No waypoints for the P3
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16960 64 2015-4-8
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
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Am i correct? Just like the I1, no Waypoints or Ground Station???
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You are correct.  No waypoints.  You will have to wait for the SDK to be released and as Eric stated developers will have the opportunity to produce those applications.  
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Now that's a deal breaker, what a joke, let the community be the test subjects to the development with no compensation, DJI never learns
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

Well thats defntly a deal breaker for me as well... I guess i would stick to my P2V+ for now... Won't do the same mistake i did with the inspire1, which i bought on the promise that DJI made about waypoint coming shortly after  the inspire release date...  NOT Again.....
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Flight distance : 1226368 ft
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Was looking at getting the P3, but I do a lot of GS missions as it leaves me free to control the camera to get the best views, without it the P3 is a waste of time until the app develops.
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-9 01:40
You are correct.  No waypoints.  You will have to wait for the SDK to be released and as Eric stated ...

Day one newbie here. Will an SDK upgrade the software to allow waypoints and Ground Station? I really hate to see those features go away. Can they be added later?

I obvious don't know what an SDK is. I ordered P3 today. I erroneously ASSUMED the P3 would have all features of P2 V3 plus some innovations.

I was about to order the V3.0 and got turned onto the P3 Monday and decided to wait. For the money, I pulled the trigger on the P3 and now I also see the MP on camera have dropped from 14 to 12.

This will be my first quad. I am currently more interested in still photos than video but intend to learn video editing as I go. Hope I haven't shot myself in the foot ordering the P3 instead of the V3.0.
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No waypoints! Thats also a deal breaker for me as well...
For the way I use my phantom I can´t imagine using it without GS this days.
I am happy to see they will be available with SDK. Defenetly I will not buy it without that.
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SDK = software development kit.  Basically DJI didn't add waypoints but are allowing 3rd party developers to do the work for them
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

tyshearman Posted at 2015-4-9 04:42
SDK = software development kit.  Basically DJI didn't add waypoints but are allowing 3rd party devel ...

The SDK won't be available right outta of the get go..... And if coming soon form DJI is any sign, the SDK won't be available untill the P4 Comes out......
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Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Muleshoe2 Posted at 2015-4-9 03:50
Day one newbie here. Will an SDK upgrade the software to allow waypoints and Ground Station? I rea ...

That depends on the developers.  DJI will provide them with the tools, what they do with them is up to the company.  There have been many apps developed for the P2.  Who knows what will come for the Inspire and the P3.
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

Muleshoe2 Posted at 2015-4-9 03:50
Day one newbie here. Will an SDK upgrade the software to allow waypoints and Ground Station? I rea ...

Basically when the SDK is release if ever.. You will be at the mercy of 3rd party developers and second graded APPS.. Just look at the current SDK for the Vision... The few developers that have managed to develop apps using it, will tell you that it sucks and doesn't give you much control of what you can add or do with your app compare to the official one by DJI.... I would go as far as to say that most of the unoficial apps available for the vision's are a look alike clone of the DJI pilot APP...
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Flight distance : 494508 ft
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And dji save the development cost. The customer has to pay the fee....
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Flight distance : 983428 ft
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United Kingdom

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-9 04:48
That depends on the developers.  DJI will provide them with the tools, what they do with them is u ...

A billion dollar company can't provide and write good code/application?... Really? Is that why  your previous apps, specifically iOS Apps never get updated?!
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Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

ShadyDealer Posted at 2015-4-9 08:31
A billion dollar company can't provide and write good code/application?... Really? Is that why  yo ...

That is a corporate decision.  We could do it but choose to let third parties make the applications.  
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-9 08:33
That is a corporate decision.  We could do it but choose to let third parties make the application ...

And, personally, I have no problem with that - Let the 3rd party developers drive the envelope.

As long as, and this is where I get nervous, "you" (the company) addresses bugs in the SDK in a timely fashion..... From what I've read, that's not happening right now.

You really can't have it both ways - I'm a big believer in 3rd party apps - iOS, Android, whatever, *but* you've got to give them a rock solid, reliable, documented, SDK or they'll give up & go elsewhere.

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Flight distance : 60709 ft
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I understand the lack of ground station - it's not due to the cost (IMHO), since they already developed many version of it...but due to the usefulness and potential for crashes, loss and liability. I tried ground station a few times and will wait about 5 years until they perfect this sort of thing! It's just not there yet in terms of total reliability and I suspect it has caused many a newbie to lose or crash their quads.

