DJI Assistant 2 doesn't detect plugged P4P
8254 10 2017-6-9
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Flight distance : 422818 ft

Hi Dji, hi everyone.
I'm experiencing troubles connecting my P4P to DJI Assistant 2 on a Windows 10 pc.
When I plug the USB cable the driver seems to work correctly according to the Device Manager
but DJI Assistant 2 seems to not recognize the plugged P4P and it remains on its initial screen
I have no active firewall and I re-installed DJI Assistant 2 restarting Windows with the driver signature verification disabled. Installing DJI Assistant 2 Windows asked me the authorization to install an unsigned driver and I answered... yes! .

The same DJI Assistant 2 recognizes the P4P RC if I plug it to the PC via USB.
The same P4P is being recognized by a MacBook Pro 13" and DJI Assistant 2... but I need the PC (having a larger screen) to perform a better calibration of the visual sensors.

The P4P and the RC have both the latest firmware (updated today afternoon), but I had the same issue with the previous firmware. I was hoping the new firmware to fix the problem... but wasn't so.

Any suggestions? Something else to check (logs, events, ...) ?
Thanks in advance! ;)
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha Stefano,

     Hmm, this is weird.  You appear to be doing all the right things.  How long are you waiting for the Phantom to be recognized?  Mine takes a while, maybe a minute or two.

     Otherwise, it could be the software.  On the downloads page, there are two versions of the Assistant 2 software, zip and exe.  You might try to download the version you did not download earlier and install that one (after you uninstall the original one).  This will tell us if the problem is the software version.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 422818 ft

Hi Cetacean, thank you for your reply!
I was using the DJI Assistant 2 from the "EXE" link in the Phantom 4 Pro Downloads Page. Now I tryed to use the app from the "ZIP" link (after the "EXE" version have been uninstalled) and the result is the same. DJI Assistant 2 keep not recognizing the P4P even waiting more than 5 minutes.

The "EXE" and the "ZIP" versions of DJI Assistant 2 in the download page seem to be exactly the same installer version. The "ZIP" version seems to be just the "EXE" version inside a zip container. The "EXE" version installer file and the installer file inside the "ZIP" version have the same md5 hash: 783c8b8630eb039f6c2fdc8759f45daf. Should they be different? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you again!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

StefanoGinobili Posted at 2017-6-10 01:22
Hi Cetacean, thank you for your reply!
I was using the DJI Assistant 2 from the "EXE" link in the Phantom 4 Pro Downloads Page. Now I tryed to use the app from the "ZIP" link (after the "EXE" version have been uninstalled) and the result is the same. DJI Assistant 2 keep not recognizing the P4P even waiting more than 5 minutes.

Have you tried right click on .exe file and 'Install as Admin' ?

If downloading the zip (or any archive  format) I usually extract all to a folder before executing.

EDIT:- Also try rebooting PC when installation completed. You could also delete driver in device manager to ensure a clean installation when reinstalling.
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Flight distance : 2972497 ft
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United States

Try leaving the P4 (Powered On)  plugged into the computer and restarting the computer.  After the computer restarts, then open the DJI Assistant and see if the P4 shows long as the computer BIOS is not set to boot from a USB device the start up will be normal.

I've seen this happen with Apple devices on windows based computers with iTunes installed correctly......for some reason the USB drivers for the device just don't seem to install correctly, and restarting finishes the USB drivers install.

Good Luck!
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Flight distance : 422818 ft

Thank you all for your replies!

@Aardvark - yes, I tryed to install DJI Assistant 2 in many ways ... including launching it with by right-clicking and "Run as administrator". In "ZIP" version the installer has been extracted and then launched. Moreover, I've the UAC enabled and, since DJI Assistant 2 installs into %ProgramFiles(x86)% folder, the installer needs elevated privilegies to run, so the UAC authorization prompt is shown as soon as the installer is lauched, even without "Run as administrator".

@Tmygun - I tryed to reboot the PC with the P4P powered on and plugged... but nothing changed . Do you know if exists another kind of software talking with the P4P on a Windows PC? This just to try to understand if the issue is driver-side or application-side. Plugging the P4P RC on the same PC, the DJI Assistant app works well, but from Device Manager it seems it is not using the same "Vision (Interface 3)" driver. It uses the "DJI USB Virtual COM" driver instead.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

StefanoGinobili Posted at 2017-6-10 03:29
Thank you all for your replies!

