Aircraft totally unstable and aggressive after recent firmware up...
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United States

Let me summarize my interactions with DJI:  1st tech support call:  (one week ago):  I promise you, if you flash the bios back to an older version you will be fine. Use DJI assistant to do this.
(I waited for a few days-and as we all know, this isn't possible to do).
2nd call:  yesterday-the "support" expert kept telling me that I didn't want to downgrade the FW, I wanted to upgrade it! He didn't seem understand anything I was telling him about being told by DJI
that I should do that! he also reviewed to pull up (or could not pull up) the logged information about my previous call.  Hi finally said, "look, if you can't (or won't) tell me how to flash back the FW
to the older version, you and I are just wasting each others time." He hung up on me. I kid you note.
3rd call:  after I cooled off. Got a friendly guy that insisted that I need ed to simply re-format my SD card and all would be good. The FW chip (I don't believe) is not located on the SD
card-he insisted it was. This might have fixed my 4K problem, but I can't even fly right now. Who cares about the 4K stream?
Amazing lack of support and customer orientation. My last DJI product.  Oh-and RMA?  My drone is now conveniently just outside of the warranty period. They have this all figured out.
Not pleased.
Use props
United States

fans978c4f59 Posted at 2017-7-18 08:45
Let me summarize my interactions with DJI:  1st tech support call:  (one week ago):  I promise you, if you flash the bios back to an older version you will be fine. Use DJI assistant to do this.
(I waited for a few days-and as we all know, this isn't possible to do).
2nd call:  yesterday-the "support" expert kept telling me that I didn't want to downgrade the FW, I wanted to upgrade it! He didn't seem understand anything I was telling him about being told by DJI

Sorry for the typos. Probably not surprising that DJI's forum is difficult to edit posts etc. Consistent with the other crap.  This is not as full of errors:
Let me summarize my interactions with DJI:  1st tech support call:  (one week ago):  I promise you, if you flash the bios back to an older version you will be fine. Use DJI assistant to do this.
(I waited for a few days-and as we all know, this isn't possible to do).
2nd call:  yesterday-the "support" expert kept telling me that I didn't want to downgrade the FW, I wanted to upgrade it! He didn't seem understand anything I was telling him about being told by DJI
that I should do that! he also reviewed to pull up (or could not pull up) the logged information about my previous call.  Hi finally said, "look, if you can't (or won't) tell me how to flash back the FW
to the older version, you and I are just wasting each others time." He hung up on me. I kid you note.
3rd call:  after I cooled off. Got a friendly guy that insisted that I need ed to simply re-format my SD card and all would be good. The FW chip (I don't believe) is not located on the SD
card-he insisted it was. This might have fixed my 4K problem, but I can't even fly right now. Who cares about the 4K stream?
Amazing lack of support and customer orientation. My last DJI product.  Oh-and RMA?  My drone is now conveniently just outside of the warranty period. They have this all figured out.
Not pleased.
Use props
United States

A simple rollback to the previous firmware, as we were all promised we could, would fix the problem. I think DJI thinks that there is no problem and that were all just stupid. We're the problem, not their firmware. If they gave a damn that commercial pilots are loosing work and that recreational flyer's aren't getting what they paid for then they would let us rollback just like they promised we could.  Their more worried about what someone might do than what their customers were promised they could do. They would rather ground us all than risk having their reputation tarnished by someone with a hacked drone.  Well heres a newsflash for you dji, YOUR CURRENT FIRMWARE IS ALREADY HACKED and your reputation is cr*p!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

fans978c4f59 Posted at 2017-7-18 08:53
Sorry for the typos. Probably not surprising that DJI's forum is difficult to edit posts etc. Consistent with the other crap.  This is not as full of errors:
Let me summarize my interactions with DJI:  1st tech support call:  (one week ago):  I promise you, if you flash the bios back to an older version you will be fine. Use DJI assistant to do this.
(I waited for a few days-and as we all know, this isn't possible to do).

You've summarised your conversation with DJI first line support, but you've not said what the problem is that makes you want to roll back firmware. Presumably the aircraft wobbles too much and the video stops recording in 4k@30fps ?