This type of stuff is what drives corporate decisions (IMHO). If it was truly useful and helped create great "art", I think they would consider including it. But as it stands I think that the dual control (Inspire) does a much better job for those who need to both fly and take better vids.

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United States

Muleshoe2 Posted at 2015-4-9 03:50
Day one newbie here. Will an SDK upgrade the software to allow waypoints and Ground Station? I rea ...

I'm in the exact same boat. I've had fun with my little quads but finally saved enough for something powerful enough for a GoPro and now I see the P3. Sigh.

I, too, assumed that the P3 would have the waypoint navigation functionality, but given the other abilities, I still think the P3 is a good choice. I know others here have specific applications that require it, but that's not me. I think the Pilot app with its LiveMap will be an "80% solution" and a fair trade with the camera capabilities (especially with the controller integration).
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Flight distance : 983428 ft
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United Kingdom

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-9 08:33
That is a corporate decision.  We could do it but choose to let third parties make the application ...

Why? Lazy? Incapable?
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Flight distance : 494508 ft
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Bad very bad.
Who makes the customer of a failure in the system responsible?
The programmer of the app?
Who pays for the damage? Who gives a guarantee?

German Forum

translated by Google:

this raises interesting questions. You buy the copter at DJI and the path points to a programmer app on the App Store.
If now from Fly away, the drone is gone, who makes the innocent user liable, as he has who after an error.
DJI could say it is not on the hardware.
The app store operator holds out as always, he is responsible for counting the money, although he is your real contact / business partner.
The programmer does not want to have been, he has programmed clean and kept to the specifications of DJI.
Finally, the error could also be due to faulty libraries in the SDK of DJI. Without the source code difficult to understand.
So, the honorable customer should complain at times DJI. When Inspire waypoints function was even promised.

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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

Given the choice between DJI adding waypoints to their app and having a robust third party SDK that allows not only waypoint flying but smooth drone and camera motion, follow me and points of interest, I would go for the SDK. The fact is that third parties can do way more with a SDK than DJI with a single app. DJI decided to make their app as simple to use as possible and leave the tricky stuff to third parties. I just hope that whatever they do in the SDK development works on the Phantom 2 drones. If they end all support of Phantom 2 now the Phantom 3 is out, it is going to be really hard to justify a Phantom 3 purchase.
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Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States

Tahoe Ed,

Will any of the six "Features" discussed at the end of the DJI Phantom 3 Features web page be included with the DJI Pilot App on release of the Phantom 3 or these listed capabilities all dependent on one or third-party developers releasing one or more separate apps at some undefined future date?

I realize that this section is titled SDK Development, but the descriptions of the following highly-desirable flight control features are written as if they will be capabilities of the DJI flight control software when the Phantom 3 is released. If these are all MAYBE SOMEDAY features, then I respectfully suggest that there should be a footnote added to the description of each listed feature stating: "Not a capability of DJI-provided flight control software at time of purchase; feature described is illustrative only and totally dependent on third-party development and future release, which may not occur."

DJI Phantom 3 Features:  Phantom 3 Features (SDK Development)

The six Phantom 3 flight control features listed at the bottom of the above page on the DJI web site are:
1) Control the Camera
2) Access Real-Time Footage
3) Gather Flight Data
4) Follow Me
5) Ground Station (Waypoints)
6) Point of Interest
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-9 08:33
That is a corporate decision.  We could do it but choose to let third parties make the application ...

Spoken like a good company man
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Flight distance : 7 ft
United Kingdom

The DJI P2  App was nice and stable on both IOS/Android and i have tried  most of the others which are available  and most  cost  a few $/£ and are no where near as stable as DJI's in fact most are  pretty  unstable and the developers are keen @ the start  to keep the $ coming in but soon loose interest .
My point here is use a third party way point app @ your own risk .
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

xzgraham@btinte Posted at 2015-4-10 05:22
The DJI P2  App was nice and stable on both IOS/Android and i have tried  most of the others which a ...

My point Exactly..... But whatever I won't waste another dime on DJI related stuff...
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United States

A couple of ways to look at this..
1) Computers don't come with software.  (Literally.  I'm not talking about what somebody bundles with them.)  Manufacturers don't even include a rudimentary operating system.  They leave that to 3rd party developers like Ubuntu, Apple, and Micro$oft.
2) My car comes with a GPS.  But it also comes with navigation software to use that GPS.