@Aardvark - yes, I tryed to install DJI Assistant 2 in many ways ... including launching it with by right-clicking and "Run as administrator". In "ZIP" version the installer has been extracted and then launched. Moreover, I've the UAC enabled and, since DJI Assistant 2 installs into %ProgramFiles(x86)% folder, the installer needs elevated privilegies to run, so the UAC authorization prompt is shown as soon as the installer is lauched, even without "Run as administrator".  Stefano, this may help (I'm not on windows, so I actually don't know what it is talking about, but there are links to other threads too... maybe it is worth looking at. Good luck!
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Flight distance : 422818 ft

Thank you Antonio, I've already seen that thread. In that thread the issue is on the driver (the yellow exclamation mark in device manager). In my case the driver seems to be working well (at least according to Device Manager)... but the application seems not being receiving/handling something like a "P4P is attached" event. :/
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Eric ncfwa
Flight distance : 322526 ft

I have exactly the same problem on my Windows 10 computer, I am pretty much self taught on computers so much of the terminology is lost on me but I will try some of the suggestions
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

StefanoGinobili Posted at 2017-6-10 03:29
Thank you all for your replies!

@Aardvark - yes, I tryed to install DJI Assistant 2 in many ways ... including launching it with by right-clicking and "Run as administrator". In "ZIP" version the installer has been extracted and then launched. Moreover, I've the UAC enabled and, since DJI Assistant 2 installs into %ProgramFiles(x86)% folder, the installer needs elevated privilegies to run, so the UAC authorization prompt is shown as soon as the installer is lauched, even without "Run as administrator".

Aloha Stefano,

     Yes, this will sound like spinning wheels, but can you or have you changed the USB cable?  Has the micro USB socket on the P4 Pro ever worked before?  Can you roll back to when it did work before?

     We have to start thinking outside of the software side (but still considering and including the software side).  You said it worked with the MacBook Pro 13".  Are you using the same cable?  Macs use the Lightning Cable and that cable may not work with Windows PCs.  At least it is worth a shot!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 422818 ft

Hello Cetacean,
yes, I was using the same USB cable to connect the P4P to the PC and to the Mac. I just unplugged to USB cord type-A connector from the (not working) PC and plugged it to the (working well) Mac.
After your suggestion I also tryed another cable... but the result didn't changed

The strange thing is that, in previous days, the same P4P worked well with the same PC. When I installed the firmware 1.03.0418 I remember I calibrated the P4P vision sensors using the PC.
So today I tryed to lookup for previous versions of DJI Assistant 2 and, after googling a while, I found the following:
  - DJI Assistant 2 - 1.0.8
  - DJI Assistant 2 - 1.1.0
And... none of them worked!

Maybe the following could be useful for DJI software engineers...
Sniffing (by Wireshark) communication between the Electron app and the underlying Root application (v1.1.0-2), I captured the following (until after the P4P has been powered on):

GET /general HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:19870
Connection: Upgrade
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Upgrade: websocket
Origin: file://
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) DJIAssistant2/0.0.1 Chrome/47.0.2526.110 Electron/0.36.7 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US
Sec-WebSocket-Key: ************
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: *************
Server: DJIDeviceService
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: false
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: file://
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 18:58:50 GMT

    "APP_STATUS": "in_sync",
    "EVENT": "app_ver_notify"
    "APP_VERSION": "1.1.0",
    "EVENT": "app_ver",
    "HASH_SERVICE": "8fa2ce06a145ca4faf4e622067122fed53b49ec8"
    "AUTOTEST_ENABLED": false,
    "DEBUGGER_ENABLED": false,
    "EVENT": "debug_status",
    "FACTORY_ENABLED": false
    "EVENT": "app_ui_mode",
    "EVENT": "push_system_info",
    "OS_TYPE": "Win",
    "OS_VERSION": 192
.....e... ...G...\.......&..._................~.~{
    "LOGIN_EMAIL": "stefano.***@***.it",
    "LOGIN_STATUS": true,
    "SEQ": "nhs9mczp"
    "EVENT": "login_success"

While uncommenting line "mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools()" in file "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\DJI Product\DJI Assistant 2\AppFiles\main.js:113", here is what the console is logging until after the P4P has been powered on... Capture.PNG

Hope this helps.
Thank you all ;)

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