Gimbal & Video stop for 2-3s after update RESOLVED
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9613 158 2017-7-14
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I thought it might be an idea to start a new thread on this problem which seems to be related to the most recent updates. A common point to collect information specifically relating to this Gimbal/recording problem I and others are seeing

•Aircraft Firmware: v02.00.0106
•Remote Controller Firmware: v1.9.2.0
• DJI GO 4 App iOS:V4.1.3
• DJI GO 4 App Android:V4.1.3

There are another two threads regarding latest update, but they appear more focused on a flight instability issue introduced, which I have not seen.

However what I have seen for the first time since updating is the Gimbal going limp, video recording stops and video screen on display goes blank. The video feed returns after a few seconds and the stability of the flight itself does not seem to be affected.

For me this (so far) has happened intermittantly, I have witnessed it within a minute or two of starting recording, other times after a prolonged period.

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Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

So far this Potential Sollution has been posted by Elsmeghead.
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Flight distance : 3421503 ft
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Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-14 04:20
So far this Potential Sollution  has been posted by Elsmeghead.

I'll post the video again for people to compare this error to their own experiences so we're all on the same page. The solution can be found in the video description.
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Pareja IV
Flight distance : 1084961 ft

Another guy with the same problem

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Pareja IV Posted at 2017-7-14 04:39
Another guy with the same problem

My testing this morning worked for me....

I have just run a series of tests on the Video Resolution Settings.
Please check the video resolution that you are filming at...?
I ran a 4 minute recording on each of the resolutions and frame rates and in my tests the error ONLY appears whilst filming at...
3840x2160 @30fps
Please try altering your video resolution to a different value / frame rate than the one above.
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Pareja IV
Flight distance : 1084961 ft

Elsmeghead Posted at 2017-7-14 04:33
I'll post the video again for people to compare this error to their own experiences so we're all on the same page. The solution can be found in the video description.

My problem appears randomly, not in every flight, three single times in 9 flights. I´ve been filming in that resolution too. I have to check if it is related to any of my three batteries.
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P4 Roy
First Officer
Flight distance : 5435299 ft
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Gave the drone a post firmware update 3 battery shakedown today, my 3840x2160/30 also spuriously stops recording, I switched to 1920x1080/60 and had no further issues. I did not have any problems with the gimbal in any resolution.
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Oz Phantom
Flight distance : 79462 ft

Thanks for starting this thread I have the exact problem
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Elsmeghead Posted at 2017-7-14 04:46
My testing this morning worked for me....

I have just run a series of tests on the Video Resolution Settings.

I've just tried a camera reset (at the bottom of camera settings menu), and will see if that changes anything. I will continue with 4k @ 30 fps.

Edit:- camera settings reset made no difference.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Any more takers ?
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Flight distance : 162812 ft

Well my drone is grounded! there is no reason to test everything out, maybe it work with 3  1/2  propellers or one legg, but its not as it supose to work , this is DJI's responsebility to fix! theese drones are not theres to mess with, theese drones are private property ovn by you guys Dji is messing with your property, what they do with new unsold drones is one thing, but they are now altering some of  the spesification on the drones that is yours and in the prosess have made them usless. and for those who live by this, they are messing with the incom for that company.for many peaople this is not a toy this is a tool to get a job done.
Great job DJI i hope your customers are as nice to you as you are to them.
for me i have warenty on my drone so it goes back to the shop if this isnt fixt soon.

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United States

Slightly tangential, but same(ish) problem: Osmo Mobile, with iPhone 7+ Go app just stops recording within a second of starting to record. This happens whether I start recording with the trigger button or by touching the screen. Confirmed that recording on the phone is OK with the normal camera. Go app was downloaded tonight and (I assume) is as updated as can be. Identical behavior even if I start the app with the Osmo on, then turn if off (but leave the app running) and start recording directly on the phone, instant stop. So I'm pretty sure it's all software (or some setting I'm missing) and not the device.

