GEO-fencing unauthorized flight
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5779 43 2017-8-11
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

So where do I begin on my rant.

I am a licensed and insured drone pilot and I fly mostly for Real Estate agents. I’ve been doing this since the beginning of the year and business is going well. I have flown several times in airport airspace, but I call every time and get permission (which is the law). Recently there was an update done to improve the “Geo Fencing”. From my understanding, it restricts unauthorized access in airport airspace. That is all fine and dandy, but here are my BIGGEST issues:

  • As I said, I’m commercially certified. Whenever I fly near an airport, I have to call EVERY time I fly in their airspace. If I get caught flying without authorization, I could lose my license, pay a fine, and probably go to jail. Without a license, I’m out of a job. Not sure why I need DJI's approval when I already have the airports approval.

  • So I called and got permission to fly. I attempted to fly, just to find out the software would not allow me to take off. Oh, and this was after driving 45 minutes to the property. After contacting DJI about this, I was informed I have to email “” for authorization. After not hearing anything from them within a few hours, I contacted DJI again. I was told it could take 24-48 hours for them to respond AND it’s only for authorization for one day. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!

  • A lot can happen in 24-48 hours.

    • My type of flying/filming is dependant on the weather. I’m very picky on the condition of the weather. There could be a series of storms that come through that could ground me for days/weeks. My current condition is that I could have flown today, but since I’m can’t, I won’t get to it till mid next week due to a storm coming up the east coast. When I’m not flying/editing, I’m not making money. I could have been paid today, but that's not happening... Thanks DJI.
    • If a situation comes up that forces me to postpone filming, I would have to restart the ENTIRE process for another day to fly.
    • Real Estate agents that I deal with (My main one was voted top 100 agent in the US out of 1.2 million by the WSJ). They want videos/pictures here and now. When I get a job, I film them as soon as possible, so if the weather goes bad, I can edit while it rains. So now, I’m FORCED to wait on DJI.

While I agree that DJI/FAA need to improve security/safety for airport airspace from idiots, why should law abiding licensed pilots suffer? My idea (to improve on this):

  • Pilots that can prove they are both licensed (maybe insured as well) do not have to go through this and are not restricted by the software. Still warn pilots that they are in a restrictive airspace and remind them to obtain authorization before flying.

Reasoning: We still have to get permission to fly in the airport airspace, and if we don’t, we lose our license. For those of us that live near an airport, this is a lot of bureaucratic paperwork that is needless, so why should we have to go through the ringer? Time is money.

Can I get a managing representative to discuss this issue. There is only so much a customer rep can do for me, and the ONLY way to contact the flight authorization department can only be reached by email.

Thank you,


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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

I know I risk catching a few witty/choice comments for this, but here we go.
Mongo, you are making an excellent argument for the certified commercial folks, and as well you should, however, there are others who are not commercially involved who are also capable of understanding the complexities of dealing with airspace matters.  I am not so naïve to believe that the unfortunate few out there that have no clue and/or do not care has created this current state of affairs, and those folks should be grounded on that note alone.  Yet, I am perplexed as to why DJI has taken on the role of airspace policemen; my personal explanation thus far is it is because of the lawyers getting involved over liability concerns.  However, here in the US anyway, there is an extensive network of agencies that manage the policing of our land & air, we have the FAA, FBI, NTSB, do da do da day alphabet soup of agencies and departments who exercise control of our nation’s territories.  Additionally, we have the national park service, NASA, and the DoD who restrict drone ops and airspace availability.  Also, I’m equally as sure that all developed nations have similar agencies that perform the same functions.  So, I guess I’m asking rhetorically, why does DJI feel they must be in this business to the extent they have done so.  It is redundant and from your description of things, it is bureaucratically burdensome and unnecessary.  To review, you have to send a mother-may-I to a Chinese company, by e-mail.  To request authorization for you to operate your bought and paid for property in the United States where you are licensed, insured, and already cleared by the delegated national agency with the controlling authority for the area in question; does DJI have a direct link to the FAA to double check these authorizations.  Following your request, der commissar will only authorize your permission for 24 hours, even the FAA will grant waivers for longer than that.  It is like being on double secret probation with this hoop jumping, are we dealing with Dean Wormer in Animal House (a movie for those who don’t get it).  
It seems to me, at the very least, DJI would be best served to provide a detailed explanation for these changes and restrictions.  Adding as to why they decided to implement them the way they did.  It may not satisfy all of us, but it would certainly go a long way in understanding exactly what is going on and why.  My opinion only, the culture from which they (DJI) operate in does not consider the masses, when enacting such edicts, in this case the masses are the customers.  However, I believe we should be so informed…just enacting these edicts and expecting that the customers will live with it is not helpful in maintaining good customer relations and corporate goodwill.
Lastly, I agree with you, if we are left with no alternative but to accept these restrictions and operating our property under them, there has to be a reasonable and streamlined process to permit those with the proper credentials and authority to gain a full and permanent release from these lock outs.  This would permit them to operate freely under the proper controlling agencies as designed by the applicable national authorities, and not another nation’s corporate entity.
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Flight distance : 287884 ft