It's not possible to roll back the aircraft firmware at this moment. But you can try a refresh and factory reset using DJI Assistant 2. These might help stabilise things a bit.

Once completed you could try all the calibrations

1) Sensors (Using DJI Assistant 2 v1.1.2-2, latest version), usually done just after update on Assistant 2.

2) IMU (level surface, make sure it's had time to cool down if it's been powered up, say half an hour at lowest ambient temperature, a cool evening or air conditioned room below 10 degrees C helps).  
Using the newer '3D' IMU calibration routine, my last two IMU calibrations have been done at about 20C ambient air temperature. The subsequent IMU warm up time when aircraft is first powered up and initialising does not seem to have been adversley affected, and warm up time is a few seconds at most.

3) Gimbal (just after IMU).

4) RC sticks (with aircraft off).

5) And compass (in an open area (not over steel reinforced concrete), away from ferrous materials or electromagnetic interference). Get one good calibration, and that should be all that is needed until informed by system or erratic flying that needs investigation. Note that any ferrous metals very close to legs (steel frame in desk, cutlery in kitchen drawer, windowsill strengthening etc) will generate a 'compass error', this does not mean compass needs recalibration. just move the aircraft away from source of interference.

Use props
Flight distance : 19879 ft
United States

dji really screwed us this time.   
Use props
Flight distance : 529511 ft
United States

My P4 is doing the same thing.  It's super wobbly and glitch most noticeable during forward pitch.  Hovering, it's slightly noteable with the change of motor sound.  Is there no update on a fix for this?  My P4P is not having the same problem.
Use props
Flight distance : 431079 ft

Great example of drone P4 shaking after new bug firmware upgrade. At the speed, situation come on much worse.
Use props
United States

fans22a232c7 Posted at 2017-7-8 12:32
Mine too, shakey and it wont go over 90 feet now. Was working fine before upgrade.

me too... very very frustrating....
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2120758 ft

same thing .....  shaking and very unstable
Use props
Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

Icer Posted at 2017-7-18 13:05
Great example of drone P4 shaking after new bug firmware upgrade. At the speed, situation come on much worse.

If the P4 flew like that when it was first released, it would have received terrible reviews and few would have bought it. DJI have been steadily reducing the functionality of their drones. Pilots have found that they cannot use their drones when they are in the field with no available internet connection. The ability to downgrade to earlier, safer versions of the firmware has been removed. The DJI Go app now requires the latest (buggy) firmware.  The beta program has been removed. The iPad Mini 2 is no longer fast enough to run the bloated app. The fact is that my P4 was a far better drone when it was released than it is today a year and a half later. Don't think we won't consider that when deciding if we want to upgrade to the P5. You DO still want to sell drones to us in the future, right DJI?
Use props
Flight distance : 139295 ft
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-18 10:01
You've summarised your conversation with DJI first line support, but you've not said what the problem is that makes you want to roll back firmware. Presumably the aircraft wobbles too much and the video stops recording in 4k@30fps ?

It's not possible to roll back the aircraft firmware at this moment. But you can try a refresh and factory reset using DJI Assistant 2. These might help stabilise things a bit.

Aardvark - Serious? This firmware is jacked up, everyone knows it. I have seen people do these calibrations over and over somehow expecting a different result, and I know you have too! Why are you telling him to do something that everyone knows is not going to work?

The firmware is BROKEN. Telling everyone in the house to stand perfectly still so you can get that perfect IMU calibration, standing in the back yard spinning in circles to get that perfect compass calibration is not going to fix anything!

What is going to fix this is to have DJI allow these poor people revert back to a version that half worked, and then if people are smart, they will never update again! People are getting angry about this.
Use props
Flight distance : 419669 ft
United Kingdom

Icer Posted at 2017-7-18 13:05
Great example of drone P4 shaking after new bug firmware upgrade. At the speed, situation come on much worse.