Phone has 93GB free FYI

Also, if I do not use the Go app but just use the Osmo with the camera app on the phone, it works just fine.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Otto4 Posted at 2017-7-15 17:28
Well my drone is grounded! there is no reason to test everything out, maybe it work with 3  1/2  propellers or one legg, but its not as it supose to work , this is DJI's responsebility to fix! theese drones are not theres to mess with, theese drones are private property ovn by you guys Dji is messing with your property, what they do with new unsold drones is one thing, but they are now altering some of  the spesification on the drones that is yours and in the prosess have made them usless. and for those who live by this, they are messing with the incom for that company.for many peaople this is not a toy this is a tool to get a job done.
Great job DJI i hope your customers are as nice to you as you are to them.
for me i have warenty on my drone so it goes back to the shop if this isnt fixt soon.

The whole purpose of this thread is to gather numbers together with the Gimbal/Video problem on the P4 to hopefully highlight this to DJI.
Nobody has to test anything, but if one or two things can come out of this that may help people complete that urgent job they might have then that can only be good.
Like many manufacturers DJI are free to alter the specification as they see fit, iOS will soon be on 11, Android on 7, Windows 10 etc. And yes they do break some machines some of the time.

My story is, probably like many, in that all works  fine that I've seen so far, apart from this ' occasional ' glitch in video/Gimbal.. In fact having the level horizon fix is a big one.

So in my case my curiosity leads me to want to try a few things and see if I there are any other problems with my P4.

Have you tried a refresh of firmware on aircraft using Assistant 2, a factory reset, completed the five calibrations  for the P4 ? If not then worth a try, perhaps you can sort your machine in about an hour.
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Oz Phantom
Flight distance : 79462 ft

My first flight after firmware upgrade I had the gimbal flying off to weird side angles, signal/feed freeze / loss, rough flight (not as smooth as before the firmware update) the motors now sound and act like a P2 going into a wobble of death on fast decents and even angled decents, I was also losing transmision and video would suddenly cut off filming in 4k, and got a recalibrate IMU warning every single flight, I tried 1080p and it filmed ok without sudden loss of signal and gimbal issues for one flight but now todays flight i lose transmision feed in any film resolution every few seconds , if your p4 is fine after the update consider yourself lucky , This is really frustrating my P4 was smooth in flight and operated as advertised with all filming resolutions available and a strong clear uniterupted transmission feed up to 5kms away,  the update did not work for me and many others I have tried resets and calibrations and after hours and several attempts its still having all the problems mentioned above,  Come on DJI how about letting us know your working on a rollback option or at least working on something... if I was under warranty still I would be asking for a new drone as mines f#&ked right now.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Oz Phantom Posted at 2017-7-16 03:41
My first flight after firmware upgrade I had the gimbal flying off to weird side angles, signal/feed freeze / loss, rough flight (not as smooth as before the firmware update) the motors now sound and act like a P2 going into a wobble of death on fast decents and even angled decents, I was also losing transmision and video would suddenly cut off filming in 4k, and got a recalibrate IMU warning every single flight, I tried 1080p and it filmed ok without sudden loss of signal and gimbal issues for one flight but now todays flight i lose transmision feed in any film resolution every few seconds , if your p4 is fine after the update consider yourself lucky , This is really frustrating my P4 was smooth in flight and operated as advertised with all filming resolutions available and a strong clear uniterupted transmission feed up to 5kms away,  the update did not work for me and many others I have tried resets and calibrations and after hours and several attempts its still having all the problems mentioned above,  Come on DJI how about letting us know your working on a rollback option or at least working on something... if I was under warranty still I would be asking for a new drone as mines f#&ked right now.

"if your p4 is fine after the update consider yourself lucky"

But my P4 is not fine after the update hence my post, and some attempt to try and focus DJI onto this problem when they return to work after the weekend.

You say you have tried various fixes without success, firmware refresh, factory reset, all calibrations, device compatible with DJI Go 4 V4.1.3, RC firmware upgraded, RC reset, RC relink to aircraft.

