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4783 52 2015-4-9
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United States

All I see here is smoke and mirrors and an upgraded camera. I think I'll wait until it's a tad cheaper before pulling the plug.

Can someone please exaplin to me why they're in such a hurry to run out and purchase this iteration of the product over previous versions? The main selling point is a 4k camera with several smaller and arguably non value providing upgrades. Simply look at the specs side by side and you really don't need to look any further.

a. Heavier
b. Has a battery with lower capacity
c. Has a slower max ascent
d. Has the same descent speed
e. Has purported better hover accuracy. (who really cares?) The wind impacts this more than anything and I HIGHLY DOUBT you'll see +/- 10cm in the slightest of breezes.
f. Can film 30* up from level (small improvement)
g. Vision positioning - an upgrade that will arguably provide little to no benefit based on the stated operating requirements (Surface with clear pattern and adequate lighting (Lux > 15))h. The "POWERFUL" mobile app doesn't support waypoint flying or ground station (this is a downgrade IMO)

And on and on.....

Sucka's of the world UNITE!!!!

No offense of course to anyone who already pre-ordered, just my own opinion. I feel the same way about people who camp out for new Crappl products FWIW.

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Flight distance : 567293 ft
United States

The lightbridge is a big improvement in my opinion that you didnt list. This as well as the new app.
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United States

^^ Fair point on the lightbridge Dmurph24. I mentioned the new app though, it doesn't support waypoint flying or ground station. That's a downgrade IMO and DJI has stated you need to hope some 3rd party develops that functionality. meh.....
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Flight distance : 567293 ft
United States

Im disappointed how waypoint is not supported but its a nice visual update aside from that.
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Flight distance : 866184 ft
United States

Simulator is also a new item, worth something
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Flight distance : 17152 ft
United States

The 4K camera is a big game changer for me as i do use my UAV's to shoot commercially as a side job and client's are now asking for 4K video standard as it is much clearer when editing and compressing down if required, also the new lens which now does not have the distortion any longer so no more post processing to remove that.  And as already said the new flight app that supports 720p out so the client has a much clearer picture to frame the shot and with the light bridge hopefully that will remove the pixel distortion I get with the the vision plus using the wifi extender.  I also fly indoors quite a bit and the added stability I am hoping the downward sensors provide will make it a little less stressful.  I do have a Hex that I use for heavy lifting but the phantom is much more suited for tight shots and it is a bit less stressful to fly.  I don't use the waypoint functionality much when shooting since it does not have POI or follow me capability but the upgraded GPS DJI is touting for better accuracy is also a plus.
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United States

I wouldn't say sucka's.  But I do agree.  For the people who want it for it's new features I am happy for you.  But more important than the features I would think they would put some effort into the software and giving people what the vision V3 already provides (waypoints ect..).  It seems they did not do anything with the software, and just said here is the basics now it's upto other developers to enhance the software.  So to me if your not going to provide the same features and add enhancements to the software that is a big step backwards.  I would like to have the P3, but I can wait until the software and feature get better through firmware updates ect...  And maybe drone updates P3+ V3.  I just got my P2+ V3 in March of 2015, and I think if my research is correct my phantom was released less than 6 months ago, and now look at how the software has improved..  So I will wait 6 - 12 months before I buy, then again if they release a new drone, I'll continue to wait and have fun with what I have.   Again my biggest grip is in the software features that have been removed..  Fine you have a new video editing fantastic, you have the ability to stream live to youtube ect.. great. But why remove features???
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United States

As an owner of an Inspire, I can tell you the Lightbridge is worth the cost of the rc handles a lot better. I was a bit put off by the fact that this stuff  cost me over $ it's available for $1K. I plan to get the P3 as a backup.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-4-10 08:25
As an owner of an Inspire, I can tell you the Lightbridge is worth the cost of the  ...

