P4P goes Ballistic to over 1500 feet - unstoppable
1164 17 2017-3-11
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United States

My brand new P4P went Ballistic to 1587 feet AGL
I recently received a brand new P4P.  I just sold a P4 to upgrade to this new P4P.  First day, three flights everything seemed fairly normal. Second day started off good, and then I got my first shock on the third or fourth flight. For no apparent reason, the aircraft would not hover in place over bare pavement at 15 feet of altitude. It would drift away and not hold position. As it drifted it would not stay at altitude, it settled back to the ground. I constantly had to add forward left stick to gain back the altitude. I was in control mode “Mode 2”.
I flew it out a few hundred feet and climbed to approximately 150 feet. It started drifting faster. I initiated a Return to Home and got a shocking surprise. The P4P immediately climbed straight up to approximately 530 feet (back left stick did nothing) when I was able to kill the return to home function and manually take control. I only had the RTH set at 40 meters (I pretty sure).  It blew clear past the altitude limit I had set for RTH.  I manually flew back to the home point and got my next shock… it would not descend at all! My batteries were getting low.  I finally held the left stick all the way back and tried to fly forward for a couple seconds then backward for a couple seconds to slough off altitude.  I did this repeatedly until I was able to get the aircraft back on the ground. This appeared to be the only way I could lose altitude.  It would only descend at between 0.2mph and 0.7mph for the remainder of the flight. It took a long time to lose 530 feet and get it back on the ground. Also, top speed in any direction was only a maximu of 5.7mph. Thank goodness I didn't have any winds!!! When I landed my battery was a little over 10%.
I completely recalibrated EVERYTHING. I even uninstalled DJI Go 4 and DJI Assistant 2 and re-updated both. I recalibrated the IMU, gimbal, compass, Remote controller, sensors, and reformatted the MicroSD card.
I took it out the next day on day 3 and it flew great for the first 3 flights THEN I Got the shock of shocks. I took off to about 15-20 feet and it locked in altitude position I could not descend.  I climbed slowly then gave it a burst of upstick to see if that did anything and that set off a ballistic nightmare. The P4P went straight up from 20 feet I think so fast I lost sight of it in seconds,. I pulled left stick all the way back, it did nothing! I could hear it screaming straight overhead. It went from about 20 feet to 1587 feet in 41 seconds. According to my calculations that's straight up at 27mph. I heard on the speaker that it had reached max altitude (apparently that stopped the ascent; I had the ceiling set at 500 meters I believe). I was shocked beyond measure. I could barely hear the aircraft (totally calm winds) but couldn't see the aircraft. I could see it on the DJI map.
I pulled full left stick back (it was in "P" mode it backed up at 40mph. I immediately stopped it and pushed left stick forward it would only fly up to 5.7 mph for the rest of the flight in any direction.  My next shock!!! It was stuck at altitude. It would not descend no matter what I did. I couldn't believe it. I got really nervous. I thought I would never see the aircraft again. I am a real life pilot and CFI and decided to try a technique to lose altitude. I started with a full battery and was now extremely concerned I would run out of battery before I could get the P4P back on the ground safely.
I started flying forward to slough off altitude for a few seconds, then backward for a few seconds with the left stick in full back position the whole time. I did this constantly for 18 minutes and 41 seconds knowing if I quit I was going to lose the battle. It took almost 19 minutes to get it back on the ground. With this technique my average descent rate was only .94mph. When I finally landed I had 16% battery left.  I basically used almost an entire battery just descending over the home point.
I cannot put into words the gambit of emotions I went through in 25 minutes. I got it on the ground but will NOT fly it again (I have since sent it back to DJI, no word on prognosis yet).  I spoke with DJI tech support, they said send it back for testing.
After I completely recalibrated the P4P after the first occurrence, it seemed to fly ok for the first flight. I called DJI tech support to see if that might have resolved the issue, they said it probably did and I would probably be ok.  This last flight was after that tech call. It didn't fix the problem AND it appears to be an intermittent problem (the worst kind?).
The aircraft was not damaged thank goodness and I sent it in for analysis and ???  
Has anyone else had this problem??? AND, if so what did you do about it or how did you correct the problem? Any ideas?  
Never had any problems like this with my P4.

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Flight distance : 1064780 ft
United Kingdom

I had a nightmare flight back in January, mine was only 8 minutes but felt like 80 minutes!!! I sent it back to DJI and now have a replacement, here is the link

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United States

Thank you so much for your input. I started to look at the link you sent. Absolutely amazing. I will go through that and let you know what's happening on my end. I can totally feel for what you went through with your experience. If it's like me, you almost feel helpless?
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United States

Were all your flights mentioned above in P mode? Would it help with controlling the aircraft if you switched to ATTI when attempting to descend?

