New firmware for Phantom 4 Pro/Pro+ --- 04/12/2017
38793 206 2016-12-9
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United States

The maps are not following on my Phantom 4 Pro Plus. The icon for the Drone flies off the screen. How to fix this?
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United States

does this also take care of the issue of your pictures not being geotagged
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Double D
Flight distance : 15673 ft

fansfd626cb8 Posted at 2017-2-4 15:30
My p4p has number 1 compass dissconned but only give an error of magnetic interference fly with caution. I've tried to recalibrate the compass in a few locations and still shows compass 1 disconnected in the sensor screen. It is out of the box like this. Please help

i have the same issue ...also it looses GPS assist after 2 mins of flying ...its the DJI go 4 app
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Double D
Flight distance : 15673 ft

fansec784bf9 Posted at 2017-1-27 20:12
I just received my phantom 4 pro plus today! I wasn't able to connect the drone to the controller. Any advice. I called your support and they said there was a  problem with the app that is built into the controller. I am at a stand still I haven't even flown the drone yet and am kind of lots on what to do.

i have the p4p and i had the same issue when i unboxed it and started it , the drone didn't connect to the controller ..i took it back to the dealer and he got it connected ...however with the new firmware update the p4p looses GPS assist after 2 mins and then u have to fly in ATT mode ..which can be very stressful if your flying  in windy places . DJI Go 4 app has a lot of bugs ,and I'm still waiting for DJI to sort this out
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Flight distance : 12024 ft
United States

PhantomPhil Posted at 2017-1-14 08:24
The update is for the drone and the batteries. You will need to charge batteries to more than 50% otherwise firmware will fail - 75% charge would be adequate. After the initial update using DJI Assistant 2 it will update the drone and the battery that is in the drone - take about 15 minutes. Then quit DJI Assistant, Turn off drone and swop out battery battery, reconnect to DJI Assistant 2 and this will then just update that battery - take about 3 minutes per battery. Repeat for next battery.

Must you use the DJI Assistant 2 software to secure a battery firmware update, or will an update through the DJI 4GO application also work?
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Flight distance : 165692 ft
United States

hi all
the first time i saw an update available in my DJI Go 4 app i clicked download and install. It said it was completed but i was not aware that you had to hook the usb cord up to the aircraft for this to install completely. I have since hooked it up directly but was not getting a prompt to do an update so i hooked it up to the cpu and fired up the DJI assistant app. And reloaded the firmware with it hooked up directly to the aircraft. The Aircraft firmware now shows the correct firmware. But the Remote shows Version    this thread says the number is :  Phantom 4 Pro Remote Controller Firmware : V
as you can see mine is .01.03 where the latest says .1.3 is mine correct?
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Flying High AZ
Flight distance : 894150 ft
United States

Has anyone  with the shaking/shuttering landing issue noticed if their altimeter reading in the DJI Go4 App was returning a wrong value?  I noticed today after doing some low altitude flying over my street that the altimeter said I was at 15' AGL when I was only about 2-3' AGL, maximum.  When I landed the drone, it shook violently when I went to kill the motors.  I know others have experienced this, and am wondering if a bad altimeter at the time of landing is what causes the rough shut down? Anyone experiencing or noticing a pattern?
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hello just bought my Phantom 4 pro and when i turn it on it appears in my phone disconnected! i bought this yesterday because my phantom 3 pro is the same problem i cannot wait to fix because tomorrow i need to fly on Rugby game. so anybody here can help my problem.thanks you.
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John L

United States

Just got a P4P+ and updated drone firmware, but when I push the Blue GO FLY area, it says "unfortunately, DJI GO 4 has stopped".  Anyone else having this problem?
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  • >>>
United States

Hi Everyone.

I have a P4 Pro + and upon startup under status it says firmware update required, but when this is initiated to goes to a blank screen.
How/where can I determine what my current firmware is, and whether a firmware update is available.
All seems fine, but firmware update message is there upon power up but does not allow me to do any update

Much appreciated
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Flight distance : 647372 ft

when is the next update? we need DJI GS on p4p plus!!!!
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harish panwar

United States

hy my name is harish i wanna my dron is falled down and his standn is braked soo plz help me  
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Flight distance : 6516 ft
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United States

ken+flyhome Posted at 2017-2-18 05:28
hello just bought my Phantom 4 pro and when i turn it on it appears in my phone disconnected! i bought this yesterday because my phantom 3 pro is the same problem i cannot wait to fix because tomorrow i need to fly on Rugby game. so anybody here can help my problem.thanks you.

Hi Ken,

Just to be sure, you have your phone connected with a cable to the remote, correct?  Sorry if this is a basic question, but figured I'd ask.  
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Flight distance : 6516 ft
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United States

fans3a5ff519 Posted at 2017-2-19 19:21
Hi Everyone.