After what I have read. On this forum, and on the Inspire. I would not consider the P3 to be a replacement. Unless you want just the 4k camera capabilities.  Because the Inspire has many other enhance features.
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United States

Somebodies jealous lol  
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United States

Jerdel Posted at 2015-4-10 08:42
Somebodies jealous lol

I hope you don't mean me. I can afford inspire, I just don't want one.  I just wanted something for fun to pay with.

I am just saying to compare the P3 to the Inspire is like comparing apples to oranges..  There is many differences, and to have it as a backup is not the same.  Ask a DJI employee if they think they are the same???
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United States

If money wasn't a factor. I would have a Inspire, Pronto!
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United States

toddscafidi@gma Posted at 2015-4-10 09:28
If money wasn't a factor. I would have a Inspire, Pronto!

Why? If your not into photography and make your living that way ( which I am not into, and do not do any video editing stuff).  I just wanted a good drone to have fun with at home and on vacation and get HD vids.  I get good HD vids ect..  Very stable ect.. This is my first drone which I got in march 2015.

I will eventually get the P3 Pro. To show Vids on my 4K TV.  But I still will not do video editing. (does not interest me).  I would rather fly and have fun, and show what I recorded.

But again to compare the Inspire to the P3, is like apples and oranges.
Fine your P3 can be a backup but it's like your yogo to your Porsche.
(for those who don't know, both are cars and get you from point A to point B but there are some differences.)
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United States

Jerdel Posted at 2015-4-10 08:42
Somebodies jealous lol

Jealous? Jealous of what? I only recently purchased a P2 V+ version 1.0 because I finally felt the price point was "real" value for the money. I can afford 10 Inspires rather easily, but how do you think I have that kind of money?

Hint: It's because I don't immediately jump on the bandwagon when new products are released. What's old was cutting edge at one point and can still be LOADS of fun. That is what matters more to me.

The 4k camera is a load of hoopla; even for anyone who claims they will take advantage of it. Seriously? Most folks don't sit around their TV and watch Phantom videos on Saturday night, even if they claim they will use it. That's their way of justifying the expense. 99% of people WILL NOT leverage the full resolution of the new camera. That's a fact. Additionally, even though 4k is being supported on YouTube and the like, most people don't have a monitor that's capable of viewing in 4k anyway.

I have no doubt that eventually 4k will be commonplace in technology circles however that doesn't change the fact that at the moment it's usefulness is highly limited in nature.

The end result is it's not worth having yet in my opinion and certainly not something I would personally run out and buy. That's not to say I won't at some point but I'll be upgrading my theater first and foremost, not the Phantom. AS it stands now, in order to do a like for like replacement of my current projector it would cost me nearly 30k. EFF THAT!!!!

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United States

brewsky Posted at 2015-4-10 07:46
Simulator is also a new item, worth something

Simulator is in the Inspire app now BUT only in the Apple version not Android.  Vaporware at this point
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United States

I upgraded for two main reasons and one little reason:

* Lightbridge
* Narrower field of view for the camera
* The ground sensors (although not a deciding factor)

The narrower FOV matters a LOT to me because my wife literally can't watch my footage without getting nausea, especially when rapid yaw control.  (Some people are like that.)  I'd like to be able to share my experiences, and she cant.

Lightbridge... I like to "feel" like I'm flying, and I want that satisfaction while I'm doing it... Not when I view the footage later.  The 640 resolution of the PV2+ leaves something to be desired, and the connection can be spotty.  I use a 7" Nexus 7, 2013 model which for me improves the experience temendously versus my phone.

The ground sensors are a "nice to have" but I don't think I'll ever fly indoors.  Mostly I see them as reducing the chances of rough landings.

I will probably keep the PV2+ for a while, but may sell eventually.

Honestly, I don't see much they could improve from here without making the Inspire useless.

Remaining in my wish list:
* 360 degree camera (which would require retractable gear)
* Detachable / changeable camera
* Separate control for the pilot vs. camera operator.
* Camera zoom. (Inspire deserves this feature too!)
* A much more durable gimbal!

Things I will miss from the P2V+:
* Groundstation/Waypoints (Although I'm sure that's coming soon.)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

It's hard for many to look at things from other viewpoints!