the question over all is: is it possibel to remove the NFZ after upate (trough a downgrade) or not.  if not, DJI bricked our drones for commercial use.  
the best for all woud be that every owner of this product can decide what APP version or firmware he can run.
so we can use APPs who fit to the curent hardware and we can choos firmware we can trust.  
why is that so hard for DJI?
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DJI Susan

Could you PM me your ticket number and email address? I'll check it and push our colleagues handle it asap.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

I had a representative send me an email. Here is the message:

"Dear Ethan,

Thank you for contacting DJI.
We now provide the Advance Unlocking in GEO system to unlock Authorization Zones by pilots themselves.

You can check if you are in a restricted zone by the map as below at first.

If you are authorized to fly there and this is a yellow restricted zone, you can unlock it by yourself on our website.

If it is a red restricted zone, you can submit the unlocking request by the link as below.
Then we will review it and unlock it on our server as soon a possible.
But you need to offer an authorization form and identification form.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. Thank you."

That pretty much answered my question.  I would add that maybe people in the customer service department be notified of this. I maybe spoke to 3 or 4 different people and was only told about emailing and not the website method.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Well, that didn't work. After unlocking my airport through the website for a yellow zone, my app said my flight status was valid. After another 45-minute trip to the property, I still could not take off. Can I please get a valid reasoning why DJI needs to interfere with my business and why they believe their authorization is more important than the airport's authorization. I'm getting fed up with this. I was under the impression that unlocking a yellow zone was instant, and not requiring a 24 to 48 hour wait.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

And to add to that, customer support told me the ONLY thing I can do is email FlySafe to get assistance... So now I have to wait ANOTHER 24-48 hours... This is ridiculous! I wish DJI would not interfere with my business. Time is money.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1204754 ft
United States

I ran into a bit of this myself this weekend. Very frustrating! I had written authorization from the chief of airspace management of an air force base to fly near one of their auxiliary airstrips. DJI had to play big brother and get involved.... it is not their place to do so and I wish they'd reverse this stance. Holding DJI accountable for how someone uses their product improperly is absurd. Is anyone suing the makers of Q-tips for popping an eardrum?
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

I understand restricting/limiting hobbyist that don't understand the law. My proposal would allow licensed drone pilot the ability to do their job without DJI interfering.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Unbelievable.. 24 hours and no response to my forum, email, pm, and even Facebook. I am beyond frustrated.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Sorry. On phone and the message was sent prematurely. :

Wow... 48 hours and NO response. Can't call customer support. I get the same ole "there's nothing we can do. You have to email the department".  FlySafe hasn't even replied to my original email from Friday! Lol. Do I need to threaten with legal action or something to get the ball rolling?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Mongo6294 Posted at 2017-8-16 12:14
Sorry. On phone and the message was sent prematurely. :

Wow... 48 hours and NO response. Can't call customer support. I get the same ole "there's nothing we can do. You have to email the department".  FlySafe hasn't even replied to my original email from Friday! Lol. Do I need to threaten with legal action or something to get the ball rolling?

Mongo... dang... your story gives me agitation.

From what I understand you can get around the NFZ issue by using Litchi.  If this is true, pony up $23 and buy Litchi.  (I'm starting to sound like a Litchi Rep because I have posted this in a bunch of these forums threads).

Litchi is great and it does not suffer the same software bugs and NFZ restrictions.  The user interface is close to identical with DJIGO4 so there is not much of a learning curve.  And for me, it was a workaround to get rid of the well documented Video Transmission Issue that DJI introduced with the most recent software update.