This is the best and clearest example I have seen so far. It really is unthinkable that this firmware has made it into the wild. What is even more baffling is that the beta testers all reported perfectly stable firmware, during the testing period and that was 6 months ago. How hard is it to compare the beta firmware to the current firmware and recompile???
Use props

Icer Posted at 2017-7-18 13:05
Great example of drone P4 shaking after new bug firmware upgrade. At the speed, situation come on much worse.

Same problems with my Phantom after  upgrading to the last firmware
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Trump Posted at 2017-7-18 14:55
Aardvark - Serious? This firmware is jacked up, everyone knows it. I have seen people do these calibrations over and over somehow expecting a different result, and I know you have too! Why are you telling him to do something that everyone knows is not going to work?

The firmware is BROKEN. Telling everyone in the house to stand perfectly still so you can get that perfect IMU calibration, standing in the back yard spinning in circles to get that perfect compass calibration is not going to fix anything!

Seriously, yes. Every time somebody says it works for them they get berated. Barring the gimbal problem (I had one video cut off using 4k@30fps,and gimbal reset in 60 minutes of flying time, the 'work around' if you're interested is to use 1080P) it works for me, nice clean horizon, and having looked at videos of my flights I can see no 'erratic' behaviour. Yes there is movement to account for blustery wind, but certainly not the erratic, twitchy behaviour I have seen in some of these videos. In fact a number have reported no problems, but of course they could be wrong because it does not work for some. Some have even reported improvement after calibrations. Not all machines will be identical, different factories, different manufacture components, slightly different tolerances etc.
Besides there's not much else we can do barring try some things , if they work then fine, if they don't then they'll just have to wait in the queue with everybody else. Better that than doing nothing but complain.

As to never upgrading, technology would never progress if we didn't upgrade.

Of course I keep an open mind on this, each flight I will be looking for these  anomalies, or any new ones.
Use props
Flight distance : 5256 ft

11 days unflyable, no rollback capability and nothing from Dji.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

Trump Posted at 2017-7-18 14:55
Aardvark - Serious? This firmware is jacked up, everyone knows it. I have seen people do these calibrations over and over somehow expecting a different result, and I know you have too! Why are you telling him to do something that everyone knows is not going to work?

The firmware is BROKEN. Telling everyone in the house to stand perfectly still so you can get that perfect IMU calibration, standing in the back yard spinning in circles to get that perfect compass calibration is not going to fix anything!

There is absolutely no question that this firmware has made many people's P4 experiences far worse than it was before, even for those who have so desperately waited to get off the beta for some six months or more. The decent thing to do would be for DJI to provide an immediate facility to roll back to the previous released version so that owners like myself can at least fly their drones. Responses along the lines of "DJI doesn't work like that" are simply not good enough. The current attitude  to P4 owners is nothing less than contemptuous.
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-18 10:01
You've summarised your conversation with DJI first line support, but you've not said what the problem is that makes you want to roll back firmware. Presumably the aircraft wobbles too much and the video stops recording in 4k@30fps ?

It's not possible to roll back the aircraft firmware at this moment. But you can try a refresh and factory reset using DJI Assistant 2. These might help stabilise things a bit.

Thanks for your response. I didn't respond, because it is a subset of what everyone is complaining about. I did try to have the "assistant" re-set to factory defaults. That did not help.

This machine has been flown about 5 times, staring when I purchased it last March of 2016.   I haven't used it for months, but two weeks ago I was counting on using it to take some videos of a problem at my in-law's cabin the mountains. I have fast internet up there, no ferrous materials-it's just a wooden cabin deck that I was trying to launch this from.

Immediately I was told to upgrade the FW. I did. I got no 4K stream, and I got errors from the DJO4go app on my Samsung tablet telling me the "signal strength was week."  The FW upgrade that was applied seemed to ruin everything. So to your question:  it was the RC signal strength and complete lack of 4K stream that was my problem. But then again: I was too afraid to fly without being able to view through my tablet to fly up and see if there were other issues.

