My DJI Service Experience
1035 9 2017-6-2
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Flight distance : 240220 ft
United States

Well, this is going to be long...and for a company that is basically the Google or Apple of drones, all I can say is holy s**t, they need to get their act together.

So, lets begin from the start.
January 2017 - I purchased a Mavic Pro drone from MultiRotorHeli in Calgary AB. This is an authorized reseller for DJI. I purchased the Fly More Package. Within 24hours of activating the drone I also purchased DJI Refresh.

February 2017 - Big trip to India for a wedding I was shooting (photography), and using the drone for fun. The drone mostly worked well but after reviewing the footage when I got home, I noticed the gimbal was almost always slightly off horizon. Everytime I started the drone, it would be off by a few degrees. I would adjust it in the settings to correct it, but again when starting the drone it would shift by a few degrees and never just be right on. So I contacted DJI support, started up the RMA process. The drone did take one fall while in India so I figured it was either warranty or it may use up my DJI Refresh coverage.

March 2017 - Sent the unit in to DJI. I got a reply from DJI saying it would be a no cost warranty repair! Awesome right? It took about 4 weeks to get back to me....

April 2017 - Got the drone back, all seemed good...until I took the drone out. After taking the gimbal holder out - I noticed right away that the plastic piece that hte gimble holder slides into was snapped. I contacted DJI right away and told them about it.

Rinse repeat, send the drone back in. Fast forward another few weeks...

May 2017 - Receive the drone back again, they tell me that the entire gimbal/camera assembly has been replaced. Open up the drone. This time I notice the gimbal holder isn't even in properly, that it's been forced in and the same crack in the plastic housing was there. So WTF!, I get upset and contact DJI once again, this time a bit irate that they believe the camera has been replaced. At this point I'm hoping they can send me a replacement unit and I can use this drone until it is received....nope. Rinse repeat, got a UPS label and sent it back in, this time they claim they will escalate it and have it to me sooner. To be fair - the drone did come about a week faster than it did the other 2 times. I had called in this time and asked that a supervisor call me back this time to ask them how the hell this drone was sent back to me seemingly without being touched. I did not get a call back.


June 2017 - Finally receive the drone back, the drone was the same unit as before, they had actually replaced the gimbal/camera this time. Outside of some screwdriver scratches on the outside of the drone, the drone looked intact and in good shape. So I take a step I haven't taken since February when I had the drone....I pop the battery in and turn it on. The familiar booting sound of the drone happens, the camera begins to calibrate....I see it move once, twice, then SNAPs the 3rd time...but then begins functioning normally (I think). I turn on my phone and controller.... first thing it warns me about is a Gimbal Motor Overload. I figure it's a one time thing....nope....restarted the drone about 10 times, everytime the same process happened.

video of gimbal startup:
screenshot of error:

This time I'm really annoyed. I have no idea what quality assurance DJI spends 3-4 days doing before mailing the drone back to you when getting service, but clearly they're not doing their job. I call in MULTIPLE times this time, demanding that I get to speak to a supervisor. I'm from Canada - all these calls are long distance to California. I am speaking to one of the "middle" supervisors named Anthony, who for all intents and purposes is no better than the other people who work there. I spoke to him the time before and he said he would ensure there is no problem this time. Now that there was a problem - I wanted to speak to him and only him. So I call DJI...wait 1 hour on hold...ask to talk to Anthony, I go through the whole process of providing my CAS # and explaining the situation. Anthony answers the phone after another 15 minute hold. He remembers me and says that this is unreasonable and he will see what he can do with his supervisor. He said he would call me back within 2 hours. 2 hours pass - no call.

Next day, I call, wait 50 mins on hold, someone answers, I ask for Anthony, give history about the problem and my CAS #, another 15min of holding, the rep tells me that she will forward me through now and he will answer right away. Great right? Nope, I get forwarded to a voicemail.

FFS. WTF. ARGH. So I call again, rinse repeat, another 60-90 mins of waiting, I tell the person I'm talking to that I was sent to voicemail last time, and I would appreciate if that doesn't happen again as I've been on hold for so many hours. She says don't worry, I'll forward you right away. Great? Nope. Voicemail again.

I'm about to blow my top at this point, 2-3 hours of long distance charges, and I haven't spoke to anyone of use. So I try again, this time demanding that they make sure he answers the phone. Third time is a charm, Anthony answers the phone. I ask him why he never called me back the day before when he said he would. He says that he tried and my phone number did not work. I said are you sure? I was by my phone waiting all day yesterday. No missed call, nothing. He says he will try right now to see if it goes through, we soon learned that DJI's phones would not allow any outbound calls to Canada at all!. They simply could not call. So I go ahead and ask if I can get a direct number so I can call instead. Nope. DJI does not have inbound lines that they will offer to their customers to contact them. He instead says he will get this real supervisor bigwig to call me up, as he thinks it's only his phone that doesn't work.