You can buy Litchi at the mobile app store of your choice.  If nothing else, it will get you up and running while we wait for DJI to fix their procedures and software.

For what it is worth... I am NOT associated with Litchi at all.  I don't represent them, I am not connected to them in any way.  I am just a licensed Part 107 pilot like so many of us here and trying to get back to work.  I took (what I considered) a drastic measure out of desperation, and purchased Litchi.  Glad I did.  Was able to get back to work.
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United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-8-16 12:33
Mongo... dang... your story gives me agitation.

From what I understand you can get around the NFZ issue by using Litchi.  If this is true, pony up $23 and buy Litchi.  (I'm starting to sound like a Litchi Rep because I have posted this in a bunch of these forums threads).

If DJI wont let you fly than neither will Litchi unfortunately.   Only alternative to getting around NFZ nightmare is to hack it.  
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-8-16 12:33
Mongo... dang... your story gives me agitation.

From what I understand you can get around the NFZ issue by using Litchi.  If this is true, pony up $23 and buy Litchi.  (I'm starting to sound like a Litchi Rep because I have posted this in a bunch of these forums threads).

I'll consider it. Sad that I have to pay 23$ just to bypass DJI. They have yet to respond to me.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-8-16 12:33
Mongo... dang... your story gives me agitation.

From what I understand you can get around the NFZ issue by using Litchi.  If this is true, pony up $23 and buy Litchi.  (I'm starting to sound like a Litchi Rep because I have posted this in a bunch of these forums threads).

Mabou2, hello. I too have commented quite a bit about Litchi. I have used it now for close to a year now. Man, glad I did too. I am also not a representative for Litchi or tied to them in any way. I am not licensed commercially, but do it for a hobby and love it. It is unfortunate to have to resort to an alternate app, because I do think DJI has some great technology here. I'm sure they are trying to comply with all walks of life throughout the world, and that would be a huge job for sure. Manufacturing a product that is sold worldwide and abiding to all the laws and such would be a challenge. But, with that being said, I hope DII would take a look and listen to us and remove some of those restrictions allowing us to make the decisions instead of being forced to use another app to work around it. I know that is an ongoing conversation and wasn't trying to fire that up any more. Litchi does make a great app, although they do have to use some of DJI's SDK stuff embedded in the firmware too. Anyway, my hat is off to Litchi too! That $20-$25  is nothing compared to what some of the accessories cost, and it makes flying that much more fun, especially the waypoint missions in my opinion and not having to deal with those darn NFZ zones.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Luckily I can get a refund.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Litchi does the same thing. Can't fly in "No Fly Zones".
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Mongo6294 Posted at 2017-8-23 11:46
Litchi does the same thing. Can't fly in "No Fly Zones".

Sorry you are dealing with this, it is unacceptable for sure...
Need to learn some stuff here, please.
What is the current status of this problem you are having, the one that started the thread?  Did you get some response, if so when i.e. how long of a turn around.  To what extent did they resolve your problem or not?

Ref Litchi...Sooo, it won't let you fly in NFZs too.  Is there a process to unlock them with Litchi?  If so, what is involved to do so?

Sorry for the questions, but that is why I'm here.

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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Well. I'm going to be seeking legal advice due to this event. According to Georgia law,, I am within my legal rights to fly as per FAA rules. I have obtained permission from my local airport to fly within their airspace. If I am correct on my interpretation of Georgia law, no other authority can restrict me unless they are enforcing FAA rules, and I view DJI is restricting me unjustly since I have proper clearance. Nowhere in the law does it state that one must get ATC/Airport authorization AND DJI's permission. I see this is no different from a police officer telling me I can't fly in a certain area, even though I legally can. While I agree this is great start for restricting those that do not know the law (and DJI is enforcing FAA rules) and keeping airports safe, this is a major hindrance to commercial pilots with authorization. We are licensed for a reason, cause we know the laws. If I get caught flying illegally, I can lose my license and either go to jail and/or pay a fine. I lose my license, I'm out of a job.

