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Stooky Posted at 2017-5-2 19:32
I agree to some laws in areas especially near large crowds and Air space where aircraft may be present (only because it could be a new guy who goes out and hits someone), Maybe make to where  there is an actually license(especially photographers) to  do these things yeah people would still do it without but give some of us the benefit of a doubt   for the ones that want to do it legally. I don't really see the whole thing about National/State parks except maybe the tourist area have crowds and that's why? historic areas maybe for preservation I don't know....

Near me we have awesome stretch of road that is filled with curves, pulls off with amazing views, water falls,  etc but there are no drones allowed on like the whole 125+ mile course because they say "it might disrupt nature". On that same Note thousands of bikers and cars do large group cruises  through there all year round, Me also being a car person would like to get some good footage, but you're going to tell me that my drone will cause more disturbance than a pack of Harleys with those loud exhausts constantly flying up and down the roads?

you message made me so happy when I read it. You are so right on everything you say. Thank you. This video is the only time where I felt I might have bothered the people around ! Its beautiful though ! ... _explorer&hl=en
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Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-5-2 20:33
I, for one, won't even watch your videos. I hope those who did watch gave you a thumbs down. Your "don't care attitude" to the rules is adding to the gradual demise of flying freedoms for the rest of us. ... _explorer&hl=en you should talk with this fisherman. He was even angrier than you at me. By the end he was trying to shoot me down throwing dead fish at me. You should see the footage i posted it on my account a few days back. But to be honest I dont think that passing for less than 60 seconds over his boat to get some nice shots has either put him in danger, or invaded his privacy. Every one needs to take a step back. But I respect your opinion and I won’t bother you.
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Axiom Guys Posted at 2017-5-2 22:43
Great Shots!  How difficult is the night flight at low light? I have been trying to do a Night Flight,  Your suggestions?

Hey mate, thanks for the compliment. TO be honest when it comes to really low light situations, I found that I dont get the best results by trying to manually set the camera, but rather I set it to automatic and it always does a pretty good job at capturing the image in the best way possible. OF course, there will often be some grain when you watch it in big format, and my solution to that is color correction. I dont like to use a denoiser cause it affects the whole look of the image. What I usually do is that I play with the blues and try to desaturate them completely which often removes 90% of the grain. Hope that helped ! Here is a pretty extreme low light example I did on a rainy night in Paris. What do you think of the result? ... _explorer&hl=en
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bomberuk Posted at 2017-5-2 23:23
when people see this they are going to be jealous and start ranting on, they drone regulations are so over the top and ridiculous you cant stick by all of them,its ok to fly an old spitfire low over a town but you cant fly a tiny drone,the rules are crazy so just keep doing what your doing they are a pleasure to watch ;)

Well said mate, thanks for the support!
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 01:44
I note you have ignored my post ?

No, I didn't, it's just that apparently I have a limit to 10 posts per hour since my account is new, so I had to wait 60 minutes before I could continue with my answers! Sorry mate wasn't trying to ignore you!
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 01:57
hahah great point. This is what I tried to say in my original post. There are two scenarios 1. No one fly above cities and thats it. 2. Some people do it, they get blamed for regulations and then no one can fly above cities anymore. In both cases, we won’t be able to fly above cities. So lets at least do it while its still possible. I mean im not advertising for breaking the law at all. I respect laws. And once again, I would never do anything that I judge to be dangerous or to put anyone in danger. I only fly over empty streets, when everyone is sleeping or working!

Well , I have just one more thing to ask you, seeing over the last two years we have seen cities like Paris and London being the targets for terrorists attacks, we have seen citizens of Paris after the bataclan attacks, living in fear, we all remember watching the TV coverage after Bataclan, when a car backfired the shear terror that overtook the people of Paris and in the panic stampeding through the streets, it is so easy to understand the insecurity they feel and now how easy it is to terrorise the same people.

You show total disregard for these people in your selfish need to get film and pictures in a time where these people, who remember most only understand drones as something to be feared and something that might make a serious impact on there already disruptive lives.

