Forum discouraging enthusiasm
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2343 41 2017-8-22
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

I'm a disabled veteran.  Years ago I was the kind of guy who climbed mountains, swam with sharks, played hockey and essentially did whatever I wanted.  Becoming physically disabled, that life is now gone, and I had to find a hobby to replace all those former elements of my life.  For over a year, I became fascinated by drones, what they can do and where they can take you when your backbone no longer supports you.  
And as many of you know, the P4P is quite expensive, especially if your only income is a small disability payment.  Never the less, with great enthusiasm I saved up for months, watching all of your P4P videos, tutorials and helpful videos.  FINALLY, just a couple of months ago, that exciting moment arrived when a long anticipated package arrived in the mail, being that of my own P4P with all the accessories.  Immediately I jumped into the drone pilot world with much enthusiasm and at long last, an enjoyable replacement for my former physical hobbies.  And along with the P4P now active, I became a member of the DJI Forum, reading your posts like it was my daily newspaper.  With that said I want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your posts.  From your forum tips, quesitons, and suggestions, I have to give you all the full credit of advancing my understanding of my P4P, its quirks, what it can do, and yes, what I should NOT do with it (LOL).  
Enter the last update of firmware, and the mood and helpfulness of the forum has changed drastically.  I have to confess that I am finding the discussion topics starting to slide more towards gripes and complaints than actual legitimate questions, tips and helpful postings for the DJI Forum.  In such a short amount of time, my enthusiasm for being a P4P user has gone from enthusiastic to wondering i I made a mistake purchasing the P4P.  Could anyone tell me if its just me?  Did I purchase my P4P at the wrong time?  Or was it a mistake completely to join the DJI forum group?  Personally, the P4P is taking me places where my legs and back can no longer carry me, and outside of the forum, I enjoy it.  But now when I log on to the Forum (a.k.a. my DJI Newspaper), I feel less and less inclined to take my P4P out for a spin.  
I appreciate your thoughts and comments, and ESPECIALLY APPRECIATE all the helpful posts that you have all been contributing.  


Kuya Kano

Talaudyong, Palawan Philippines

Talaudyong, Palawan Philippines
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G Davidson
First Officer
Flight distance : 263465 ft
United Kingdom

I agree with your observation  - recent firmware updates have brought real problems to some owners but no official way to back out. There has been great effort by some in the community to help where possible but frustration still runs high given the length of time they have been affected. I can only hope that we can get through this to a satisfactory outcome as soon as possible.
I feel lucky my P4s behaving to my expectations and make the most of it whilst I can.  
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

If your phantom is flying as it should then you should worry not and just try to ignore the negativity. I agree that the forums are mostly negative these days but that reflects the decisions that DJI has recently made.

Try to put yourself in others shoes, imagine that DJI cornered you into a position where you cant fly anymore because of THEIR forced updates.. Im sure you would be pretty upset and making a lot of noise in hopes for a resolution.

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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-8-22 14:05
If your phantom is flying as it should then you should worry not and just try to ignore the negativity. I agree that the forums are mostly negative these days but that reflects the decisions that DJI has recently made.

Try to put yourself in others shoes, imagine that DJI cornered you into a position where you cant fly anymore because of THEIR forced updates.. Im sure you would be pretty upset and making a lot of noise in hopes for a resolution.

Thank you for making those points.
However, as i stated, I have recently become permanently disabled.  There is much more to life, i.e., being able to walk, than trivial errors with a drone.  Believe me, I'd give anything, if my biggest problems in life were firmware updates.  -In fact, I regret how much I use to complain when I use to have strong legs and a back that could hold me upright without pain.  
Just something to think about, to be thankful that we live in an era were we have such devices, as opposed to 100 years ago where they had the Great Depression and no thing as "intelligent flight mode".  
Thanks again!
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

Kuya Kano Posted at 2017-8-22 14:12
Thank you for making those points.
However, as i stated, I have recently become permanently disabled.  There is much more to life, i.e., being able to walk, than trivial errors with a drone.  Believe me, I'd give anything, if my biggest problems in life were firmware updates.  -In fact, I regret how much I use to complain when I use to have strong legs and a back that could hold me upright without pain.  
Just something to think about, to be thankful that we live in an era were we have such devices, as opposed to 100 years ago where they had the Great Depression and no thing as "intelligent flight mode".  