My proposal: Show proof you are a licensed pilot, and get permanently removed from the NFZ list. Essentially go back to the days where you were warned there is an airport nearby and remind them to have authorization before flying... You know, the good ole days of flying.
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

Addon from the FAA pertaining to part 107 licensed pilots:
§107.41   Operation in certain airspace:
No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace or within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport unless that person has prior authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC).
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Flight distance : 284665 ft
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United States

I finally got it working. New Geo fencing update today. The most complicated thing ever. I'll post up an in-depth process I took. DJI needs to streamline the process. 15-20 minutes of my time.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

Mongo6294 Posted at 2017-8-23 12:25
Well. I'm going to be seeking legal advice due to this event. According to Georgia law,, I am within my legal rights to fly as per FAA rules. I have obtained permission from my local airport to fly within their airspace. If I am correct on my interpretation of Georgia law, no other authority can restrict me unless they are enforcing FAA rules, and I view DJI is restricting me unjustly since I have proper clearance. Nowhere in the law does it state that one must get ATC/Airport authorization AND DJI's permission. I see this is no different from a police officer telling me I can't fly in a certain area, even though I legally can. While I agree this is great start for restricting those that do not know the law (and DJI is enforcing FAA rules) and keeping airports safe, this is a major hindrance to commercial pilots with authorization. We are licensed for a reason, cause we know the laws. If I get caught flying illegally, I can lose my license and either go to jail and/or pay a fine. I lose my license, I'm out of a job.

My proposal: Show proof you are a licensed pilot, and get permanently removed from the NFZ list. Essentially go back to the days where you were warned there is an airport nearby and remind them to have authorization before flying... You know, the good ole days of flying.

This is one reason why I refuse to update my FlySafe database. It's another nag I have to click through.

Frankly, if automobile manufacturers did this, they would be sued. Who the heck other than the feds, has the right to tell me where I can drive/fly? Intentionally crippling an aircraft is unforgivable.

I am one of the lucky ones in that I don't live near any airports or any of Trump's golf courses. But others aren't so lucky. They can't even fly in their own back yards.

And I've heard stories of DJI drones falling out of the sky when they hit the boundary of a NFZ, or when the 24 hour unlock period ends and the drone just happened to be in the air at that time, causing the drone to drop like a stone. I'd be livid and I'd be suing a company that would incorporate firmware that would cause my drone to fall like a rock, possibly injuring people below or causing property damage, due to a NFZ authorization expiring.

Imagine if car manufacturers included No Drive Zones all over the map. Insanity.
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Mark Weiss Posted at 2018-9-6 09:16
This is one reason why I refuse to update my FlySafe database. It's another nag I have to click through.

Frankly, if automobile manufacturers did this, they would be sued. Who the heck other than the feds, has the right to tell me where I can drive/fly? Intentionally crippling an aircraft is unforgivable.

'And I've heard stories of DJI drones falling out of the sky when they hit the boundary of a NFZ, or when the 24 hour unlock period ends and the drone just happened to be in the air at that time, causing the drone to drop like a stone. I'd be livid and I'd be suing a company that would incorporate firmware that would cause my drone to fall like a rock, possibly injuring people below or causing property damage, due to a NFZ authorization expiring.'

"And I've heard stories..." Well, it serves you right for listening to such clap-trap. The aircraft do not 'drop like a stone', they simply land at the boundary. I originally gave you some credit for having a brain, but you are rapidly erroding that view with alarmist rubbish like this.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

My understanding is the DJI AC will bounce off the NFZ boundary as if hitting an invisible rubber wall, but it would stay aloft.  I've seen this with my own experience.  The AC would autoland only if it lost GPS and wandered into a DJI NFZ and then regained GPS.   Under no circumstances would it fall from the sky for entering a DJI NFZ.  If it falls from the sky, that would be for some other reason, usually a problem with the battery.  

One other point - I live within 19 miles of the White House and I fly whenever I want.  No drops, no auto lands, no bouncing, no nothing.  I just fly fly fly.  I've got something approaching 1500 miles of flight in the DC SFRA.  Last TFR here was the day after election day due to the Women's March, and it was only for a few hours that day.  

Point is, it really isn't that bad if you take a few minutes to learn how to deal with the rare occasional complications.  DJI's NFZs do make sense.  They're not perfect, but they make sense in the vast majority of cases.  

