Lost my second phantom 3 in less than 3 weeks
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4568 96 2017-4-5
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

I was flying my new phantom 3 4K taking pictures of the sunset and the app said that video downlink was lost and wanted to know if I wanted to return home. I chose yes and I waited for it to come home. I noticed that the controller link light was red and I had no connection to the aircraft or control of it. I could see the lights of the drone over the lake and I waited for it to RTH. I kept pointing the controller at the drone thinking it should reconnect but the light stayed red. Okay it lost signal and it should return home I thought to my self. It did not start moving towards me and it was freaking me out since the last P3S I had did the same thing and I never got it back. I shut the controller off and back on to see if it would reconnect, but it did not. Well it should come home at 30% battery since I had that set in the app. My flight earlier in the day I let the battery run down to 20% and it returned no problem. I waited and watched the drone over the lake wondering when it would come home. Then the battery must have gotten to 10% and the drone self landed and was lost to the lake. I noticed that I was getting the video downlink errors when I was taking the pictures and that the DJI Go would flash the maps across the screen when I would take a picture. I was taking many pictures trying to get the perfect shot of the sunset. I wish someone could tell me what went wrong. My P3S was lost the exact same way and DJI would not warrant my P3S. They offered me a discount on a new P3S. I did everything in my power to get my drone back. If the drone did not RTH when it should have, is that not a malfunction?             Here is a link to my flight record. http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/L240IWCMHEYQHLXD2BL4/[url=http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/L240IWCMHEYQHLXD2BL4/  This is really stressing me out. Two drones gone in less than 3 weeks.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

I had the return home set for 20% battery not 30%. It woul not let me edit it. Here is a link for the earlier flight. http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/3T8U0MGGZ41KZC07K1OZ/
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Looks to me like you probably had an intermittent control signal and didn't know it.  So your order to RTH wasn't received by the AC, and the 3 secs needed for loss of control followed by RTH didn't happen either.  This sort of thing happens often to new folks.  Or at least we see a lot of threads on it.

All I can suggest is you might have simply turned off the controller completely and left it off.  The drone must return home in that situation.  When you see it approaching, you could then turn the controller back on, take control, and speed it home.  

Sorry for your loss.
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Photo Drone
Flight distance : 456201 ft

Should the p34k just return home when there was no connection ? go figure...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10159121 ft

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 09:23
I had the return home set for 20% battery not 30%. It woul not let me edit it. Here is a link for the earlier flight. http://www.phantomhelp.com/LogViewer/3T8U0MGGZ41KZC07K1OZ/

Was the wind like this map say?

Wind map

Wind map
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Regarding the discount you received, it was for this current inciden't correct? Could you happen to provide the case number?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Photo Drone Posted at 2017-4-5 09:45
Should the p34k just return home when there was no connection ? go figure...

While GPS/compass issues could be possible, what can make a drone naturally veer off course when trying to fly home flying autonomously would be along the lines of strong winds. In addition, the unit has the potential to self land early when the battery is at critical battery levels or if RTH was initially activated within 20 m of the home point.
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Stone Stomper
Flight distance : 57953 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-4-5 11:57
While GPS/compass issues could be possible, what can make a drone naturally veer off course when trying to fly home flying autonomously would be along the lines of strong winds. In addition, the unit has the potential to self land early when the battery is at critical battery levels or if RTH was initially activated within 20 m of the home point.

Could the return to home have been set to hover?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

i have seen an app upgrade change that setting, it is wise to recheck that every time before you fly.... once you lose connection, there's no changing it.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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The flight record just stops with no record of any RTH activity.
This is because you were out of range at 2400 ft so no RTH will be recorded by your app.
The obvious question has to be about wind conditions that day.
The flight data shows that on the way out you were scooting along at >40mph.
You reached 48mph at 71% just before turning to the NW while at 240 ft altitude.
Then you turned and climbed to over 500 ft never went fast again.
That looks very much like there was a strong wind (you can't exceed 35mph unless there is a tailwind) and at 500 feet the wind is going to be significantly stronger than it is down low.