Yes it is frustrating, and annoying that there may be weeks to wait for a proper fix. But we are where we are. Like many I'm surprised that they withdrew the rollback option, which I've read may have been withdrawn in an attempt to tackle firmware hackers. If that's the case then it may be a balance between trying to stop their industry being squashed by government controls, and having a few unhappy punters. Either way it does not help us.
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Oz Phantom
Flight distance : 79462 ft

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-16 04:06
"if your p4 is fine after the update consider yourself lucky"

But my P4 is not fine after the update hence my post, and some attempt to try and focus DJI onto this problem when they return to work after the weekend.

Hi Aardvark - sorry no tone was meant by me saying "if your P4 is fine consider yourself lucky"  it wasnt directed at you personally - you put effort into looking for solutions and it is much appreciated - I do need to work on my writing as a whole - the comment was directed to anyone out there that updated their firmware and is happily flying their toy/tool with no problems - before the update my P4 was a stable reliable bit of gear- its now on a par with my old Phantom 2 !, Cheers from downunder Al
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Oz Phantom Posted at 2017-7-16 04:20
Hi Aardvark - sorry no tone was meant by me saying "if your P4 is fine consider yourself lucky"  it wasnt directed at you personally - you put effort into looking for solutions and it is much appreciated - I do need to work on my writing as a whole - the comment was directed to anyone out there that updated their firmware and is happily flying their toy/tool with no problems - before the update my P4 was a stable reliable bit of gear- its now on a par with my old Phantom 2 !, Cheers from downunder Al

Thanks for the detail, no offence taken at all.

It's just that there can be many causes for the different problems. And if all known fixes have been tried then it might just reduce things overall to a manageable state (Which is where my P4 is for now). I've seen several times where people have ended up in a worse situation by trying to roll back and re-install all, where perhaps the fix was a relink of RC. Or an upgrade of display device.

We are on a manufacturers forum, people don't usually come here to say that all was a success and worked wonderfully well. I hope that these problems get fixed sooner rather than later for all concerned.

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Flight distance : 523799 ft
United States

This would explain why my experience after the latest fw upgrade has been flawless, been filming in 2K.

Have a really crappy weather here so I won't have the opportunity to test in order to replicate. I'll test out as soon as I can and report back.
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Flight distance : 2122467 ft

The same thing happened to me since the last update, video cuts, signal cuts and shakes. I have only tried to record in 4k. At 30fps.
I do not understand how DJI can get firmware so little worked.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Thanks for the feedback so far, when recording at 4k stops, the gimbal goes through exactly the same routine as it does on camera 'reset'. If I try and initiate a camera reset while recording it is not allowed 'camera busy'.

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P4 Roy
First Officer
Flight distance : 5435299 ft
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United Kingdom

P4 Roy Posted at 2017-7-14 10:24
Gave the drone a post firmware update 3 battery shakedown today, my 3840x2160/30 also spuriously stops recording, I switched to 1920x1080/60 and had no further issues. I did not have any problems with the gimbal in any resolution.

Update - flew again today and the gimbal went ape while attempting to film in 3840x2160/30, the camera was at a painful angle and I could see the right leg of the drone, the video cut out at the same time and defaulted down to 1920x1080/60? At least the gimbal corrected itself straight afterwards, allowing me to continue flying in 1080p.

Really missing being able to shoot in 4K, hopefully wont have to wait much longer.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

P4 Roy Posted at 2017-7-17 11:22
Update - flew again today and the gimbal went ape while attempting to film in 3840x2160/30, the camera was at a painful angle and I could see the right leg of the drone, the video cut out at the same time and defaulted down to 1920x1080/60? At least the gimbal corrected itself straight afterwards, allowing me to continue flying in 1080p.

Really missing being able to shoot in 4K, hopefully wont have to wait much longer.

It looks to me like a spurious 'camera reset' or similar.

I'm going to report it as a bug :- ... D368%26typeid%3D368

They are probably aware already, but it can't do any harm to make sure.
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P4 Roy
First Officer
Flight distance : 5435299 ft
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United Kingdom

Thanks again Aardvark, you are an asset to this forum.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Thank you all for your feedback, we care much about it. We've forwarded it to engineers, they'll look into it . Will let you know if we heard from them.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 21109003 ft
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Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-17 13:16
It looks to me like a spurious 'camera reset' or similar.