Another thing, why go out of your way to bump a thread that's over a year old?  That suggests you are deliberately searching for threads to bump to promote havoc - which is against the forum's rules.  I have to agree with Geebax re "alarmist rubbish" which you seem akin to posting again and again and again for unknown reasons other than to troll.  

Here's a challenge Mark Weiss:  Show us a thread, just one, where the DJI AC fell from the sky upon entering a DJI NFZ.  Show us one.  Just one.  Please.  Prove to us you're not a troll.  

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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

Wait... isn't the White House protected by a 30-mile radius NFZ and so is the president at all times? ... e-president/518361/

Here's your links (which you would find if you read this forum in more detail):

Very dangerous!

Lands in a lake when auth expired:

and: ... 957&pid=1506195

and some valid concerns: ... ly-scrapped.121136/

and: ... 21136/#post-1238795

"NO government has instructed ANY drone maker to install ANY NFZ avoidance in its drones to date. Just as they haven't for any airplane or helicopter or jet or even any other flying object, hot air balloon, ultra lightweight, gliders, other model aircraft. See the patten? DJI is the exception and dropping the ball. Maybe losing the the entire US Military over it will help them change their course."

"DJI was never given an ultimatum. They created GEO without any prompting by the US. Don't believe me? Ask Brendan Schulman. He is DJI's head advocate for GEO and VP of policy in the US. Furthermore, the FAA currently has NO licensing or certification programs for foreign or domestically made small UAS. Anyone can build one and sell it in the US. "

And there's a descent limitation! ... .60780/#post-591314

Valid concerns: ... y-actionable.90431/

The DJI drones are a marvel of technology, but they are unnecessarily crippled. For many, that can be a show-stopper. I would not blame the owners if they sought out and implemented means of circumventing these geofencing limitations.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Mark Weiss Posted at 2018-9-7 11:47
Wait... isn't the White House protected by a 30-mile radius NFZ and so is the president at all times?

These are auto-lands.  You said they were falling out of the sky.  You lied.  You deliberately misled the membership in your post for the purpose of disruption.  

I already explained auto-lands above.  

Please go away.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-9-7 11:54
These are auto-lands.  You said they were falling out of the sky.  You lied.  You deliberately misled the membership in your post for the purpose of disruption.  

I already explained auto-lands above.  

a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. ===

Certainly my statement was not intended to deceive. Your accusation is false. You owe me an apology.

Auto-landing into the lake is the same result as a crash. The owner lost his drone because of DJI's crippled firmware.

Another drone landed in the middle of a busy highway and could have resulted in accidents on a bridge. Again, because the firmware stole away control of the AC from the owner (because it had entered an NFZ) and went and did something that placed the owner in big trouble.

We need to compel DJI to stop crippling their products.
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Mark Weiss Posted at 2018-9-7 18:09
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. ===

At the very least, loose interpretation of what happened. No-one has have an aircraft fall out of the sky under NFZ conditions, and trying to liken an auto-land to one is plain b*llsh1t.

DJI do not have crippled firmware, the entire NFZ concept was originally an agreement between 3 of the most prominent drone manufacturers, in response to requests by the FAA to implement some system that would prevent them from being flown in airport space. Everyone seems to have forgotten that this happened, or conveniently ignored it. As usual, the gutless FAA did nothing about it themselves, but threw the entire resposibility upon the aircraft makers.

If you don't like what DJI has done with their implementation of the Geo-fencing, then you are at liberty to buy one of the hundreds of superior products made by manufacturers elsewhere, like the good old Made-In-The-USA ones that all went out of business. You bought a P4 series, and by then the Geo-fencing had already been implemented, so either you accepted that or did very little research prior to buying. Suck it up princess.

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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

Geebax Posted at 2018-9-7 18:44
At the very least, loose interpretation of what happened. No-one has have an aircraft fall out of the sky under NFZ conditions, and trying to liken an auto-land to one is plain b*llsh1t.

DJI do not have crippled firmware, the entire NFZ concept was originally an agreement between 3 of the most prominent drone manufacturers, in response to requests by the FAA to implement some system that would prevent them from being flown in airport space. Everyone seems to have forgotten that this happened, or conveniently ignored it. As usual, the gutless FAA did nothing about it themselves, but threw the entire resposibility upon the aircraft makers.

