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5138 74 2017-3-12
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http://warfarefootage.com/2017/0 ... uld-he-be-let-free/
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Yes, there are way too many loose cannons, armed & roaming the lower 48.
You gotta love the NRA mentality.  Shoot first, ask questions later.

But at the same time, if a father can't protect his innocent daughter...
I would expect the same treatment, up here, in Canada.  Voyuerism is against the law.
He might have been better off, phoning the local gendarmes.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-12 23:03
Yes, there are way too many loose cannons, armed & roaming the lower 48.
You gotta love the NRA mentality.  Shoot first, ask questions later.

Except in the case the drone was being used to film a neighbouring property.  Also it's not illegal to fly over someones property they don't own the air.  Also illegal to shoot down aircraft.

I doubt the father even knew where the camera was pointing.  I just flew a friends place and neighbouring business that has used government land for their stone business.  We pinpointed the flights and used Google earth to show where they have used land illegally. Given that to a government office to follow up with.  Government office was claiming they really didn't know.  I flew the boundaries and filmed where the company was using my friends land.  Latitude and Longitude and a nice overflight with a drone pin points things. Technology is a wonderful thing.   
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-3-12 23:57
Except in the case the drone was being used to film a neighbouring property.  Also it's not illegal to fly over someones property they don't own the air.  Also illegal to shoot down aircraft.

I doubt the father even knew where the camera was pointing.  I just flew a friends place and neighbouring business that has used government land for their stone business.  We pinpointed the flights and used Google earth to show where they have used land illegally. Given that to a government office to follow up with.  Government office was claiming they really didn't know.  I flew the boundaries and filmed where the company was using my friends land.  Latitude and Longitude and a nice overflight with a drone pin points things. Technology is a wonderful thing.

The author requested people to post their opinion. There were no comments in the section below the article.

I read the whole article again and it's not very clear, how to prove who was correct. All though there must be a video, if the pilot was filming the house next door. Post the video, so we can all have an educated opinion. Anything else is simply conjecture and we are left guessing.

I don't support shooting the drone down, that was wrong, but better the drone than the pilot. Surely we can agree on this?

I'm single and have no children, but I can certainly see this story, from both sides of the fence.

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I think it is best to let this thread die, the subject of guns always ends in tears on this forum.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-3-13 00:14
I think it is best to let this thread die, the subject of guns always ends in tears on this forum.

Yes, tears and bloodshed.

It's not the first drone to be shot out of air and likely not the last.
Why, I love flying on private property at www.ercha.ca

There are never any disgruntled land owners aiming for trouble.

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Flight distance : 36 ft

United States

Keep your politcal views to yourself blackcrusader. No one wants to read them on this forum.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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I'm not sure why this is being recycled again.
It's definitely not news - it happened almost two years ago
http://www.washingtontimes.com/n ... shooting-down-1800/
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Labroides Posted at 2017-3-13 03:05
I'm not sure why this is being recycled again.
It's definitely not news - it happened almost two years ago

Recycled but the article is based on asking If the Man should be set free ... not the actual shooting.

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Flight distance : 469734 ft

United States

Then why has nobody stated their opinion if he should be free or not?
Yea, its being recycled.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

Churubusco Posted at 2017-3-13 02:45
Keep your politcal views to yourself blackcrusader. No one wants to read them on this forum.


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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

That has just brightened my day !! Excellent BC !!

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Flight distance : 2858 ft
United Kingdom

I think I will find that guy on you tube, near wet myself laughing. Thanks BC.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1491814 ft
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United States

Love shooting sports, but that was just plain funny.
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Flight distance : 256791 ft
United States

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-3-13 04:17


They hate us cuz they aint us. Everybody can bash other countries politics and laws, but this is no place for that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1095955 ft
United States

Amazing how many times this same news gets republished as a new news story.

http://www.wdrb.com/story/303541 ... who-shot-down-drone

2 years old and yet every 4 months pops up as a new item by some "editor"
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Poop Chute

United States

First do you fault the AMA for rogue drone pilots or AAA for drunk drivers?  So why blame the NRA for irresponsible gun use?  

That said, if if recall the correctly the drone shooting occurred around 8 pm.  Tanning by moonlight maybe?  Regardless you can't go around shooting things & then claiming self defense because you THINk your daughter is being recorded.  What if someone was walking past with a camera or cell phone.  Is Merideth going to shoot them too?  What if he thinks someone is looking at his daughter?  To make it worse he them threatened to shoot the people who came to investigate the drone downing.