Also, it looks like we have a pattern here with the drone going crazy after the 3rd, or 4th flight in a row, so would it be an overheating symptom?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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A look at the flight data may shed some light on the mystery.
Go to http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/Upload/
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides.
Use props
United States

I was in P mode the whole time.  I was afraid to go to ATTI.  I tried to download the flight data in Assistant 2 but unlike all my past flights with my P4 there was no data files.  There was nothing to download.  However when I plugged my ipad using the DJI Go 4 app into the aircraft the flight record was there.  I couldn't download that at all so I video taped my ipad screen while it was playing back.  That's all I had.  I already sent the P4P and controller back to DJI so I have no access to anything else.
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United States

As far as overheating is concerned, The outdoor temperatures were around 35 degrees F.  I checked the battery and it was warm but not hot.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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SRM208 Posted at 2017-3-11 17:32
I was in P mode the whole time.  I was afraid to go to ATTI.  I tried to download the flight data in Assistant 2 but unlike all my past flights with my P4 there was no data files.  There was nothing to download.  However when I plugged my ipad using the DJI Go 4 app into the aircraft the flight record was there.  I couldn't download that at all so I video taped my ipad screen while it was playing back.  That's all I had.  I already sent the P4P and controller back to DJI so I have no access to anything else.

Don't look in assistant.
Get the .txt file from your app.
Go to http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/Upload/
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides.
Use props
United States


Thank you for your instructions and guidance.  That will help immensely next time.  When I get the aircraft back I will test that link.  The documentation which comes with the aircraft doesn't provide near the information about things like this or links.  This forum is fantastic with the kind help all the members provide!!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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SRM208 Posted at 2017-3-11 20:22

Thank you for your instructions and guidance.  That will help immensely next time.  When I get the aircraft back I will test that link.  The documentation which comes with the aircraft doesn't provide near the information about things like this or links.  This forum is fantastic with the kind help all the members provide!!

"When I get the aircraft back I will test that link."

I'll try one more time ....
Get the .txt file from your app.
That's stored on yoru phone or tablet .. not in the Phantom.
Go to http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/Upload/
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


May we have your case number? our engineers will help you analyze the data after receive it and let you know the data analysis result.
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United States

Hellol SRM208,

I've had this problem 3 or 4 times (at least) both with the RTH going extremely high and with it taking for ever to get the aircraft down. I have had both problems at the same time but I've also had the problem with descending by its self.

I believe the RTH problem is sun or light related and the aircraft is trying to ascend above obstacles.(the Sun ). Is the option to ascend above obstacles set in the options menu? I felt like the problem with descending has to do with the aircraft detecting wind or an unstable situation and trying to stabilize the aircraft keeping you from descending. Switching to sport mode gave be control I think.

I know this problem has been reported by me and many other people. I pretty sure it is a software issue and not a hardware problem so sending in the Phanton to DJI is a waist of time. It is just a tactic for them to stall until they figure out the problem.  (I'm just saying)

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United States

The Case No. is: CAS-487632-V6Z5R8

It arrived at DJI Carson California location Wednesday morning March 8th via UPS.  When I open the case online, it says "Please send back your product as soon as possible..." But, there is no information in the file as of yet so I'm not sure if they are even looking at it yet?

Also: I have an iPad mini 2 and in the app cannot locate any text files.  
When I tap the 3 bars in the upper right corner of the app and then tap Flight Record there is no record of the flight.  Not sure if it got accidentally deleted or what happened?  Not sure if there is a text file or if so where to find it?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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SRM208 Posted at 2017-3-12 06:03
The Case No. is: CAS-487632-V6Z5R8

It arrived at DJI Carson California location Wednesday morning March 8th via UPS.  When I open the case online, it says "Please send back your product as soon as possible..." But, there is no information in the file as of yet so I'm not sure if they are even looking at it yet?

Forget it ...
Dale Wilson's explained what probably happened

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United States

Labroides and Dale

I appreciate your input.  I wish I would have tried ATTI mode.  I then may have learning more of the functionality of the unit.  I read information that said if your paragraph gets in trouble put it in P control mode.  It was so far away and out of sight I was afraid to lose what control I had.

The 1st flight I had problems with an out of control climb was when I executed a RTH.  The last time, I was not using RTH when it rocketed to 1587 feet.  It would not descend from about 20 feet soy tried full left up stick, that's when it took off.
Use props
United States

OOPS, I meant aircraft not paragraph
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

SRM208 Posted at 2017-3-12 06:03
The Case No. is: CAS-487632-V6Z5R8

It arrived at DJI Carson California location Wednesday morning March 8th via UPS.  When I open the case online, it says "Please send back your product as soon as possible..." But, there is no information in the file as of yet so I'm not sure if they are even looking at it yet?

I should have further information for you once the US Facility is up and running again tomorrow.
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United States

Thank you!
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