You are very correct sir, there are much more important things in life but unfortunately it usually takes dramatic circumstances for people to realize the larger more important privileges that we have.

Even 10 years ago people would have killed for this technology.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Kuya, just fly the heck out of it and enjoy!  Don't worry about anything you see here.
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

ALABAMA Posted at 2017-8-22 14:55
Kuya, just fly the heck out of it and enjoy!  Don't worry about anything you see here.

Thank you, Alabama.  
Yes, I'm trying to get as much footage of our area as I can before the green disappears from the trees and grass.  And I can't say enough how much I appreciate all the helpful posts, tips, and tutorials.  I just finished my first video project and thanks to all your advice, it looked better than I would have done without all of your advice.
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Flight distance : 2972497 ft
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United States

Kuya Kano Posted at 2017-8-22 15:09
Thank you, Alabama.  
Yes, I'm trying to get as much footage of our area as I can before the green disappears from the trees and grass.  And I can't say enough how much I appreciate all the helpful posts, tips, and tutorials.  I just finished my first video project and thanks to all your advice, it looked better than I would have done without all of your advice.

Alabama is spot on!
I remember when Apple came out with the iPhone 10 years ago and some of the updates really messed peoples phone (You would think lives) up over the first several years.  
Same with all of the Windows versions and their updates.  

Nothing in life is perfect or guaranteed......and you know that in ways we will never understand.
Frustration and disappointment are components of life, but they should not define who you are......sometimes people forget that.
Attach yourself and listen to people that are teachers, helpers and encouragers........the rest is just noise.
Keep your attitude and your P4P flying high and THANK YOU for your Service.
Good Luck!
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st pauli

United States

I think a lot of people come here happy and positive and just seem to turn negative after repetitive negative experiences with DJI products and service.

I'm thankful your P4P didn't get bricked with the latest firmware snafu or you might have lost a little positivity yourself either being grounded for a month or two waiting on a fix or crashing from firmware issues and not being able to afford another 1500+ drone on disability for awhile...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

I am very happy for your new Drone hobby! It lets you do things / mobility that are not available to you anymore.
Overall I am very happy with my DJI products and the P4P is no exception. The FW updates can be confusing to some and the outcome can be mixed. DJI is pretty good about sorting out the problems when they arise.

Keep the chin up and enjoy your P4P because it has a lot to offer. The camera works wonderfully as I was out on the river last week with mine and it worked perfectly.

All the best

IMG_0216..jpg IMG_0214..jpg IMG_0215..jpg
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 2017-8-22 17:09
I think you made a great choice with the P4P, but I believe you'll find it more versatile & enjoyable if you stick to older versions of the firmware.

Thank you.  But like a trusting individual, I uploaded the new version.  Hope they modify it soon.
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2017-8-22 16:58
I am very happy for your new Drone hobby! It lets you do things / mobility that are not available to you anymore.
Overall I am very happy with my DJI products and the P4P is no exception. The FW updates can be confusing to some and the outcome can be mixed. DJI is pretty good about sorting out the problems when they arise.