IMHO Merideth is exactly where he belongs...in jail.   I hope they confiscated his guns so he doesn't hurt someone else.  How much you want to get the daughter isn't even attractive?
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The Dax

United States

I agree, he deserves to be in jail.  Would he shoot a helicopter down if it were doing the same thing?   Firing a gun into the air is beyond dangerous.....
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Jake Phantom 3
Flight distance : 2639747 ft
United States

It's simple, the SD card will show on the video whether he was video n the daughter or not. Anyway, it's a moot point as this story is a couple years old and he's out of jail.
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 00:08
The author requested people to post their opinion. There were no comments in the section below the article.

I read the whole article again and it's not very clear, how to prove who was correct. All though there must be a video, if the pilot was filming the house next door. Post the video, so we can all have an educated opinion. Anything else is simply conjecture and we are left guessing.

" I can certainly see this story, from both sides of the fence. "

..... well that's all the pilot was trying to do!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-3-13 14:54
" I can certainly see this story, from both sides of the fence. "

..... well that's all the pilot was trying to do!

Yes, it seems like a harmless event. No one was hurt, other than the drone pilots feelings. ;-)

One thing that most people don't know or understand about firing a gun into the air. The projectile bullet goes up at high speed until it loses the energy from the gunpowder. But it drops at ONLY the speed gravity brings it down. Much slower than when it was fired.  So actually quite harmless.
That's just a bit of firearm trivia, for you folks who got your stuff in a knot...
It drops no faster than a rock shot out of a slingshot. Rather get hit with a dropping bulletin than a falling arrow...

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Poop Chute

United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 15:38
Yes, it seems like a harmless event. No one was hurt, other than the drone pilots feelings. ;-)

One thing that most people don't know or understand about firing a gun into the air. The projectile bullet goes up at high speed until it loses the energy from the gunpowder. But it drops at ONLY the speed gravity brings it down. Much slower than when it was fired.  So actually quite harmless.

Several years back my 4-year old nephew was with his father in Baltimore for 4th of July.  He was struck in the leg by a bullet that had been fired skyward.  The bullet entered his thigh just below his groin narrowly missing the artery, then entered his femur before lodging itself in the base of his femur (inside the bone) just above the knee joint.  The bullet is still there as they said removing it would cause more harm.  Maybe one in a million but people are sometimes killed or gravely injured by rounds fired into the air.


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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Poop Chute Posted at 2017-3-13 15:56
Several years back my 4-year old nephew was with his father in Baltimore for 4th of July.  He was struck in the leg by a bullet that had been fired skyward.  The bullet entered his thigh just below his groin narrowly missing the artery, then entered his femur before lodging itself in the base of his femur (inside the bone) just above the knee joint.  The bullet is still there as they said removing it would cause more harm.  Maybe one in a million but people are sometimes killed or gravely injured by rounds fired into the air.


Ok, well since you brought it up... More like one in a trillion bud. Or a quadrillion.
http://www.straightdope.com/colu ... -when-it-comes-down

With all due respect, Sorry, but I call bs on this... There just must have been a second shooter...

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RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 16:22
Ok, well since you brought it up... More like one in a trillion bud. Or a quadrillion.
http://www.straightdope.com/colu ... -when-it-comes-down

Dunno, the trajectory sounds like it was almost vertical, hard to get above someone like that.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 822851 ft
United States

Poop Chute Posted at 2017-3-13 12:33
First do you fault the AMA for rogue drone pilots or AAA for drunk drivers?  So why blame the NRA for irresponsible gun use?  

That said, if if recall the correctly the drone shooting occurred around 8 pm.  Tanning by moonlight maybe?  Regardless you can't go around shooting things & then claiming self defense because you THINk your daughter is being recorded.  What if someone was walking past with a camera or cell phone.  Is Merideth going to shoot them too?  What if he thinks someone is looking at his daughter?  To make it worse he them threatened to shoot the people who came to investigate the drone downing.

Right on with that comment! It's like blaming fast-food for making someone overweight .To be honest I'm surprised situations like this don't happen more often. But with every story  there are 2 sides.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 822851 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 15:38
Yes, it seems like a harmless event. No one was hurt, other than the drone pilots feelings. ;-)

One thing that most people don't know or understand about firing a gun into the air. The projectile bullet goes up at high speed until it loses the energy from the gunpowder. But it drops at ONLY the speed gravity brings it down. Much slower than when it was fired.  So actually quite harmless.

There was even a show about that , something about busting myths ;)
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-3-13 16:26
Dunno, the trajectory sounds like it was almost vertical, hard to get above someone like that.