I also will say by and large ignoring my other post tells me only one thing, you are a selfish person who thinks he can ride on the back of the fools who think your some sort a hero , but the fail to see the real threat that the people of Paris and London find themselves in, through no fault of their own.

You know you are flying in these places illegally, you can fly legally, but you choose to ignore all the citizens rights and concerns, for what ?
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 02:28
Well , I have just one more thing to ask you, seeing over the last two years we have seen cities like Paris and London being the targets for terrorists attacks, we have seen citizens of Paris after the bataclan attacks, living in fear, we all remember watching the TV coverage after Bataclan, when a car backfired the shear terror that overtook the people of Paris and in the panic stampeding through the streets, it is so easy to understand the insecurity they feel and now how easy it is to terrorise the same people.

You show total disregard for these people in your selfish need to get film and pictures in a time where these people, who remember most only understand drones as something to be feared and something that might make a serious impact on there already disruptive lives.

Hey mate,

ill take the time to answer every of the points in your message.

1. I dont know why you keep saying that i ignore all your posts. I have answered every single of your posts! Like I told you, I have a limit of posts per hour due to my beginner status in this forum, so you just need to be a little patient and you'll always get my answer!

2. You say that I could fly legally in these places but decides to be careless and do it illegally. Unforntunately, you are wrong here too. There is no possible way to ask for an authorization to fly, not matter what the excuse its just no. The answer is always NO. If I could fly 100% legally, trust me i would prefer it this way and have the patience to do it.

3. About the whole terroriste thing, you might like or hate what I am going to say, but this is all a matter of principle. I hate the terrorist with all my guts. I wish them to rot in hell. I think they are the definition of selfishness (not me). I have been affected probably more than you have from these attacks because I am from paris and have friends and family who have suffered because of them. Which is why I hate them more than you do. And which is why I make this a matter of principle now.  I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER FEAR. Because this is what they want. They think they can come to our country and scare us. They want us to leave under the same fearful authority that they do. And to this I say NO. Because if i dont they win. I think its enough for you to understand why I pretend nothing happen. I am not a bad person. I dont put anyone in danger, I want people to never have any fears.

On that note, and in honor of freedom, please enjoy this video of my beautiful city ... _explorer&hl=en

Love you bro.
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 04:06
Hey mate,

ill take the time to answer every of the points in your message.

I have a son and daughter in law and grandson who live in Paris , they would advise me no to fly for reasons set out in my other post, these are the kind of people who you choose to ignore and show no respect.
You say you don't fly over people , I'm sure this is because you don't want your AC to drop out of the sky and drop on them , but you don't seem to have a problem flying over cars but fail to see that inside the cars are people, so I presume you don't really care if your AC drops on a moving car.
Your answer to me didn't answer the questions or points I brought up, you seem to answer all your questions referring to yourself, and show no consideration for anyone else, yes you can stand up to the threat and show no fear, but this in no way takes how others might view the situation, you express no remorse about the feelings of others, those who abide by the law those who may not be as strong as you and have to live everyday with their fear.
They're many legal videos of many of the sights where you video, ask yourself how did they manage this and you will find the answers, but you think your above all this and you have found away around the red tape and expense those who fly legally.
You show much disregard for the danger to people and property and law, you have self confessed to doing it for no other good reason than your own self gratification , you are here on this forum for no other reason but to show how you can fly without regard for anything.
In order to drive a taxi,train,lorry,car, airplane motorcycle you need to abide by the laws have a license, but you can fly your drone wherever and whenever you choose for a few likes on social media.
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Trent Mavic
Flight distance : 1098924 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 04:50
I have a son and daughter in law and grandson who live in Paris , they would advise me no to fly for reasons set out in my other post, these are the kind of people who you choose to ignore and show no respect.
You say you don't fly over people , I'm sure this is because you don't want your AC to drop out of the sky and drop on them , but you don't seem to have a problem flying over cars but fail to see that inside the cars are people, so I presume you don't really care if your AC drops on a moving car.
Your answer to me didn't answer the questions or points I brought up, you seem to answer all your questions referring to yourself, and show no consideration for anyone else, yes you can stand up to the threat and show no fear, but this in no way takes how others might view the situation, you express no remorse about the feelings of others, those who abide by the law those who may not be as strong as you and have to live everyday with their fear.