It's ironic how these model aircraft have these intentional built in limitations, but automobiles and trucks, which can do so much more damage, are allowed to drive on public highways! Imagine that, Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, Toyota, et al.,  haven't put in firmware to prevent their cars from starting when near highways or places where a lot of traffic might be.. Imagine that..
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Once I receive FAA authorization using the AirMap app for my iPad  instant manual authorization. How do I unlock my drone!
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Mark Weiss Posted at 2018-9-11 13:49
It's ironic how these model aircraft have these intentional built in limitations, but automobiles and trucks, which can do so much more damage, are allowed to drive on public highways! Imagine that, Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, Toyota, et al.,  haven't put in firmware to prevent their cars from starting when near highways or places where a lot of traffic might be.. Imagine that..

There is no valid comparison between motor vehicles and a flying device that could stray into controlled airspace. Besides, you are dead wrong, many vehicles now incorporate radar sensors that stop the vehicle when there is an object in front of them and a collision is probable, in other words, it stops you entering a dangerous space.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Robert9999 Posted at 2018-9-11 16:15
Once I receive FAA authorization using the AirMap app for my iPad  instant manual authorization. How do I unlock my drone!

You can either self-unlock it or custom-unlock from this page:

Good luck
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Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-9-11 16:45
You can either self-unlock it or custom-unlock from this page:

Good luck

It’s inside the red zone now what
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Robert9999 Posted at 2018-9-11 17:05
It’s inside the red zone now what

Custom unlock and hope for the best.

Good luck
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Thank you

It’s a sad day when the FAA is Easier than DJI.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

Geebax Posted at 2018-9-11 16:38
There is no valid comparison between motor vehicles and a flying device that could stray into controlled airspace. Besides, you are dead wrong, many vehicles now incorporate radar sensors that stop the vehicle when there is an object in front of them and a collision is probable, in other words, it stops you entering a dangerous space.

Obstacle avoidance is not the same as prohibition from even starting the motors.
And as far as controlled airspace, obstacle avoidance would make far more sense. Each aircraft would be able to detect another, it's flight path and trajectory and avoid the area.
But not to be able to start up your motors and fly below treetop level in your own back yard because the President is visiting some 29 miles away, it unacceptable.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Mark Weiss Posted at 2018-9-12 12:22
Obstacle avoidance is not the same as prohibition from even starting the motors.
And as far as controlled airspace, obstacle avoidance would make far more sense. Each aircraft would be able to detect another, it's flight path and trajectory and avoid the area.
But not to be able to start up your motors and fly below treetop level in your own back yard because the President is visiting some 29 miles away, it unacceptable.

But those are the FAA rules.  That's why you see a big red circle on the sectional chart.  

Besides, what do you care?  Last I heard, you were moving to Japan...
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United Kingdom

I am actually surprised, that no legal concern has been raised so far regarding the behavior of DJI drones in or at the border of no-fly-zones!

Fact #1: the pilot looses control over a flying drone hitting the border of a no-fly-zone and or the RTH function is hindered. LEGALLY DJI IS FLYING YOUR DRONE, therefore liable to any accidents, injuries, fires the aircraft UNDER THEIR CONTROL caused.
Fact #2: most legislations in the world require the pilot - in this case DJI - having a visual contact with the aircraft.

Obviously an aircraft refusing takeoff is neither safety concern nor violates the VLOS/BVLOS rules. But hazardous behavior in the outer buffer zones of the actually protected facilities is by no means justified and represents a significantly larger risk than an actual minor intrusion into a NFZ followed by a landing under the pilot's full control. 3 miles from a commercial airport in a public park, a drone represent much greater danger to the school class visiting the park directly beneath it than the jets taking off and landing 3 miles away.
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Mark Weiss
Second Officer
United States

FlyingUser Posted at 2018-9-13 06:25
I am actually surprised, that no legal concern has been raised so far regarding the behavior of DJI drones in or at the border of no-fly-zones!

Fact #1: the pilot looses control over a flying drone hitting the border of a no-fly-zone and or the RTH function is hindered. LEGALLY DJI IS FLYING YOUR DRONE, therefore liable to any accidents, injuries, fires the aircraft UNDER THEIR CONTROL caused.

Paragraph 2 above is precisely what I'm getting at. People have lost their drones because DJI took control via an automatic program that is invoked when the drone strays into a NFZ. Unacceptable!
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