I have a P4 Pro + and upon startup under status it says firmware update required, but when this is initiated to goes to a blank screen.

If you download Assistant 2 from DJI  (Go to Phantom 4 PRO product info to download) then hook up your drone to the computer, you can see which firmware is currently running.   You can use this area to refresh your firmware, go back to factory settings, etc.  
Use props
Flight distance : 6516 ft
  • >>>
United States

harish panwar Posted at 2017-2-22 01:41
hy my name is harish i wanna my dron is falled down and his standn is braked soo plz help me

Oh no!  Sorry to hear about your crash!  You'll need to contact support/repair. Go to the Service area of this site and you can choose to chat, email or call someone at DJI.
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United States

Hello DJI employees (Natalia, Jamie, etc)!
This is DJI-Crooked (short for Crooked Horizon):
I was wondering if you would be so kind to enlighten those who have paid thousands of dollars for your drones if you ever plan on making a Phantom which does not have the crooked horizon problem?
Oh Great Ones, please enlighten us flocks if you shall bless us with a straight horizon. In the name of Vishnu, Krishna, and Babbaghanoush; in honor of falafel, please let us know.
Your humble servant,
DJI-Crooked (short for Crooked-Horizon)
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Hi all, just got a new P4P and did the updates to currently newest firmware versions, after that the bird did not want to start, with message "Battery authentication error" and status lights blinking fast red (critical battery error). Downgraded the bird only by one level and seems to work. Something wrong with this latest firmware ?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15631598 ft
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XoR Posted at 2017-1-11 09:01
If you have ordered P4P+ then it comes with HDMI from factory, else, you need to buy separate module and install it by yourself. With HDMI you can use another device with HDMI in as monitor or use FPV Googles like Fat Shark.

Is the module still needed when a tablet like Nvidia K1 is being used? The K1 has HDMI and i read FPV Goggles can be plugged into it. Thanks.
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Flight distance : 139967 ft


should I go for upgrade? current I and happy with the control.. no issue.. scare once update then somethngs when wrong..
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SkyMemories Posted at 2017-2-23 18:35
should I go for upgrade? current I and happy with the control.. no issue.. scare once update then somethngs when wrong..

May I ask you which firmware version you have currently?

I upgraded to the latest FW right after unboxing my new P4P and I am having lots of problems (losing GPS, drone drifting, "IMU exception" errors, losing picture, randomly switching from P to ATTI, crooked horizon."

I would like to downgrade the FW but I do not know which is the latest FW that works even "almost well"...

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1375846 ft
  • >>>
United States

Anyone know what 4.0.3 addresses? Says it was released on Android on 02.23.17.
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United States

It makes the horizon more crooked. DJI thought it was not crooked enough in their other updates. It also displays a larger high wind warning when there is no wind.
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Flying High AZ
Flight distance : 894150 ft
United States

DJI, this update can not come soon enough...  Please serve your P4P+ customers!  I will soon be starting a big push to have DJI either refund me for my P4P+ controller completely, or to send me a standard P4P remote since my P4P+ controller is unreliable and unsafe to fly with.  The time that it is taking DJI to turn out an update for this unit is becoming absurd, and cause for concern.  Glitchy signal, gimbal horizon issues, and occasional screen freezing was expected.  Waiting this long for firmware updates, and the lack of explanation from DJI support was not.  No disrespect to DJI, I just think us consumers deserve better than this.
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Flight distance : 1068337 ft

Flying High AZ Posted at 2017-2-27 23:17
DJI, this update can not come soon enough...  Please serve your P4P+ customers!  I will soon be starting a big push to have DJI either refund me for my P4P+ controller completely, or to send me a standard P4P remote since my P4P+ controller is unreliable and unsafe to fly with.  The time that it is taking DJI to turn out an update for this unit is becoming absurd, and cause for concern.  Glitchy signal, gimbal horizon issues, and occasional screen freezing was expected.  Waiting this long for firmware updates, and the lack of explanation from DJI support was not.  No disrespect to DJI, I just think us consumers deserve better than this.


My mood towards DJI is on a steep nosedive. We paid extra money for a product that is being advertised as superior but receive a product grossly inferior! On top of that, I did order a standard remote in order to have a quick solution, and guess what: it has not shipped yet either!
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Flying High AZ
Flight distance : 894150 ft
United States

BUMP for a non-generic response from DJI.
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Flight distance : 19928 ft
United States

Well, I think the issues are well known, but I figured I would follow-up with my "experience"...

I received my Phantom 4 Pro on Tuesday, Feb 28th.  I spent my free time that evening charging the batteries, going through videos, reading forums and installing the DJI GO 4.03 app.

