looking one way at times but tilted when you rotate the P4P say, 180 degrees! Again possibly due to a breeze against the side rather than against the rear say in the initial position.
The horizon tilt it despite firmware updates, gimbal & IMU calibration on what was a perfectly level surface! (glass table levelled with shims & a checked spirit level)
And finally the Camera doesn't point straight! It points slightly to the left! (maybe something I'm doing wrong)
All very frustrating when Ive gone from a P3S to a P4 with little or none of the above issues. When paying out for an upgrade like this, you dont expect these issues!
Im guessing they test their products before they release them & I understand things go wrong but Ive seen similar complaints pop up quite a bit & for some time now but nothing from DJI to even say they are working on it!
Ide even be happy if they released an uprated gimbal labelled as a sports upgrade & I had to pay for it.
Im hoping to purchase the I2 next week with a friend and sincerely hope I dont come across disappointing issues like this with what I expect to be the flagship of DJI's technology!
The P4P is a great bit of kit but is gimbal issues are going to seriously restrict my capabilities moving forward in relation to high speed, close up action video which is mainly what I'm in to.
Thank you for listening & if you have any sound advice, please come forward.
Oh And if DJI are listening, Ide love to hear from you & please feel free to send me your new products to test in the future
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