I really cannot be bothered to read all of the long posts here. But got to say...

I love how you think the law/rules are a thin black line. Below the line... You are safe... Above the line, it's dangerous. Very narrow minded I think.

My "speed explanation in the UK" was an example. I could come up with many more if you really need it?
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 04:50
I have a son and daughter in law and grandson who live in Paris , they would advise me no to fly for reasons set out in my other post, these are the kind of people who you choose to ignore and show no respect.
You say you don't fly over people , I'm sure this is because you don't want your AC to drop out of the sky and drop on them , but you don't seem to have a problem flying over cars but fail to see that inside the cars are people, so I presume you don't really care if your AC drops on a moving car.
Your answer to me didn't answer the questions or points I brought up, you seem to answer all your questions referring to yourself, and show no consideration for anyone else, yes you can stand up to the threat and show no fear, but this in no way takes how others might view the situation, you express no remorse about the feelings of others, those who abide by the law those who may not be as strong as you and have to live everyday with their fear.

Wrong again dude. But if you show me that I can get a license or authorization to fly over Paris, in May 2017, I will kneel down and tell the world you are right. Unfortunately, its not possible. It doesn't exist. The only people who got a licence this year to fly over paris are the production of the new Mission Impossible movie.
So yes, all the recent videos that you will see of drones flying around paris are as much illegal are mines are !
Anyway, lets stop arguing or fighting. Im not gonna be able to convince you that im right, you're not gonna be able to convince me to stop, so lets just love each other instead !
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 05:56
Wrong again dude. But if you show me that I can get a license or authorization to fly over Paris, in May 2017, I will kneel down and tell the world you are right. Unfortunately, its not possible. It doesn't exist. The only people who got a licence this year to fly over paris are the production of the new Mission Impossible movie.
So yes, all the recent videos that you will see of drones flying around paris are as much illegal are mines are !
Anyway, lets stop arguing or fighting. Im not gonna be able to convince you that im right, you're not gonna be able to convince me to stop, so lets just love each other instead !

Again you skirt around the points I make, I'm not trying to convince you to stop, I'm trying to get you to realise there are reasons you cannot fly illegally, you choose to ignore these, for no good reason only self gratification.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 06:05
Again you skirt around the points I make, I'm not trying to convince you to stop, I'm trying to get you to realise there are reasons you cannot fly illegally, you choose to ignore these, for no good reason only self gratification.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

Im going to continue skirting around your points because this is leading nowhere. this is a happy place, not a place to fight. I hope you enjoy my videos at least.
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 06:11
Im going to continue skirting around your points because this is leading nowhere. this is a happy place, not a place to fight. I hope you enjoy my videos at least.

If they were bad after going through all that trouble, I would certainly have told you,
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Trent Mavic
Flight distance : 1098924 ft
United Kingdom

hallmark.... please just go take some videos of some fields or something "not dangerous".
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Trent Mavic Posted at 2017-5-3 06:58
hallmark.... please just go take some videos of some fields or something "not dangerous".

Think it's fair to say we haven't seen many videos under your name, and to keep it short your speed explanation was in one word. Ridiculous...

Sunset over Leicestershire amazingly dangerous lol.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 599416 ft
United States

theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 01:57
I understand what you say. But firstly, the regulations are stricter in europe than in the US. Secondly, yes I could get out and shoot mountains, empty fields, and a lot of ocean, but I just personally dont find it as beautiful as cities. Some image makers like nature, others are urban. I mean check out these shots of Paris I took on Valentine’s, isn’t it beautiful?