WOW, great photos!  Those are the ind of pictures that make people want to pack up and move to wherever you are, hahaha.
Yes, I am still learning and plan to take it with me to the Philippines this December/January.  I just want to make sure I'm up to par in being able to operate the P4P so I get the best quality photos and video I can get when I am there.   My profile photo was taken and sent to me of the place we will be camping out on the beach. Thank you for the encouragement!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

Kuya, I am disabled, through muscular dystrophy not, and bought a drone for similar reasons to yourself. I had lost both of my jobs and a great deal of respect for myself wondering how I could lead a useful life. As you know when you are in wheels it is easy to get down and fed up, but I urge you not to get disillusioned with drone flying. You say you are a veteran and as such you must have faced amny challenges making life safer for your countrymen. The difficulties that drones face now are simply that, challenges to be faced, and faced down. I agree that the tone of the forum has cahnged, and I am sadddened by that too. But equally if you put those understandable gripes to one side and look at all the good that has come out from it b y your joining  then you will see that the benefits far outweigh the gripes.
It is an amazing thing to go flying with one of these things, even more so if you could use goggles.
Please do not be saddened by the changes, please carry on using the site and contributing you images and thoughts. Perhaps that way you can begin to change it yourself for the better. As has been said many times before, not many of us prasie what is going on. So lets do it.

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Flight distance : 366257 ft
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Yes it is great technology Fractures, and DJI is very clever, but thus last firmware update has changed the technology from something amazing to very disfunctional and unreliable wasting our time and money.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

embayweather Posted at 2017-8-23 03:42
I agree that the tone of the forum has cahnged, and I am sadddened by that too.

I think it is mainly due to the time of year, things will return to normal next month.  It's the same situation on most forums, they are quiet and the negative posts are more obvious.

On this forum, there are also less helpful posts than there used to be because DJI have stopped making Phantoms that fall out of the sky on their 1st, 2nd or 3rd flight so not so many people are not coming for support and advice after their first flight!
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Well, DJI Joe was the last straw.
It seems if someone asks a question in a forum that is off topic and you answer it, DJI Joe orders everyone to "report" you.  Nothing like having an administrator encourage everyone to turn on one another.  SO I'M FINISHED POSTING in these forums.  It only took a month to go from really enthusiastic to avoidance.  
Thank you everyone for your encouraging posts, but administrative bullying is one thing I have zero tolerance for.  And for the record, DJI JOE, this is my thread, and on topic, in fact, thank you for proving my point.
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Flight distance : 38586 ft
United Kingdom

Test message
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United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-8-22 14:05
If your phantom is flying as it should then you should worry not and just try to ignore the negativity. I agree that the forums are mostly negative these days but that reflects the decisions that DJI has recently made.

Try to put yourself in others shoes, imagine that DJI cornered you into a position where you cant fly anymore because of THEIR forced updates.. Im sure you would be pretty upset and making a lot of noise in hopes for a resolution.

If I can just point out one thing here, I dont know what the original poster had to say since he has been banned, but I believe there is cause for complaints here.  Let me give you an example that many people are familiar with.  You have just purchased a new iphone for just under a grand.  It's your Iphone, you own it, but apple tells you what you can put on it and how you can use it.  Now take an Android, there are no restrictions as to what you may install, how you can make it look and so on. Do the same with your drone, you pay over a grand sometimes and DJI tells you how far you can fly it and how high.  I am a private pilot with over 3000 hr in the air, imagine if I was told I can only fly my piper at 1000 above ground level, I could not get over the mountains at all. DJI has placed those same restrictions on you.  They have assumed that you are stupid, and can not fly with any type of safety in mind.  No my friend with this new update were now forced to log on each and every time we fly.  I for one think theres a great deal wrong with this.
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Flight distance : 512 ft
United States

If you stop to consider how many DJI products are spread all around the world, it isn't unreasonable for some owners to experience problems on occasion.  The same applies to anyone who owns a new car, motorcycle, boat etc.  It's a fact of life that some will have less that optimal experiences with DJI products.  Does that make them, (DJI) the bad guy?  Absolutely not.  Personally, I would much rather hear from owners who share their good experiences.  