Thanks for your response. I've got nothing to loose if I try something, but DJI's suggestions on using the assistance 2 to downgrade, reform the SD card etc. have not helped one, single bit!
Use props
Flight distance : 139295 ft
United States

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-18 15:27
Seriously, yes. Every time somebody says it works for them they get berated. Barring the gimbal problem (I had one video cut off using 4k@30fps,and gimbal reset in 60 minutes of flying time, the 'work around' if you're interested is to use 1080P) it works for me, nice clean horizon, and having looked at videos of my flights I can see no 'erratic' behaviour. Yes there is movement to account for blustery wind, but certainly not the erratic, twitchy behaviour I have seen in some of these videos. In fact a number have reported no problems, but of course they could be wrong because it does not work for some. Some have even reported improvement after calibrations. Not all machines will be identical, different factories, different manufacture components, slightly different tolerances etc.
Besides there's not much else we can do barring try some things , if they work then fine, if they don't then they'll just have to wait in the queue with everybody else. Better that than doing nothing but complain.

Hey Aardvark, I just wanted to say thanks for not taking my response as an attack on you. I actually worried that you were going to take my response out of context. This certainly shows the type of person you are. You most certainly are a decent, genuine, class act.
Although for most part the issues clearly were and are caused by DJI, personally I would like to thank you for trying to help all the poor folks that have thousands of dollars worth of useless plastic sitting on their kitchen table.

Luckily I did not make the mistake others made, and I am still able to enjoy my quad.

Have a great one!!

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Raider Ryan
Flight distance : 2334925 ft
United States

My p4 doing the same crap. Get on it DJI!!!
Use props
Flight distance : 29213 ft

My video feed is so choppy now that I can't risk flying. Other issues also with remote.
I've made a promise to myself that if a fix or roll back isn't issued before the start of next week, then I will no longer be purchasing any more DJI products.
They haven't given got the decency to acknowledge our concerns.
Use props
Flight distance : 264711 ft
United States

Please help! I have a huge job that involves three P4's this Sunday!!! All of them were affected by the firmware. Hope to have it resolved ASAP
Use props
Flight distance : 2014111 ft

get over it guys.
DJI just give a damn to customer problems!
whatever we write here. there will be NO RESPONSE from any DJI staff. no downgrading, no calming words or help. we are stupid enough to make the latest upgrade? our problem!
drone isnt working like before, flights are extremely limited or drone is even grounded for days/weeks ? nobody at DJI care.

lets face it crew:
did ANYONE of you saw ANY answer from DJI about these problems? like: "hey guys, we know that the latest firmware causing much trouble. we already working on new way to reactivate downgrade option so you can fly your equipment like before and we also deactivate forced updates + forced log ins in future. apologize for all this. your DJI team" ???

we will never see any message like this. and we will never ever see something customer friendly in the future here. the only answers i see from DJI forum mods here seems like from a robot and looks absolute same every time. "we are sorry that you have such unpleasant experience, did you try to turn it off and on again?"
rediculous! shame on you DJI
i will NEVER ever make any more firmware update in the future. i already hardware deactivate the WIFI in my plus screen. this whole situation is just a big joke. and i loved my P3A before! was so happy with DJI. and now? its a disaster with new P4A. many people cant trust dji anymore and just go on vacation to simply fly...
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1320098 ft
  • >>>

DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-7-18 05:03
Our engineers are working on this case recently, I have forwarded all the logs and videos you provided to them.
We'll update the result to you once hearing from them, thank you very much!

Thanks for that input. It means a lot to know that you are taking care of us.
Do you need more logs to work it out? or videos? Would it make it easier and faster to solve this critical issue for us?
Use props
Oz Phantom
Flight distance : 79462 ft

Hey Guys
If your experiencing the P4 firmware problems hang in there, after a few emails and an online chat my P4 is going in for diagnostics - its not an ideal situation I know some people use their drones commercially and others get email responses that can be frustrating but stay calm, polite and be as accurate as possible in your emails and DJI interactions- if you can take screen shots of the gimbal angle issues direct from the Go app and film your phantom flight at close range if your having the instability occilation issues, DJI support are grateful for screen shots and video links showing the exact nature of the issues you are facing - having the media to support your case will help. My P4 is now one of many that are going in for diagnostics so hopefully a solution isnt to far away and the returned P4s will pave the way for a firmware rollout fix so not everyone effected has to return their drone to get it fixed - I got over a year of flawless performance from my P4 and do wish I was one of the people not affected but if we stick together as a community and are patient we will all be back to the quality we have come to expect, try and stay positive and patient they are working on it!
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 19109472 ft
  • >>>