Yes, I love your work.
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Flight distance : 71716 ft
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United Kingdom

Great video's!!! , keep going I say!! ignore the drone police here...they just talk a good flight and never get out and fly!! Live how you want to live and fly how you want to fly, its your risk to take at the end of the day!
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Thank you my friends. You rock.
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Flight distance : 898451 ft
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Love you too bro !
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Flight distance : 898451 ft
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DevonDrone Posted at 2017-5-3 08:34
Great video's!!! , keep going I say!! ignore the drone police here...they just talk a good flight and never get out and fly!! Live how you want to live and fly how you want to fly, its your risk to take at the end of the day!

Thanks my man, going out to fly in your honor tonight !!
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Not sure why the last two posts were not posted with my name. I did it from my phone and it showed a random name, sorry Devon and Wolfang.

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Cheer up guys, this is my post of today above the Sagrada Familia by Gaudí in Barcelona. I woke up at 5 am to fly to make sure I would not put anyone in harm's way. Hope you enjoy it ! ... _explorer&hl=en
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 00:35
I know this will sound like an easy answer, but if we had to live our lives according to "one bad cell in a battery, one bad gps signal" then lets stop leaving. Lets not drive cars, lets not travel in planes, lets not roller blade, lets not use the subway... We might as well even stop having a beer.
To be very honest, I really do not consider myself to be the biggest danger of Paris or London, etc...
I respect your opinion and your choice to not do what I do, but I insist that I believe that I calculated my risk, and i dont think it was that big.

You're simply saying that you shouldn't have to follow the law or safety regulation.  You should.  You don't have a way out.  There is no excuse.  Whatever reason you have for not following laws and regulations like every other person doesn't matter.  You don't have the right to ignore existing regulations, nobody does.  

No matter what random logic you use to convince yourself it's ok for you to ignore safety regulations - it's wrong and there will be reprocussions, as there have been.

Please stop assisting with the ruining our hobby.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 00:45
You say this like if I try to cheat people into a fake conversation in order to attract them to view my videos, and this is not true. I thought I was pretty clear in my original post. Of course I want other people to see my vids. Because Im proud of them and because its a great satisfaction for me to be able to share them with other drone enthusiast who might enjoy them to. I am not after fame or fishing for compliments. What I look for is socializing with my community. And this has been great so far, so nice to here from everyone of you and exchange. Even with you who's against what I do.

As a matter of fact, i'd like to show you one more of my recent video that I hope can prove i'm not just a stupid pilot.

Dude no one thinks you are a stupid pilot.  You are an irresponsible pilot.  Not only are you breaking multiple regulations when you fly your drone, you then promote your videos on that fact, advertising CRAZY UNSEEN footage - knowing its only unseen because other pilots have followed safety regulations.

Now other people are going to see your footage and want to do the same thing.  Yea I get that regulations suck - work at changing them if you don't like them.  Breaking them and flaunting it is just asking for a problem and it's literally why we have the regulations we have today.

In regards to the concept of "gee, I only follow the regulations I like" -  that's literally the problem.  That's literally the entire problem.  Regulations don't come with an option to follow them or not.  It's clear your selfishness is why you violate the regulations, you don't need to further explain that.  Just stop doing it.  As much as I would love to live in constant anarchy where everybody chooses what laws and regulations they follow based on their own personal opinions, unfortunately were stuck in countries that require everyone follow the regulations, regardless of their personal opinions.

I understand why you ignore the regulations and fly without thinking of the reprocussions, I'm saying it's wrong and you need to stop. At the very least - stop bragging about it.

There are now bills pending house approval that will provide jail time to people who fly over stadiums.  Why?  Because other drone pilots (surprise!  they also had their own reasons to ignore regulations) ignored the regulations of not flying over a crowded stadium.  So now - instead of it being a slap on the wrist - people will now go to prison.  The bottom line is you and everyone that supports you are the reasons why this is happening.

So please - stop ruining our hobby.  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

DevonDrone Posted at 2017-5-3 08:34
Great video's!!! , keep going I say!! ignore the drone police here...they just talk a good flight and never get out and fly!! Live how you want to live and fly how you want to fly, its your risk to take at the end of the day!

Thank you for saying that, it's one of my main points.  Notice how you focus on yourself?  "It's your risk at the end of the day".  That's only partially true.  This sort of flying puts other drone pilots at risk - as well as all the civilians.  