I'm going to report it as a bug :-

I have the same problems
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

DJI Diana Posted at 2017-7-21 04:34
Thank you all for your feedback, we care much about it. We've forwarded it to engineers, they'll look into it . Will let you know if we heard from them.

Thank you DJI Diana
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Flight distance : 1427326 ft

Same exact problem here, suddenly camera stops filming, gimbal begins to point right and video stop. Only tried recording 4K haven't tried yet if issue appears on any other resolution. I'll try to record 2.7k or 1080 until DJI fixes the problem. Thanks for the thread. Greetings!
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Flight distance : 174544 ft

Hi! New to the forums but decided to post since I also experience this problem after the new firmware update. Sometimes the videos become corrupt when this happens. Had to restore some of mine because of this.

I've not tried in any other resolution then 4k@30 fps. I seem to get this intermittenly - not on every recording. As stated before this seems to be a reset of the gimbal and the whole recording function. The video date on the saved videos when this happens is 31.12.2013.
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Flight distance : 124360 ft


I have same problem
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Flight distance : 2122467 ft

Can anyone confirm if it does not pass using resolutions other than 4K 30 fps?
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Flight distance : 1369839 ft

JCJMC Posted at 2017-7-26 01:54
Can anyone confirm if it does not pass using resolutions other than 4K 30 fps?

I have made 40-60 minutes of recording at 2,7k 30 fps with no issues after the update. Short and long (>15 min) clips.
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Flight distance : 124360 ft


As far as i know 1080p resolutions stops the camera/gimbal from restarting,
Im still getting imu calibration error messages every time i turn on my p4  
after update my p4 takes much longer to record home point
iv seen other guys saying to let the p4 warm up for 5 minutes before flying
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

johngaffney Posted at 2017-7-26 03:30
As far as i know 1080p resolutions stops the camera/gimbal from restarting,
Im still getting imu calibration error messages every time i turn on my p4  
after update my p4 takes much longer to record home point

Have you carried out an IMU calibration, if not then that would only help. Fairly straightforward and only takes about 5 minutes. Just watch the progress dots and when they change from blue to green ( working from a fragile memory

Edit:- five minutes sounds a bit excessive, my first flight I usually hover and check all control functionality before moving off.
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Flight distance : 124360 ft


Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-26 04:26
Have you carried out an IMU calibration, if not then that would only help. Fairly straightforward and only takes about 5 minutes. Just watch the progress dots and when they change from blue to green ( working from a fragile memory

Edit:- five minutes sounds a bit excessive, my first flight I usually hover and check all control functionality before moving off.

after the update im doing a IMU calibration everytime i get the error
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Flight distance : 174544 ft

I've not gotten to try much, but I did some recordings (4-5 most of them under a minute - one or two over a minute) at 4k@24 fps. Didn't get the gimbal reset then. Will try to do more recordings with those settings when I can.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

johngaffney Posted at 2017-7-26 05:06
after the update im doing a IMU calibration everytime i get the error

You shouldn't need to do it more than once, I suppose you've tried the firmware refresh and factory reset in Assistant 2 ?

Only spurious warning I've seen is the high wind notification. But not flown now for a couple of weeks.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

DJI_Thor is asking me questions about this problem on another thread, do you have anything you can add to help solve the problem?

See: ... &fromuid=316867
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-7-26 12:02
DJI_Thor is asking me questions about this problem on another thread, do you have anything you can add to help solve the problem?

See: ... &fromuid=316867

I just sat and wrote a reply then erased it

Something odd happening with my posts, only first few words appearing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Aardvark Posted at 2017-7-26 12:51
I just sat and wrote a reply then erased it

Well thanks for trying

Next attempt, make a copy before you post so that you can edit the copy in later...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Nigel_ Posted at 2017-7-26 13:15
Well thanks for trying

Next attempt, make a copy before you post so that you can edit the copy in later...

I'm away from home at present, so can't really add much to above. I did see this when powered up, motors not armed. Recording stopped, video file seems to finalise ok as if manually stopped. Then gimbal appears to go through same motions as when 'reset' used in camera settings.

That was more or less it
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