Yes, I passed both restricted and non restricted firearms courses with near honors.
That's 94% and 98% respectfully.  So I do know and understand a thing or two about guns, bullets, and safe handling. As pointed out in the article I shared...
And I quote:
Datum 1. At first I thought being struck by a bullet falling straight down would be no worse than getting hit over the head with a two-by-four — not the average person's idea of fun, but not fatal either. What goes up must come down, but it needn't do so at the same speed. You run up against what's known as "terminal velocity." A bullet fired straight up will slow down, stop, then fall to earth again, accelerating until it reaches a point where its weight equals the resistance of the air. That's its terminal velocity.

Just pointing out the true facts. And I sympathize with the person who has a bullet lodged in his leg.

But let's keep it real, please. Thanks

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 79291 ft
United States

RedHotPoker, Please don't take offense. I'm too old to get into an argument here. I don't think you are quite right there.   Not to start an argument, but If you fire a gun directly up into the air, then it will return to earth straight down at terminal velocity of about 120 MPH.  I guarantee it will still hurt if it hits you.  In the past, I read an article or news account some years ago where a person was actually killed by a falling bullet.  In that case, the bullet was not fired directly into the air.  It was fired in the air at, what they guessed was, about a 45 degree angle. Think shooting at a drone in the neighbor's yard.  It was New Years eve, and someone was celebrating.   The angle was determined by the entry wound of the person killed.  A bullet fired at a 45 degree angle will have a trajectory of a giant ark.  It will have nearly as much force when it hits the ground as it did when it left the weapon.  But a bullet fired directly up will theoretically stop in flight before coming back down.  A T.V. program called "Myth Busters" did a complete show on this very subject about two years ago.

As you well know, the FAA takes a dim view of shooting down an aircraft, be it manned or unmanned.  Our drones are considered Aircraft by the FAA.  This guy should not have shot that thing down.  He should have filed  a complaint instead.  Yes, he was vindicated, but look at what it cost him.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

djordan2 Posted at 2017-3-13 16:36
RedHotPoker, Please don't take offense. I'm too old to get into an argument here. I don't think you are quite right there.   Not to start an argument, but If you fire a gun directly up into the air, then it will return to earth straight down at terminal velocity of about 120 MPH.  I guarantee it will still hurt if it hits you.  In the past, I read an article or news account some years ago where a person was actually killed by a falling bullet.  In that case, the bullet was not fired directly into the air.  It was fired in the air at, what they guessed was, about a 45 degree angle. Think shooting at a drone in the neighbor's yard.  It was New Years eve, and someone was celebrating.   The angle was determined by the entry wound of the person killed.  A bullet fired at a 45 degree angle will have a trajectory of a giant ark.  It will have nearly as much force when it hits the ground as it did when it left the weapon.  But a bullet fired directly up will theoretically stop in flight before coming back down.  A T.V. program called "Myth Busters" did a complete show on this very subject about two years ago.

As you well know, the FAA takes a dim view of shooting down an aircraft, be it manned or unmanned.  Our drones are considered Aircraft by the FAA.  This guy should not have shot that thing down.  He should have filed  a complaint instead.  Yes, he was vindicated, but look at what it cost him.

Yes, it's common knowledge, stuff I already knew many years ago. But also know, I sold my shot guns and other weapons in my very early teen years, in trade for my much loved archery.  I would by far, much rather own Mathews gear than Winchester or any other firearms manufacturers merchandise. .  .  

Apparently, we have been advised against off topic conversations, held within this forum.
It's not really a subject to be discussing at length on a drone forum. But if you care to carry this conversation further, please PM Me, or send them thoughts to my Bowhunter-69@shaw.ca  email addy.

I would love more of this friendly banter, as it's something I still enjoy debating. Firearm safety.

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Poop Chute

United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 16:22
Ok, well since you brought it up... More like one in a trillion bud. Or a quadrillion.
http://www.straightdope.com/colu ... -when-it-comes-down

I can only show you the article, describe the injury, & relate the final conclusion of the authorities.  There is a 10 year old kid with a bullet lodged in his femur for life.  Also you seem to have ignored Datum 3, which contradicts Datum 1/2 & led the author to conclude that a falling shot might in fact be deadly & certainly capable of causing a serious injury.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Poop Chute Posted at 2017-3-13 18:37
I can only show you the article, describe the injury, & relate the final conclusion of the authorities.  There is a 10 year old kid with a bullet lodged in his femur for life.  Also you seem to have ignored Datum 3, which contradicts Datum 1/2 & led the author to conclude that a falling shot might in fact be deadly & certainly capable of causing a serious injury.

