POLL: What about the 'RTH-'BEEP' ?
42605 253 2017-5-17
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-21 11:06
If you've lost sight of your spark or lost downlink ,just remember when you hear this beeping you know it's coming home, no beeping and no signal you may as well get down on your knees and prey.

Please understand: I just want to be able to switch it off when I know everything is alright!

Why can I edit only 2 minutes? Found the advice in the safety guidelines myself. But thank you!
No word about that in the manual where RTH is described...
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people saying that its good for alerting people near by that your drone is RTH and possibly need to watch out.  however i have 2 issues to pick with this.. why do they need to be alerted if my drone is 1-2 miles away and RTH because of fringe signal issues?  second of all, why does anyone thing people either care or understand when my last drone was beeping because of signal issues and it initiated RTH.. it didn't help anything, few people in fact put earbuds in and returned to laying down or playing..most people gave me look of STFU..   

i totally understand the beeping if the drone is like within range of falling on people within earshot, but otherwise its entirely pointless..
other issue i have to pick wiht people is when people mention just cancel RTH.. sometimes not much of an option if signla is problematic nd you dont want to risk loss, i found RTH useful on a few occssions with my ex spark when my signal was in and out.. RTH started and i let it go for a full minuted till my signal was more solid and only reason i did stop it was because it was embarrassing having people stare at me, not the sky, not possibilities of why something beeping..just me..  
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SparkBerlin Posted at 2017-8-21 11:18
Please understand: I just want to be able to switch it off when I know everything is alright!

Why can I edit only 2 minutes? Found the advice in the safety guidelines myself. But thank you!

Maybe it's because it's in safety manual. I think there is not an option because a lot of people would just turn it off, I think an option to lower the decibel level would be an idea, but I have never seen a safety measured either removed or diluted by dji.
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ImHereToCrash Posted at 2017-8-21 11:19
people saying that its good for alerting people near by that your drone is RTH and possibly need to watch out.  however i have 2 issues to pick with this.. why do they need to be alerted if my drone is 1-2 miles away and RTH because of fringe signal issues?  second of all, why does anyone thing people either care or understand when my last drone was beeping because of signal issues and it initiated RTH.. it didn't help anything, few people in fact put earbuds in and returned to laying down or playing..most people gave me look of STFU..   

i totally understand the beeping if the drone is like within range of falling on people within earshot, but otherwise its entirely pointless..

If operator was incapacitated is one reason. The pilot is no longer in control of AC it's in automatic mode , it was required that I leave warning beeping on when doing my commercial license.

Nobody has ever come up to me to complain about beeping noise, it seems from what I read here it's very embarrassing for some pilots because it shows they are not confident of flying and landing their AC.
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-8-21 11:34
If operator was incapacitated is one reason. The pilot is no longer in control of AC it's in automatic mode , it was required that I leave warning beeping on when doing my commercial license.

Nobody has ever come up to me to complain about beeping noise, it seems from what I read here it's very embarrassing for some pilots because it shows they are not confident of flying and landing their AC.

lol...   genuine lolz at first line.  i dont think beeping would matter terribly too much.  specially makes no difference 1-3 miles away.. and depending where you fly, some terrible people will use that to take advantage of u and steal your drone.  some people have no f..ks to give

no most people wont say anything.. i have had a few people ask either out of genuine curiosity unrelated to the beeping or the beeping annoyed them enough that they got drawn to it... but 99% of the time people give me the look of STFU plz...
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Sulu600 Posted at 2017-5-24 11:10
Totally agree, 3 & 4!!!

Idem for me !
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djiuser_M6sNIea Posted at 2017-8-20 12:57
And why would anybody who is not owning a drone know, what that beeping means?
And btw, why would they care even if they knew? They cant control where the drone flies anyway, since I am controlling it either way (being able to cancel rth anytime, if I see any danger). The drone owner is responsible - beep or no beep!
I see more people being upset by that sound than beeing kept from harm by it!

And why would anybody who is not owning a drone know, what that beeping means?

In America people know what a beeping noise means.  It's attached on our large trucks.  When people hear that noise they know to be cognizant of their surroundings.

And btw, why would they care even if they knew? They cant control where the drone flies anyway, since I am controlling it either way (being able to cancel rth anytime, if I see any danger).

Because it's being flown autonomously, not by a human.  You should take precautions around autonomous machines, just like you would in a factory or on the street.  Trucks are being driven by people and they still beep.  No reason not be safe around dangerous machines.

The drone owner is responsible - beep or no beep!
I see more people being upset by that sound than beeping kept from harm by it!