I appreciate you pointing this out.  Flying outside of regulations is definitely a selfish thing to do.
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Flight distance : 15631598 ft
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 00:39
Thank you for supporting me and sharing your opinion. i was so glad to find out im not alone in this fight against oppressive regulations that dont always make sense.

"I was so glad to find out im not alone in this fight against oppressive regulations that dont always make sense."  
So you are saying you are fighting the rules by breaking them.  
Sounds like someone trying to have speed limits lifted by speeding.
"I dont fly over people either."  
What do you think is underneath the Eiffel tower or Big Ben?

"I try to be responsible."  
You don't since your actions proof the opposite.  

Obviously you have a huge lack of basic social behavior. You are illustrating yourself as some Robin Hood of the airs.  
Ridiculous and dangerous - that's all you are!
You just don't get it with your limited intellectual capabilities.  

Fact is:  
The question is not if but when your first crash happens.  
And: You will get busted – sooner or later.  
The way you make all your stunts public I'm sure there are some drone haters on it already.  

Also, be careful with the Eiffel tower. They are VERY strict.  
The night illumination is copyrighted by the artist that installed it.
No publication is allowed without permission by Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel (SETE).  
They charge € 15.000,00 - for print.
Filming - now that is a different ball park!  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

It's nice to watch good pilots and people who know their machine well. But really this is just breaking laws, anyone could fly those shots on your instagram. I admit it's fun to see, but so is watching a Dino Danshoku match.
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Flight distance : 164354 ft
United Kingdom

Most opinions have already been made, some repeated (myself included) and no doubt with a lot more repetition to come. The videos are compelling to watch. They will encourage others to do the same, for some the only reasoning is "if he can do it so can I". I'm a new drone owner with far less talent than the op.  I want to continue to develop my skills and enjoy the thrill of drone flight. I don't see this helping my cause.

Social media is full of video footage of similar examples of disregarding guidelines and regulations. Restrictions are being imposed at an ever increasing rate, globally by the governments of different countries. It is well known that Authorities are monitoring social media sites for all manner of reasons, including the unauthorised use of drones. Publicising your footage where regulations are being flouted may lead to prosecution. Identifying flight records is relatively easy, and it won't be long before DJI will be compelled to hand over such evidence. However, it's far easier to increase restrictions, which may actually help those that are professionally involved with drone activity as they go about their legitimate business logging pre approved flight plans. For the rest of us, the few will inevitably carry on transgressing current limitations which will have a direct affect on the majority of conscientious drone owners. Please stop publicising these videos for the sake of those that want to continue to enjoy their considerable investment for the foreseeable future.
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-5-3 02:28
Well , I have just one more thing to ask you, seeing over the last two years we have seen cities like Paris and London being the targets for terrorists attacks, we have seen citizens of Paris after the bataclan attacks, living in fear, we all remember watching the TV coverage after Bataclan, when a car backfired the shear terror that overtook the people of Paris and in the panic stampeding through the streets, it is so easy to understand the insecurity they feel and now how easy it is to terrorise the same people.

You show total disregard for these people in your selfish need to get film and pictures in a time where these people, who remember most only understand drones as something to be feared and something that might make a serious impact on there already disruptive lives.

Seriously? Total disregard is importing an entire sect of people who share no common values with Western Civilization and want nothing more than to see its downfall. If you want to be mad, be mad at your own Government.
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Alright. At first I thought you were all haters, but you've convinced me that these videos im posting are bringing more negative things than positive. Ill stop filming them and posting them. Enjoy the rest of your lives. Bye.
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See? I'm not stupid. I know how to listen and follow what the majority says. But there was no reason to be so angry and insulting. I learned a lesson, I hope you guys can too. We all love each other, no need to express yourself with so much hate. Anyway, story is over now.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 22:11
See? I'm not stupid. I know how to listen and follow what the majority says. But there was no reason to be so angry and insulting. I learned a lesson, I hope you guys can too. We all love each other, no need to express yourself with so much hate. Anyway, story is over now.