Might, certainly capable? With the appropriate example of your unfortunate nephew, he was that one unlucky individual. I am very sorry, that he, was that one in a million unlucky person. But as you stated, he is doing fine now. And thank the higher power above, that it was not a fatality, but an unfortunate accident, being in the wrong place at the right time. Or right place at the wrong time.
I don't take this event lightly, as it surely was a heart breaking event, that certainly could have been avoided. It has been said that our whole lives are already written in the big book before we are even conceived. So no matter what choices we make, it was already preplanned... Let's all be thankful that this errant shot, landed where it did. And had not been a bit further over, hitting the main artery. But I have strong feeling that it was not shot into the air, and more likely a more level shot that by coincidence hit the unfortunate child.  I hope that he has a wonderful admirable life, and continues to grow, becoming a productive and well respected man, in his society. You also sound like a very sincere and likeable person, so I appreciate these very personal facts and knowledge that you have helped me understand their consequences better.

Pat yourself on the back, Your nephew should be very proud, to have such a wonderful and loving uncle, in you.  ;-)

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Poop Chute

United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 18:58
Might, certainly capable? With the appropriate example of your unfortunate nephew, he was that one unlucky individual. I am very sorry, that he, was that one in a million unlucky person. But as you stated, he is doing fine now. And thank the higher power above, that it was not a fatality, but an unfortunate accident, being in the wrong place at the right time. Or right place at the wrong time.
I don't take this event lightly, as it surely was a heart breaking event, that certainly could have been avoided. It has been said that our whole lives are already written in the big book before we are even conceived. So no matter what choices we make, it was already preplanned... Let's all be thankful that this errant shot, landed where it did. And had not been a bit further over, hitting the main artery. But I have strong feeling that it was not shot into the air, and more likely a more level shot that by coincidence hit the unfortunate child.  I hope that he has a wonderful admirable life, and continues to grow, becoming a productive and well respected man, in his society. You also sound like a very sincere and likeable person, so I appreciate these very personal facts and knowledge that you have helped me understand their consequences better.

Thank you.  He just thinks of me as the Toe Monster.  
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Poop Chute Posted at 2017-3-13 19:22
Thank you.  He just thinks of me as the Toe Monster.

Hahaha, does Uncle P have webbed feet?  Or big hairy toes? ;-) image.jpeg

There is an easy way to really mess him up... Chuckles

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Poop Chute

United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 19:24
Hahaha, does Uncle P have webbed feet?  Or big hairy toes? ;-)[view_image]

There is an easy way to really mess him up... Chuckles

I used to tell him if his toes came out from under the covers the Toe Monster would come out from under the bed & eat them.  I didn't realize that it actually terrified him!  
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Poop Chute Posted at 2017-3-13 19:32
I used to tell him if his toes came out from under the covers the Toe Monster would come out from under the bed & eat them.  I didn't realize that it actually terrified him!

Sent you a humorous PM, to help keep the thread on topic. ;-)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 79291 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 19:24
Hahaha, does Uncle P have webbed feet?  Or big hairy toes? ;-)[view_image]

There is an easy way to really mess him up... Chuckles

Oh my God!  I'll never get any sleep tonight!
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RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-3-13 19:24
Hahaha, does Uncle P have webbed feet?  Or big hairy toes? ;-)[view_image]

There is an easy way to really mess him up... Chuckles

I have heard of people having a foot skin peel, but that is plain ridiculous.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-3-13 21:02
I have heard of people having a foot skin peel, but that is plain ridiculous.

Those are rubber feet for the Frodo Hobbit from Lord of the Rings.

Movie magic, at its best.

Not everything is CGI. ;-)

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

The fact of the matter as I see it - the guy was a gun-happy person who not only fired in the air to get the 'drone' but then demonstrated neanderthal tendencies by brandishing guns / threatening after the fact.

First of all - such people should have a lifetime ban from owning any gun .... should do jail-time for his actions .... should compulsory attend pschychiatric treatment .... and be made to replace the guys drone.

The drone flyer should be instructed to respect others privacy regardless of rules. We all have a reasonable expectation of privacy. But his video footage should be examined for content.

Guns ? Its the idiots who own them .....

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 822851 ft
United States

solentlife Posted at 2017-3-13 23:49
The fact of the matter as I see it - the guy was a gun-happy person who not only fired in the air to get the 'drone' but then demonstrated neanderthal tendencies by brandishing guns / threatening after the fact.

First of all - such people should have a lifetime ban from owning any gun .... should do jail-time for his actions .... should compulsory attend pschychiatric treatment .... and be made to replace the guys drone.

I should've known where this would go._.someone always has to call millions of respectful gun owners idots. Go figure .
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