You are right about the responsibility, although that doesn't impact the need for the beep.  The anecdotal evidence of a few people saying they don't like the safety beep does not amount to much in my opinion.  Hundreds of thousands of drones sold and just a few posts on the subject - I would say few people care enough to have it removed.  Also, in most professional situations, these sort of audible warnings are general required on machinery.  DJI getting ahead of the curve is a great way of avoiding additional regulation.
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1 - its just fine as it is
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el pelo
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Correct me if I am wrong but the Spark does not do the return to home beep or low battery beep.
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el pelo Posted at 2017-9-19 12:37
Correct me if I am wrong but the Spark does not do the return to home beep or low battery beep.

Not sure if it does low batt beep, it gives a warning, but it does a RTH beep
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If the pilot initiates RTZ please let us mute the beeping.  If only for 1 minute then give me the option to mute again.  i think this would help the safety concerns as if the pilot falls unconscious during RTH the beeping would start again however as long as the pilot has hold of the RC and is using the RTH as "autopilot" it would be nice to have a temporary mute option.   Maybe even make the beeping compulsory if the UAV is within 200m or so.  

I also think the warning should be on the aircraft too during automated/emergency landings.  All these lorry examples make sense as the warning sound is on the rear of the vehicle warning pedestrians, not in the cab where only the driver can hear it.   What if the UAV does an emergency (low battery) landing away from the pilot?  
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-6-6 16:26
I think you will find that over 54% are happy to have beeping infinite or until you take back control, not 14%.

I voted to keep it with options, maybe they should introduce electrodes into the grips to deliver a 12V DC shock just in case you fell asleep
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I don't use RTH, i don't trust it....
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QuadKid Posted at 2017-9-20 04:42
I voted to keep it with options, maybe they should introduce electrodes into the grips to deliver a 12V DC shock just in case you fell asleep

LMAO shockingly good. Lol
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i understand why we have it and its good and all, but thinking about it more and more myself.... why do we need to let everyone in a 100 foot radius know our drone is coming back..? it sort of make sense on the surface but, it is pretty pointless still.. i would like at very least option to disable it after i accept RTH stuff or click to shut it up..

but the low battery alarm, i want one, but what good is it to alert people 100 feet away that my drone has a low battery specially if my drone is well beyond any of that sort of range?  what's that going to do for me or them?   putting the alarm on the drone would be more effective for a low battery because then people would be more aware there a drone in the sky thats got a weak battery, but what good would that do for like my GF sunbathing 100 feet away from me if my drone is a mile away from either of us?   just 2-3 minutes of being annoyed until it is within range again...
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I also voted to keep it but with control over it ... i dont really use it but i ALWAYS test it after every patch.
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2017-10-11 03:53
i understand why we have it and its good and all, but thinking about it more and more myself.... why do we need to let everyone in a 100 foot radius know our drone is coming back..? it sort of make sense on the surface but, it is pretty pointless still.. i would like at very least option to disable it after i accept RTH stuff or click to shut it up..

but the low battery alarm, i want one, but what good is it to alert people 100 feet away that my drone has a low battery specially if my drone is well beyond any of that sort of range?  what's that going to do for me or them?   putting the alarm on the drone would be more effective for a low battery because then people would be more aware there a drone in the sky thats got a weak battery, but what good would that do for like my GF sunbathing 100 feet away from me if my drone is a mile away from either of us?   just 2-3 minutes of being annoyed until it is within range again...

putting the alarm on the drone would be more effective for a low battery because then people would be more aware there a drone in the sky thats got a weak battery

It would also cause the battery to drain even faster and make the aircraft even more likely to land on top of them.
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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-11 05:01
putting the alarm on the drone would be more effective for a low battery because then people would be more aware there a drone in the sky thats got a weak battery

It would also cause the battery to drain even faster and make the aircraft even more likely to land on top of them.

In any case, beeping should come from the drone as well - not from the RC. as someone pointed out. Lorries do not beep in the driver's cabin.

As for the "automated flight" argument... Mavic flies autonomously in Active track, tap to fly and other intellugent flight modes. Per that logic, should not it beep then too?

Let the pilot decide the volume and duration of the beeps. The are only good to alerting you that RTH was activated for whatever reason - either by the pilot (maybe by mistake) or by the drone (low battery/signal loss). After that initial notification, beeping has zero value.
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BumblerBee Posted at 2017-10-11 05:15
In any case, beeping should come from the drone as well - not from the RC. as someone pointed out. Lorries do not beep in the driver's cabin.

As for the "automated flight" argument... Mavic flies autonomously in Active track, tap to fly and other intellugent flight modes. Per that logic, should not it beep then too?

In any case, beeping should come from the drone as well - not from the RC.

No it shouldn't, at least not if you want to make it less likely to run out of battery power. The drone itself makes more than enough noise for people who may be nearby to be alerted to its presence.

as someone pointed out. Lorries do not beep in the driver's cabin.