Oz Phantom Posted at 2017-7-19 00:38
Hey Guys
If your experiencing the P4 firmware problems hang in there, after a few emails and an online chat my P4 is going in for diagnostics - its not an ideal situation I know some people use their drones commercially and others get email responses that can be frustrating but stay calm, polite and be as accurate as possible in your emails and DJI interactions- if you can take screen shots of the gimbal angle issues direct from the Go app and film your phantom flight at close range if your having the instability occilation issues, DJI support are grateful for screen shots and video links showing the exact nature of the issues you are facing - having the media to support your case will help. My P4 is now one of many that are going in for diagnostics so hopefully a solution isnt to far away and the returned P4s will pave the way for a firmware rollout fix so not everyone effected has to return their drone to get it fixed - I got over a year of flawless performance from my P4 and do wish I was one of the people not affected but if we stick together as a community and are patient we will all be back to the quality we have come to expect, try and stay positive and patient they are working on it!

Good to hear
Use props
Enilson Arneiro
Flight distance : 546604 ft

fans978c4f59 Posted at 2017-7-18 08:45
Let me summarize my interactions with DJI:  1st tech support call:  (one week ago):  I promise you, if you flash the bios back to an older version you will be fine. Use DJI assistant to do this.
(I waited for a few days-and as we all know, this isn't possible to do).
2nd call:  yesterday-the "support" expert kept telling me that I didn't want to downgrade the FW, I wanted to upgrade it! He didn't seem understand anything I was telling him about being told by DJI

And I believe that this treatment was just for us ... South Americans ... kkkk ... DJI could treat us with more respect .... after all we paid much more expensive than the rest of the world ... rsrsrsr ... .the "Brazil cost" ...
Use props
Flight distance : 32375 ft
United States

Please don't hate me but my firmware update went fine and my drone isn't displaying the same issues as everyone on this thread. This begs the question why are some firmware updates screwing up the drone and others not? I never did the calibrations following the update so that is the only reason I can think of why I haven't had a problem.
Use props
Flight distance : 179606 ft
United States

I really hope this thread gets DJI's attention. I updated my P4 firmware to V02.00.0106 last week and have experienced nothing but these same problems since. I have probably reinstalled the latest firmware 3 times with the hopes that this will fix the issue and also recalibrated the IMU/compass numerous times as well. Regardless, I still get this aggressive motion when flying in Position mode. Below are some of the issues I've experienced since the firmware update:
  • jerky motion when flying horizontally and altitude changes due to a change in terrain
  • higly unstable when descending and flying backwards simultaneously
  • in sport mode, drone drifts left or right when flying at full speed and then coming to a stop
  • in sport mode, certain movements when flying horizontally and then subsequently ascending can cause drone to literally turn on its side in mid-air (this was a little scary to watch but the drone recovers)
  • slow speed when below ~15-20 feet off the ground when in Position mode. Speeds are normal when above ~20 feet or when in sport mode.

These issues have caused me to lose trust in what the drone will do when in close proximity to objects. Hopefully there will be an update soon.

Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

dhutch Posted at 2017-7-19 04:54
I really hope this thread gets DJI's attention. I updated my P4 firmware to V02.00.0106 last week and have experienced nothing but these same problems since. I have probably reinstalled the latest firmware 3 times with the hopes that this will fix the issue and also recalibrated the IMU/compass numerous times as well. Regardless, I still get this aggressive motion when flying in Position mode. Below are some of the issues I've experienced since the firmware update:
  • jerky motion when flying horizontally and altitude changes due to a change in terrain

  • "I really hope this thread gets DJI's attention"

    Perhaps reporting it through the Support section in DJI Go 4 might be more direct:- ... D368%26typeid%3D368
    Use props
    Flight distance : 5256 ft
    United States

    12 days unflyable and no option to roll back with my DJI assistant2.
    Use props
    Flight distance : 29826 ft
    United States

    Slipstrm111 Posted at 2017-7-19 07:06
    12 days unflyable and no option to roll back with my DJI assistant2.