About 8pm the batteries were all fully charged, so I hooked up my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 tablet, started up the P4P drone without the blades, started the controller and went through the procedure outlined where you check for firmware and do an update before anything else.  Well, once I hooked up my tablet to the drone I started the firmware update.  It took it almost an hour to download the firmware, then it proceeded to get to 5% on the update and the DJI GO 4 app crashed.  I restarted the tablet, shut off everything, went into task manager on the tablet and killed everything that was running, started up the controller and drone, it started up the DJI GO 4 app, went into firmware update, the firmware was already downloaded so it just started the update and BAM!  5% and the DJI GO 4 app just crashes once more.  I try for another 40 minutes to get it to update via the DJI GO 4 app to no avail.

By this time I am tired, so I charge the batteries for the controller, the drone and the tablet and get some other stuff done before I call it a night.

Today I clear my schedule a bit so I can see about flying the P4P before I try the firmware update via the DJI Assistant 2 app.  Around 1pm I finally get enough done to sit down in the front room (vaulted ceilings), clear off the coffee table, get the P4P setup and put the blades on it and get it started.  Since I am in Beginner Mode I waited until it acquired the proper amount of satellite connections and then launched it.

It hovered great, allowed for a decent amount of forward/back/side-to-side motion and rotated in place just awesome.  I played with a bunch of the camera settings while landed as well as in flight and went through 3 battery charges worth of flight time/playing around before I decided to shut it down, recharge everything and do a firmware update.

Now, the big thing I noticed while flying was when I tried to get it to land with the land icon, I was getting a bunch of "BRAKING NOW! RETURN STICKS TO MIDPOINT FIRST." warnings whenever I attempted to land.  I was able to use the stick to lower the drone and get ti to land nicely (outside of the throttle-down shudder I noticed) and shut off the props without issue.  I also noticed a ton of video glitching and drop-outs on both auto as well as playing with custom channels.

So, I charge the battery once more, I get DJI Assistant 2 installed on my Windows 7 laptop, hookup the drone and turn everything on.  DJI Assistant sees it and shows the newest firmware (1.02.0304 I believe, I was on the 1.01.0203 to begin with), and I was able to update it without issue.  I disconnected everything and went back downstairs to see if I notice any changes.

Well, I get it all set up (reset back to Beginner Mode and check all the rest of the settings), I get it launched and am just rotating it in place, when all of a sudden it starts moving around a bit forward and back and then all of a sudden it takes off backwards at a high speed.  I am talking much faster than I could get it to fly in any direction before.  It literally ignored any kind of obstacle avoidance and smashes right into one of the casement window frames.  It drops like a rock and proceeds to still have the props going at high speed as it gets tangled in the solar shade cord and one of the props takes a few chunks out of the wooden window sill.  I had to grab it and used my other hand to power it off.  It dropped two houseplants and damaged the solar shade as well as the other damage I already mentioned.

Well, with that I promptly returned to my laptop upstairs, hooked it back up after removing the propellers, and reverted back to the 1.01.0203 firmware.

I will attempt another flight tomorrow, but I expect it to fly the way it did earlier in the day, correct and predictable.  I already know the collision avoidance was working with the 1.01.0203 firmware since it wouldn't allow me to fly too close to the banister or walls.

I just think it is really poor of DJI to release a buggy firmware and apps the way they have.  This is what, the 4th generation of Phantom drone with how many sub-models in-between???

These are not cheap tools, they are quite expensive and have quite the feature set, but to not even make sure that a firmware is useable???  Let alone an app that crashes as often as it does???

Also, I may add I even went through and stripped my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 of ALL software I could outside of the DJI GO 4 app.  I mean the thing doesn't even get e-mails anymore.  There is no auto-sync of anything, no software checking, no nothing running on it.  I will say I get a LOT of battery life out of the tablet with it running like that, and it is a dedicated platform for the Phantom 4 Pro now.  It also has quite a high-end hardware setup in it, even though it is stuck with Android 4.4 KitKat, but it is VERY stable with the update Samsung released about a month or two ago.  And the DJI GO 4 app is listed as only requiring 4.1.2 anyways.

I also have a Note Pro 2014 10.1 I can use as well as a Note Pro 12.2, but I would rather use the Tab Pro 8.4 because of the size.  It is just about perfect for use with the Phantom 4 Pro.
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Brian Fist
Flight distance : 19928 ft
United States

I forgot to mention, when I was getting the "Return sticks to midpoint" errors I basically didn't have a finger on the control sticks so they were at center.

I have since recalibrated the control sticks via DJI GO 4, but I am not certain that was the real problem to begin with, since the drone never moved around without me touching the sticks.  Plus in Beginner Mode it is much less sensitive to user input anyways.
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Brian Fist
Flight distance : 19928 ft
United States

BTW, the "fansd9ad692a" post was mine before I got a chance to change my username.
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Brian Fist
Flight distance : 19928 ft
United States


I got a chance to try the P4P out today and with the 1.01.0203 firmware it flies perfect.  Good recording, but I still have the video issues (pixelating-green/red tearing-choppy video).