We aren't talking here about taxis (lorries) but about drones. There are a lot of differences between the two and most exist for good reasons.

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DroneFlying Posted at 2017-10-11 05:43
In any case, beeping should come from the drone as well - not from the RC.

No it shouldn't, at least not if you want to make it less likely to run out of battery power. The drone itself makes more than enough noise for people who may be nearby to be alerted to its presence.

since when has beeping used up so much power?  i dont think it uses much i have a buzzer kit for lithium batteries for diy drones that i never made and i tested out those and those will beep/buzz for a LOONG time on low power.
also the logic is backwards, i rather my drone beep its little lithium battery to death alerting people that its battery is weak as its buzzing around a mile + away. not yell at me and everyone around a 100 foot radius of only me for next 5 or so minutes until it either lands or crashes somewhere.    also again i understand the reasoning and logic used makes sense on the surface... but its flawed and backwards when you really consider it.. why does it have to beep at me for 5 minutes low battery or RTH if it is 2 miles away???? what about the people i maybe endangering 2 miles away with my low battery and auto flight RTH????    what good does that do beeping at me where it isnt at ?     saying because it is autonomious is flawed as well, the drone is almost entirely automatic, and a ton of other auto flight modes like active track for example yet it isnt screaming entire time its doing that even if its lost subject, which puts it at higher risk..
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That BEEP is atrocious and its ear piercing when doing updates, it sits on the desk right beside me so theres no avoiding that sound.
I can't do updates or even turn on the drone (minus propellers) late in the evening as it'll wake everyone in the house.
As for RTH, used it once maybe twice but never again.

Would love an update where it can be disabled completely, please and thanks.
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Flight distance : 115 ft

I think the loud beeping noise just draws attention to people passing by and loud noises are usually associated with something going wrong. There for I suggest that the beeping can be adjusted by the pilot. If any the drone it self should beep while automatically landing to draw the attention of others to the drone so they can avoid the space it is landing in.
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Bob Brown
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So I go to a park with my Mavic and manage to launch "unseen".. fly around take some vids/pics and nobody comes over and says "what kind of drone you got?.. blah blah etc." UNTIL the controller starts BEEPING! Now I've got people staring at me.. asking me "what's wrong with it?!?! Is it going to crash?!!? Are we in danger???" *weep weep weep weep ALERT ALERT weep weep*
Silence it already! There is no need to cause alarm to those around us and when you can fly a drone without being noticed that is a good day! (all you Phantom a I2 flyers are SOL anyways but us Mavic pilots enjoy not being noticed!)
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Let me control the beeping! It is irritating and draws unwanted attention.
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Bob Brown Posted at 2017-10-11 12:53
So I go to a park with my Mavic and manage to launch "unseen".. fly around take some vids/pics and nobody comes over and says "what kind of drone you got?.. blah blah etc." UNTIL the controller starts BEEPING! Now I've got people staring at me.. asking me "what's wrong with it?!?! Is it going to crash?!!? Are we in danger???" *weep weep weep weep ALERT ALERT weep weep*
Silence it already! There is no need to cause alarm to those around us and when you can fly a drone without being noticed that is a good day! (all you Phantom a I2 flyers are SOL anyways but us Mavic pilots enjoy not being noticed!)

It made people around aware that a drone was coming in to land no longer under the control of the pilot.
You have your answer there. It is supposed to alert those around , it did so it works.

I’m wondering why you were using RTH to land your Mavic was it an emergency situation?

You will be aware when you read your manual that it tells you only to use RTH in emergency.
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-12 06:55
Let me control the beeping! It is irritating and draws unwanted attention.

You have 100% control over beeping once you turn off RTH no more beeping.
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maybe have it play a musical song instead on beep
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Matthew Chirico
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100% Give the OP an option to set a level of loudness, BUT never be able to take it off. It's a very important feature that should always give the user a warning. Just make it lower
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-12 14:49
It made people around aware that a drone was coming in to land no longer under the control of the pilot.
You have your answer there. It is supposed to alert those around , it did so it works.

Or it made people aware that there is a drone flying somewhere, and was going to land somewhere else (in case the pilot moved from the home point), so that people can come towards the pilot and distract him from trying to figure out why the drone is doing RTH and if the flight can be resumed safely. That's in the best case.
In the worst case, people who did not see DJI quads before, would not even know what this beeping means.

If the drone was beeping instead of the pilot, what you replied would be have been accurate.