The most likely explanation that the data suggests is that you flew downwind in a strong wind, climbed higher into an even stronger wind and your Phantom was unable to fight the wind when it went to RTH.

Flying downwind in a strong wind is a huge mistake, staying higher is another one.
That's why you lost your Phantom.
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


An inexperienced pilot, flying over water, out of VLOS, in high winds and in breach of the laws which allow fllying and somehow this is the fault of DJI.

Am I missing something?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Stone Stomper Posted at 2017-4-5 12:50
Could the return to home have been set to hover?

It's possible, though I would need to see the actual Go app flight records to verify.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Yeah it appears Labroides nailed it.  This was a reckless flight - the pilot sending the AC into a strong tail wind over water.  

Don't mean to be cruel, but the data doesn't lie.  

OP - you should spend more time studying the wind forecast before flying.  

www.uavforecast is good.

www.windytv is better.  

Sorry again for your loss.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10159121 ft

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-4-5 15:53
Yeah it appears Labroides nailed it.  This was a reckless flight - the pilot sending the AC into a strong tail wind over water.  

Don't mean to be cruel, but the data doesn't lie.  

This do not look good for a new battery.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-4-5 09:28
Looks to me like you probably had an intermittent control signal and didn't know it.  So your order to RTH wasn't received by the AC, and the 3 secs needed for loss of control followed by RTH didn't happen either.  This sort of thing happens often to new folks.  Or at least we see a lot of threads on it.

All I can suggest is you might have simply turned off the controller completely and left it off.  The drone must return home in that situation.  When you see it approaching, you could then turn the controller back on, take control, and speed it home.  

I did not turn the controller off and not turn it back on. I tried to reconnect . It should come back even if that happened. You would hear it if it was close by
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-4-5 14:42
It's possible, though I would need to see the actual Go app flight records to verify.

They were uploaded to cload
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-4-5 14:36
An inexperienced pilot, flying over water, out of VLOS, in high winds and in breach of the laws which allow fllying and somehow this is the fault of DJI.

Am I missing something?

There was no wind and I was VLOS. I watched my AC land in the lake.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-4-5 15:53
Yeah it appears Labroides nailed it.  This was a reckless flight - the pilot sending the AC into a strong tail wind over water.  

Don't mean to be cruel, but the data doesn't lie.  

There was no wind to speak off. Maybe 3-6 MPH. Where do you get that info from. Where you here?
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

G_Sig Posted at 2017-4-5 10:33
Was the wind like this map say?

No  not at all. Look at the flight log when I had control. The AC never went backwards going into the wind.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2017-4-5 10:36
Regarding the discount you received, it was for this current inciden't correct? Could you happen to provide the case number?

No this was for the PS3 that I lost 3weeks ago under the same conditions.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-4-5 09:28
Looks to me like you probably had an intermittent control signal and didn't know it.  So your order to RTH wasn't received by the AC, and the 3 secs needed for loss of control followed by RTH didn't happen either.  This sort of thing happens often to new folks.  Or at least we see a lot of threads on it.

All I can suggest is you might have simply turned off the controller completely and left it off.  The drone must return home in that situation.  When you see it approaching, you could then turn the controller back on, take control, and speed it home.  

It should have come home.  why it didn't is what I don't understand. I waited for it but it didn't come . Watched it go in to the lake
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:13
There was no wind and I was VLOS. I watched my AC land in the lake.

According to the logs you flew over 1200m away. That is some eyesight you have to see a Phantom that far out.

To paraphrase Wilde;
To lose one aircraft is unfortunate, to lose two seems careless
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-4-5 20:07
According to the logs you flew over 1200m away. That is some eyesight you have to see a Phantom that far out.

To paraphrase Wilde;

If you look at the log  I was only at 400m wh4en this happened. I had good signal at 1100+ earlier with no probs. Why are you picking on me?
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 20:44
If you look at the log  I was only at 400m wh4en this happened. I had good signal at 1100+ earlier with no probs. Why are you picking on me?