The purpose of this forum is "Support";  NOT degrading a very good product.  Support for old and new pilots is what the Forum was started for.  Use it in the way DJI designed it to be used.
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Flight distance : 635531 ft
United States

uhrlto Posted at 2017-8-26 14:05
If I can just point out one thing here, I dont know what the original poster had to say since he has been banned, but I believe there is cause for complaints here.  Let me give you an example that many people are familiar with.  You have just purchased a new iphone for just under a grand.  It's your Iphone, you own it, but apple tells you what you can put on it and how you can use it.  Now take an Android, there are no restrictions as to what you may install, how you can make it look and so on. Do the same with your drone, you pay over a grand sometimes and DJI tells you how far you can fly it and how high.  I am a private pilot with over 3000 hr in the air, imagine if I was told I can only fly my piper at 1000 above ground level, I could not get over the mountains at all. DJI has placed those same restrictions on you.  They have assumed that you are stupid, and can not fly with any type of safety in mind.  No my friend with this new update were now forced to log on each and every time we fly.  I for one think theres a great deal wrong with this.

He was banned for talking about alternatives to DJI products in another thread, careful, big brother is watching!
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United States

embayweather Posted at 2017-8-23 03:42
Kuya, I am disabled, through muscular dystrophy not, and bought a drone for similar reasons to yourself. I had lost both of my jobs and a great deal of respect for myself wondering how I could lead a useful life. As you know when you are in wheels it is easy to get down and fed up, but I urge you not to get disillusioned with drone flying. You say you are a veteran and as such you must have faced amny challenges making life safer for your countrymen. The difficulties that drones face now are simply that, challenges to be faced, and faced down. I agree that the tone of the forum has cahnged, and I am sadddened by that too. But equally if you put those understandable gripes to one side and look at all the good that has come out from it b y your joining  then you will see that the benefits far outweigh the gripes.
It is an amazing thing to go flying with one of these things, even more so if you could use goggles.
Please do not be saddened by the changes, please carry on using the site and contributing you images and thoughts. Perhaps that way you can begin to change it yourself for the better. As has been said many times before, not many of us prasie what is going on. So lets do it.

I copied and pasted this and send your response to Kuya Kano.  I know he will be very touched by your kind response.  Thank you very much.
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United States

uhrlto Posted at 2017-8-26 14:05
If I can just point out one thing here, I dont know what the original poster had to say since he has been banned, but I believe there is cause for complaints here.  Let me give you an example that many people are familiar with.  You have just purchased a new iphone for just under a grand.  It's your Iphone, you own it, but apple tells you what you can put on it and how you can use it.  Now take an Android, there are no restrictions as to what you may install, how you can make it look and so on. Do the same with your drone, you pay over a grand sometimes and DJI tells you how far you can fly it and how high.  I am a private pilot with over 3000 hr in the air, imagine if I was told I can only fly my piper at 1000 above ground level, I could not get over the mountains at all. DJI has placed those same restrictions on you.  They have assumed that you are stupid, and can not fly with any type of safety in mind.  No my friend with this new update were now forced to log on each and every time we fly.  I for one think theres a great deal wrong with this.

Kuya Kano was banned for apparently referring to one of the Administrators behavior much that of a "nazi", not so much for making this thread itself.  But being married to a woman who was formerly a controller at an international airport, I can see one reason why undocumented flight patterns without contact with flight controllers might be a concern at higher altitudes.  It would be the equivalent of letting kids on bicycles share the highways and tell the trucks "you'll just have to watch out for them".
Furthermore, this quadcopter business is booming, and our FAA and paranoid government hasn't quite figured out how to filter rational regulations from ones more on the side of being unnecessary.  
I truly believe in the years to come, things will iron themselves out.  Remember, MONEY TALKS in this world, and those who have the money, (i.e. DJI, know which coat pocket of which politician to put that money in, so they can profit more from the desires of the ones buying their drones.
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United States

Fractures Posted at 2017-8-27 07:46
He was banned for talking about alternatives to DJI products in another thread, careful, big brother is watching!