I think people get angry as a result of your nonchalant attitude, everybody realises your videos are really good and you have a real talent for taking aerial video, you shouldn't need to stop posting your videos and showing off your talent here or anywhere else.

But it seems that you are trying to gain recognition not through your videos but rather the fact that you are flaunting the fact that the main interest is that there is some sort of subterfuge about them, almost all of your videos you have shown are of sites which are probably the most photographed and filmed icons in the western world, so there is nothing new in them, except the fact that they are illegal .

There are many places and sites throughout Europe , which nobody has ever seen through the medium of  aerial video or photography which need talented videographer like yourself to video, and will show your talent in a different light.

If though you have the need to be a maverick all the time, well then that is what you might feel you have to do, maybe there are people outside of this hobby/ business will only be happy to view .

I for one look forward to seeing what you can produce and to see those places from the air that might not ever have been possible without aerial photography.

Good Luck
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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JayaTheCat Posted at 2017-5-3 21:55
Seriously? Total disregard is importing an entire sect of people who share no common values with Western Civilization and want nothing more than to see its downfall. If you want to be mad, be mad at your own Government.

Laws and legislation are made by governments, governments are made by people, we all partake it's called democracy,
If you want to live under any other laws you are free and entitled, but your not entitled to infringe on others, hopefully there won't come a day when you will need the very same laws to protect you...
I am also European as well as being Irish.
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Hey, Great video. I just want to ask you if you had any trouble flying them in London and Paris?  I am going there next week.  
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Hey!  Great video !  I wanted to ask you whether you ran into any trouble flying the drone at London / Paris?  I am planning to go there  but a bit worry about security issue, like I was told that Petty thief is quite a problem there, and not sure flying a drone there would be a good idea.  So just wondering if there is anything that I need to be aware of.  Many thanks
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Flight distance : 400190 ft

theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 22:07
Alright. At first I thought you were all haters, but you've convinced me that these videos im posting are bringing more negative things than positive. Ill stop filming them and posting them. Enjoy the rest of your lives. Bye.

You say BYE but you still here???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 668314 ft
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United States

ALPHA_MAVIC Posted at 2017-5-4 02:28
Hey!  Great video !  I wanted to ask you whether you ran into any trouble flying the drone at London / Paris?  I am planning to go there  but a bit worry about security issue, like I was told that Petty thief is quite a problem there, and not sure flying a drone there would be a good idea.  So just wondering if there is anything that I need to be aware of.  Many thanks

In previous posts, you will read that it's completely illegal to fly drone in Paris...

And pretty sure it's also illegal to fly drone in London as well.

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Jesper J
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While your video will become a thing of the past, your actions will not, these will continue to hunt the rest of us for a very long time.

It takes a large group to prove they can live by the rules, but only one to ruin it for the rest of the group, and here i speak from experience.

So thank you for not making it easier for the rest of us, also us professionals that are licensed.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

I would like to thank the community for coming together on this.  It takes but one action to undo all of our fun.  We can not promote, encourage, or compliment videos filmed outside of lawful regulations.  They will undo us all.  

Also - Hallmark007!  It's good to see you back.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 110449 ft
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United States

theskyexplorer Posted at 2017-5-3 22:11
See? I'm not stupid. I know how to listen and follow what the majority says. But there was no reason to be so angry and insulting. I learned a lesson, I hope you guys can too. We all love each other, no need to express yourself with so much hate. Anyway, story is over now.

I went through the thread, I didn't find anyone who was hateful toward you.  Your confusing descriptive accurate terms as hate.  Saying you are irresponsible is factual, it's not hateful.

I don't think anyone hates you man.  Please keep flying - keep posting here too!  Just stop breaking all the drone regulations.  And really dude - you broke ALL of them.  I don't think you realize how many regulations you broke with these videos.  Seriously, you could likely go to jail in Paris.  You will definitely be fined as they fine heavily for night flights - but you also have the copyright issue.  

Either way - it's awesome this thread helped you learn.  I hope those lessons stay with you.
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