I am not picking on you. It has been pointed out that your flight could be considered reckless and that where you are located you were flying illegally. The distance you flew was not VLOS , you flew over the legal altitude and was way less than 9km from an airport. I know these laws suck but they are the laws which apply to you where you were flying.

It seems you do not have a lot of experience but both flights which ended in the loss of your aircraft could be considered less than forgiving when you are learning. This was a long flight over water so any need to land was going to result in a loss. An open area away from obstacles would have been a better choice.
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Flight distance : 696506 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-4-5 20:56
I am not picking on you. It has been pointed out that your flight could be considered reckless and that where you are located you were flying illegally. The distance you flew was not VLOS , you flew over the legal altitude and was way less than 9km from an airport. I know these laws suck but they are the laws which apply to you where you were flying.

It seems you do not have a lot of experience but both flights which ended in the loss of your aircraft could be considered less than forgiving when you are learning. This was a long flight over water so any need to land was going to result in a loss. An open area away from obstacles would have been a better choice.

Why did it not come home?
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Flight distance : 136686 ft


zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 21:00
Why did it not come home?

I have no idea why it did not return as the data is not there.

Others have pointed out that the speeds seem to suggest that at altitude the windspped may have been a factor.  

If I were in your situation with the present laws I would not be buying another one. If you do I hope you start flying in safer locations until you have more experience.

It's a tough way to learn this lesson.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

G_Sig Posted at 2017-4-5 15:57
This do not look good for a new battery.

Battery is fine was within normal operation parameters.  
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G_Sig Posted at 2017-4-5 15:57
This do not look good for a new battery.

Ouch, 2 battery warnings within a second of each other early in the flight with the 2nd one lasting a full five seconds, it wasn't the reason for the loss of the AC but there is no way I would have gone out over water after that. Shame it's sunk, the OP may have been able to make a warranty claim on that battery in a couple of months if it kept going downhill.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:13
There was no wind and I was VLOS. I watched my AC land in the lake.

OK it's  bit hard for you to say there was no wind.

I had a flight where my drone went to critically low battery at 35%. I was hovering at 1640 feet against a strong wind.  However it was a head wind on the way out and a tail wind on the way back and my drone hit 52mph on the return leg.  By the time I descended and came back to home point my battery was in green normal mode. In your case your drone could not make it back in RTH mode you would have needed to have RC contact and shifted to sports mode.  

The stress of hovering with a strong wind affected my power consumption.  Fortunately I was not out of contact with my drone even though it was 500m height and over 1600m distance.  

Could I tell how strong the wind was at height? No. Did I have wind at home point? No. This is the video of where I was filming.  There were a couple of times I needed to correct my drone rotation.  However it looks so peaceful and still up there thanks to DJI's great GPS technology keeping the drone where you want it to be. However look at those clouds above, just see how they whip past if you watch the top of the screen.  They were going at speed into my sunrise.  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:23
No  not at all. Look at the flight log when I had control. The AC never went backwards going into the wind.

What you mean is it did not go forwards into the wind.

Anyway let the DJI staff analize your flight logs from your DJI Go app.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

Cabansail Posted at 2017-4-5 14:36
An inexperienced pilot, flying over water, out of VLOS, in high winds and in breach of the laws which allow fllying and somehow this is the fault of DJI.

Am I missing something?

The OP is standing behind houses and a trees.  It's no wonder he lost contact with the drone.

Why not fly from the water line in front of the houses there?  Look at his home point area.  Signals easily blocked by the trees.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:10
I did not turn the controller off and not turn it back on. I tried to reconnect . It should come back even if that happened. You would hear it if it was close by

Not with the wind behind you.  I've done flights into head winds where I can hear my drone from far away. But get into a tail wind the sound is blown away and I can't here my drone even from 100m away in a really strong wind.