Then as I shut everything down I noticed that Android said there was an update to the DJI GO 4 app to version 4.0.4.  So I did the update and cleared out the previous version from memory, started up the aircraft and the controller and ran DJI GO 4.

I went into the about and verified it was version 4.0.4, so all seemed good.

As I was prepping to try a quick flight I notice the video goes grey and freezes.  I can still control the camera via the controller, and I get updates about being to take off and such when enough satellites are found, but in general the video feed is dead.  I exited out, re-ran the app and regardless of auto or custom channels and trying any and all available channels in both 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz I am unable to keep video active for more than 15-20 seconds.  The top left corner just says "NO SIGNAL", which is insane considering I was able to use 4.0.3 just fine and I am sitting right in front of the aircraft sitting on the coffee table.

Some response from DJI on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

I am not going to risk a crash with the aircraft again by trying 1.02.0304 once more.  It is really poor if both the app needs to be 4.0.4 and the firmware at 1.02.0304 to get a stable system.  I mean why release the firmware for almost two months before the 4.0.4 app then???
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Brian Fist
Flight distance : 19928 ft
United States

Another follow-up:

Last night I decided to go for broke and upgraded the planes firmware to the latest (1.02.0304) as well as doing full calibrations on all systems.  I can happily report that I did not get any more "NO SIGNAL" errors and for the 20 minutes I left things on I didn't get any issues with the video.  It was around 11pm so I decided to wait until today to do a flight and check it all out.

Today as I was doing pre-flight I noticed yet another update to the DJI GO 4 app.  This one also stated the same version number, 4.0.4, but was marked as a new update, so I let it download and install.

Around 3:30pm I took the P4P outside in the backyard.  I did a new compass calibration, since I remember hearing that indoor compass calibrations are unreliable.  Got that done, rechecked everything and took it for a flight that lasted only about 5-6 minutes above the yard and house.

I can happily report it was totally stable and reacted perfectly.  I did record some 4k/60fps video but I have yet to load it and checkout the footage.

I took it for 3-4 more 3-6 minute flights and again the bird acted exactly as I was expecting it to.  I did notice that when you do a RTH it basically comes down in the "area" you took off from, not in the exact spot.  I don't know if that is just a setting I need to tweak or not (I do remember something about a precision landing setting) or if it is like that for beginner mode (basically come down within a certain radius area of take-off for simplicity).  I do know it gave me an invalid landing area warning when it wanted to come down over a planter once, so it is nice to know the VPS calibration I did obviously worked.

Now I don't know what the latest update to the DJI GO 4 app fixed, and I have no idea if the previous 4.0.4 update had problems or not, but I am happy to report that my previously reported issues seem to be gone now.

Now I have no idea if I have any of the other issues people have reported, such as 4k/60 fps glitches, horizon tilt or gimbel issues to name a few, but now that I can start getting used to flying I am certain I will start focusing on the camera side of things here shortly.
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United Kingdom

Why would my controller say update required but when I got ot DJI Assistant 2 it says I am all updated?
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Flight distance : 5089226 ft


Firmware : V 01.03.0418

What’s New?

- Updated No-Fly Zone Management.
- Added lock gimbal function to fix the gimbal to its current position.
- Added AFC function to support continuous auto focus when switching between scenes.
- Upgraded D-Log color mode to extend dynamic range.
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Flight distance : 100226 ft

that is all that is new?!?
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United States

Wow, so no fix on the live video transmission issue for the P4P+?!
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Tommy Tenzo
Flight distance : 33051 ft
  • >>>
United States

Sebi Posted at 2017-3-7 01:29

Firmware : V 01.03.0418

How did the update work out for you?
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Flight distance : 44731 ft
United Kingdom

New map management page looks promising - Just downloading "England" to see what this is all about and how useful.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

PliciPleosc Posted at 2017-3-7 05:36
that is all that is new?!?

More times than not, other system issues are also addressed in the update. Have you tried updating to see if there are any changes to the circumstances?
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United Kingdom

Please can any new users post updates as to the stabiliity of this update, much appreciated.
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Flight distance : 170492 ft
United Kingdom

since I updated the firmware, my ISO is locked, or is this something I've accidentally pressed?  i can't find how to unlock it
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Flight distance : 170492 ft
United Kingdom

fans22931e5c Posted at 2017-3-7 14:15
since I updated the firmware, my ISO is locked, or is this something I've accidentally pressed?  i can't find how to unlock it

I've found out why.  why is my ISO locked to 500 now in D-LOG?!  
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