Just the fact that the P3 does away with the complication of having to hook it to your computer (done through the app) and many other such things (calibration through the app) is a big thing! As DJI claims, they are trying to take as many hurdles out from between the operator and the picture and operation.

It's evolution and refinement. The lack of fisheye on the camera is a big thing to many also.

I'm not running out and selling my P2V+.
At the same time, I'm not going to buy a P2V+ V1.0 even for $700 because frankly it doesn't meet my standards to fly. I don't want one....don't like it's manners. The V3.0 improved the payload, propulsion and transmitter and made it - IMHO - pass my "minimum viable product" personal test.
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Second Officer


Jerdel Posted at 2015-4-10 08:42
Somebodies jealous lol

I think the P3 is a steal!
New Controller..Cavalier to Cadillac..Hello!
Simulator Ap..Free Video Game...Hello! and definitely going to improve one's flying skills..Hello again!
Camera..Raw eggs to Eggs Bennedict..Hello!
Vision Positioning ground sensors...Sweet..I love those. Now I can torment the spiders in my crawl space!
New motors..Sweet!
New Telemetry
Just to name a few...
As for the waypoints, I have not used them yet though I think it would be nice but as it has not been a feature I have used that I already have I would not miss it if I had not had it...3rd party apps will address this for sure.

As for the OP!..enjoy your money, you can't take it with you...and we still have left overs from Easter, you are welcome to those and hell, I'll even give them to you for free!
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

What is the point of this post?  You want to discourge people from buying the P3?  

1. Why do you care?
2. try to shame them by calling them names?
3. Your facts may be correct but the post is tainted because you come off with a bad image when you try to insult people first them.
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

Two words.. 4k  & HD FPV....
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United States

csauer52 Posted at 2015-4-11 01:51
Jealous? Jealous of what? I only recently pulled the plug on a P2 V+ version 1.0 because I finally ...

I guess we all have been shamed by someone that uses the expression "pulls the plug" instead of "pulls the trigger".  Oh and he can easily buy 10 Inspires.  Why not just buy 1 Phantom 3?  30k for a projector, now that is intelligent.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
  • >>>
United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-4-11 04:57
What is the point of this post?  You want to discourge people from buying the P3?  

1. Why do you c ...

He may have money, but he can't buy adulthood with it!
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United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-4-11 04:57
What is the point of this post?  You want to discourge people from buying the P3?  

1. Why do you c ...

wah - are your feelings hurt? boo hoo hoo
The point of this post is clearly to show that the almighty P3 iteration of the platform is hardly as wonderful as the noise would have you believe at first glance. It may be for some people however I'll pass until the kinks are worked out. I can't wait to read all the sob stories about crashed P3s, non-functioning software, incompatible hardware etc.

Coming soon to a forum near you.
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United States

whernst Posted at 2015-4-11 05:53
I guess we all have been shamed by someone that uses the expression "pulls the plug" instead of "p ...

Clearly the gist of my post went right over your head in that I clearly stated I WOULD NOT be purchasing a 30k projector as the value isn't there (yet). Sheesh
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United States

It really boggles my mind how the simple unadulterated truth offends so many people. Why is it that people can't see the forest for the trees?

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United States

"No offense of course to anyone who already pre-ordered"

LOL.  You're kind of a jerk.  When I say that, I mean no offense... of course.

Sucka number 4,512
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United States

With all due respect lol
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Flight distance : 112185 ft
United States

csauer52 Posted at 2015-4-11 06:08
wah - are your feelings hurt? boo hoo hoo
The point of this post is clearly to show that the almigh ...

Actually I was not hurt just confused and all your "responses" did not help.  The question is still why do you care?  These/we want to purchase something and we all want to talk about the pro's and con's.  In the end all that matters is each person makes the choice for themselves.

You want to trash people to reinforce your decision to not buy, why?
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United States

Why do they let trolls like this guy post here? This is the second thread I have seen in which he has called everyone who pre-ordered a P3 a "sucka." Has he ever posted useful info?