Let alone you have trees blocking both visual and audio.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:13
They were uploaded to cload

Here is what happened except I was able to fly home.

Very strong winds came back at 52 mph.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Phantomski Posted at 2017-4-5 13:06
i have seen an app upgrade change that setting, it is wise to recheck that every time before you fly.... once you lose connection, there's no changing it.

The default value for loss of signal is RTH.
You will not have another option unless you change it.
Any changes due to a firmware update would set it back to the default.
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zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 20:44
If you look at the log  I was only at 400m wh4en this happened. I had good signal at 1100+ earlier with no probs. Why are you picking on me?

According to your log you were out over 700m when it stopped and you had been to 1200m before that. An interesting observation is that for about 20sec after 9m 30s the AC was flying at 18mph WSW at 180ft and could have easily made it home from that point. I assume you were still fully in control at the 10 minute mark when you climbed to 670ft from 180ft and soon after that when the AC descended back to 526ft.

It was only a short while later your log finishes and it is interesting to note that during the last 2 minutes of the log the AC was flying nearly perpendicular to the desired route home and faster SE than NW (when it should have been flying WSW to go home) which does point to some westerly wind aloft especially when the early logged speeds hit 40mph at only 234ft up flying East.

Failsafe RTH may well have been activated by the AC after the log finished but the wind was probably too strong at over 500ft for it to be successful. The AC did seem to be able to at least hold position while the log was still being recorded so although it wasn't an impossible gale to fight, time and distance combined to make it very difficult to win the battle.

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blackcrusader Posted at 2017-4-5 21:54
OK it's  bit hard for you to say there was no wind. Even your Airdata shows winds of 31mph to 38pmh.

I had a flight where my drone went to critically low battery at 35%. I was hovering at 1640 feet against a strong wind.  However it was a head wind on the way out and a tail wind on the way back and my drone hit 52mph on the return leg.  By the time I descended and came back to home point my battery was in green normal mode. In your case your drone could not make it back in RTH mode you would have needed to have RC contact and shifted to sports mode.  

Post deleted by Quamera due to factual error
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

I think the thread is going down a road of no deal .... OP is certain he was in near zero wind and visual .... others read his log and say different.

My take is speeds in indicated in the logs do give idea that wind was a factor. I know from my own flights - I can have 50 - 60km/hr one way but barely 15 - 20km/hr opposite if lucky. Altitude can have a significant change in wind ... not always higher speed as you climb - depends on terrain and weather conditions at the time.

One question to "blackcrusader" ... I'm trying to find where it says he was standing behind trees / houses ? In his opening post - he says he can see the model over the lake.

At end of day ......... the Law of Averages indicates that loss of TWO in same place / same deal - says Operator Error or unexplained local anomaly which of course over a lake is unlikely unless some secret installation there !!

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Flight distance : 380594 ft
United States

"One question to "blackcrusader"
From flight log it took off from Nell St behind the house. Just zoom in
he said in same post above why he didn't start from beach but some of those places are private property
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

zeekman Posted at 2017-4-5 19:19
There was no wind to speak off. Maybe 3-6 MPH. Where do you get that info from. Where you here?

Sir, no, I was not there.  You asked the membership to look at the log.  You launched from Neff St with a hill behind you and open water in front of you.  The wind seemed calm because it was blocked by the hill behind you.  You then flew your AC over 300 feet up and nearly a mile out out and achieved a speed of nearly 50 mph as the AC headed away from you, which means you deliberately flew away at full throttle, apparently not realizing you had a very strong tail wind.  This sealed your fate.  

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Flight distance : 1370630 ft

The other day I was flying standing in a field next to a forest, it was a calm day. Flying north 100% throttle the aircraft went 40 km/h, flying back south 100% throttle again it struggled to go over 20 km/h. I still only experienced a slight breeze where I was standing but from the hard numbers I was obviously not experiencing the same wind as the aircraft up there.

I really don't think you deserve to lose those two aircrafts but "There was no wind" is a bold statement.
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