    When you opened your case with DJI what did they advise you to do?
    Use props
    Flight distance : 154291 ft
    United States

    fans8a594c16 Posted at 2017-7-19 08:54
    When you opened your case with DJI what did they advise you to do?

    Constant "lose signal". Then shuts off the video too (probably because I lost signal?) Day 1. Do 100% calibration. No luck. Day 3 return to factory settings and refresh. No luck. Day 4 upgrade again but be sure that the remote is off. No luck. Next day. Install DJI ASST 2 onto a different PC. Did that to a brand new PC. Still no luck. Send screen prints as to why I cannot downgrade. Did that. Of course you can only see the upgrade file! Finally "Belle" emails me that my P4 will not work with my Android Turbo. And per her "cherished engineers" downgrading back will still not work for me because of my incompatable cell. EVEN THOUGH IT WORKED 100% PERFECTLY SINCE I BOUGHT THE DRONE IN DEC!!!!! I am on vacation all next week, headed to Northern MN (Lake Superior). So much for getting to capture good video. I am 100% an UNHAPPY COMMERCIAL DRONE PILOT!!!!!
    Use props
    Second Officer
    Flight distance : 6754350 ft

    Spyder3534 Posted at 2017-7-19 04:28
    Please don't hate me but my firmware update went fine and my drone isn't displaying the same issues as everyone on this thread. This begs the question why are some firmware updates screwing up the drone and others not? I never did the calibrations following the update so that is the only reason I can think of why I haven't had a problem.

    Same..   I upgraded the firmware and then just flew.  No calibrations, no re-logging in.  I have no flight problems.  

    A few things were changed, (max altitude etc) but I set everything back to the way I like it using DJI GO 4.

    There is one thing that's really bugging me.  That's the excessive wind warning.  It pops up at least half a dozen times each flight.  It happens even when there is hardly any wind.   It doesn't affect the flight characteristics of the drone, but it's REALLY annoying.
    Use props
    DJI Natalia
    Flight distance : 318 ft


    Hi All,
    Sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused, we care much about your feedback and are working to locate where the issue persists recently.
    For the shaking situation you reported, would you please leave your dji accounts (e-mail address) here? I will forward your accounts to engineers to provide you the beta firmware.
    Please upgrade it and test the performance, then provide us the new flight log for further analysis.
    Truly appreciate your patience and support, we'll try our best to figure it out soon so you will have great experience on flying!
    Use props
    Flight distance : 419669 ft
    United Kingdom

    DJI Natalia Posted at 2017-7-19 18:33
    Hi All,
    Sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused, we care much about your feedback and are working to locate where the issue persists recently.
    For the shaking situation you reported, would you please leave your dji accounts (e-mail address) here? I will forward your accounts to engineers to provide you the beta firmware.

    Hi DJI Natalia. Is it okay to PM you our email addresses so they are not shared publicly? PM to follow...
    Use props
    Flight distance : 819098 ft
    United States

    SomeoneElsesDro Posted at 2017-7-19 18:47
    Hi DJI Natalia. Is it okay to PM you our email addresses so they are not shared publicly? PM to follow...

    Will we be able to update the P4 with the final firmware after beta testing?
    Use props
    Flight distance : 984436 ft

    Looking forward for the answer...
    Use props
    Pareja IV
    Flight distance : 1084961 ft

    Hi Natalia , thank you for your interest. I've sent to You a PM with my email.
    Use props
    Flight distance : 431079 ft

    Hi Natalia. I also send to you PM with email/account. Hope to get test firmware asap. Thanks.
    Use props
    Flight distance : 79957 ft
    United Kingdom

    PM also sent, if PM method not good enough could you provide an email address we can send our DJI info to rather than putting our private email address on the forum
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