So now I get off the phone, waiting for a phone call that will supposedly come within 2hours. Nope. I get an email saying they tried to call and couldn't get through. The email is coming from generic support email address DJI uses. This time it is from a Marquez Sam. This guy is telling me that I need to send the drone back in YET AGAIN. I am understandibly PO'd at this point. How the hell do you expect me to send this in for a 4th time and be without a drone for another 2-4 weeks?!? I have a wedding next weekend that I really want to use the drone for. I was expecting that maybe I could get them to send me a drone and I could send this one back after, they could take my credit card information down or whatever it takes to get the process rolling (trying to get DJI to perform service like Apple or Google does is a lost cause, they simply have no flexibility).

I've heard DJI service is crappy, I just have no idea how it could be THIS bad. This is simply the worst service I have ever gotten in my life. For a product that costs as much as it does, and the fact that I paid above and beyond that to "Fly More" and have the security of DJI refresh...I haven't been able to fly a drone since March!

All I keep getting is that my case has been "escalated" which is their way of saying "we'll speed this up and probably forget to actually send you a fully functional drone".

I'm SO frustrated right now. I can't wait to be done with this and hopefully get a drone so I can log everything that happened into a YouTube video or something so others are readily aware of how disappointing DJI's service can be. The drone (when functioning) was amazing, but I could never honestly tell someone to go ahead and pay for DJI Refresh, it's a waste of money, you're better off buying a new drone when things go bad considering that once you factor in the time you'll be without a drone, the DJI refresh and promise of getting back to droning with no interruption is a completely faked claim given the awful way they deal with repairs and warranty. I've scoured google to find email addresses for higher-ups at DJI, hopefully I can be heard and they can do something about this problem once I contact them.

The main point im frustrated with is the lack of communication. They cannot make outbound calls to Canada, they do not provide one on one support by giving you a direct contact (email or phone). The staff who work for support have zero ability to pass on direct contact information to allow me to call the supervisor because of their phone problems. There is really no accountability or responsibility taken over this issue, and as an end user I'm stuck going in circles with the same BS return process that has yet to work.

That's as far as I've gotten with DJI support until now. I hope someone is listening up there at DJI and can provide some accountability and support towards what's happening with my case, but the way things are going. I highly doubt it.


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Flight distance : 13602 ft

If I were in your position, I would feel just as you do, apologize for your unpleasant experience.  Could you please leave me your case number so I can look into this? Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we care much about your feedback on our product and service, I’ve transferred your feedback to the supervisor, will keep improving to make your experience with us better. Sincerely sorry again, this situation has filled us with regret.
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And here I was thinking my dealings with them have been bad, Best of luck to you in getting all this sorted out!

I myself have just started my second support inquiry after troubles with my replacement.
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Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brody Posted at 2017-6-2 22:07
And here I was thinking my dealings with them have been bad, Best of luck to you in getting all this sorted out!

I myself have just started my second support inquiry after troubles with my replacement.

Sincerely sorry for this , Brody, just replied your thread ,please check it.
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Flight distance : 7159 ft
United States

Same boat here. Mine is back in again.
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Flight distance : 240220 ft

Return 1:  CAS-481729-H6C1C9

Return 2: CAS-564658-V1X6T5

Return 3: CAS-627948-G1H7Y7

Return 4: CAS-686006-C6Y7G4 - I haven't shipped this one back yet - I'm hoping I can get a response different from what's happened the last 3 times. I want to get another new unit and send this one in after. I have a big road trip on the 10th that I wanted this drone for... unfortunately it's next to impossible to have a conversation with anyone at DJI due to the inability for anyone to provide a direct line or make a phone call out to Canada. I don't think DJI is even aware of the phone issue.

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United States

Welcome to a world where no one gives a beep. It's not hard to do the right thing. You should have received a brand new bird with next day delivery. Come on DJI start giving a beep. These types of stories are rampant in today's world. Not good.
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Flight distance : 240220 ft
United States

CheckYourSix Posted at 2017-6-3 07:42
Welcome to a world where no one gives a beep. It's not hard to do the right thing. You should have received a brand new bird with next day delivery. Come on DJI start giving a beep. These types of stories are rampant in today's world. Not good.

This thread may have done the trick - I got a response from DJI directly via email (the phone systems still aren't functioning correctly). They are working with me given the situation, hopefully everything is settled this week!
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Flight distance : 240220 ft
United States

DJI-Thor Posted at 2017-6-2 20:30
If I were in your position, I would feel just as you do, apologize for your unpleasant experience.  Could you please leave me your case number so I can look into this? Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we care much about your feedback on our product and service, I’ve transferred your feedback to the supervisor, will keep improving to make your experience with us better. Sincerely sorry again, this situation has filled us with regret.

Thank you for finally fixing this whole situation for me.

The situation has been resolved, I received another unit that (so far) appears to be functionally fine. I'll be able to finally take it out this weekend!

Here's a video showing the gimbal issue with the defective mavic (right) vs a normal gimbal startup (left):

Hopefully nobody else has to go through what I had to, its been a little over 4 months .
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

soupey Posted at 2017-6-8 04:39
Thank you for finally fixing this whole situation for me.

The situation has been resolved, I received another unit that (so far) appears to be functionally fine. I'll be able to finally take it out this weekend!

We are pleased to hear everything has been resolved, wish you have a nice time on flying the drone. We care much about your feedback on our product and service, I’ve transferred your feedback to the supervisor, will keep improving to make your experience with us better.
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