That said, I think what DJI has (not) done is simply horrible.  I can think of no other way to describe it.  "Here's the hardware, go write the software yourself."  SERIOUSLY?!

I get people asking me all the time what they should buy.  Today, I'm telling them to hold off for a little while.  I'd recommend the P2V+, but I suspect development has likely been discontinued.  So that's no longer an option.  And I'm definitely not recommending an expensive piece of hardware (P3) that comes with lousy software that we know right off the bat will no longer be developed in-house.
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United States

Friffy1 Posted at 2015-4-10 21:29
A couple of ways to look at this..
1) Computers don't come with software.  (Literally.  I'm not talk ...

You got that right.
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United States

As far as waypoints are concerned....a few thoughts. I really loved the waypoint capability with my different Phantoms. I could plan everything out and save the map....go to the site....launch...pray...and back it always came. It was great. When I decided to buy the Inspire, I was pretty disappointed, at first, that it wouldn't have waypoint capability. Now that I have flown well over 100 missions with the Inspire, I don't miss the waypoint as much. As a matter of fact, I think the "Live Map" is far more useful. I can see my position instantly from a top-down view on a hybrid map. I have also gained decent flying skills because I have been forced to fly the vehicle rather than turn over the controls. So if DJI can offer all this technology that could increase sales....why don't they. Well, I think the answer can be laid at the doors of airspace regulators. I think DJI can easily read the handwriting on the wall when it comes to autonomous flight. Most airspace regulators believe in the "observe and avoid" philosophy of aircraft control. There must be someone who can observe any other craft and take evasive action. When flying in autonomous mode, there is no object avoidance....a conflict alert would be unnoticed.  Also, there is a tendency on the part of waypoint planners to fly out of LOS range....there are many times that the "pilot" has no accurate idea of where the craft is or whether it has failed. This leaves a whole world of variable and legal entanglements that a company like DJI does not wish to shoulder. So they pass the liability on to smaller developers who are responsible for the effect that their software has on the craft. This is why I don't expect to see waypoints on any DJI products for a while. DJI has the "King-of-the-Hill" position in the consumer UAV niche...and it will be up to other companies to roll the dice to knock them off.
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Flight distance : 567293 ft
United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-10 23:05
As far as waypoints are concerned....a few thoughts. I really loved the waypoint capability with my  ...

You have a good point there.
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United Kingdom

DJI is a big company.  That doesn't mean it can do everything.  Letting developers create needed function allows

- Shorter development cycles: i.e. you get the P3 next month instead of next winter
- Lower cost and the P3 is at a great price point

I'd like the extra functionality but I can create some great footage with the P3 in the meantime.
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United States

msjh Posted at 2015-4-10 23:10
DJI is a big company.  That doesn't mean it can do everything.  Letting developers create needed fun ...

...and you are correct, sir. Good points
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-10 23:05
As far as waypoints are concerned....a few thoughts. I really loved the waypoint capability with my  ...

Pete I think you have it exactly right.

I loved waypoints on my P2's but the more I thought about autonomous flight the more I became concerned for the future of even being able to own one.

Let's say someone wants to fly into Yankee stadium in the middle of the 3rd inning and hover 30 ft over the pitchers mound and then do a slow victory lap around the stadium.  That would be nearly impossible without GS because if you are flying actively once you drop over the wall the RC connection would break and RTH would kick in.  This is probably the most benign scenario I can think of, others could be much worse.

I think, even with the ill will they are getting, DJI is probably leading the way to drop autonomous flight.  Like a lot of other freedoms we lose because of the fear of 'what some idiot will do' I don't like it, but I think it is inevitable.
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United States

That's why I think I might stay with a P2V+ v3.0
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Flight distance : 119137 ft
United States

The fact that DJI left out so many features from the app and expect 3rd party developers  to make them is lazy and irresponsible. I mean really DJI? You expect me to put the trust of my $1200 quadcopter and my smart phone/tablet to 3rd party developers?  If I wanted $1200 to fly into the next county I would strap it to a balloon and let it go.  And I don't want an app that will distribute my personal info to the black market.  I really hope DJI moderates these things closely and give us a list of DJI approved apps. Either that and they wake up and do it themselves.
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Flight distance : 567293 ft
United States

Brandon00151 Posted at 2015-4-11 02:37
The fact that DJI left out so many features from the app and expect 3rd party developers  to make th ...