Actually, he was warned when he responded to an off topic comment.  He apologized, but then when the Administrator continued to harass him, he expressed how he thought the administrator was acting like a "nazi".  Apparently the administrator, who's ancestors were abused by nazis, took the comment personally rather than professionally and banned him for using that word.  
DO NOT use the "N" word in here, hahaha.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

Is Kuya Kano banned for permanently or hopefully temporary?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Fractures Posted at 2017-8-27 07:46
He was banned for talking about alternatives to DJI products in another thread, careful, big brother is watching!

He's not banned anymore. ;-)

Perhaps he has now committed self banishment though.

From time to time, I must drag myself away from the keyboard and mouse...

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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

I have complete admiration for you after reading this genuine post and congratulate you on your new lease of life - the P4P is a great drone. It's important to only take what is important to you from these posts and ignore what is not relevant - I do. That said, many need advice and the fundamental reason this forum exists is to present a platform whereby experienced flyers can give that advice and knowledge to get people back in the air and stop them from crashing etc - it's not all photos and videos of exotic locations but more of that is always welcome and I appreciate your perspective.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

People join these numerous forums while others abandon them everyday.  

Each to their own... I wish all who visit here, infrequent, or daily consumers, happiness.  

Wish we could all have a completely trouble free drone. And all the freedom that we desire, to express ourselves fully.,
For that advantage, best start your own forum, and build a drone from scratch. 3D printers are helpful in this endeavor.

Using our taught manners, and netiquette all day...

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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Fear not Kuya, the forum is full of diversity as such the world is, many helpful people and some not so much. Call your local State Farm agent and purchase a no questions asked "Personal Articles" policy for your new drone (if you live in the USA ) it is the best $75 you will ever invest in the Phantom. Fly worry free about crashing the thing, cause if you do you can replace it quickly, but fly safe ( it will not cover you damaging property or hurting someone ).

Don't let the issues dominate your want of flying, most of us have had issues, some minor, some major but most get them resolved thru the help of the moderators & members.
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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

RedHotPoker Posted at 2017-10-15 11:31
People join these numerous forums while others abandon them everyday.  

Each to their own... I wish all who visit here, infrequent, or daily consumers, happiness.  

Thats the dream :-) - great reply!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

ACW Posted at 2017-10-15 11:44
Thats the dream :-) - great reply!

Yes, it could be our own living Heaven!?

What dreams are actually made of.

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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Much appreciation to everyone....  Peace be in you Kuya Kana... USAF here...
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Thank you all for your kind words.  I apologies for not responding sooner as I was banned for a while from the DJI Forum for such honest expressions of my feelings.  I now know the limits of what I am allowed to say within the forum and hope to remain among you all for a while longer before my final crossing of the pond.
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Irate Retro
United States

Welcome back, Kuya Kano.  Nice to see that you haven't been turned into a lamp shade.
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Irate Retro Posted at 2017-10-21 04:53
Welcome back, Kuya Kano.  Nice to see that you haven't been turned into a lamp shade.

LOL, I've undergone worse tortures in my life.  Thank you.
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sky wombat
First Officer
Flight distance : 1532215 ft
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Kuya Kano you'll have to come up with a system of code words like 'golly gosh', 'bother', 'really'...
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I;ve been hoping that it's just a phase the forum is going through and that soon we'll give each other warm cuddlies in a giant group hug, sing a few songs like kumbaya and have a jolly good laugh at ourselves before getting on with the job at hand (i.e. having fun).

Edit: A giant earth ball (like this one:
) would be EGG-C-LENT as well but since Rupert broke his arm trying to break the world earth ball walking record at last year's forum camp we probably won't be allowed to have one again
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Kuya you mentioned you have finished your video project we would all love to see it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Ok forget my last
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Kuya Kano
Second Officer
Flight distance : 797913 ft
United States

Hellsgate Posted at 2017-10-21 15:09
Kuya you mentioned you have finished your video project we would all love to see it.

Uh... which one?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Well any to be honest i would like to see some of your work .
Im struggling with hardware issues atm ie computer seems to be to old im thinking. But i love getting ideas for future projects from everyone on the forum
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