I've only been here three days and there seem to be some cool, knowledgeable people, but as with most message boards, there are always a couple who aren't satisfied with pissing down their own legs, they have to piss on everyone else's legs as well.

We all had a reason to pre-order, so we did. Get over yourself, 52. We don't care that you preferred not to.
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United States

You clearly don't use this type of gear professionally or you would understand the benefits of P3 vs. previous versions or any other drone for that fact. You're talking shit about a tool you don't really understand... IMHO

It's all about what YOU can do with this tool, not just what IT can do.
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Second Officer


csauer52 Posted at 2015-4-11 06:11
Clearly the gist of my post went right over your head in that I clearly stated I WOULD NOT be purc ...

The problem or fact is, you stated that anyone who has bought a P3 is a "sucker"..You hide behind your 10+ yr. old Norcent or whatever brand LCD screen or worse an old 20+ yr. old Trinitron screen calling people names and for no good reason...why even post? or why not post a debate as to why should i buy a P3 when the P2 does all that i want at half the price?..and why even post that?...Unless you are unhappy with something it is not likely that you would have posted at all...sometimes silence is golden!
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Second Officer


csauer52 Posted at 2015-4-11 06:19
It really boggles my mind how the simple unadulterated truth offends so many people. Why is it that  ...

and just to be clear, it is "see the forest through the trees"..

My question here is...what is your depth perception? Can you discern the difference?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

acenothing Posted at 2015-4-11 04:57
What is the point of this post?  You want to discourge people from buying the P3?  

1. Why do you c ...

I concur with your thoughts

negativity just to be negative has little value
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 37415 ft
United States

csauer52 Posted at 2015-4-11 06:08
wah - are your feelings hurt? boo hoo hoo
The point of this post is clearly to show that the almigh ...

what  competitive company do you work for?
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Larry L

United States

I do professional photography & have been asked by several coaches to photograph their basketball/volleyball team in our gym. I really do not like the idea of using my Vision + for that with out some stability & with a ISO of 1600 ( even though you probability can't go that high with out a ton of noise, it is a heck of a lot higher than the V+ of 400 ISO. I really am torn between the P-3 & the inspire. Until I can see my quad making money, It is hard to spend 3K when I can spend  $1300 .00 & get sorta close to the image from the inspire. Just don't think the upgrades will be as good.
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Hong Kong
Offline Posted at 2015-4-10 08:25
As an owner of an Inspire, I can tell you the Lightbridge is worth the cost of the  ...

but how much of a difference is the inspire's camera vs hero 4 black?
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As a previous owner of the P2V+ and losing it due to pilot error(stupid flying on a windy day) the Lightbridge is the decider. 4K Pro is great for the ones making $ out of this device, but basically just eye-candy for me. Nonetheless im going with the Pro for my 2nd attempt
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United States

kss113@hotmail. Posted at 2015-4-10 09:46
Why? If your not into photography and make your living that way ( which I am not into, and do not  ...

I seen one in action the other day. It was fast, agile and the light bridge was awesome. The Inspire is built using higher grade materials compared to the Phantom and Yes, it is overkill for non professional use. If the money wasn't an issue, I really would like to have one. Who doesn't like to have the best?
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Flight distance : 1140502 ft
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United States

A very hungry fox walked into a vineyard where there was an ample supply of luscious looking grapes. Grapes had never looked so good, and the fox was famished. However, the grapes hung higher than the fox could reach. He jumped and stretched and hopped and reached and jumped some more trying to get those yummy grapes, but to no avail. No matter what he tried, he could not reach the grapes. He wore himself out jumping and jumping to get the grapes.

"Those grapes surely must be sour," he said as he walked away, "I wouldn't eat them if they were served to me on a silver platter."

The moral of the story:  It is easy to hate what you cannot have.
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United States

bobasbury Posted at 2015-4-15 18:03
A very hungry fox walked into a vineyard where there was an ample supply of luscious looking grapes. ...

You just #REKT, OP
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