No one ever said you had to use the 3rd party developers. If you don't trust the app, don't use it. A post previously said that autonomous flights could lead to many more accidents. I agree with this:

"As far as waypoints are concerned....a few thoughts. I really loved the waypoint capability with my different Phantoms. I could plan everything out and save the map....go to the site....launch...pray...and back it always came. It was great. When I decided to buy the Inspire, I was pretty disappointed, at first, that it wouldn't have waypoint capability. Now that I have flown well over 100 missions with the Inspire, I don't miss the waypoint as much. As a matter of fact, I think the "Live Map" is far more useful. I can see my position instantly from a top-down view on a hybrid map. I have also gained decent flying skills because I have been forced to fly the vehicle rather than turn over the controls. So if DJI can offer all this technology that could increase sales....why don't they. Well, I think the answer can be laid at the doors of airspace regulators. I think DJI can easily read the handwriting on the wall when it comes to autonomous flight. Most airspace regulators believe in the "observe and avoid" philosophy of aircraft control. There must be someone who can observe any other craft and take evasive action. When flying in autonomous mode, there is no object avoidance....a conflict alert would be unnoticed.  Also, there is a tendency on the part of waypoint planners to fly out of LOS range....there are many times that the "pilot" has no accurate idea of where the craft is or whether it has failed. This leaves a whole world of variable and legal entanglements that a company like DJI does not wish to shoulder. So they pass the liability on to smaller developers who are responsible for the effect that their software has on the craft. This is why I don't expect to see waypoints on any DJI products for a while. DJI has the "King-of-the-Hill" position in the consumer UAV niche...and it will be up to other companies to roll the dice to knock them off."~pete114
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Flight distance : 727713 ft
United States

So, if you can't fly the P3 or the Inspire autonomously, are they considered Drones?
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United States

First thing - DJI is not a big company. Not at all. It is not Intel or Motorola or anythng comparable that has proper procedures in lace to deal with proper product delivery cycle. So it is understandable if they have no resources to do their hardware R&D in sync with new software platform development. It also says tons of what their CEO thinks of their business and customer base. Yet it is not what gets me annoyed.

What matters to me is the accuracy of information and how it gets delivered. Making any investment or acquisition decisions you got to base it on something you can trust and reading this forum, reading all this does not correlate at all with marketing info and commercials this company announced. I just get a perception this is an another sample of those new companies that grew way faster than they were expected to and left hand here truly has no idea of what right hand is doing. So sales folks give one sort of answers while support and other flks tell something else. I just hope platform itself should be able to support thisnfunctionality and _eventually_ be what marketing BS promised it to do.

Yet it would be nice to see some definitive response about actual GPS functionality support on the newly released model OOB in May-June.
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United States

Chirp Chirp Chirp the new corporate slogan for DJI
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United States

I'll give you guys my opinion on why I think DJI didn't include these options in the new Phantom. I don't think DJI was lazy or unthoughtful. I think they thought long and hard about it. They decided to not include waypoints or ground station because they don't want to be liable for any damage or destruction caused by people using the waypoints or ground station from drone crashes. I recently went to an authorized DJI drone dealer in my area that is also an authorized DJI repair shop. They get dozens of crashed Phantoms everyday. Many of the people who crash their drones look for ways to try to get DJI to cover the cost of the repair or damage as a warranty malfunction issue when 99% of the time it was the misuse of the operator. If operators get into crashes with their drones while using waypoints or groundstation, DJI might be faced with liability situations. I can imagine lawsuits and even class action lawsuits against DJI due to damage and destruction caused by crashed drones from automated flights. The public may blame DJI software.

It's like the idea of having an automated car that drives itself once you enter an address. If the car crashes into a wall and causes major damage or death, the software company and car company may be liable. If you yourself drive a car into a wall, the car company doesn't really get blamed.
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United States

I can even imagine some drone operators mistakingly enter waypoints that would actually crash their Phantoms. Who would be liable for the damage and how easy would it be to determine whose at fault.
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

ob1artkid Posted at 2015-4-13 14:52
I'll give you guys my opinion on why I think DJI didn't include these options in the new Phantom. I  ...

Actually you are wrong!! They are being LAZY and  unthoughtful..... Basically they are just covering their asses and saving $$$ by tranfering the responsability of making the Phantom 3 a lil more usefull than just a flying Camera to other people(less reliable people)... Because without all this features that are not included thats all the P3 is, a flying toy...
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