Warning do not fly today 3/17/15!!!
6394 54 2015-3-17
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United States

That has been posted a couple of times now. I would and have suggested that you actually read what it says. In no way does that article suggest that there is any correlation between K factor and issues with the Phantom.  You know if folks want to believe this garbage I didn't really have much issue with it until the other day whe I was flying and a guy watching me said "you know I was thinking of getting one of those, but after reading about all the problems on the Internet I'm gonna wait a while".  I was in the same boat and almost passed on them myself. DJI should really take post like these down, it's giving the product a black eye it doesn't deserve.  
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Second Officer

United States

gary.ok@hotmail Posted at 2015-3-19 07:36
That has been posted a couple of times now. I would and have suggested that you actually read what i ...

When I bought my first one back in April 2014, I didn't know a thing of the K-factor and flew as much as I could.  Never had any problems.  I know this K-factor didn't just start this year, it's been going on for millenniums.  So, why should it affect anything now, when it never affected anything before. I agree with you Gary, it's all just a panic attack for the unknowing.
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United States

gary.ok@hotmail Posted at 2015-3-19 07:36
That has been posted a couple of times now. I would and have suggested that you actually read what i ...

10s of meters may not be an issue for you but if I'm flying a ground station mission that could be the difference between a successful one or a crash into a tall tree or building. Like you had mentioned no one knows for sure if it really has a true effect on the phantom but why risk it? How often do we get K indexs as high as 8? Yes I know my thread headline was a little over dramatic but it was meant to be to get everyones attention and to educate and get a discussion going... I welcome the addition of all information that could effect the flight of the phantom and then I can decide what to do with it... Im learning a lot about GPS, IMU, solar flares, power lines, magnetic force fields, esc's, ...lol.... Ive been flying for months without knowing about the K index so I probably have flown on days it was high without even knowing it....Anyway Happy Flying everyone!!!
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United States

I welcome the addition of all good information, accurate information, fact based information.  What you posted however was hysteria based on no facts, no evidence, and no credible source.  Again I suggest reading the piece you sighted.  It says "it could produce a mathematical error" not that it does, and of "as much as" 10's of meters.  It says nothing that would suggest any ill effects to the Phantom.  If 10's of meters is going to drive you into a building?  You have other stuff you need to worry about.  My only point is these threads do a lot of harm to an otherwise fantastic product.  People who don't know any better believe this garbage, and it chases a lot of people away for no good reason.
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United States

gary.ok@hotmail Posted at 2015-3-20 02:16
I welcome the addition of all good information, accurate information, fact based information.  What  ...

Okay thanks for your input.. .. I guess you feel strongly about the the K index nonsense. Just like some people feel strongly there is no such thing as global warming...Your entitled to your opinion. Others would disagree with you and rather play it safe. It's your phantom and you can do whatever you want with it (within the law of course). I have close to 200 flights without ever having an issue or checking the K index so I wasnt advocating there was a problem. I will admit I tend to over react (I have OCD and anxiety issues) and when I first downloaded the app and learned about the K index I freaked out especially when it was reading 8!!!. Didnt mean to scare or alarm anyone.  With that being said I choose not to fly when there is a high K index.  I think most people are smart and can figure out for themselves whether they want to worry about something like this and is not going to keep them from purchasing a drone. I prefer not to go through life with blinders on.... BTW your correct I do have other stuff to worry about...lol Peace
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United States

BTW I forgot to mention it sounds like no one lost a bird due to the solar storm so congratulations!!!  Maybe with more data we can determine if this really is mass hysteria hype. Kind of like a scientific study!!
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United States

I have been thinking about buying an Inspire so I have been visiting the Inspire forum and came across this:

http://forum.dji.com/forum.php?m ... age%3D1&lang=en

People appear to be divided on whether this is really an issue or not...Interesting

BTW I decided to hold off on purchasing an Inspire due to all the issues noted in the forum and the P2V+ version 3 (I purchased 2 in November) esc/wire debacle.
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United States

Okay I decided to post another source from NASA and they do state:

"In the most extreme cases transformers in power grids may be damaged, spacecraft operation and satellite tracking can be hindered, high frequency radio propagation and satellite navigation systems can be blocked, and auroras may appear much further south than normal. "

https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pag ... n.html#.VQssHtLF-4I

so it is all not snake oil...
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United States

rdc44444@hotmai Posted at 2015-3-20 04:14
Okay I decided to post another source from NASA and they do state:

"In the most extreme cases trans ...

There are pictures of the Aurora near Syracuse NY last night. I am in the area and may get up later to see if I can spot any. Hmmm, send my PV up? :-)
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United Kingdom

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United States

According to my "hover" app the K index is only 3 right now and should be safe to fly... Go for it!!! I'm flying later today!!! In addition to the high k index it was much too windy to fly yesterday  so Im itching to get up in the air!!!!
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United States

Wow that article made it sound like the world was coming to an end..It should be taken down it might scare people...lol
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United States

This guy summed it up well in the inspire forum thread  that is linked above. I know for a fact DJI states Phantom cant operate near polar regions although I think it has to do with magnetic/compass reasons...

Space weather can affect gps and rf signals. Worst case, you fly out to far, loose tx signal and the drone can't return because gps data is inaccurate. To be honest I flew 3 months without checking the forecast, but ever since I do I have much less gps issues (especially with the inspire, my phantom never lost gps lock, inspire did a lot!). I believe the interference gets worse near the earths poles, but it's definitely not a bad habit to check space weather (especially kp index). I still fly if kp is below 7 or 8 but I don't push the limits on those days.
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United States

thanks for the update
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United States

I'm still waiting for all the posts from the guys who dared to fly on the 17th and lost their birds.
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