I've had one encounter, flying in the countryside, with a few hikers coming by, when I lost video feed and decided to RTH by the button press on the controller. One of the hikers came over with "oh, it's you making the noise... what's that?" kind of questions, actually coming to stand almost on the helipad, while I was busy restarting the app to see if I would regain the video feed and in no mood for distractions. Ended up regaining the feed and cancelling RTH just as the drone was descending towards the curious hiker, who was too preoccupied with my beeping controller to notice the craft above...
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-12 14:50
You have 100% control over beeping once you turn off RTH no more beeping.

I want to use RTH when I want to use it. I want to  control the beeping. I don't recall  where it says to use RTH only in an emergency.
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BumblerBee Posted at 2017-10-13 05:36
Or it made people aware that there is a drone flying somewhere, and was going to land somewhere else (in case the pilot moved from the home point), so that people can come towards the pilot and distract him from trying to figure out why the drone is doing RTH and if the flight can be resumed safely. That's in the best case.
In the worst case, people who did not see DJI quads before, would not even know what this beeping means.

As far as people coming over to you, that’s good because you can tell them that they’re will soon be a drone landing no longer under the pilots control so please move away for your own safety.

Beeping on the drone may lead to shorter battery time, but yes if both could beep all the better.
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 06:33
I want to use RTH when I want to use it. I want to  control the beeping. I don't recall  where it says to use RTH only in an emergency.

Well that tells all , if you could be bothered to read your safety guidelines on page 13 you will see “ only use RTH in emergency.
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-13 09:42
Well that tells all , if you could be bothered to read your safety guidelines on page 13 you will see “ only use RTH in emergency.

No it doesn't say that. No where in my manual does it say to use RTH only in an emergency. You want to beep, beep your heart out but don't feel you can impose your imagined safety theories on everyone. Alerting bystanders to an incoming drone is one of the most ridiculous rationals i have ever heard. It's the pilots responsibility to make sure his landing area is clear, not on a bystanders ability to figure out the that annoying beeping is an incoming drone!
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 10:23
No it doesn't say that. No where in my manual does it say to use RTH only in an emergency. You want to beep, beep your heart out but don't feel you can impose your imagined safety theories on everyone. Alerting bystanders to an incoming drone is one of the most ridiculous rationals i have ever heard. It's the pilots responsibility to make sure his landing area is clear, not on a bystanders ability to figure out the that annoying beeping is an incoming drone!

Sorry got page wrong but it does show you never read your manuals, PAGE 19 Top of the page. The rest of your argument makes no sense if you take the advice of your manuals.
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hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-13 10:33
Sorry got page wrong but it does show you never read your manuals, PAGE 19 Top of the page. The rest of your argument makes no sense if you take the advice of your manuals.

Sorry but it's not on page 19 either. It is not in the user manual! And if you think some beeping noise is going to make a clueless bystander thing a drone is incoming, you need to think again!

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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 10:23
No it doesn't say that. No where in my manual does it say to use RTH only in an emergency. You want to beep, beep your heart out but don't feel you can impose your imagined safety theories on everyone. Alerting bystanders to an incoming drone is one of the most ridiculous rationals i have ever heard. It's the pilots responsibility to make sure his landing area is clear, not on a bystanders ability to figure out the that annoying beeping is an incoming drone!

Just a word on beeping , beeping is internationally know as a warning sound for almost everyone who can hear,
Beeping when ambulance is travelling at speed to keep road clear
Fire truck
Beeping when lorries are reversing
Beeping when you enter your car until you put on your seat belt
When you arrive home your alarm will keep beeping until you turn it off.

I’m guessing most of this passed you by. But as someone who has completed his commercial license this automatic RTH with beeping was very much part of my test. If I was to turn if off and the craft I was using allowed me to, I would have failed that part of exam, all new dji craft will have this beeping automatic with RTH just as we have seen in the new spark.
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 10:47
Sorry but it's not on page 19 either. It is not in the user manual! And if you think some beeping noise is going to make a clueless bystander thing a drone is incoming, you need to think again!

I didn’t say user manual I said safety guideline manual probably the most important manual.
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 10:47
Sorry but it's not on page 19 either. It is not in the user manual! And if you think some beeping noise is going to make a clueless bystander thing a drone is incoming, you need to think again!

It’s your job to tell others to keep clear if they approach.
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Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-13 10:47
Just a word on beeping , beeping is internationally know as a warning sound for almost everyone who can hear,
Beeping when ambulance is travelling at speed to keep road clear
Fire truck

My printer beeps when it's out of paper. My microwave beeps when my food is hot. A beep from a backing truck commands my attention. A beep from what appears to be a portable game console annoys me.
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ghostrdr Posted at 2017-10-13 11:15
My printer beeps when it's out of paper. My microwave beeps when my food is hot. A beep from a backing truck commands my attention. A beep from what appears to be a portable game console annoys me.

It’s very easy to deduct that safety is not your thing good luck if that’s all you can come up with did you find page 19.
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